Sunday, November 05, 2006

'The Amazing Race 10' East Coast Update 11/05 - Pit Stop Arrival/Philimination

This was the order to the Pit Stop:
  1. Dustin/Kandice - Won a trip to Hawaii
  2. Tyler/James
  3. Rob/Kimberly
  4. Erwin/Godwin
  5. David/Mary - Had to wait 30 minutes as they were marked for elimination
  6. Lyn/Karlyn - Arrived ten minutes into Kentucky's penalty and knocked them out of the race.

David and Mary, marked for elimination twice, were eliminated.

A full review/recap will be posted later tonight.

Tonight's 'Amazing Race' Blogging Schedule

Due to a football delay, The Amazing Race is just starting now in the NYC area. Expect an East Coast Update about 9:30 PM ET and a full review/recap will be posted late tonight.

Stop on back and visit!

Sneak Peek: TBS's 'My Boys' to Premiere November 28

My Boys - TBSBaseball and sex have been tied together in the ways of adolescent boys since the dawn of time (well, perhaps not quite that long) as they attempted to make it to second base, or even to third base. We know they didn't mean in the ballpark!

And, who could forget the play-by-play in the song "Paradise by the Dashboard Light" by Meatloaf? We know that wasn't really about baseball, either.

Taking that ball and running with it is the new original comedy show My Boys from TBS, the Very Funny cable television network. Set to premiere Tuesday night, November 28th at 10 PM ET/PT, I was fortunate enough to get a sneak peek at a handful of episodes and I'm here to report back on them.

The premise of the show is relatively simple to explain. PJ Franklin, played by Jordana Spiro, is a sportswriter in Chicago. She's in a male-dominated field and, not only that, has a male-dominated field of friends. Oh, yes, she does have one good female friend, Stephanie, played by Kellee Stewart. But her boys are near and dear to her heart. She works amongst the boys, plays cards with the boys, goes out with the boys, and often tends to be considered one of the boys by her boys. I've worked in a male-dominated field and know that feeling all too well. Sometimes you want to shout, "Hey! I'm woman! Roar!" but most of the time, it's great fun just to be friends with the guys.

Although it's easy to draw comparisons with Friends or Sex and the City, this show isn't really all that much like either. Urban settings, a focus on relationships and twenty-somethings are the common grounds between the shows. I think fans of both shows will enjoy My Boys.

I found it a fun little romp through the lives of the characters and their dating trials, tribulations, and the friendship shared by PJ and her boys. I particularly enjoy all the different ways the character of PJ ties in baseball with sex and relationships in the voiceovers which are featured in each episode. Just when I thought she'd have to run out of analogies, she'd spring a new one on me.

Certainly not sexually explicit, I feel My Boys will do well with the late-teens through thirty-something demographic. It's a delightful light-hearted comedic departure from the crime and drama shows in its late evening time slot. And, of course, I want to know just how many relationships/sex analogies there are to sports out there. That's a creative challenge all on its own!

The cast includes Jordana Spiro, Jim Gaffigan, Kyle Howard, Reid Scott, Michael Bunin, Jamie Kaler, and Kellee Stewart. The Executive Producers are Jamie Tarses, Gavin Polone, and Betsy Thomas. The show will air Tuesday evenings at 10 PM ET/PT on TBS. For more information about the show, you can check out the official My Boys website.

Friday, November 03, 2006

TV Newsy Bits - November 3, 2006

It's Friday! Does that mean that Friday Night Lights was on? Of course not, that's now a Tuesday show or Sunday or Wednesday.

Sigh. I watched Meerkat Manor's latest episode earlier tonight. I like the show, but was already saddened a week or so back when news reports revealed that Shakespeare is indeed dead. (Silly, not William Shakespeare... Meerkat Shakespeare!) And now little Blossom. At least she didn't just vanish and not get any sort of mention like Shakespeare did. Rest in peace, little Blossom.

Adding to my ways I don't want to die: I don't want to be eaten.

Are you a fan of The Class? The first episode or two didn't really snag me in, but I've been growing more comfortable with the show as of late. BuddyTV has an interview up with David Crane and Jeffrey Klarik, the show's creators. Here's an excerpt:

How did you guys come up with the idea for The Class?

Jeffrey: We were actually cleaning out our basement (laughs) and we found a big box of old photographs that had belonged to David and we were looking through them and they were a whole bunch of pictures from his old 3rd grade class…

David: And we were looking at one of those pictures that has all the different pictures of all the little kids, and Jeffrey said to me, don’t you wonder who all these kids are today? I mean, they're all in the picture and they’re all 8 year olds with smiling faces and now they’re all in their late 40’s, and it’s like, “Who did they turn into and who’s happy?” And that basically turned into what the show became which sort of asks the question, “OK, who were you in 3rd grade and who are you now, and who gets to be happy?”
Oh, my. I'm trying to think back to the person I was in third grade. That was the year of my first eyeglasses and, if memory serves, the year I started reading Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys books. I was going to be a child crime-solver, yes I was. Happy? Hmmm... that answer would have to go into different levels for different aspects. When I was in third grade, I didn't realize that life has its complications. I'm not a perky person. But, that doesn't mean I'm not happy.

In other TV Newsy Bits:

Thursday, November 02, 2006

'Survivor 13: Cook Islands' - Ep. 7 -or- "Peanut Butter Love"

Thirteen are left. Who will be voted out tonight?

After last week's entire recap show, we saw an extended recap of the previous week. They must think our memories fail us, eh?

The show opened with the Aitu tribe on Day 16 and with JessFlicka feeling blindsided by the vote to boot Cao Boi in the last Tribal Council. "No one ever tells me anything, fuss, fuss." And, of course, she was saying it all in front of Nathan, the kidnapped Raro member spending some time with the Aitu tribe. Not too cool; Nathan was all but taking notes and the other tribe members caught onto issues with her loose lips, as well.

In strategy talks at the tribe (most not around Nathan), it looks like the tribe members are having trouble trusting Jonathan. Fueled mainly by JessFlicka, but even his alliance members (Yul, Becky, Candice) expressed increasing doubts about him.

In the tree mail, the castaways received a Survivor's Catalogue and were instructed to pick two items. If they win Reward, they will receive the chosen items and the opportunity to send a member of the opposing tribe to Exile Island. The hidden Immunity Idol was found long ago by Yul and, while only Becky and Yul know it, the rest are pretty sure someone has it.
On Raro, Brad was pushing for potatoes as they'd stay fresh longer than bread, the item which the rest wanted. Peanut butter was a hit for both tribes and chosen without argument. No one listened to him, so their choice was bread and peanut butter. Aitu, on the other hand, went along Brad's school of thought and chose potatoes and peanut butter. There were spices, sewing kits and more in the catalogue, but the peanut butter had cast its spell.

The Reward Challenge had the tribe members grabbing a club, swimming a distance, climbing to a platform, and then jumping off swinging the club at a wooden box to break it. A key within the box then falls in the water. They must dive down and retrieve it, then return to shore. Then it's repeated by others. The keys open chests to puzzle pieces and the tribe who completes the puzzle first wins.
Ozzy with the wet look
It was very rigorous, especially diving down to retrieve the key. The girls, in particular, were spent. Although Aitu had Nathan (a good swimmer) through the challenge, they didn't quite trust him and had to sit a member out. So, he sat. For Raro, Brad wanted to do the puzzle solving instead of the physical part of the challenge. Oops, Raro lost. Aitu chose Adam to be the Exile Island exile.

Back at the Raro camp, they were all up in arms about Brad choosing to put together the puzzle. Nathan, in a confessional spot, called him "puzzle boy" and "such a Nancy boy." Ouch. Then Nathan went fishing and providing so the women could rest.

Adam didn't even search for the Immunity Idol on Exile Island. A nasty storm moved in and he spent the night huddled in the broken hull of the abandoned ship on the island.

Returning to Aitu, the tribe members awakened to Ozzy carrying a bird he had caught in his hands. Although Jonathan was a bit reluctant, it was decided that the bird was food. They seemed very respectful about it, but I'm sure that someone will be upset. I couldn't kill a bird unless I was starving, but Yul can. Finger-licking good!

Ozzy's "Jungle Boy" abilities continue and the tribe members appreciate them more and more. Ozzy himself seems to have changed a bit and I don't see that huge chip on his shoulder he was carrying in the past. Oh, yeah, there's still a chip on his shoulder, but he's wise enough to put it in his pocket when talking to the others.

The Immunity Challenge had tribe members building a staircase withZipline logs of ascending heights. Once built, they had to climb them to a ramp, take a zipline across the water, and retrieve a bag of puzzle pieces. (Have I mentioned how much I love ziplines? I do, I really do.) Another puzzle? They're having way too many puzzles this season, methinks.

In a shocking conclusion to the challenge, Raro actually won. Yes, you heard me right. Raro won something. So, they're safe until the next Tribal Council and Aitu must lose a member.

Once again, the discussion was regarding trust issues with Jonathan and flaky issues with JessFlicka. Ozzy thought he was pretty safe this time around. He called it right. At the Tribal Council, despite editing to make it look like Jonathan would leave, it was JessFlicka. All votes except for her own vote (Jonathan) were for her exit. Another performance artist bites the dust.
JessflickaI had some major issues with the editing of tonight's episode. Perhaps I've just watched the show too long or something. But I could tell that Aitu would go to Tribal Council because they focused much too much on the tribe discussing the vote while nary a mention of it from the Raro camp.

I also knew the vote was almost unanimous when they showed JessFlicka's vote for Jonathan first. I didn't have to see any more votes. I recognized the handwriting and knew that since they showed her casting the vote for him and then pulled that vote first, it had to be the only one for him.

I'm not all that sorry to see her go, although she's strong in challenges. If I had to hear how "left out" she was one more time again, I was planning to sneer at her. I'm liking Ozzy and Nathan more each week, while waning my cheering on of Jonathan. I'm ambivalent about Adam and most of the women. Yul is still the one I like for the win.

I think I want to see more sneakiness. I need more. It's Survivor, right?