Sunday, February 05, 2006

Last Night's SNL with Steve Martin and Prince

Call me old school. Call me a 'Saturday Night Live' purist. You can also call me delighted when I first heard Steve Martin would be hosting SNL on February 4th with the musical guest Prince. Whoa! A reason to watch SNL! A reason not to watch the 'C.S.I.' reruns or hit the sack early!

Y'see, I'm one of those who had to watch 'Saturday Night Live' before VCRs were about back in the 70s. I remember I was in college in upstate NY when the show had its debut. That area's NBC affiliate refused to carry the premiere as it was so avant garde for the times. Oh, my! Just what would these whacked out Not Ready for Primetime Players say or do on live television at that hour? There was an outrage and the area got its SNL from the second show on. (Remember, we were revolutionaries and all... we knew how to get action!)

In those golden years of SNL, Steve Martin was more than a guest host. He was, although not an official cast member, a huge part of what made SNL so great during those years of Curtain, Ackroyd, Belushi, Chase and more. We got small while watching him, ran out and bought condos made of stone-o, wore mismatched tight pants and shirts while being wild and crazy guys and walked around pointing our index fingers skyward. Oh. And somewhere around I have my banjo and arrow through my head tiara. I think of 'Saturday Night Live' and it's those days, Steve Martin and that cast, which comes immediately to mind. These days I can take or leave the show (mostly leave it). I know I'm not the hip young demographic they want for the audience, whereas I certainly was that demographic for the show's early years.

Ah, but to last night...
An almost classic opening with Steve offing a Baldwin so he could be the guest host with the most appearances. I was snickering before I even heard the words, "It's Saturday Night Live!" For nearly the first hour, Steve was in every skit full of his Steveness and showing he still rocks after all these years. He definitely got in some promo ties for his new 'Pink Panther' movie, but he also shined. From the Viagra Meter opening to the "Don't Buy Stuff You Cannot Afford" skit to "Quick Zoom Theater" to the "Oprah - It's the truth that it's a lie" skit, he had me going. I think my favorite skit of the night was his corporate appearance (hoping to hype 'Pink Panther') which turned out to be for Hamas. "Should I be known as an anti-Semite or should I publicize 'Pink Panther' ? What would the studio want me to do?" He was a hoot in the skit!

Then there's Prince. I like Prince. I've always liked Prince. After all, all the critics in New York love him. His first song was great -- a rocking bluesy song about "Ain't No Fury Like a Woman Scorned." It had me boogeying in my chair a bit. His second song, not so much, but still decent.

Hey, I know Prince has had some rather um... unusual times (like when he wanted to be known as a symbol), but talent? He's got it. He can rock; he can dance; he's theatrical; he can sing the blues; he's innovative and creative and he's always an interesting show. Thumbs up to his appearance last night! The only thing which would have been better is if he had burst into the "Prince Show" skit.

I don't know if it's that I'm living in the past, perhaps that's why last night's 'SNL' really hit home and most of the current stuff -- with the exception of the news update segment with Tina Fey -- misses its mark with me. I just don't know. But I thank 'Saturday Night Live' (and Steve Martin and Prince) for last night's show. It brought back a bit of the magic of the show for me.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

'Survivor: Panama - Exile Island' Out and About the Web

The Reality News Online site has an interview with the ousted from Exile (which does sound a bit redundant, eh?) castaway Tina Scheer. In it, she said she's aware that those stepping up to lead early on tend to get voted out early, but still doesn't seem to think she stepped up to any sort of leadership role. She confirmed that Misty "alluded" to finding the hidden Idol on Exile Island, so I personally would think that the rest of the castaways at that point in the game may think she does indeed have it. Tina has no regrets regarding how she played the game. Check out the interview for all the details.

Survivor Fever - News Article - Survivor: Panama is an article not telling us a heck of a lot about castaway Austin Carty (CBS refused to allow him to appear at the party in his honor). What I found interesting and what made me realize my memory ain't what it used to be is that Kelly Wigglesworth and Jeff Varner, both previous 'Survivors', have also hailed from the same area... as has 'American Idol' Fantasia Barrino.

The Celebrity Spider has spoilers for this week's show. It sounds like an interesting time will be had by all. You know I'll be blogging the show!

Other articles about the castaways I found out and about there include:

If you want to check out all my blog entries solely about 'Survivor' -- they're all compiled right here.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Today's TV Newsy Bits - Feb. 3, 2006

All the TV newsy bits fit to link! Oh. Okay. All the TV newsy bits out on the web which caught my attention. ;-)

Tina Scheer's Interview on 'The Early Show'

Tina Scheer, the first person voted off of (out of?) 'Survivor: Panama - Exile Island', appeared on 'The Early Show this morning.

The entire interview can be read on the CBS website.
A few excerpts which caught my interest:
One of the main reasons for her departure was her tribemate, Cirie. In The Early Show's secret scene, Cirie doesn't mince her words.

As to whether she made a mistake in taking a leadership role so soon, Tina said she was just doing what had to be done. "I don't feel like I was taking a leadership role to start," she told Syler. "To me it was like, somebody's got to do it.

I think that the latter was a huge error. From reading what she said, it doesn't seem that she's aware that not only was she doing the things which needed doing, but she was getting the others working, as well. That is leading and it often is off-putting especially in the beginning of the show. In the article, she made mention that she kept the death of her son to herself. I understand her reasons for it. But, when she went off by herself crying, I think it made matters worse that the other women had no clue what was up with her. Had she told them, I think they would have been a bit more understanding about that aspect. It wouldn't help her with Foot In Her Mouth Leadership Stuff, though.

What do you think?

Thursday, February 02, 2006

'Survivor: Panama - Exile Island' Premiere -or- "I'm Scared of Leaves"

Well, well, well. Tonight was the much ballyhooed premiere of 'Survivor: Panama - Exile Island.' Now, don't get me wrong. I'm a true 'Survivor' fan and I usually have personal issues about the premiere shows only being one hour long. To me, it's not enough time to get to "know" the cast at all. I expected a lot from this premiere and I'm not sure they really delivered. That's not to say it can't be redeemed in future weeks. As I get my 'Survivor' legs going, I'm sure to be entertained.

So, where do I think they went wrong this week? I think part of it was so much time in the beginning of the show on Exile Island itself. Jeff gave a clue, supposedly, about where the Exile Idol may be hidden, but I sure couldn't make sense of it. I like the idea of the Idol being able to be used after the voting and that it can be used at any time up until the Final Four (once there's three left, the Idol dies) -- that's going to keep them on their toes! I like the idea of Exile Island and the "bonus" Idol itself. I just think that the time spent at the beginning of the show was a bit much.

As we knew ahead of time, the castaways were split into four tribes -- Older Men, Younger Men, Older Women, Younger Women. I don't even think I'm going to bother memorizing the trible names because I'd end up writing stuff like La Mina (Older Men). So, forget the tribe names; I'd end up describing them anyway.

After the explanation of Exile Island, the hidden Idol, (blah, blah, blah), things started right in with the Rewards Challenge. Three tribes would win Reward (fire) while the losing tribe had to pick someone to stay the night at Exile Island. Each tribe picked one person to go smashing skulls (not to be confused with Smashing Pumpkins) seeking amulets hidden inside. Once they had three amulets, they returned. Danielle, who is actually quite the athlete, lost it for the Younger Women. What I like about her is that she volunteered to stay there, but the tribe decided to go for rock, paper, scissors for the decision. Whoops, poor Misty. She showed a bit of a sneaky side. She poked around a bit for the Idol, then decided she would act like she found it to keep her tribemates wondering.

Back to the tribes and my initial thoughts about them:

Older Men: This is the tribe to watch. With the exception of Shane, great workers. I thought Dan and Terry would gravitate towards each other and they did. Bruce is unbelievable! I love him! He had lots of fun with his machete. They had a healthy fire and a fine camp set up on short order. Dan/Terry made a pact to never lie to each other. Shane is a jerk. He whined about smoking, fussed about bugs, whined more about no cigarettes, called Bruce "Daffy Duck" and was very annoying. Make him go away.

Older Women: All right, they voted out their workhorse (Tina) who lives and breathes the outdoors. They kept Cirie who's afraid of leaves (there may be bugs in them). Ruth Marie and Melinda were okay. I think Cirie is probably a lot of fun in an indoor environment. But, what were they thinking? I totally understand Cirie's vote against Tina (which was a vice versa kinda thing), but the other two? I don't think they went into Tribal Council thinking they'd vote Tina out -- I think some of what she said there alienated them. I loved Tina's luck in finding the big flopping fish stranded by the tide. What a great meal! Without Tina, I think they're going to have problems.

Younger Men: Hunky for the most part, but... but... I don't really know them, do you? Nick is coming across as a bit dense. Austin is more of a flirt than I thought he would be. Aras was a bit odd with the yoga/fire thing, but I like him. Bobby is doing himself in with the rest, I think. He's right; they are screwing up. But if they end up at Tribal Council, they're going to vote off the one who kept apart and wasn't in with the tribe. Watch out, Bobby!

Younger Women: What the heck is with the cowboy hat, Danielle? Other than Danielle, the younger women seemed way clueless. Instead of quickly finding a place for their shelter, they wandered all around like they were lost in the suburbs. I admire Misty some -- heck, she ate an earthworm on Exile Island. They stepped up the pace for the Immunity Challenge and came in first, but their sense of the outdoors is severely lacking.

What? You want to know what I thought of the Immunity Challenge?
As the kids would say, it was a'ight. To me, it wasn't thrilling. I would be horrible at it with my bad knee. It was physical (running, swimming, rowing) with a brainteaser at the end. I just wasn't all that excited. I liked how the Younger Men screwed up and were so far behind. They should have lost. The Older Women royally screwed up (instead of merely screwing up) and blew their lead.

Tribal Council was a bit on the so-so side. Cirie seemed pleased all went according to her plan and she saved her butt.

Oh. I think the Immunity Idol is UGLY!

What did you think of tonight's premiere? Was it all you expected? Any early favorites? Does anyone out there like Shane?

'Survivor: Panama - Exile Island' East Coast Update - First Voted Out

Tina has been voted out three to one. Her vote was for Cerie.

A full review will be posted later this evening.

'Survivor: Panama - Exile Island' East Coast Update - Immunity Challenge

The older women lost the Immunity Challenge and will go to Tribal Council.

Younger women came in first, then older men, then younger men (who were way behind for a long time). These three tribes all have Immunity.

'Survivor: Panama - Exile Island' - East Coast Update - Rewards/First Exile

The younger women lost the first rewards challenge -- Misty was chosen with rock, paper, scissors to stay on Exile Island.

The other three tribes (older men, younger men, older women) all won fire.

Today's TV Newsy Bits - Feb. 2, 2006

Here's the television/entertainment related links I found out and about the web today:

Tonight's 'Survivor: Panama - Exile Island' Blogging Schedule

I know I have lots of folks reading here from the West Coast who love East Coast show night spoilers. Alas, Blogger's various feeds aren't as instant as the AOL Alerts are for AOL Members.

My plan of action for blogging tonight's show which starts at 8 PM ET and runs for a mere hour (grr) is:
Major occurrences, I throw in a quick entry. These would be things like someone gets killed :::grin::: (okay, that probably won't happen), someone gets sent to Exile Island, wins Immunity or Rewards and then the boot at 9 PM ET. Later on tonight, well after the show, I'll sit and write up a more comprehensive review. If you come aboard the blog and feel the boot entry should be there, sometimes hitting the Archive for this month on the sidebar will bring up recently posted entries. I'll also be updating my
Jackie's Survivor Blog/Web Links Reference as I post the entries, so you could check there.

Survivor Fans READY? :-)

New 'Amazing Race 9' Cast: A Closer Look at Yolanda Brown-Moore & Ray Whitty

Yolanda Brown-Moore is a 27 year old science teacher while Ray Whitty is a 31 year old lawyer. They both live in Chicago and the show dubs them as the DATING couple. They've dated for five years.

From their CBS bio page, it's found that both are originally natives of Florida. Yolanda is from Gainesville; Ray is from Jacksonville. Yolanda taught math and science in Miami before recently moving in with Ray in Chicago where he went in relationship to his work (lawyer, remember).

Hmmm... maybe a slight uh-oh! They say Ray is the more disciplined between the two, but both can be opinionated and a bit stubborn. Well, I hope not between themselves! I, for one, have seen enough bickering couples. I don't mind it if they're opinionated and stubborn towards other teams -- I actually like that and feel it could provide incentive for a better race. Uh-oh...! Yolanda says she sometimes has trouble finishing what she started and Ray said she often runs late. Well, now. I just don't know how they'll do. They work out together and are certainly young enough (but not way young) to win, place or show. I just don't know. What do you think?

Here are the websites/article(s) I found out on the web about them -- keep in mind some may archive or need registration to view:
Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione - Professional Biographies *Ray
Gator Women's Track & Field Roster/Bios @ *Yolanda college track w/photo
Alligator Story Tons of sport stuff on Yolanda is out there -- she was an All American woman track star in college. The CBS bio doesn't mention that at all.

All of my blog entries about 'The Amazing Race' are hyperlinked here for easier reference.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Oops! I Goofed! Letterman NEW 24 Year Anniversary Tonight

Yikes... it's been repeats for Monday and Tuesday, it's the Oprah repeat tomorrow.

But tonight, Letterman is all new and it's the 24 Years of Letterman anniversary show.

Now I must stay up.

Blogging 'American Idol' - Austin, TX Auditions

*These blog notes are typed as I watch the show and put up immediately foilowing the east coast airing of 'American Idol.' Please ignore or, at the very least, forgive me for any typos, punctuation or otherwise errors. Gracias!

Here we are in Austin, first really up for the audition is Julian Riano singing 'Lemon Tree' by Trini Lopez. Hmm... boring. I know several other artists who have covered that song. I personally liked the Peter, Paul and Mary version. At least Julian is personable even after getting rejected for Hollywood.

Michelle someone whose number fell
Arthur Mayfield, Donnel Bolton... all rather odd.

A self-proclaimed fashion genius is being interviewed by Ryan. Uh-oh, she has a Paula Abdul obsession... shades of 'Misery'? She's singing "Proud Mary" -- her name is Paula Goodspeed. Not good. Paula A. is "speechless." Simon is trying to blame her braces for the poor showing. It's a no. Now she's showing the nasty side. @@ <--- she rates a Jackie Eyeroll

Ryan did a segment on the undead -- IMO, the Untalented! Danielle Zamora singing "Amazing Grace." At first she just hit a few bad notes, then she went berserk. Now a series of very bad with no names as a horror flick.

A funeral director, Jason Horn, is up next. Backstory because it's different or because he'll make it to Hollywood? We'll see... heehee, he's going to sing "You Raise me Up" by Josh Groban. He can actually sing... I predict Hollywood. And, so it is. He's onto Hollywood!

Cierra Johnson, a vet assistant and dance choreographer, is next. She's pretty. We'll see. Yipes! That's how I sing! That's IT! That's ME! And, why you'd never see me audition or even sing in public. Simon - "It's like the soundtrack for the Night Before Christmas." (She sang O Holy Night) I can't believe how much she sounds like me. Um... she should pursue another career, for sure.

A travel story from Alison Schoening with her plane excitement story. Er... not good. Simon likens it to his cat's tail getting stuck in a door. Alison admits it was horrible. They're actually going to let her take a half hour and then come back. Heehee! Alison just got Simon with a comeback.

A parade of rejects coming through.

Jeffrey Pollack, a cutie, wants to think about why he's there.

Ricky Hayes feels he's meant to sing. He's a music major in college and I think he lives up to it. He can sing, for sure. I like him. Will the judges...? Paula says refreshing. Simon thinks it's the "nicest sounding voice he's heard so far." They all like him. 100% yes from all.

Ashley Jackson is up. I guess she's okay. She's not thrilling me, but I think she can sing okay. She can sing with her mouth closed and you can understand the words. I personally say no. Randy and Simon pushed her through to Hollywood. I'm not worried -- I predict long gone before the 12 Finalists.

Ryan intros someone who has a bigger ego than Simon. His name is Ronnie Norman and he likes to flirt. "I'm going to be me and that's what they'll love." - about the judges. He sang "Ain't No Sunshine." Paula and Simon voted him through, Randy said no. He's onto Hollywood. He is cute in a boyband kinda way. I personally don't think he has the most exciting voice or persona in the world.

A Randy Jackson lookalike named Kevin Mitchell is up. Ah, he's singing "I Can't Dance" - a song I like and I'm enjoying him -- it's not great talent, but it's a fun audition! Paula and Randy pass. So does Simon. No Hollywood for him. No soup for Randy.

Now Alison Schoening is back. I think she's still bad and she can roll back on up the river on Proud Mary. It's a no. A waste.

16 year old William Makar is singing "Ain't Too Proud to Beg" - he can sing a bit, but good enough? I don't think so. But he's a cutie. Paula said no. Simon likes him. Randy says yes... he's off to Hollywood!

Tessie Mae Reid who thinks she's similar to Diane Degarmo or Carrie Underwood, 17 years old, is up next. I bet she can't sing. They've been showing her in promos through the show. Singing "Ain't No Mountain High Enough." No way, Tessie Mae! Go 'way, Tessie Mae! Simon said the whole thing was frightful. Nope, she's not going to Hollywood. Crying, but of course. Now inside the judges room with no contestants, Simon compares her to stuffing a potato sack.

Only 12 made it to Hollywood from the Austin audition.

Back to Jeffrey, the one who didn't know why he was there. He decides he won't be exciting. Next week it's off to Boston on Tuesday, some of the worst and some of the best, it looks from the promo. On Wednesday, it's Hollywood for "Hell Week."

Jackie... OUT! ;-)

Today's TV Newsy Bits - Feb. 1, 2006

Yep! There's always television/entertainment related newsy bits to be found out and about the web. Here's what I found today--

New 'Amazing Race 9' Cast: A Closer Look at BJ Averell & Tyler MacNiven

These two are being labeled as BEST FRIENDS. It's BJ Averell and Tyler MacNiven, ages 26 and 25 respectively. BJ is an online tutor whose hometown is Los Angeles. Tyler is a filmaker out of San Francisco.

Their official CBS 'Amazing Race' bio says "BJ & Tyler are bohemian best buds who first met four years ago during the Semester at Sea program, where they shared the experience of sailing around the world."

Yep, they're bohemian buds... or something. Right now I'm not sure exactly what. I'd say clowns, but that was done already with Jon and Al. They were the best at it, for sure! Okay, let me poke around their bio a bit more...

BJ is a Harvard grad. I'm suitably impressed. Tyler is a graduate of UC Santa Cruz. I don't know about the school there, but I'm partial to the rollercoaster at the Santa Cruz boardwalk, so he passes muster with me. They're both well-traveled and fluent in several languages. That's a big plus for a team on 'The Amazing Race.' They both love adventure, travel and good times (and hamming for the camera?). In a way, I want to dismiss these two due to just the promo photo, but they sound like they have a real chance in the race. BJ moved to CA for surfing, karate and frisbee -- he should be in decent physical shape. Tyler fell in love with a girl from Japan and decided to walk the 2000 mile length of the country to impress her. Lucky girl and quite an undertaking.

These article(s)/websites were found about BJ Averell and Tyler MacNiven out and about the web (beware, some may archive in due time or need registration to view):
People: Woodside native treks across Japan (August 24, 2005)
Kintaro Walks Japan
Stanford says no to Tyler MacNiven, but he's upbeat, may reapply later (December 23, 1998)
Stanford Magazine: March/April 1999: They'll Try Anything
The Stanford Daily Online Edition
Kintaro Walks Japan - Google Video
Buck's of Woodside Kintaro Walks Japan ... and dozens more on his trek, but this is his own writing of the journey
HTDb v2.0 - BJ Averell -- BJ's Harvard theater work - Camera Noise Production Notes
The Harvard Crimson :: News :: Election Profile: B.J. Averell & Amias Gerety
Harvard University: Gallery ... and many, many more.

All of my 'The Amazing Race' blog entries can be found linked in chronological order here.

Tonight/Tomorrow TV Picks

This week has been pretty much a TV bummer for me so far between repeats and the State of the Union. Grr. (Nothing against the State of the Union, but I'd rather read than watch it.)

So, what kind of television viewing (and most likely blogging) plans do I have for the next day or two?

TONIGHT (Wednesday)
8 PM ET - 'American Idol' -- it's the auditions show filmed in Austin, TX. I should be posting my blog entry as it wraps up here on the east coast.
9 PM ET - Unlike usual weeks, I won't be watching 'Lost' -- it's a repeat: "Numbers" Hurley becomes obsessed with finding the French woman and heads off into the jungle to find her, leaving Jack, Sayid and Charlie no choice but to follow him. Meanwhile, Locke asks Claire to help him build a mysterious item. What I will watch (and have had to tape since FOX TV stuck it up against 'Lost') is 'Bones' -- "The Woman in the Car"-- When a woman's burned body is found in a car with evidence that her child was kidnapped, Brennan and Booth's investigation leads to a suspect who is in the Witness Protection Program.
10 PM ET - 'Law and Order' is another repeat, so I'll watch 'C.S.I. NY' -- "Stuck on You" -- When a billionaire playboy throws a party for a mosaic artist, he and a model end up skewered and pinned against a wall by an arrow.

Letterman's repeats this week. How dare he!

8 PM ET - Gee, something new is on, isn't it? ;-) Woohoo! It's the 'Survivor: Panama - Exile Island' premiere! Alas, it's only one hour. For me, that's just a tease for the new season.
9 PM ET - 'C.S.I.' -- "Killer"-- As the CSIs investigate two deaths, both linked to the same suspect, the evidence starts to overlap and the CSI team begins to close in on the murderer.
9:30 PM ET - Will tape 'Crumbs' -- I taped and watched it last week and genuinely enjoyed it. I loved how the Mom, Jane Curtain, seeking a support group for divorcees ended up leading the meth freaks. ;-) Horrible, horrible time slot... horrible.
10 PM ET - 'Without a Trace' -- "Odds or Evens" -- Jack goes to Tokyo to find a dishonorably discharged U.S. Marine who went missing after he served a five-year prison term for raping a young woman.

What will you be watching?

New Logo For Me From Zoetawny & Probst Appearance Reminder

Thanks to Zoetawny on AOL, I have a spiffy new 'Survivor: Panama - Exile Island'/Jackie logo. She rocks, doesn't she?

Also, a quick reminder --
Jeff Probst will be on tomorrow morning's (Thursday) 'The Early Show' on CBS with a preview of the big premiere show.

Tomorrow night... Survivor fans ready?

New 'Amazing Race 9' Cast: A Closer Look at Dani Torchio & Danielle Turner

On their official CBS 'Amazing Race' bio page, Dani Torchio and Danielle Turner are listed as the CHILDHOOD FRIENDS team. Woohoo, I'm overjoyed, aren't you? ;-)

They're both 22 years old and recent college graduates hailing from Staten Island, NY. Now, this is a purely personal thought and may not come true, but... I know Staten Island (a borough of NYC). Staten Island isn't really known for its action and adventure. It's a nice enough place to live, but will these girls have the grit and determination to complete the race? I tend to think not. Girls, prove me wrong. Go ahead and do it.

From that bio page:
They're described as "beauties." Perhaps that's the key for some folks watching the show, but not for me. I declare an eyeroll needed! @@
Danielle claims to be outgoing and talkative. May I eyeroll that, too?
Dani says she's fun-loving, wild and eager to get out of Staten Island. (She wins points for the last bit!)
Neither has traveled much. The bio mentions thick accents, a trait from Staten Island I know all too well. Be prepared for pretty women with thug-like accents. I warned ya. I live about ten miles from Staten Island. I should be rooting for them on a purely geographic basis. But I can't. Though, as I stated above, they can feel free to prove me wrong.

News article(s) I found out and about on the web about Dani Torchio and Danielle Turner (beware, some may archive or need registration):
New York Post Article - 'Racing Colors'

All of my blog entries regarding 'The Amazing Race' can be found here.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Today's TV Newsy Bits - Jan. 31, 2006

Here's dem naughty newsy bits -- television/entertainment related goodies I found out and about the web today:

Blogging 'American Idol' - Las Vegas Audition

Ah, Las Vegas... this is being blogged as I watch the show here on the east coast. Any typos or poor punctuation should be forgiven... please! :-)

Jamaica Good Music? Yes, I do. A Rastafarian nicknamed Alexis "Dylon" Linchetta sings 'American Idol, the Reggae.' Randy, "Fake Jamaican thing awful." He's a no. Cute idea, but poorly done. Ack, now he's crying that he shouldn't have come as a gimmick. @@ <--- I must roll my eyes at him.

A Jester got bumped off with no name given.

Now the singing horrible psychic named Bobbie from last year is back. Now she's a talent manager for her sister Erika. @@! So, let's hear Erika. Judges are laughing. "The maddest family I've ever met in my life" - Simon.

Mecca Madison, full time student, singer and belly dancer. Age 18, small and cute. Oh, she can sing. Breath of fresh air. Onto Hollywood! That decorative thing near her eye is not needed, in my opinion. She's very petite, cute and can sing... doesn't need it!

Ryan Hart -- foul mouthed and vaguely reminscent of a child Conan O'Brien in looks -- is on. Yikes, he sounds like the girl in The Exorcist before her head spun around. Horrorible. No surprise -- he's booted.

I think the next one will make it, a background story first. She works with parolees, parole officer? Heather Ward. She sings 'Redneck Woman.' Decent. Randy and Simon both liked her. Let's check Paula. Paula passes, Randy says yes, Simon says yes. I figured that one out.

Jason, who is a gondola dude on the waterway in Vegas, backstory... will he make it? Jason Andino, sings 'Stand By Me.' Yep, he can sing. Simon says no. Waah, Randy said yes. No Hollywood for him.

Argh, a section of returning tries which flopped before coming on. JC Gray (Crazy Eyed) -- now with a mullet. Simon said no without him even singing. Good.

Oh, local boy from Roselle Park, NJ with a backstory. Heavy guy, Anthony Andolino. Yes, can sing, but screams a bit. Ah, Paula just voiced my own thoughts -- theatrical voice. All three judges a no. Simon snarked something about they couldn't afford the food bill after he left. At least he didn't say it in front of him. :-(

Oh, geez, more twins. The Pierson twins. Girls who seem to have a musical background and they're showing a backstory. Cute girls. Hmm... to me, one sounds a bit flat, not sure which. Simon says no. Paula and Randy do, too. No Hollywood. Aww, they're upset.

David Mandzak, age 18. He reminds me of a cross between Charles Grodin and Jim Carrey -- nasal voice, he's a no.

Now bad singers with no names, only numbers, in a C.S.I. segment -- Criminal Singers Investigation.

Haggai Yeddida, a fairly recent immigrant sings "I'm Proud to be an American." Not so good. I'm glad he likes our country, though. He's a bit indignant, thinks he has perfect pitch. He thinks he's out as he didn't get eye contact.

Princess Brewer, age 22. Thinks she sounds like Aretha Franklin. Sings "That's What Friends are For." EEK. Make her STOP! She's scaring me! She shouts more than sings. There may be a voice somewhere in there, but she's hiding it very well. "You're giving me a headache" - Simon. Judges are panning her -- "Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, it did."

Now, more horrible audition clips with no names singing "I Will Survive." I hope they don't. I know that's mean. Mean me.

A segment on image, with the theme song from 'Hair' playing. But, gray hair? Taylor Hicks, gray hair when he was 15 or so. Sings some Sam Cooke. He's 29 years old, can sing. He has a bit of an Elvis sneer. Simon looks bored as they have him do another song. I like him. Randy likes him. Paula thinks he's a good performer. Simon disagrees. Simon says no, Paula and Randy say yes!

Only 11 contestants from Vegas made it to Hollywood. Tomorrow night is Austin, TX.

Now if only Simon could judge Bush's State of the Union speech next....