Friday, July 09, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Report - Into Early Evening, July 9

Gosh, I hate missing out on whatever happens the first five days in the house before the feeds go live for us. As I mentioned in my last report, Hayden put Brendon and Rachel on the block. His target is Brendon and, for some odd reason, the house seems to want to vote Brendon out although they're sure it's Andrew who's the saboteur. Andrew is safe this week as he volunteered to be a wiener. Meanwhile, Brendon and Rachel refuse to campaign against each other because they're too busy having a sucking face showmance. Are you with me so far?

They had the POV comp today ... Brendon won, thus throwing the others into a tizzy. Here's what's happened thus far today --
  • Andrew went to Hayden trying to make a deal for next week, claiming he isn't the saboteur. He knows the house thinks he is and he's in danger once he's no longer safe.
  • Andrew would be a very bad saboteur as he's such a big clown and an annoying one at that.
  • Kathy, Annie and Monet think Andrew likes to send them on a guilt trip when they eat his food by accident and he tells them after the fact.
  • Hayden told Monet that he won't put her up on the block if the POV is used to save someone.
  • Brendon and Annie have an alliance thing going.
  • Hayden and Enzo talked about getting Annie in a fake alliance with them, using her of course.
  • Hayden suggested it to Annie and they talked about Brendon being a big threat and even a double threat as he's already a couple with Rachel.
  • Britney pushed for a Britney, Lane, Hayden, and Monet alliance.
  • I do keep typing Money instead of Monet.
  • Ack.
  • It sounds like the POV had something to do with spelling.
  • Kathy, Britney and Kristen are all very worried that one of them will be put on the block if/when Brendon uses the veto.
  • Enzo and Matt think Rachel has to go home.
  • So do I.
  • She's beyond annoying.
  • Enzo is disgusted with his own performance in the comp.
  • Matt and Enzo notice that Annie is sucking up to Brendon. I guess her "secret" alliance isn't all that secret.
  • Brendon says he doesn't want to be in the house without Rachel. Oh, well. Don't let the door hit you on the way out! I was psyched to like him, but don't know that I've seen him in action.
  • Brendon and Annie are pushing for a Monet replacement on the block. But I think she's safe with Hayden.
And there ya go. Them's the dirty deeds of the day so far.

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Friday Dawn (July 9)

Enzo rocks the hat and looks better in it than without it.

Ragan is partial to flannel shirts. Who woulda thunk it?

Brendon sans shirt, not that I'm surprised.

Don't even ask me what's going on with Hayden in the do-rag.

As I mentioned in my previous post, the live feeds went live at 11:58 PM ET last night. It's always hard in the beginning as we've lost the five days or more that the hamsters have already been in the house. But here's the skinny I picked up on:
  • Andrew has successfully made himself disliked by many. Most think that he's the saboteur as he clowns around a lot. As the feeds went live, he lifted the blanket covering Annie and yelled, "Gyno exam!" That's a great way to impress the women, eh?
  • They've already had nominations -- Brendon and Rachel are on the block. Hayden is targeting Brendon. Apparently he thinks Brendon is the saboteur.
  • I personally would target Rachel. She's beyond annoying.
  • Kathy is all bruised up from "both" comps. Hmm. Must have been a food comp.
  • They have alcohol.
  • Monet, Enzo and Andrew were picked to play for veto with Hayden, Brendon and Rachel.
  • They're worried that if Andrew wins HOH next, he's a safe saboteur.
  • Enzo said that he will respect the HOH selection. If he wins, he won't use the veto. Of course, he's open to discussion.
  • Kathy had a long bonding talk with Annie.
  • Later, Monet and Kathy talked about how nasty Annie was to Kathy.
  • Kathy seems to be mingling well with others.
  • No one really really wants to talk with Brendon a lot.
  • He preached Buddhism by the hot tub.
  • Brendon, eye candy that he is, is a bit boring.
  • Andrew knows people are shunning him. Andrew said there's a gang against him. When he told Enzo how bad it is to have everyone stop talking when he enters a room, Enzo tried to give him some advice.
  • Then Enzo told both Lane and Annie (separately) how Andrew is annoying and has to go, reporting that he came to him.
  • Kathy told Andrew that she's on his side. Hmmm. I'm not sure about that!
  • Matt, Enzo and Hayden have allied with each other. They plan to keep it a secret and "talk smack" about each other so no one will know.
  • I know.
  • Kathy is so bad at comps that they predict she'll be on slop all the time she's in the house.
  • Oh geez ... no wonder Brendon and Rachel say they won't campaign against each other ... they're making out. @@
  • I've lost any respect I had for Brendon. He let flotation devices sway him to the dark side.
  • A few are still awake as I post this, but they're nodding off in general.

Thursday, July 08, 2010

'Big Brother 12' - Talking Live Feeds and Pools

Apparently the live feeds aren't going to go live until after the show airs on the West Coast. As a result, my first live feeds report will be in the wee hours of the morning. For those who are new here, my feeds reporting tends to be sort of a Reader's Digest condensed version of the happenings. Since I'm one person, a blow by blow reporting just isn't possible. I gather what I think is most important or what catches my fancy as I watch, then post about it.

My regular live feeds posting schedule will likely be three reports a day -- early morning, early evening, and late evening (based on East Coast timing). When there's an endurance comp, I'm usually there for the duration posting screen caps from the feeds and reporting the results. But, tonight, once they come on, I really need some time to gather feed report fodder!

Of course, any readers with the live feeds may feel free to post what they're watching in this post until I get up the first feeds report of the season!

Also, Lisanne has graciously volunteered to run the blog pool this season. If you've already signed up on the show party post, she should have you on the list. If not, speak up here.

I've written my TV Squad season premiere review, but it hasn't gone live yet. I'm not sure when an editor will get it scheduled, but it should show up on either the TV Squad Big Brother link or my writer link there once it goes live.

11:58 PM ET - Feeds are live!

It sounds like Hayden put Brendon on the block, not sure who else. Woohoo! Rachel (Boobs Galore) is on the block with him! Kathy and Annie are talking -- they say that Brendon says he won't campaign against Rachel. Oh, geez. Why not? They do NOT like Andrew! Right when the feeds went live, he ran to Annie, pulled up the blanket she had covering her and yelled, "Gyno exam!"

First screen cap of the season ...

My review of the premiere is up on TV Squad.

Big Brother 12 - Season Premiere Blog Party Post

big brother,jackiestvblog

Yes! It's finally here -- a new season of Big Brother! As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with major happenings. My full review of the show will be posted over on TV Squad at a later time. The real fun of this all is the comments area. Everyone is invited to jump in with your thoughts as the show airs or afterward. Remember, it's okay to trash the hamsters on the show, but please treat others here in the community with respect. Not everyone is going to have the same favorites or see the same things on the show. That's part of the entertainment!

The community here is second to none. I haven't heard yet from Margo on a blog pool. Unfortunately, I'm going to have a lot on my plate for the next few months and don't dare extend myself. But if someone wants to take it on, it's relatively simple. Blog commenters ask to be in the pool, their names are shuffled and hamsters are drawn, and they cheer on that hamster as long as they're in the house. As the hamsters are eliminated, the pool results are posted with the show entry. We don't really offer any prizes, but there are those bragging rights!

The show's about to start here on the East Coast. Get your snacks and drinks and let's watch us some new hamsters!

Whoa ... over 15 minutes before the first commercial break. So far, we had intros and they're in the house. Julie told them there's a saboteur. Hmmm ... I don't know. Lane is quietly suspicious, but I think he's quiet and perhaps not all that bright anyway. I know. That was mean, but he said he's not smart first!

HOH has them riding slippery huge hot dogs across a giant grill. If they fall, do over, teams of two. Britney hurt her knee, commercial.

Hayden won HOH, Money won MoneY - 10 grand.

The saboteur turned off the lights, then locked the storage room so everyone has to eat slop.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Countdown to Big Brother 12

big brother,jackiestvblog

It's a new season and the esteemed (and talented) Zoetawny has made a new blog logo for us! I want to welcome back BB friends and give a nod to those who stay year 'round, as well as extend an invitation to new folks who might stop by. This blog is a great place to be for the summer season and I thank everyone for joining in on the community that's grown here!

I've been poking around my SuperPass, checking out the cast interviews and tonight's Happy Hour with Chelsia (BB9) and Missy (no BB). Basically I'm coming away with the thoughts of "meow meow Mafia" in my mind. I'm not so sure that's a good thing.

It looks like the feeds themselves (which start tomorrow night after the premiere) are actually going to be better quality this season. They're using FlashPlayer instead of the RealPlayer itself. That seems to have knocked out the BBReloader, something I've used in past years to record the video. There are ways to record FlashPlayer videos, but I'm not going to invest big bucks when it's likely YouTube will take any longer videos down.

Here's some of the skinny and my observations:
  • According to one interview I saw with Julie Chen, the saboteur twist is only set to last for five weeks. If the player lasts the five weeks, he/she wins the 50 grand. What is up in the air is whether that player will leave the game at that time or stay in the house.
  • Chelsia didn't care much at all for Monet -- she said she's empty upstairs and, after the interview, she just went off to sit in a corner not talking. I actually had a better impression after watching interviews with her, now I'm wondering again.
  • Jeff and Jordan are still together. I knew you wanted to know.
  • There originally was a 14th houseguest, but she got cold feet and dropped out.
  • Janelle and Jordan will be hosting their own shows on SuperPass this season. That's in addition to the Happy Hour thing.
  • They're having the Have/Have Nots again.
  • Oh my. Julie announces to them they have a saboteur! So, it's not going to be a secret for them. I just saw a clip on Entertainment Tonight.
I will be doing live feeds content here. Right now, it's still a bit up in the air for TV Squad. There have been site changes there as of late and, while they're very into the show, I'm not sure of the logistics involved for getting out information really timely. We're looking into various avenues for feeds content there and I'll keep you updated.

As for the shows, I'll be posting an entry each night when the show starts here on the East Coast. I'll update with any big news, comps won, etc., as the show airs. However, the best thing about those posts will be the community in the comments area. Everyone is welcome to chime in as the show airs or afterward with your thoughts. My full episode reviews will be posted over on TV Squad.

Right now the feeds are playing the theme music and the "be right back" screen. Above is what the new player looks like in SuperPass. You really don't need to hear the music.

Tomorrow night, 8 PM EDT ... be there here or be square. Are you ready?