Tonight is the Power of Veto Show. Remember, the Backstage hamsters cannot compete in any comps. That would be Pooch, Brittany, Alyssa and Pesky Paloma. Michael and Terrance have been nominated for eviction.
I will be live-blogging the major events of the show as it airs here on the East Coast. Please don't post any spoilers from the live feeds in the comments of this show post! That said, the real party (without spoilers) is in the comments section -- I hope to see you there!
Previously on and blah, blah, blah.
Ah, they admit that "almost immediately Paloma didn't like Taylor." She forms a girls alliance sans Taylor. Heh. Paloma thinks Newark is the happiest place on earth. I don't think so. I live near there.
Michael tries to talk to Daniel. He tells us he will get his revenge although he's being nicey-nice to Daniel. Meanwhile, Daniel sees right through his act.
Daniel tells Terrance that his heart is breaking over nominating him. Now, if it upset him that much, why did he put him on the block? Put the only older guy on the block as a pawn? Not a good idea!
Taylor is putting on a fashion show. The guys are enjoying it and it gives the mean girls more of a reason to target her. Mind you, fashion shows are not my thing. But it's not something that would make me target someone for eviction in the BB House.
Michael wants to shop around for allies in the veto comp. No one seems to want to commit. He understands that if he wants the veto, he will have to win it for himself.
Time to pick players for the veto comp. Daniel draws Indy. Michael draws Turner. Terrance draws Ameerah.
Heh, Michael, talking to himself/us, asks WWJD? What would Janelle do? Janelle has to be thrilled with him.
Veto comp time! It's like a Medieval Faire. Kyle hosts. Head-to-head bouts. Knights jousting kind of thing. They have to collect rings with their "lances." No real horses!
Turner and Indy up first. Indy two rings, Turner one. Second pass -- Indy is up to three, Turner still has just one. Last pass, Indy wins five to one. Turner eliminated.
Ameerah and Terrance. First pass -- Ameerah three, Terrance zero. Pass two -- Ameerah remains at three, Terrance is up to two. Third pass -- with a final score of seven to two, Ameerah wins the bout.
Daniel and Michael. First pass -- Daniel one, Michael three. Second pass -- Daniel is up to four, Michael five. Third pass -- Michael wins with a total of nine to seven.
Ameerah versus Indy in the second round. Ameerah twelve, Indy six.
Michael versus Ameerah. On the first pass, they each have three rings. Second pass -- they each add five, so it's eight rings each. Last pass -- they tie at four more each. Sudden death time! Michael gets four more while Ameerah clocks in with three.
MICHAEL wins the Golden Power of Veto, says this one is for Janelle ... and his fiancé at home.
The girls talk girls alliance. They are concerned the guys are working together. Well, um. Oh my, they even talk to Taylor about it. She isn't that paranoid about the guys -- tells us it's too early to worry about that. Paloma tells us she just can't talk to Taylor because "she's not a girls girl." Hmm.
Taylor tells Monte, Michael and a few others about Paloma saying she wants to target the guys. Of course, now Paloma, when she gets wind of it, vows to ruin Taylor. Joseph thinks Paloma's lie defending herself is the truth. Gah.
Paloma tells her girls that Taylor is spreading lies about her. Jasmine believes her. But Ameerah hopes she is telling the truth. Hmm. Monte thinks Taylor lied about Paloma saying she wanted to target two "big players." GAH! Everyone is believing Paloma's lies! Nicole is skeptical but tells us the house does have an issue with Taylor.
Taylor tries talking to Daniel. Now, Daniel told us he's leaning towards her because "the whole house wants her out." That would be the least amount of "blood on his hands." He admits to her that some had brought her name up.
Taylor cries to herself. She's worried that she will be on the block. She had been feeling secure.
Time for the veto meeting. Naturally, Michael saves himself. Daniel nominates Taylor in Michael's place. He says it's because she's been rubbing the house the wrong way although he himself has no problem with her. Hmm.
Taylor cries. Terrance is confident he will not be going home.