Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Power of Veto Show Blog Party - September 7

Good evening, hamster fans! Tonight's show will be the veto comp and the veto meeting. At least I think all of that will air! Please don't post any spoilers in the comments before they air on the show. Remember -- tomorrow night's double eviction show is two hours starting at 9PM EDT.

I will be live-blogging and updating this entry constantly as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Previously on Big Brother ... is all stuff we already know. 

The nominations ceremony ends and we come to life. Brittany really thinks that Michael should have nominated Turner as she is scared to face off with him in the next HOH comp. The narrator tells us the veto will be BB Comics. Michael tells us his target is Terrance. 

Alyssa talks to Turner. He doesn't want Terrance to go tell Michael about the backdoor plan to evict him last week. Michael talks to Terrance. He mentions a potential plan from last week ruined by him (Michael) winning veto. Terrance plays dumb and upset, won't admit to the plan. He's actually not making much sense. Terrance tells us he will poison the jury against Michael.

Michael tells Turner that he was told about the plan to backdoor him. Turner decides to pin it all on Terrance. Michael knows he's lying but he promised he wouldn't put him on the block.

Turner tells us that he's a "proud bisexual man." He didn't know anyone like him back in school. He talks with Monte about it. Monte is receptive to the conversation. He really likes Turner, probably not in a sexual way, but ...!

Time to pick players for the veto comp. Only one will sit out this week. Michael draws Monte. Alyssa draws Brittany. Terrance draws Houseguest's Choice. He picks Taylor. Terrance told us he knows that Turner thought he would pick him. He claims he chose Black because that's what Turner started. Um. He still loves his buddy Kyle, I guess.

Brittany tells Terrance it would do her no good to send him home this week. She tells us she thinks she could potentially beat him in the end.

They're happy with the BB Comics veto. If you aren't familiar with it -- timed zipline looking at a wall of comics featuring the hamsters, arrange the comics in order, there are two versions in each comic, must get the right one.

Alyssa is up first. Then Taylor. Brittany. Monte. Michael. Terrance is the last. These are solo comps -- the others aren't watching the one competing.

Terrance - 25.19
Alyssa - 13.37
Taylor - 12.13
Brittany - 13.30
Monte - 13.58
Michael - 9.06

Michael wins the Power of Veto, breaking Janelle's previous record.

Terrance claims he has tricks up his sleeve. Yeah, right. Brittany still thinks that Michael should go after a stronger threat to his game this week (Turner).

Brittany asks Turner who does he think he can sit next to at the end and win against. He says no one could beat Michael. He tells her she would like to take a shot at Michael. He is surprised. He tells her that Monte might want to target Michael, as well. She thinks if Michael won't target Turner, he might target Monte.

Michael tells us that he doesn't want to use the veto. He says Brittany keeps coming up to him with suggestions.

Turner tells Michael about his conversation with Brittany. Michael is frustrated that she doesn't want to play for second place with him. He thinks she will talk too much. He appreciates that Turner came to him to let him know.

Time for the veto meeting! Michael does not use the veto. Terrance and Alyssa remain on the block. He encourages them both to campaign and do whatever they can to stay.

Monday, September 05, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds Monday, Veto Meeting - Sept. 5


Prelude to a nap?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Whirling Dervishes:

  • As you know, Michael won the HOH and is also the winner of the Power of Veto.
  • This time, there is no backdoor target.
  • The target is on the block.
  • His name is Terrance.
  • Yet Terrance seems to be in a state of suspended disbelief.
  • In conversations with Monte, Turner and even one with Michael, he is acting like he's staying.
  • Perhaps he uses that same suspended disbelief in thinking he's a cool cat. I don't know.
  • Of course, Michael did NOT use the veto to save anyone.
  • Terrance and Alyssa remain on the block.
  • Although Terrance is the target, there was some talk floating around with Monte and Turner about possibly keeping him and ousting Alyssa instead.
  • I doubt it will happen.
  • As time went on, Terrance turned to thinking he was sure to be evicted.
  • That's probably more real.
  • He's has become a bitter nominee, soon to be a bitter juror.
  • Tyrner and Monte talked about how Taylor and Brittany were saying Michael will have to go if anyone else wants to win.
  • Turner ran to Michael to tell him of that conversation.
  • Turner proposed a weekly trade-off of HOH wins.
  • Um, sure Michael will go for that! No.
  • Brittany thinks that, if Terrance were to stay, he would win HOH in a double eviction.
  • No, they don't know the double eviction is coming this week.
  • They just know there will be one before the season ends on the 25th.
  • The feeds shut down with adoptable animals for hours this evening.
  • I'm assuming it's because of a Labor Day feast and they will probably have music.
  • I hope everybody had a great Labor Day Weekend!

Thinking he needs a nap

No napping in the water, please!

Nap nap nap

And nap some more

Survivor 43: Meet the Cast Video

Yes, it's sneaking up on us! Survivor 43 will have its season premiere on Wednesday, September 21 with a two-hour show. I believe there is no BB24 scheduled on that date. The next week, September 28, will be 90-minutes. Oh, my. It's once again a shortened season for the castaways, but should be regular-long for us viewers.

I'm cheating on this cast introduction with a video I found on YouTube. They will enjoy the added views if they're monetized! Tell me what you think of the cast. 

Sunday, September 04, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 HOH Comp and Nominations Show Blog Party - Sept. 4


The show should cover the HOH comp and nominations. I know the live feeds are beyond that point. But I ask that no live feeds spoilers be posted on the show posts. Thank you very much!

I will be live-blogging and updating this post constantly with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

We will sit through the Previously On segment. I hope you don't mind. Oh, yes. ZingBot is on tonight. Sigh.

We start off with the puzzle HOH comp which started on Thursday night at the end of the show. In the Diary Room segments during the comp, it seems all want to target Michael. He is the biggest threat in the game. Brittany is the only one not targeting Michael.

Michael EASILY wins HOH!

Michael promised Turner that he wouldn't nominate him this week. He plans on keeping his promise. He plans it that the Brocella group -- Brittany, Monte and Taylor -- will be safe. Oops. That leaves Terrance and Alyssa, huh?

Taylor gives Alyssa a bit of a pep talk about Alyssa voting off her showmance. Alyssa had made up with him and plans to see what happens after the season.

ZingBot has arrived. He's on the balcony over the yard. Turner -- van lifer everywhere but the shower. Masks are now optional unless your face looks like Michael, cover that up. Monte - I'm good at impressions, I'm Monte and I'm so boring. I could use something icy and cold -- could I borrow Taylor? DJ Showtime, popular in the underground because that's where they find fossils. Alyssa -- you're a winter jacket in the desert --dead weight and useless. Brittany - I have a song for you ... Jeepers Creepers where did you get those peepers? Crazy eyes! Tells them that they're hard to look at and calls them losers before leaving.

Is it a wonder I can't get by the mean-spiritness of ZingBot? I understand it's a BB institution. But I don't have to like it.

Monte is telling Turner that if they can take out Brittany, they should. That way, if Michael goes to the final two with either of them, there is a shot they could win over Michael. They could target the timing of the Kyle news as leverage.

Brittany and Taylor are talking. Even they understand that Michael will have to go. Brittany tells us that she is totally loyal to Michael. She does not tell Taylor that.

A segment on Alyssa's sore back. She has a meditation session with Alyssa. Keep in mind that Brittany is a hypnotherapist.

Terrance talks to Michael. He wants to know what the options are. Michael tells him he promised Turner safety. Terrance says he wants to fit in the space that's now here. Okay ...! Terrance tells him a bit of the truth about Dyre Fest. Michael is pushing to see if he was the backdoor plan last week. Terrance won't give him that info.

Then Alyssa goes to talk to Michael. She tells him she is now a free agent. Tears come. Would love to work with him. Tells him Kyle told her about inside the Leftovers another alliance called the Pound -- Kyle, Turner, Terrance and Monte -- had a final four deal. Michael already knew it, so it's not a big deal that she told him. 

Turner talks to him next. He says the obvious choice is Terrance and Alyssa. Michael says that Terrance throws Taylor's and Monte's names around. Turner tells him that if he wins HOH next week, he will work with him. Michael tells us he doesn't trust him.

Brittany talks to him next, but not the same kind of talk. Michael tells her he would prefer Terrance go but is worried that Alyssa might go instead. She advises him to get Turner out.

Time for the Nominations Ceremony -- Michael nominates Terrance, then Alyssa. He says no easy decisions left in the game. Terrance, I heard some things that led me to believe I wasn't in your favor (paraphrasing) and Alyssa, you held out info until I was in power.

Saturday, September 03, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds Power of Veto Bulletin - September 3


Exciting day pre-veto

The live feeds went down at around 5:40PM EDT for the veto comp. Turner is the only one not playing in the comp this time. The live feeds didn't come back until about 11:50PM EDT! Ack.

Michael is (once again) wearing the veto necklace.

Will Alyssa win veto? Bwahahaha!

Monte wants Turner to win HOH and
do the dirty work of taking Michael out

She's a Kat Dunn (BB21) fan

Houseguests ... NO NAPPING!

BB Comics veto comp