Wednesday, September 12, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Bulletin - Final HOH Comp Part 2 Winner

"This sucks!"

Yes, the second part of the final Head of House competition was held during/after the Kaysar and Howie chat. Guess who didn't win?

Despite all of the thoughts that Evel Dick would throw it to his loving daughter, Dick won part two. So, it will be Dick against Zach in the final part.

Here's the lowdown (and the "Jackie" posting in comments about it wasn't me and are totally bogus -- you should know my writing style by now!):
  • When the feeds first returned, Dick was telling Zach it was a tough competition.
  • Daniele was upset with herself that she didn't win it. Dick told her he was doing it for her. (I think he thinks if he brings Daniele to the final two, she would win the jury votes over him.)
  • A car prize was somewhere in the comp, but Dick said something about they got gypped on it, not sure what's up with that.
  • Dick said they would have their fairytale ending.
  • They think the final part will be about their fellow housemates. Dick reminded Daniele that he spent much more time with all of them dating back to LNC than did Zach.
  • They said something about a satellite used, perhaps for Julie Chen.
  • Daniele said something about a track and we got blocked.
That's the REAL skinny. I had my notifier off for the comments and didn't see the impostor until after the fact. Have any of you ever seen me call Daniele "Dani"? Tsk, tsk. Dick and Daniele didn't fight. She doesn't seem happy that she lost and he won, but there was no blow-up, none at all.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds - Howie and Kaysar on Cam 4 NOW

D'oh! I almost forgot ... Howie Gordon and Kaysar Ridha are being interviewed on feed 4 right now just as Janelle was interviewed last week. If you have the feeds, tune in! It should run until 10 PM ET.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Wed. 9/12 So Far

It's basically a house of silence, at least for a good portion of the day. I'll get into the skinny, but a few things first:

Please, please, please ... stop casting aspersions on others in the comments area for whomever they like or dislike in the game. We watch the show for entertainment. Just because a person is cheering on Dick for the win doesn't mean they necessarily agree with or condone his behavior. Just because someone cheers on Zach doesn't mean the person is someone to be attacked.

Dick, Daniele, and Zach are not responsible for the ills of the world, nor for fixing them. We're seeing them in odd circumstance and, while we might think we know them, it's not as if we really do. We watch them with our years of personal experiences, biases, and more in the mix. As often is the case, when you don't like someone, you notice the bad. When you do like them, it's more the good that you see.

In the end, none of them will have any impact on us in our lives. What's more possible is that the friends made online might actually meet up in "real life." It's fine to have different favorites, but please treat others with respect.

Here are the day's events from inside that Big Brother House of Shiver Me Timbers and Let Me Off This Carrot-Stump:
  • They all slept in, got up, went back to sleep, etc. Dick was in horrible shape this morning -- he was tossing and turning in his bed saying "ow-ow-ow."
  • It didn't help matters that the morning was spent in indoor lockdown with noise going on from workers. Dick couldn't smoke, nor could he really sleep.
  • Dick and Daniele speculated a lot about the upcoming part two of the HOH -- they will be pitted against each other and the winner will take on Zach in the third part.
  • The Donatos think they've "already won" and are confident.
  • But, not really. Daniele is getting her antsy pre-comp worries on and Dick is pacing when he's up and about, getting grouchier by the moment.
  • Dick is on a rant about the blue ball in Jameka's tube during the Niagara Balls comp. I'm not sure if he just thinks the comp should have been redone or if he thinks Zach had something to do with it. He's complaining that they didn't investigate it sooner with all the cameras and such. He believes that Zach shouldn't have won that POV.
  • Zach worked out on the treadmill and occasionally tried brief conversations with the Donatos to no avail.
  • Zach is a man alone studying his fingers and his lucky seashell a lot.
  • Daniele actually asked Zach what he was doing at one point to get a "whatever" answer. I think he's decided to block them out as they blocked him out.
  • Not much going on. They still don't know when the second part of the comp will be held, nor can they figure out the TV scheduling of events.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Current Screen Cap 9/12 1:50 PM ET

UPDATE 2:20 PM ET - Dick is now awake and roaming the house. He looks like he's in some pain from the comp. Also, I neglected to mention it earlier (because I conked out after I wrote it), but I also have a report on the comp over at TV Squad.

The current screen cap from inside the Big Brother 8 house above.

The current view in Jackie's apartment below.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Final HOH Comp Part 1 Winner

Zach told Dick he was incredible. Dick is upset with himself. He's not in good shape. He wants a cigarette and to warm up.

I want a nap.