First, before we get into the show -- ORKMommy has updated the blog pool to reflect a few additional folks. No one already in the pool has changed hamsters, just more people added in. We still don't know what's happening with the 14 hamsters and 16 of everything else. Here's the update:
Audrey - David, Chase, Orkmommy, Nicole K
Austin - Petals, Tammy, marthalight, Dr_Celine
Becky - Glenn, Jackie, Indiana Jane, Brian
Clay - FairieGoddess0714, QuixoticElf, DonnaNY, JonMD1267
Da'Vonne - jessica UNderwood, SueGee, Ed in Ohio, Nickelpeed
Jace - Becky in TX, CherylinNC, JOKATS, CaelaXO
James - uncartie, Marlo, Jackie~juju, ML
Jason - Witt, Sharon, WolfpackRed
John - Sasha, lynn1, clover
Liz - Skyriverblue, jo Chapman, monty924
Meg - Sharon S, Merrilee, MikesGirl
Shelli - Delee, Sharon N, chrob
Steve - KelseyNY, Carrie, K
Vanessa - Chacha, Heather Reyes, T-Town Chick
Another thing: The live feeds don't start until midnight tonight ET. My first live feeds report probably won't be up until early morning ET.
Okay, let's get on with the party! As always, I'll be updating this entry with the major happenings -- refresh the page to get the latest news. But, where's the blog party? It's in the comments! I hope to see you there!
First we need to review what happened last night with Julie. Ohh ... we get to meet the second group of hamsters. How exciting. Heh.
After the intro, Julie tells them others are already in the house and the return of the Battle of the Block. Then she tells of the BB Takeover. They enter in two groups -- Liz, Becky and Steve first. They didn't even pick out their beds when Jason, John and Vanessa enter. At least Jason knew to go claim a sleeping spot. Jace already proved himself a fool by referring to Colorado as 'rado. Da'Vonne is sure John is lying about being a dentist.
James doesn't get the concept of BoB -- he thinks he'll share the HoH room with a hot chick HoH.
BBTakeover about to happen. Phil Keoghan shows up. Since BB gave TAR some players, he's giving BB a couple. As rumors were leaked, Jeff and Jackie from last season's TAR are coming into the house. They're the two extra places. The takeover loop plays and Phil tells the hamsters that the TAR folks are coming to play with them.
Time for the HOH comp for the second group. One has to sit out -- No one jumps at it, but Vanessa sat out and they agree not to nominate her. Their comp is different -- a farm scenario. It's still UFOh No. These seven are "in the film." UFOs will try to suck them up to the mothership. They have to hang onto a pole. Not fair that the first group gets to watch. The aliens are splashing them with green glue.
Steve is out first and he didn't want to be. Jeff is out. John is out next. Becky out. Liz is out. Jason is still at the bottom of his pole. He tells Jackie (almost gone) that she's safe. Jason wins the second HOH!
Into commercial just after Julie tells us the BB Takeover isn't over and Phil will have another surprise.
The BoB will be televised on Sunday. Next Thursday is the first live eviction.
Takeover loop. Phil tells the hamsters -- Da'Vonne and Vanessa sat out the HoH comps, a risky move, sometimes risk comes with reward. And that's the only thing he told them. I'm thinking MAYBE they can't be nominated, but I could be totally wrong.