Friday, September 09, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Friday, New HOH - Sept. 9

She never saw it coming

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Hurt Hamsters:
  • Brittany is a wreck.
  • She's so hurt by what Michael said in his speech.
  • The others are surprised but they all try to convince her that he loved the game so much and was so shocked that he was saying anything and everything.
  • All (except Brittany) talk about what a fantastic BB player Michael was.
  • All were pretty shocked about the way he left.
  • But they think he will accept the game move of taking him out -- which he did by the time he talked to Julie.
  • Alyssa told Brittany she's sure she (B) and Michael will be best friends outside the house.
  • Brittany cried.
  • Brittany got called to the Diary Room.
  • She cried some more.
  • Everyone is being super nice to her.
  • They blocked the feeds for the HOH comp.
  • But we heard what happened once the feeds came back.
  • Monte won the HOH comp.
  • I'm not sure what the comp was.
  • I'm not sure whether he will go after the girls as was the plan or whether he might realize his biggest competition is Turner.
  • Turner got his HOH basket.
  • They got alcohol.
  • I got sleep.

Yes, Monte can win when Michael is gone

Turner got his HOH basket

I think she's the least female target

She's the only one who hasn't won a comp

Thursday, September 08, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Double Eviction Show Blog Pary - September 8

Tonight's show certainly has promise. Double evictions can get exciting! Terrance and Alyssa are on the block going into the first eviction. 

Before we get into the show, Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool --

Alyssa         - JonMD1267, Auntie Leigh, SueGee, Gibby in MI
Brittany    - Judi Sweeney, MikesGirl, Tilde, YoDave
Michael    - Jennasmom, monty924, KelseyNY, Fred aka TwoBlackAces
Monte    - Sally, Willie J, Rodney
Taylor    - CherylNY, Donna in AL, Cherry Pie
Terrance    - Lili, Caela, Ayana, Nora, AprilW
Turner (Matt)- Bizaro22, Glenn Allen, Jasonuwp

I will be live blogging the show, updating this post with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments section. I hope to see you there!

Julie is in red tonight as we head into "Previously On." 

Okay, the veto meeting is over and we're in action. Why is Julie reading off a card? You would think she would know her stuff by now? She's not looking at it as she gave the Michael wins stats.

Monte tells us that he thinks Terrance needs to go. Brittany and Michael talk to Alyssa giving her support. Alyssa talks to Taylor, looking to stay. Brittany is trying to better her bonds with others. Alyssa gets more support from Taylor. Taylor tells us she wants Terrance out. I believe it -- Terrance has not been her friend!

They have a Turner's sayings segment. BB must not realize that "fire" is extremely common online for something good. His other words, bussin and megabussin and such are not prevalent.

Terrance is talking to Taylor. He tells us he would like to see a POC win the game and would vote for either Taylor or Monte. Taylor sees right through that. Then he pulls the same talk with Monte. Monte says that he thinks Alyssa will float through to Final Two. Monte tells us that what Terrance is saying is something he has to think about. He talks to Taylor and says that either of them would have a better chance sitting next to Terrance in the final two. Taylor tells him that she doesn't trust Terrance at all.

Julie tells us there will be a jury house segment. Yay!

We start off with Indy at the pool, then Jasmine arrives. Oh my, her accent is mostly gone. Oops. She's back into it. Joseph arrives. Indy is thrilled. She had such a crush on him. Jasmine likes him, too. Joseph tells them what a rat Kyle was and both women don't trust Kyle anyway.

Kyle arrives. Heh. Kyle tells them about the After Party. Joseph is disappointed in Turner. Then Kyle tells of the racial stuff. The other three are very surprised and hurt. Indy walks off. Ah, Joseph brings up the timing and Jasmine agrees with him. Kyle takes the blame. Indy is back. All three say hatred is wrong. Indy says he needs to learn his lesson and move on. She hugs him.

Julie tells us Michael is the biggest threat in the game but may not be the biggest target. Turner thinks she cryptically told him the girls have a final three. Turner suggests to Monte that the guys flip the HOH each week until the final three. They propose the idea to Michael. Michael seems receptive to the idea.

More filler material. This time with the HOH camera and questions about people lying about their jobs. Then the guys solidify the plan to work together.

Finally to the living room.

Terrance - Entertain with faith. Onion peeling, herd game.
Alyssa - Shout outs, love you all, please keep me.

The votes to evict:
Monte - Terrance
Brittany - Terrance
Turner - Terrance
Taylor - Terrance

They played a herd game, Terrance. Unanimously out. He says he will do a Daniel and walks out with no hugs and no goodbyes. From what the hamsters are saying after he leaves, it's obvious they are not expecting a double eviction. They think the HOH comp will be later tonight and airing on Sunday.

Julie talks to Terrance. He admits being upset with the houseguests.He honestly thinks he can manipulate people. Bwahaha! He is certain he's a huge threat. No, Terrance. You're annoying. He says he was most loyal to Daniel and Nicole. He tells Julie he would like to see Taylor follow him to jury.

Julie calls them to the living room. She tells them about the double and has them head to the yard. Apparently, a few expletives had to bleeped. We saw fish for a moment when there are no fish this year!

 Michael cannot compete as HOH. It's called Laser Focus. Videos of six colors of laser shows, then questions about the colors.

1. Which color appeared the most? All right.
2. Which color appeared second? Alyssa the only one not getting a point.
3. Which color appeared only once? Monte and Turner get points only.
4. Which color appeared between the red laser lights? Monte and Turner each get a point.
5. Which color appeared exactly twice? All right.
6. Which color never appeared? Alyssa, Brittany and Taylor each get a point.
7. Which color appeared fourth? Brittany and Turner right.

TURNER IS THE NEW HOH! He takes Alyssa aside and tells her he wants Brittany to go and she is the only one he can put up next to her. He apologizes.

Live nomination ceremony. Loves all in the game, but it will have to be Brittany and Alyssa. Julie tells them to all head to the backyard for the live veto comp. All will compete.

Amp It Up. Navigate themselves and their cable to get their cable plugged into their amp. First one who does it, wins. The cable is twisted around a metal apparatus. Guess what? Michael is in the lead and almost wins. Taylor then does the same. But ... MONTE wins the Power of Veto!

He tells Alyssa he will be saving her and to keep it to herself. He tells Turner he has to make the move. Michael goes to talk to him and we cut away to commercials.

To the living room. Monte saves Alyssa. Turner replaces her with Michael. So, it's Michael and Brittany on the block. Michael will have a legacy like his favorite BB player -- Janelle. So many comp wins but can't win the game. I'm sure he will be more gracious than Terrance! I cannot see them NOT voting him out. I would if I were there.

Live vote. Ohh, heated talk as Turner is saying he had sworn he would never take out an LGBT person.

Brittany - I could be an asset to your game.

Michael - This move is Turner and Monte. Stick my neck out, I'm better for your game. (Brittany cries at him.)

The votes to evict:
Monte - Michael
Alyssa - Michael
Taylor - Michael

He practically ran out the door. He said he had one thing to say and left without saying a word. He admits that the others made the right decision for their games. He doesn't blame them. He loves and respects all those in the house.

Brittany is crying because Michael threw her under the bus. (But he definitely didn't lie.) Monte pointed out that Michael knows the game and what he said was game, not personal.

Sunday's show will air a half-hour later than usual on the East Coast.

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Thursday - Sept. 8


Turner looks ghoulish with a mask

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Masked Mice:

  • Brittany talked to Alyssa, telling her that she and Taylor will be voting to keep her.
  • Although I do think that will be the case, the whole talk sounded a bit insincere. 
  • Brittany told her they need Michael a while longer before they target him.
  • Hmm ... I thought she had a final two with him and was playing for second place.
  • That would be kind of like a Cody taking Victoria scenario for Michael.
  • Sure, she won one comp which is one more than Victoria.
  • However, her talks are getting back to her allies.
  • She just might be targeted before Alyssa!
  • Terrance made the rounds of talking to everyone except Alyssa and Brittany.
  • Alyssa obviously understood.
  • But Brittany was frustrated and very concerned that he didn't approach her.
  • She thinks she might have overplayed this week. Of course, she told us that alone with a camera.
  • Well, yes. Yes, she did. She had a talk with Turner about targeting Michael.
  • She doesn't know that Turner told Michael and Monte.
  • That solidified those three a bit and have put a target on her back.
  • It hasn't helped that she talked about keeping Terrance who, despite his talk with Michael, wants him out.
  • Taylor probably wishes he didn't talk to her!
  • She looked to trapped, kept nodding her head and saying 'uh-huh' repeatedly as he went on and on about how they should work together.
  • Yeah, he trashes her all summer and now wants to be buddy-buddy?
  • Much of this was shown on last night's show. I had some timing issues going on here.
  • Nothing much has changed.
  • Terrance should still go tonight.
  • Brittany's poor choice in talking to Turner and others about taking out Michael has put a target on her back.
  • That is even though they ALL think Michael needs to go.
  • If he doesn't win the veto in the first eviction tonight, he will be out.

And Michael looks a bit like Jason! Yikes!

Maybe not the next target?

Is Brittany on the hit list?

So bitter and he will not let Monte alone!

Acting like she's listening to Terrance

Has two modes -- sleeping or trying to convince 
people to keep him in the house.

Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Power of Veto Show Blog Party - September 7

Good evening, hamster fans! Tonight's show will be the veto comp and the veto meeting. At least I think all of that will air! Please don't post any spoilers in the comments before they air on the show. Remember -- tomorrow night's double eviction show is two hours starting at 9PM EDT.

I will be live-blogging and updating this entry constantly as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Previously on Big Brother ... is all stuff we already know. 

The nominations ceremony ends and we come to life. Brittany really thinks that Michael should have nominated Turner as she is scared to face off with him in the next HOH comp. The narrator tells us the veto will be BB Comics. Michael tells us his target is Terrance. 

Alyssa talks to Turner. He doesn't want Terrance to go tell Michael about the backdoor plan to evict him last week. Michael talks to Terrance. He mentions a potential plan from last week ruined by him (Michael) winning veto. Terrance plays dumb and upset, won't admit to the plan. He's actually not making much sense. Terrance tells us he will poison the jury against Michael.

Michael tells Turner that he was told about the plan to backdoor him. Turner decides to pin it all on Terrance. Michael knows he's lying but he promised he wouldn't put him on the block.

Turner tells us that he's a "proud bisexual man." He didn't know anyone like him back in school. He talks with Monte about it. Monte is receptive to the conversation. He really likes Turner, probably not in a sexual way, but ...!

Time to pick players for the veto comp. Only one will sit out this week. Michael draws Monte. Alyssa draws Brittany. Terrance draws Houseguest's Choice. He picks Taylor. Terrance told us he knows that Turner thought he would pick him. He claims he chose Black because that's what Turner started. Um. He still loves his buddy Kyle, I guess.

Brittany tells Terrance it would do her no good to send him home this week. She tells us she thinks she could potentially beat him in the end.

They're happy with the BB Comics veto. If you aren't familiar with it -- timed zipline looking at a wall of comics featuring the hamsters, arrange the comics in order, there are two versions in each comic, must get the right one.

Alyssa is up first. Then Taylor. Brittany. Monte. Michael. Terrance is the last. These are solo comps -- the others aren't watching the one competing.

Terrance - 25.19
Alyssa - 13.37
Taylor - 12.13
Brittany - 13.30
Monte - 13.58
Michael - 9.06

Michael wins the Power of Veto, breaking Janelle's previous record.

Terrance claims he has tricks up his sleeve. Yeah, right. Brittany still thinks that Michael should go after a stronger threat to his game this week (Turner).

Brittany asks Turner who does he think he can sit next to at the end and win against. He says no one could beat Michael. He tells her she would like to take a shot at Michael. He is surprised. He tells her that Monte might want to target Michael, as well. She thinks if Michael won't target Turner, he might target Monte.

Michael tells us that he doesn't want to use the veto. He says Brittany keeps coming up to him with suggestions.

Turner tells Michael about his conversation with Brittany. Michael is frustrated that she doesn't want to play for second place with him. He thinks she will talk too much. He appreciates that Turner came to him to let him know.

Time for the veto meeting! Michael does not use the veto. Terrance and Alyssa remain on the block. He encourages them both to campaign and do whatever they can to stay.

Monday, September 05, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds Monday, Veto Meeting - Sept. 5


Prelude to a nap?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Whirling Dervishes:

  • As you know, Michael won the HOH and is also the winner of the Power of Veto.
  • This time, there is no backdoor target.
  • The target is on the block.
  • His name is Terrance.
  • Yet Terrance seems to be in a state of suspended disbelief.
  • In conversations with Monte, Turner and even one with Michael, he is acting like he's staying.
  • Perhaps he uses that same suspended disbelief in thinking he's a cool cat. I don't know.
  • Of course, Michael did NOT use the veto to save anyone.
  • Terrance and Alyssa remain on the block.
  • Although Terrance is the target, there was some talk floating around with Monte and Turner about possibly keeping him and ousting Alyssa instead.
  • I doubt it will happen.
  • As time went on, Terrance turned to thinking he was sure to be evicted.
  • That's probably more real.
  • He's has become a bitter nominee, soon to be a bitter juror.
  • Tyrner and Monte talked about how Taylor and Brittany were saying Michael will have to go if anyone else wants to win.
  • Turner ran to Michael to tell him of that conversation.
  • Turner proposed a weekly trade-off of HOH wins.
  • Um, sure Michael will go for that! No.
  • Brittany thinks that, if Terrance were to stay, he would win HOH in a double eviction.
  • No, they don't know the double eviction is coming this week.
  • They just know there will be one before the season ends on the 25th.
  • The feeds shut down with adoptable animals for hours this evening.
  • I'm assuming it's because of a Labor Day feast and they will probably have music.
  • I hope everybody had a great Labor Day Weekend!

Thinking he needs a nap

No napping in the water, please!

Nap nap nap

And nap some more