Sunday, September 16, 2007

'Big Brother 8' Delayed on East Coast

60 Minutes started a few minutes ago here in the NYC area. Everything is delayed due to football this time.

When Big Brother 8 starts, I'll start live-blogging the show as it airs. Keep in mind that tonight's show is the season recap episode, so we can't expect anything new and exciting -- old and exciting, perhaps.

I have a feeds report from earlier in the day over on TV Squad - it sat a while, but it's different from what I posted here. They're live-blogging the Emmys there tonight. Thankfully, it's not me doing it!

As for the feeds, there really isn't much to report. Daniele and Dick seemed to take shifts sleeping and avoided each other all day.

TV Squad: Kid Nation

My first post about Kid Nation is up over on TV Squad. Will you be watching?

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Through Sat. Night Into Sunday 9/16

They faced the jury! Well, not literally, I don't think. I'm sure it was done via TV monitors. Of course, the feeds were blocked, so I don't know the actual questions. They don't really know how the jury will vote in the end, but they can speculate from the questions asked. So, their reaction is key and here it is...
  • After the feeds being blocked for nearly two hours, they returned on Dick. He was asking himself -- "I was campaigning to beat her?"
  • Daniele was pacing and pouting.
  • Dick said, "Great, another thing for her to be [bleepin'] mad at me about."
  • Dick - "How did I know she'd be pissed at me? There's no winning, no winning. There's always a Catch-22 with Daniele."
  • Then the fireworks began when Dick and Daniele came face to face.
  • Dick started to apologize for "coming off that way."
  • Daniele - "This sucks! The only thing anyone has against me from week one and because Amber goes at me. I'm never my own person in this house and its so annoying. You said there have been rumors that I've been carried by Daniele. Zach only said that, then even Jameka! You said I flew under the radar. Those people credit me for nothing! The only reason I'm here is because of you!"
  • Dick tried to interrupt her with a "no."
  • Daniele ranted on. She went on again about everyone crediting him for her being in the final two (and how it sucks). She ranted more about people in the background laughing because she was such a joke and shouldn't be in the final two.
  • She yelled at them that she felt like crap because of him.
  • He said she deserved to be in the final two. He said he didn't say anything about her.
  • She yelled that he did. "Yes, you did! I'm so over being in this house! This sucks! I'm sorry, but I don't think you had the hardest game coming into the house! It's so annoying! I'm always in your shadow! I hate being here!"
  • She stomped off to bed where she remained awake.
  • A little later, Dick tried to apologize. She wouldn't answer him.
  • Dick went back to the backyard where he heard an auto accident in the distance, but then it was a version of the Dick Show -- when he speaks to the Internet.
  • He tells us that he just can't win with Daniele. She thinks he always had a better relationship with the jury members and it all stemmed from Nick.
  • Dick thinks the jury will vote for him to win, but the fact that he would win against his daughter makes it a no-win.
  • He said Daniele has never been happy in the game even though she won a lot of comps -- she's always complaining. (Which, of course, is why I'd rather see Dick win over Daniele.)
  • Continuing the Dick Show -- "It's going to be a [bleepin'] long two days, I tell you that!"
  • He then talked about how he didn't think Amber would attack Daniele like that. (Oh, I have to see this!)
  • He tells us he thinks he won, but Daniele's "pissed" at him and all of the jury members, she got attacked by a lot of them.
  • Meanwhile, on the other cams, Daniele's in bed. Her eyes are open.
  • Dick did the laundry, then settled down for a game of Solitaire, once again going on about Amber and her jury question to Daniele. (No, he didn't say the actual question.)
So, it sounds like the jury, especially Amber, really went at Daniele. It sounds like they accused her of riding his coattails through the game. Since it's Daniele who's upset and Dick the only one talking, I don't know if the jury even said anything about his tactics. But I'm sure they did.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Into Saturday 9/15

Above is a screen cap I took at 8:11 ET this morning, both Daniele and Dick are asleep right now as I post this.

As I expected with only the two in the house for a period of days, the feeds are rather quiet (which is a good thing as I conked out last night!). Here are a few more noteworthy or odd tidbits from inside the Big Donato House:
  • Dick has become a champion Solitaire player.
  • Both Dick and Daniele still have aches and pains from the HOH comp and previous ones. My personal guess is that Dick probably has a lot more pain than Daniele.
  • Daniele complained that Dick wouldn't just let her be, but ... sheesh, they're trapped in the house. He already talks to the cameras. If Daniele doesn't talk to him, he'll have to talk to the moose topiary figure.
  • Dick put out a cookie and set the table for Daniele thinking it would make her smile. When he asked what she thought, she asked if this is what things are coming to. Sigh.
  • Daniele hopes they don't have to do Housecalls and The Early Show appearance together. @@
  • She said he would talk the entire time. Well, she might have a point there, I guess. But, still ...!
  • They argued about small stuff ... again.
  • He thought she had a bad attitude ... again.
  • Dick thinks that now they're spending too much time together. He said they shouldn't be apart two years again, but two days would be nice.
  • Daniele exercised.
  • Dick housecleaned, smoked, and spat. Spitted? Got spittle all over the dang yard. That covers it.
  • Daniele asked Dick if they might get a montage of Amber crying. Dick told her they probably already had one.
  • BB gave Dick a box which has 9 different games. At last, something for him to do!
  • Although Daniele went to bed, she got up and shared breakfast cooked by Dick, and an ice cream snack at about 5 AM their time (that's what they're doing in the screen cap I have here).
  • They talked about their previous housemates -- Eric's mannerisms, Amber giving Nick advice (what's worse ... Amber giving advice or Nick taking it?)
  • They played Chinese Checkers.
  • Then to bed once again.

Bloggy Stuff

G'morning! Guess what I did? After having technical issues with my last TV Squad post and staying up for most of the night on Thursday, then going to work Friday after what was basically a just a nap ... I fell asleep for nearly twelve hours after getting home last night. Yikes!

As a result, I'm still catching up with comments and emails both here and at TVS. Reading through the comments on my last BB8 entry, I was delighted to see the range of opinions, many written so thoroughly and well ... it was fantastic discussion! I peek at other places and see many of the commenters going wild, getting nasty, posting vulgarities just to post them. Here we have folks on both ends of the season controversy, yet I see people telling WHY they think the way they do and intelligent comments on both sides of the fence. Kudos to you! (I knew I shouldn't worry about facing dozens of "you're an idiot if you like..." posts, but it was a nagging thought in my mind when I awoke!)

On another note from the comments, I want to express my condolences to commenter Terry in CA whose mother passed away. I've sent a separate email to her, but since her comment might have been lost in the crowd, I wanted to mention it here. Terry has been a long-time commenter on this blog and on my AOL one before this came about. We don't always share the same show favorites, but Terry's comments are always well-reasoned and appreciated here. My sincere sympathies go out to her on her loss and my thoughts and prayers to her and her family.

A new commenter wondered if we did this every year, if any other shows are covered, if donations are necessary, and such. Here are the answers:
  • I've been involved in online doings for Big Brother since season one. For the first five seasons I hosted the AOL message boards for the show, often doing "bloggie" sort of posts, but without the blog medium.
  • As season six approached and the blog medium was really taking off, I thought the live feeds were a perfect match for blogging as blogs are updated with the newest content on top and folks could comment. So, I created Big Brother 6 - Live Feeds Reports and More over on AOL.
  • In January of 2006 I switched to Blogger due to commenting issues (only AOL and AIM could comment on AOL Journals) and some other limitations with AOL's product. I decided I wouldn't have a blog specific to shows, but all I wrote about would be here on this blog.
  • I have covered Big Brother, The Amazing Race, Lost, Heroes, American Idol, Hell's Kitchen, and Survivor here in detail while often touching on other shows. I do East Coast boot updates for the shows, plus for some I don't cover in detail each week.
  • Upon request, I create discussion posts for commenters to talk about shows I don't watch -- they can be found in the sidebar and I'll get new ones going as the new seasons start.
  • This summer I was hired by TV Squad to cover the BB live feeds there. If you read here and there, the content differs. I can't post a ton of times a day there or just send up screen caps and a quick comment, so they're quite different arenas.
  • This fall (next week!), I will be reviewing Survivor 15: China and Kid Nation for TV Squad. Since Kid Nation is new, I probably won't have much content about it here other than pointers to my posts there, maybe a bit of discussion.
  • As for Survivor, that's been a regular staple here each season, and I won't desert it this season. I will still post East Coast updates on the major happenings here although my show review/recap will be on TV Squad. I will also post on the castaways, my opinions, and other things here as the season arrives. I've already started with the castaways and should get them finished by tomorrow -- see the sidebar.
  • For the donations question -- no, you don't have to donate to be a part of things here. Some folks asked that I put up the donations button and I'll admit they surely are appreciated, but they aren't necessary. The fact that a real online community has grown here means more to me and every person who takes the time to join in on the discussions is a part of that community.
  • In addition to the blog writing, I do work a day job. So, sometimes it might get a bit crazy when something controversial happens. If you see a problem in the comments, please don't respond and chances are that I'll take out any purely trash posts or rein in disputes.
  • Your comment will never be removed due to your opinion about a show or contestant. I've done this (and the AOL board stuff) for so long that I'm used to folks having varying opinions. I know not everyone will think the same and love to hear why they think the way they do. That doesn't mean that I'll agree with them, but if we all thought the same ... what would we have to discuss? I just ask that other commenters are treated with respect.
I want to thank everyone who has been a part of this blog. The BB8 season may be wrapping up, but the fall season of new shows is about to start! Woohoo!