Monday, August 23, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Monday Daytime Live Feeds - August 23

What? No silly smirk, diabolical super-genius?

Here's the news from inside that Big Brother House of Penguins and Crushed Cronies:
  • Matt continued to campaign with both Enzo and Lane to talk Britney into putting Ragan on the block instead of him.
  • Britney continued stuck between a rock and a hard place. No matter what she does, there will be consequences and her end game isn't looking too great.
  • Matt cornered Britney and told her he was freaking out.
  • Yep, he even pulled the wife card. After all he's gone so far in the game and to lose it all ... all he can think of is her.
  • I so want to see their reactions when this wife lie is exposed!
  • Britney mentioned that Matt and Ragan are much closer than she and Lane are.
  • I'd say, as Rachel would say ... they're a pair.
  • However, we all know that Matt is just using Ragan while Ragan is all star-crossed puppy dog love or something.
  • Britney said she got nothing but punishments and no prizes in the comp, Brendon had the chum bath, forever slop and handcuffs even though he won POV and Enzo gave up all of his clothes to charity and is wearing a penguin suit.
  • Matt insisted he didn't win anything.
  • He didn't. Golden boy Hayden took the money and the trip!
  • Brendon talked to Britney, too. They're seriously thinking of working together.
  • She mentioned that if she puts Matt up, which will make enemies for her, it would be half of what he seriously wants out of the house.
  • They think they'd be evenly matched in gameplay if they were in the final two together.
  • They would.
  • The only other person playing the game to any extent is Matt.
  • But he's such a sneaky snake that he needs to go before they hand him a half-million based on the wife lie.
  • I said that, not Brendon and Britney.
  • Brendon told Britney he won't be coming after her and thinks they'd both do better working together.
  • Then it was time for the POV meeting and the feeds were blocked.
  • Brendon saved himself, naturally.
  • And Matt is on the block.
  • Matt ate slop all alone (pictured above), perhaps punishing himself for his own darn cockiness.
  • Britney told Ragan about how Matt was telling both Lane and herself that she should put him (Ragan) on the block instead.
  • She told him not to say SHE said, because he also told Lane and Enzo and probably Hayden the same. But she thinks he should know before he goes wild trying to campaign for him like he did last week.
  • Enzo's feet are broken.
  • His penguin feet, not his real feet.
  • Enzo, Lane and Hayden are thrilled that Britney's doing their dirty work and getting Matt out of the house.
  • @@
  • Ragan studied the memory wall so he can do the morph comp better.
  • They think it could be a double eviction week this week.
  • Brendon told Britney if he gets HOH, she's safe.
  • Lane got his phone call from home. His mother said that he has supporters all across the country and that a local restaurant named a burger after him.
  • You know you've hit the big time when the local diner names a burger after you!
  • Matt campaigned to Lane for a vote.
  • I don't think the Brigade boys will vote for him. He's distanced himself too much with his Ragan Bromance.
  • Enzo has done diddly with the exception of giving his clothes to charity, but he's kept in with Lane and Hayden.

Brendon has smiled more since Rachel left than
he did when she was here. That should be a clue.

Bayonne Bird

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds into Monday Morning - August 23

Britney playing pool in her birthday dress.

Here are the late night into the morning happenings in that Big Brother House of Fools:
  • Britney and Lane think they'd have a better chance in the final three with Enzo rather than Matt or Ragan due to the endurance comp.
  • Well, duh.
  • Britney is afraid if she goes with a Matt nomination (and he goes this week), the others won't be able to get Brendon out.
  • Brendon grilled up some broccoli and it turned out very well.
  • I'd probably burn broccoli if I tried to grill it.
  • They had another pool tournament. Sigh.
  • Brendon and Enzo trashtalked Ragan's crying.
  • They're right -- Ragan is an emotional mess this season.
  • The only other male to cry this season has been Brendon. He did a bit more than his share, too.
  • Enzo talked to Britney about a final four with her, Lane and Hayden.
  • He told Britney that Brendon is more worried about getting Matt and Ragan out than he is with her.
  • Matt, knowing he's in danger, is trying to get his true blue buddy Ragan on the block with Enzo instead of himself.
  • Ragan will probably cry when he finds out Matt betrayed him.
  • Kind of like a Judas' kiss, eh?
  • Hayden is still trying to convince Britney to put Matt on the block.
  • Either Matt or Ragan would be good choices to eliminate power players in an endurance comp.
  • The others have all shown little endurance strength.
  • Matt and Hayden stayed up talking, just going to bed as I get this posted.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Sunday Evening - August 22

Lane's pool duckie just needs a slight beard.

I think Britney's regretting winning HOH.

Here are today's happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Suspicious Minds:
  • Britney and Brendon weren't handcuffed for 24 hours.
  • They were set free at about 1 PM their time and Brendon's chum baths ended.
  • Enzo wants to trademark "Meow Meow."
  • My cat Vincent might fight that in court.
  • Recall Ragan holding up his hand when Kathy asked someone to watch the fish?
  • Well, one's already dead.
  • Hayden told Enzo and Lane that he's the one who took both the money and the Hawaiian vacation in the POV comp.
  • So Matt is innocent (at least this time).
  • And Hayden's a bit of a sneaky pants.
  • Brendon thinks he, Enzo and Hayden all need to be on the same page and tell her Matt has to go up on the block.
  • Enzo would be on board with that -- chances are that if he and Matt are on the block, Matt will go home.
  • Enzo wanted to paint "Meow Meow" on his penguin suit, but BB told him "Stop that!"
  • Ragan made an abacus out of candy to work on dates.
  • Lane came in and thought an abacus was an advocate.
  • I like the boy but sometimes question his mind.
  • Matt finally cornered Britney. He told her that if he stays this week, he will target Brendon, not her. If he (Matt) goes up against Enzo, he (Matt) will be going home and she will lose someone who could further her own game as Brendon will target him (Matt) before he goes after her.
  • He made some good points.
  • I've been kind of taken with Enzo on an entertainment level, but the dude hasn't won any comps. He's all talk and swagger. At least everyone else is trying to play the game.
  • Oh, wait. Hayden and Lane are doing just about the same thing. Hayden won the first comp by a team effort and has done nothing since.
  • Ragan is sure that this week will be a double eviction week.
  • He was sure last week and the week before, too.
  • This time he's right.
  • Ragan, all full of conspiracy theories, thinks the PoV comp was just a bit too convenient -- from who won to who she was cuffed to to who received punishments.
  • Britney told Ragan that "everyone" is telling her that Matt won all the prizes.
  • Apparently when all of Enzo's clothing went off to charity in the POV, their pool tournament bowl went with it.
  • What a shame. I'm sure we'll be seeing it on eBay.
  • The more Britney talks to people, the more it seems like she's getting sold on keeping Matt.
  • If she puts Enzo and Hayden up, that's probably not a good thing -- although that's her thought at the moment.
  • True, Enzo's useless and to some extent expendable.
  • But if she's in a final three with say ... Ragan and Matt -- no good. Both could outlast her in the endurance. Plus Matt does have his sick wife lie and gameplay which might garner votes even if they all think he's a sneaky snake.
  • And, if Enzo and Hayden are on the block and Hayden goes home ... oy! He's also dangerous at the end game as he's universally liked, but everyone would be mad at her.
  • Enzo's ticked. He wants to go against Matt and Matt goes home. He says the costume is cursed. Everyone who wears it goes home.
  • They kept blocking the feeds throughout the evening, sometimes for pretty extended times. I don't know what's up with that.

PlayDoh Hayden and Lane

Big Brother 12 - Nominations Episode Blog Party - August 22

big brother,jackiestvblog

Welcome back my friends
To the show that never ends

I'm glad you could attend,

Step inside, step inside ...

-- Emerson, Lake and Palmer from the "Brain Salad Surgery" album

The show is about to start here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll post important updates in this entry. But the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is invited to join in with your thoughts! Later tonight (or, worst case scenario, early in the morning), my full show review will be posted over on TV Squad.

Enzo, Brendon and Hayden are the Have Nots.

After much thinking, she put Brendon and Enzo on the block.

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Sunday Morning - August 22

Britney and Brendon are chums ... in more than one way.

Another round of the chum bell.


So, what's that all about? Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Handcuffed Chum Bell Hijinks:
  • After Britney's release from her nightmarish Jesse workout in Pandora's Box, the house got a bit boring once again.
  • Hayden and Lane went on and on (and on again) about snowboards and snowboarding.
  • Nothing against snowboarding, but sheesh!
  • Then it was time for Britney and Brendon's 24 hours of being handcuffed together.
  • They actually have a lot of leeway between the cuffs and little furry cuffs which won't hurt as much as being really handcuffed.
  • Brendon is certainly paying for his POV win -- not only is he bald, not only is he handcuffed to Britney for 24 hours, but he also has to make a "chum bath" every hour when the bell rings.
  • There are chums as in friends and then chum as in fish bait.
  • Guess which one is in the chum bath?
  • I guess instead of fish guts and stuff, it's instead an "old beer and yeasty" tub o' stuff.
  • Meanwhile, Ragan is so upset about the Brendon win that he even asked his bromance Matt to leave him alone.
  • Matt, of course, thinks everything was rigged for a Brendon win.
  • Had Matt won, Brendon would have thought everything was rigged for a little people Matt win.
  • You just can't win for losing!
  • Enzo is still lamenting on his penguin persona.
  • I think he's a hoot in a penguin suit!
  • Ragan pouted all alone, Enzo humorously fussed about his own penguin predicament, and the rest talked small talk.
  • Actually, this 24 hour handcuff bit with Brendon and Britney might end up being a good thing.
  • They're getting along and talking.
  • Britney's in a bad spot, on the fringes of the Brigade alliance, yet not a part of it.
  • While she alienated Brendon even more by going back on her word, they're kind of bonding more now.
  • Every time the bell rings, Brendon has to dunk underwater in the chum tub, then he showers off the ick.
  • Britney told Brendon that she's mad that she made the nominations according to the house and no one (except him) tried to win POV. She was trying for the POV while the others went for prizes.
  • No one is owning up to winning the money or trip yet.
  • I don't blame them. I'd keep that a secret, too.
  • Matt suspects that Britney is going to put him up as the replacement nominee. She's been avoiding him since the comp.
  • Of course, now she has a constant companion.
  • I'm talking avoiding him before the handcuffs went down.
  • Ragan lightened up for a moment dancing in Enzo's penguin suit while Enzo was in the hot tub with a borrowed bathing suit.
  • All of Enzo's clothes are gone. Can we expect commando?
  • Enzo thinks Brendon looks like Bull the bailiff from the old show Night Court.
  • I'm surprised any of them are old enough to remember that show!
  • Britney went on again about how mean Jesse was to her in Pandora's Box. He told her it was obvious she didn't work out and she needs to lose weight.
  • She weighs 100 pounds.
  • Probably a strong wind could take her away.
  • Britney and Brendon talked game and how neither trusts Matt.
  • Everyone thinks that Matt won the big prize(s) as he acted all happy after the POV comp and has no punishments.
  • Heck, it could be Hayden. He claims he tried and didn't get prizes. Yet he has no punishments.
  • Lane admits to the phone call from home prize. But he has no punishments either.
  • The two on the block and Have Nots also got the worst punishments.
  • Although Brendon's punishments are nothing when he considers he has the POV and will remain in the game.
  • The sentiment in the house remains Bat That Matt and is growing stronger.
  • If he doesn't go up and out this week, I'll be shocked.
  • Let's see how the diabolical super genius handles this twist of fate.