Thursday, August 12, 2010

Big Brother 12 - August 12 HOH Comp Coverage

9:44 PM ET - Feeds back, sounds like Matt, Britney and Ragan are the Have Nots chosen by Brendon. Confirmed.

9:29 PM ET - Brendon and his rope through, no one else really close. The bell wouldn't ring. He started to shout something about "this is what you get when you evict ..." -- then the feeds were blocked.

9:10 PM ET. still blocked. wait, some audio.

I'm getting this post up at 9:01 PM ET. The feeds are still blocked. But when they come up, the newest news will be on the top.

Big Brother 12 - Live Eviction, HOH Episode Blog Party Post - Aug. 12

big brother,jackiestvblog

The show is about to start here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll post important updates in this entry. But the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is invited to join in with your thoughts! Later tonight (or, worst case scenario, early in the morning), my full show review will be posted over on TV Squad.

The vote:
Enzo --> Rachel
Britney --> Rachel
Kathy --> Rachel
Ragan -- Rachel
Lane --> Rachel
Hayden --> Rachel

Unanimous, Rachel is gone.

No HOH by end of show, but not really an endurance. I'll open up a separate post for it and hope the feeds come up before they finish.

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Thursday Dawn - August 12

Late night whisperings.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Day Camp Rejects:
  • Ragan and Britney trash Brendon and Rachel at practically every moment.
  • Then they go hide from them because they're scared of them.
  • Apparently the cake they had during their feeds blocked halfway party had their pictures on it.
  • Rachel saved the pieces with Brendon and herself.
  • Britney mocked that move.
  • Rachel told Brendon they have a once in a lifetime love.
  • Yeah, right. Come back and tell us in a year what's going on.
  • Hayden made programming decisions for his "Just the Tip" show he plans. Enzo is allowed a 30 second appearance, but is not allowed to take over the show.
  • The Meow Meow thinks just by appearing on it, he will take it over.
  • Rachel cried.
  • They're in lockdown and wonder why it's so long -- usually the extended lockdowns are for endurance comp set-ups.
  • I really hope it's not yet another endurance.
  • Rachel gave Brendon all of her sentimental goodies from their relationship.
  • She's sure she's leaving although the house is still trying to convince them that Brendon's going.
  • Rachel and Brendon aren't even trying to fit in with the house, exiling themselves away most of the time.
  • Matt cut Enzo's hair.
  • Enzo should keep his hat on.
  • Rachel went to the DR with her glasses on for the first time. We'll see if that makes it through editing.
  • They did the 10 PM PT "Just the Tip" show. I'm not overly impressed. But at least they're talking to us.
  • Rachel and Brendon practiced skills like dropping things straight, etc.
  • The other quizzed themselves on past comps, dates, etc.
  • If the backyard set-up is elaborate, it's not going to be a quiz.
  • Enzo said that if Kathy wins HOH, he'll circumcise himself.
  • Well, that might be interesting.
  • Taking a break from trashing Brendon and Rachel, they mocked Kathy.
  • The Brigade met up and decided if Brendon wins HOH this week, it isn't a big deal.
  • They'll just send Britney or Ragan home and go after Brendon the next week.
  • Lane, Enzo and Hayden discussed whether they'll reveal the Brigade at final six or seven.
  • The three stooges were up most of the night, just heading to bed as I post this.
  • Rachel should be leaving with a 6-0 vote tonight.
  • Enzo and Hayden are going to tell Brendon the house pressured them.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Wednesday Live Feeds - August 11

Brendon shows his love by painting Rachel's toenails.

Today was SO uneventful ... well, except for a few things. Here's da skinny:
  • Britney and Ragan complained about Brendon and Rachel's behavior.
  • Brendon and Rachel complained that Britney hasn't washed dishes since she entered the house.
  • I do seem to recall that she has, but not all that often.
  • Britney and Ragan trashed Brendon and Rachel, mostly to each other but to whomever would listen.
  • Matt got his HOH camera and he included Rachel and Brendon in his shots.
  • Britney later talked tried talking him into deleting the photos of them.
  • Ragan and Britney hatched a plan to move around things in the house to get Brendon and Rachel studying the wrong things thinking it's for the HOH comp.
  • Ragan found out that if things are movable, they can do it. Things like the flamingos attached to the floor, no.
  • Britney cried some. Rachel cried some.
  • The Meow Meow didn't cry.
  • There was another saboteur video message (blocked to the feeds).
  • It said (along the lines of): True love conquers all. Don't sweat who goes home tomorrow, neither may leave.
  • Of course, it's like the lifelong friends saboteur lie.
  • But now they're thinking that Rachel is not only the saboteur but she might have a power like the coup d'etat.
  • The feeds were blocked for their big halfway mark party and even Kathy could eat.
  • The season's half over? Heck, it just started getting decent!
  • Enzo, Hayden and Matt tried to make up a code for speaking but the BB voice said, "Stop that!"
  • Brendon keeps encouraging Rachel.
  • And we're back to Rachel crying yet again.

Matt's tats

Big Brother 12 - POV/Jeff and Jordan Return Show Blog Party - Aug. 11

big brother,jackiestvblog

The show is about to start here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll post important updates in this entry. But the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is invited to join in with your thoughts! Later tonight (or, worst case scenario, early in the morning), my full show review will be posted over on TV Squad.

Just a quick live feeds note -- the feeds were boring and quiet today until another saboteur video occurred (blocked to the feeds). This one hinted that neither Brendon nor Rachel would walk out the door. I'm feeling it's a lie like the one about lifelong friends. It happened too close to the show for an actual post. I'll recap the feeds late tonight.

Kathy knocked Rachel out in the first round of POV. (Jeff and Jordan hosting.) Britney knocked Brendon out. After they were out, all had fun with Britney winning in the end. Drama, drama and Britney did not use the power of veto to save either of them.

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Wednesday Morning - August 11


Enzo's reaction as Brendon screams at Ragan and Britney in back of him.

Brendon's talk to the Internet after he screamed at Britney and Ragan and then couldn't get to Rachel as she was in the Diary Room.

Putting on a show for the Internet explaining the recent brouhaha in the house. Alas, the view is from the back because the camera in the front would only focus on one at a time, not a group shot.

There. Have I whetted your appetite for the most recent brouhaha in the house? I hate to admit it because it really makes me a bit of a mean girl ... but my whole reaction to this dramatic event was a bit like Enzo's. I had to hold the giggles in. Here's what went down:
  • It was a relatively peaceful evening in the yard, another pool tournament (yawn) in motion.
  • Rachel and Brendon are still working on the "Vote out Brendon because he's a meanie-pants while Rachel is simply a dear heart who's so misunderstood. She deserves to be here!" plan.
  • With that in mind, Rachel wants to smooth things out between herself and Ragan, Britney to a lesser amount.
  • Now, Ragan isn't having any of the apology bit. He told her that he doesn't like the drama and that every drama in the house has a common denominator -- Rachel.
  • Ragan isn't loud, nor really rude. Yet he definitely was condescending.
  • Britney joined in to agree with Ragan as he continued.
  • Rachel kept pushing them by claiming she never did the things they said she did.
  • But she did laugh maniacally at Ragan the night before. She did. I saw it. The house saw it. Perhaps Ragan attaches too much dramatic significance to behaviors like this, but it happened.
  • "Never happened!" said Rachel. The denial of things which had happened continued. Ragan told her that he wanted to be surrounded by fierce competitors in the comps, then be able to relax and play pool with them later.
  • Ragan told her she was a poor sport when she wins, gloating it over everyone and a poor sport when she loses, crying and pouting. No one wants to be around her in either scenario. She needs to adjust her behaviors and she'd have less of a problem getting along in the house.
  • He is right on that bit. Her mood swings are so predictable and she never seems to really get over things.
  • Rachel teared up, apologized for EVERYTHING and said she was sorry for ruining his game. Then she ran into the house to the Diary Room before the tears overflowed and caused flood warnings.
  • Brendon, only knowing that Rachel was upset and heard a mention of his name (Ragan mentioned Brendon calling him a "pussy" to Rachel), ran out to the hammock where Britney, Ragan and now Kathy were.
  • He lit into them, really! He started screaming and yelling at them, full of expletives! WOW! I didn't know he had it in him.
  • Ragan called him a "neanderthal."
  • Brendon corrected his pronunciation.
  • All the time Brendon was screaming at Ragan and Britney (Kathy had quickly jumped up and ran to safety), Enzo was probably less than fifty feet away by the pool table with Lane and Hayden. His back was to the brouhaha. It was all he could do to keep from guffawing.
  • The glee in Enzo's eyes was priceless. It's obvious that he relishes this kind of thing in the house as it takes him totally off the radar.
  • After screaming at them a bit more, Brendon headed towards the house with Britney on his tail.
  • Towering over her, he sputtered something about her being three feet tall. She sputtered back at him.
  • He went in and looked all over the house for Rachel, finally deciding she was in the diary room.
  • The diary room wouldn't let him in.
  • So he addressed the cameras pleading his case and explaining his outburst.
  • He's in love and he KNOWS they picked on her (even though he really has no clue what was said by anyone).
  • He's going to defend his love no matter what.
  • She doesn't deserve such treatment and never does anything wrong.
  • They're all so mean to her and she has never been mean in the house.
  • Kathy came through to check for "libations" in the storage room.
  • Since she's not Britney and Ragan, he didn't scream at her.
  • Coming out with two bottles of wine and maybe five beers, he asked that she leave both bottles of wine for Rachel and him (Rachel still in DR).
  • She left them on the kitchen island and headed out the door, letting Britney in on her way out.
  • Britney snagged the bottles, said something about all of the liquor going outside and put them with the rest by the pool table.
  • Brendon went out, grabbed the white wine and brought it back into the kitchen, took the corkscrew and opened it.
  • Kathy came in for the corkscrew only to find out that Brendon hid it in his pocket and didn't want to give it to them. But he gave it to her without argument when she said something about sinking to their level.
  • Rachel eventually came out of the DR. Brendon and Rachel went over the fight and how mean everyone is over and over again as they drank their wine in one of the bedrooms.
  • Hayden, Kathy, Britney and Ragan put on an Internet show in the HOH room (and to Matt) reenacting the events of the evening, offered with a bit more relish just to spice things up.
  • Enzo, Hayden and, to a lesser degree, Kathy, are sitting pretty in Rachel and Brendon's eyes.
  • Ragan, Matt and Britney are cockroaches according to Brendon.
  • He will squash them.
  • Brendon is SO brainwashed by Rachel. While Britney and Ragan tend to exaggerate her behaviors, Rachel has a lot of serious emotional and people skills issues. Brendon, though his earlier "talks" with Rachel showed he knows there are issues, now is blind to anything she does wrong.
  • Ragan also addressed the Internet on his own, explaining his stance. Now, he's beginning to remind me a bit too much of a know-it-all guy I know, so I should zip my lip.
  • Suffice it to say that he's not perfect either.
  • But Rachel's behaviors have been really manic, that I will say. She needs that house shrink they have on staff.
  • That was about it for the excitement of the night.
  • Finally, a brouhaha which lasted more than two minutes and really caught my attention. I wanted to go make popcorn in the middle of it for my viewing pleasure.

Hey, Rachel ... not that I'm one to give advice. But did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, it's those SOCKS? I'm jus' sayin' ...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Tuesday Night - August 10

What? I haven't posted since early morning? Yikes! Well, y'see ... so much in the house this season is a bit of deja vu all over again. You know ... lather, rinse, repeat. And repeat and repeat. Here are today's happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Billiards Buffoons:
  • BB actually woke them up before 9 AM their time. Oh my.
  • Enzo sees through floater Kathy's all of a sudden joining in on the brigade against Brendon and Rachel now that it's the thing to do.
  • Not The Brigade, just your basic generic brigade, mind you.
  • With actual The Brigade discussions, no matter how "close" they seem, Ragan and Britney aren't a part of the circle jer... um, inner circle.
  • That was horrible of me, but I couldn't resist. My apologies.
  • The plan remains to let Brendon and Rachel think they're voting out Brendon.
  • But they'll be voting out Rachel.
  • They practiced their memory testing questions. Some are so obscure they could never be used on the show.
  • Rachel thinks they might still be planning to get rid of her even after Brendon's big mean POV meeting speech.
  • Britney and Ragan continued to trash talk Brendon and Rachel.
  • Rachel continued to whine that everyone hates her.
  • Brendon continued to patronize Rachel in an annoying and condescending way.
  • They all napped at one time or another.
  • I couldn't nap. My boss hates it when I do that.
  • Lane and Matt think that Rachel is the saboteur. Lane is sure of it because the sequence of who changes their batteries when changed.
  • It must be a conspiracy.
  • I can see Rachel over there on the grassy knoll now.
  • No one suspects Ragan.
  • Then again, the saboteur has only released a video and no havoc.
  • They played pool.
  • Rachel talked about Las Vegas.
  • Brendon told Hayden not to trust Lane because he's the saboteur.
  • Hayden told Lane that Brendon thinks he (Lane) is the saboteur.
  • That's just silly thinking!
  • Brendon is trying to torment the hamsters, but he is so not an Evel Dick.
  • Rachel thinks everyone hates her.
  • Rinse and repeat.

Big Brother 12 - LIve Feeds Into Tuesday Morning - August 10

Matt is his usual stance, hand down the pants.

It's another evening gone by with Rachel and Brendon on the block and a saboteur loose in the house. Now, I'm kind of wondering when the saboteur is going to get down to business. But Rachel and Brendon are certainly letting their presence be known! Here's what's happened in that Big Brother House of Splitting Soulmates:
  • Lots of trash talk about Rachel and Brendon, often with Britney and Ragan leading the brigade.
  • No, not THAT Brigade. Just your basic everyday brigade.
  • Rachel told Kathy what a dear, sweet person she (Rachel) is in "real life."
  • Brendon didn't back down from his POV speech in which he called Matt a snake, Ragan two-faced and Britney a spoiled brat.
  • Rachel and Brendon are still hoping to turn the vote to Brendon getting evicted instead of Rachel as she has a better chance of winning.
  • Yet another pool tournament went down. I'm so tired of watching them play pool!
  • Kathy told the HOH group (all of the house except herself, Rachel and Brendon) that Rachel's feelings were hurt that she wasn't invited to join them.
  • Rachel cried.
  • Brendon, despite his meanie act, still cooks for others.
  • Kathy, Ragan, Lane and Hayden cleaned the kitchen. Enzo took credit for it.
  • He was joking, but Enzo is really a slacker!
  • Matt thinks Rachel went through his bags. Of course, no one knows that he has the Diamond Veto hidden away.
  • BB gave them more alcohol.
  • Rachel said that Enzo and Hayden are the only ones who have ever made an effort to be nice to them (Brendon and herself) in the house.
  • Enzo and Hayden are playing an excellent social game.
  • Rachel is not.
  • Rachel has apparently been prying in the Diary Room about Matt's mysterious $1 Pandora's Box ... we got bubbles.
  • Brendon noted that it's a "recycled prize."
  • Brendon thinks the big alliance in the house is Britney, Matt, Lane and Ragan.
  • Everyone is still leading Brendon and Rachel to believe it will be Brendon going out the door Thursday.
  • It won't be Brendon.
  • Rachel has some kind of idea in her head and is all excited about it, not telling Brendon, wanting to get information out of the Diary Room ... I haven't clue.
  • Neither does Brendon.
  • Brendon is ticked that she won't tell him what's going on.
  • She said she can't talk about her Diary Room sessions.
  • Brendon grabbed the rules book for the house and brought it to where they're sleeping.
  • Rachel and Brendon read some sections, like the one about not singing, and eventually went to sleep.
  • I have no idea what's going on with Rachel. I tend to think the excitement's in her own head, not anything which actually transpired in the DR.
  • They're all asleep as I post this.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Survivor: Nicaragua Cast Announced

The CBS website is live and the cast has been officially announced. The spoilers had it right. I'm not going to be able to watch Jimmy Johnson without thinking of those late night ads for male enhancement pills. Ack! I'm posting the "Meet the Cast" video here and, as I have time, I'll be taking a closer look. You KNOW I'm going to be cheering on the older tribe!

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Monday Daytime - August 9

Rachel did this ...

... just so she could do this and mess it up.

The big news of the day is that Britney didn't use the power of veto. But we already knew she wouldn't use it. But ... there is some related news to the PoV meeting.
  • After several of the hamsters were up most of the night, BB woke them up a bit after 9 AM their time.
  • The vote is still planned to be 6-0 for a Rachel eviction.
  • Lane promised that if Matt's in the finals with Enzo or Hayden and he (Lane) is on the jury, he'll vote Matt for the win for his sick wife.
  • Hopefully, if that's the case, Lane will snap Matt like a twig when he finds out the wife disease is a lie.
  • They had the veto meeting.
  • Apparently Brendon and Rachel kicked in their plan to alienate Brendon from the house so that they'll vote to keep Rachel.
  • He insulted Britney and Lane (and probably more) in his veto speech.
  • Rachel cried, horrified at Brendon's behavior.
  • Yeah, right.
  • Brendon and Rachel think their plan is working.
  • The others see through it, plan to let Brendon and Rachel think they're changing their minds for a Brendon eviction.
  • Then they'll unanimously vote out Rachel.
  • Everyone except Kathy, Rachel and Brendon are in HoH going over questions for the upcoming comp (which they think will be a quiz).
  • Rachel is sucking up to Kathy.
  • That's about it for now.
  • I haven't seen anything from the saboteur and no one is thinking Ragan.

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Monday Morning - August 9

We didn't expect earthshaking developments and we didn't get them. Here's the latest from inside the Big Brother House of Delayed Emotional Growth:
  • They played yet another pool tournament.
  • When Rachel joined the others, her fake loud laugh became even more fake and louder.
  • Brendon and Rachel talked more about wishing they could get Britney to use the veto.
  • Brendon thinks he should be the one to leave because she stands a better chance of winning.
  • Like Brendon or Rachel have a choice in the matter, eh?
  • Once again Rachel offered Britney the $5,000 to use the veto.
  • If she doesn't want to use it on her, use it on Brendon!
  • No, no, a hundred times no.
  • Britney said that using it on Brendon is using it and she's not planning on using the veto at all.
  • Rachel told Enzo that he and Hayden will be targets after she and Brendon are gone.
  • Rachel thinks Enzo is playing a good social game. She thinks she's not doing well with the social game.
  • You think?
  • BB gave them alcohol.
  • Rachel got drunk.
  • She did a stripper routine in the kitchen, then went on to make her bed in her underwear looking so naked-ish that I couldn't use it as a screen cap on this blog.
  • Now Regan, Matt, Hayden, Lane and Enzo are in HOH talking about how embarrassing her behavior was and how bad it is for Brendon, too.
  • They don't think they'll last as a couple outside of the house.
  • I don't think so either!
  • Brendon is saying he's going to go all Evel Dick on the house if Rachel goes.
  • Brendon never watched that season, so he's only heard tales.

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Nominations Show Blog Party - August 8

big brother,jackiestvblog

Look! Zoetawny made us a new saboteur logo! She rocks, right?

The show is about to start here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll post important updates in this entry. But the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is invited to join in with your thoughts! Later tonight (or, worst case scenario, early in the morning), my full show review will be posted over on TV Squad.

In HOH - Kathy jumped and took the slop. Enzo decided to let his boys handle the dirty work and jumped. Brendon is down -- Rachel is ticked at him. Lane, Britney and Hayden down 1, 2, 3. Matt and Ragan remain. Ragan down, Matt wins HOH.

Matt took the diamond power of veto and opened Pandora's Box. Made up a lie about the prize - $1. Ragan accepted the new saboteur role.

Rachel and Brendon are on the block.

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Sunday Daytime - August 8

I mean, seriously, who wears these things? I know that they're limited in their clothes, but Matt wears this daily. Then he changes into his BB-given footy pajamas.

Usually Sundays are totally uneventful in the house. But, that was the norm when there wasn't a (:::dramatic music:::) ... saboteur! Yes, today had another saboteur video. This time it was blocked to the feeds. The message it shared with the hamsters hinted that they should keep Rachel. Now they're all thinking the saboteur is Rachel because she's the only one who would benefit from it.

I don't have much to report on, but here's the other news of the day:
  • Matt once again told Rachel it was just gameplay that he put Brendon and her on the block.
  • She thinks it is personal, everyone hates her, she's had to fight from day one to stay in the house and so on.
  • Rachel told Matt that Britney turned down the $5,000 offer to buy her use of the veto.
  • Then Rachel went off crying.
  • Rachel and Kathy talked calmly.
  • Most just want to avoid the drama which is Rachel.
  • The HOH gang plus Ragan and Britney had a discussion of how the saboteur (whom they believe to be Rachel) was chosen.
  • They decided if BB chose it, it would be somebody they spotlight on the show (for good or bad).
  • If America chose it, it could be either the villain of the season (to mess with their game) or a favorite player.
  • Ragan is still under no suspicion whatsoever.
  • Matt had stayed up late watching the HOH cam and saw nothing happen.
  • They're nonchalantly "studying" for a BB house knowledge comp which they expect is due Thursday.
  • That's the sort of thing Rachel is great at, Brendon not so much.
  • Of the crew I've been watching, the only ones seriously into it are Britney and Ragan. Britney's knowledge is better than Ragan's on the counts of things.
  • I haven't heard any odd statistics from the BB voice to the hamsters this season -- laps in the pool or around the yard to make a mile, number of windows.
  • Matt is good at comps and time sequences.
  • Stop on back for the show post a bit later tonight -- 8 PM ET!

Big Brother - Live Feeds Into Sunday Morning, Aug. 8

Most of the night seemed to be the same old stuff once again:
  • More pool tournaments.
  • BB, get that pool table out of there!
  • Rachel is still on the "splitting up love" bit.
  • Yet she had absolutely no problem putting Hayden and Kristen on the block.
  • Hayden is playing a good social game. He seems to worm his way into everywhere and everybody. Even Rachel and Brendon like him ... as much as Rachel can like someone in a house where everyone hates her.
  • Rachel is definitely on the edge. She's chowing down on junk food all the time and even making things up.
  • Matt and Rachel had an encounter in which he apologized for putting them on the block and told her it wasn't personal, just a game decision.
  • She told Brendon that Matt told her she was leaving this week.
  • Brendon is the more rational of the two, so Matt told him what really went down.
  • When Brendon passed by Rachel in the yard again, she repeated that Matt told her she's going home.
  • That gal has issues.
  • Ragan started to try to talk to us "Live Feeders" but when he started out with breaking down in the diary room, we got blocked.
  • They're still going towards getting Rachel out this week because she's stronger in comps.
  • They think a quiz comp is next -- Rachel has studied, Brendon is all but clueless.
  • Brendon and Rachel had sex and mocked the other hamsters.
  • The other hamsters mocked Brendon and Rachel, but had no sex.
  • I bet we're going to rinse and repeat these scenes until Thursday.

Off Topic - That Was the Week it Was - August 8, 2010

It's Sunday morning, time for an off television topic trip back through the week gone by in words and photos I've taken. If you're looking for Big Brother news, check out the previous post(s) and another one will be going up later this morning.

I realize I sound like a broken record, but it's been hot and humid again for most of the week. On Thursday the humidity broke and I actually enjoyed a night with the windows open and fresh air. If I had my druthers, I'd always choose fresh air over air conditioning. But, somewhere on the path of life, I've lost my druthers ... so the world does what it wants and I just have to go with the flow.

In the city (Manhattan) this weekend, they're having their Summer Streets festival this weekend and the next two. They close down certain streets to motor vehicles and it becomes a big walk mall, biking path, etc. This year they introduced dumpster pools. It gives dumpster diving a new meaning (although diving is prohibited). When I brought trash out to my own dumpster in the high heat of the week, I thought ... hmmm ... swimming? Ew. No.

In my town they brought Al Sharpton in as a speaker to one of the city meetings. I didn't attend, but really question why he was paid to come. As I mentioned before, this summer has seen many gang-related shootings. But, as an observer, I don't think it's race related, nor would it even be in Al Sharpton's personal universe for his commentary. The man is wealthy. True, he's an interesting speaker. But he's so far removed from the world of the real streets and gang issues that I doubt it was worth the cost of having him speak.

I don't have the answers myself and I'm more familiar with what's happening daily. It's not an issue which can be solved overnight and it may take generations to get things right again, if ever. There have to be changes in parenting, education, job availability to youth and attitude in general. People must find their compassion once again. Life isn't a shoot 'em up video game. Freedom needs to be a better option than thug life. I don't know the fix. Life isn't always easy even when you work steady and do the right thing. But it's so much better than the alternative. Every life has a value.

Oh, well ... onto my photos of the week -- clicking on an image will open it larger in a new window:

New Jersey Cowboy

This man lives down the street from me. I used to walk by him struggling on his crutches for more than a few years. Now he has an electric wheelchair and is able to scoot by me. He always wears cowboy hats, not the same one and none ever look new. We've always chatted on our encounters. He's always pleasant and I'll always remember that he once told me that I was one of the "good and beautiful people" because I take the time to greet him and chat whenever we meet.

Oh, a fire engine!

What's up with that? Church Street and East Second Street in Plainfield.

Where there's smoke ...

... there's firemen and food! While I missed the events near the library yesterday as the PBA put on a huge festival, I caught the fire department's free food, music, and stuff for the kids event as I walked home from the train station after work. It was like a huge cookout with chicken, burgers, hot dogs ... all free! Plus they were cranking out old time Motown music.

I tend to "name" people I often see on the streets with nicknames. For example, there's a man I think of as "James Whitmore Eyebrow Man." Well, at this little fire department party, there was the "Pips Man." I've seen him since I came to town ... walking along with a late-60s Afro, polyester pants, retro shoes. Last night he danced up a storm, all by himself. I've never seen the man even talk! He always seems so intent on getting wherever he's going. Yet, he cut a fine rug all by himself last night. Alas, he was moving too fast and I didn't get a clear photo.

I had a burger and several folks I know in town gravitated over to sit with me. So many people define this town by its past history with racial divide and its present gang problems. I define it as a place where I encounter friendly folks and feel welcomed. Last night was a fine affair for families, children, and even the local TV blogger. The kids got fire hats, coloring books and other goodies; the adults got food, several tables and chairs to sit, chat, and have a good time. There were no problems or gangs.

NJ Transit, the Way to Go

Yeah, it's the way to go LATE all summer again as they do track work. Still, it's better than getting stuck in traffic here where it's so densely populated. Plainfield Train Station.

Push Me Pull You

This is the train on the other track. As you can see, there's an engineer (in a pink shirt!) driving the train. We're a diesel line and the first train I pictured is the car with the engine/motor/whatever. However, the trains are set up so that either end can drive. It makes sense as you don't want to get to your destination and then have to turn around the train, right? The engineer (driver) is the only employee I ever see on NJT who's not in uniform.

Whose train is 40 minutes late?

Mine, of course. That's pretty bad as the trains only run once an hour on Saturdays. Plainfield Train Station, edited for the black & white/color effect.

Me and My Shadow

Well, it's not ME ... it's THAT GUY. An urban shot taken on North Street in Plainfield (as I waited for a late train).

Cornered by the Jesus Lady

The one guy looks like he wishes he could be anywhere else! The Latina Jesus Ladies are out in full force downtown every day of the week, passing out brochures and saving souls. Watchung Avenue and North Street, Plainfield.

Free from care
Free from sin
The Saints are trooping in
The children play all around the throne
Innocent of sin
A trillion voices sing the name
The mortals may not know
And Heaven's walls are too high to hear
The trouble down below

If I'm late don't wait
Go on without me
I may tarry awhile
Cause I need to know
Before I go
How come the Devil smiles
-- "Step by Step" by Jesse Winchester

Sunflower in the sky

Backlighted by the sun. East Front Street, Plainfield.

Black-eyed Susan

Why aren't any flowers named "Jackie"? The senior citizen building across the street from me has an impressive garden of these. East Front Street, Plainfield.

Lots of Susans!

I will NOT miss the music next month!

This is one of the several ice cream trucks which prowl my Jersey 'hood. This one isn't as irritating as another whose music stops, then you hear "HELLO, HELLO" and the music starts all over once again. I have no clue the cost from these trucks. I know if I had kids, I'd be buying store brand Popsicles from the supermarket rather than investing. East Front Street, Plainfield.


Why, it's a satellite news truck set up by the Police Department/Court building on Watchung Avenue in Plainfield. I haven't a clue why they were there. I believe it might have had something to do with National Night Out (this was taken Tuesday after work). But those festivities were a few blocks up the street at the City Hall building. As it's the Spanish-speaking station and they always talk way too fast for me to understand, I didn't check it out on television.

I want that camera

More Urban Cowboys

This isn't Enzo's New Jersey, as you can tell.

Get Bent

That was a childhood insult I never quite understood. However, it fits this bike which is locked up but abandoned at the Bound Brook Train Station.

Get Bent Redux

The stinkhorn mushrooms have gone wild with just a smidgen of rain. But they all do this after their burst of growth.

Pudgy goldfinch on a wire

The gold finch is the state bird, but I don't see them in town often. They're late maters, so I believe this pudgy one is a young 'un. East Front Street, Plainfield

But ... but ... there's more goldfinches!

I was a distance away, but caught three of them resting on the East Front Street sunflowers!

Golden sunshine

Sunflowers and goldfinches ... perfect together.

Chickadee in a tree

Despite the fact that birds will take over the world, I went on a bird photo stint. This tree at the Plainfield Train Station is slowly dying. I don't know if it's the lack of rain or just an ill tree. But with the leaves the way they are, I thought the shot turned out well.

What is going on with that beak?

From cute birds to ugly beaks. Now, I often admire the pigeon's feathers, but their beaks are so often all jacked-up.

Vincent! Wake up! There's BIRDS!

Yet he sleeps on. Hmmm ... that looks like a good idea -- a cat nap!

How was your week?

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Saturday Live Feeds - Aug. 7


"The competitions are made for little people!"

It's a SECRET ... shh!

When I last left you, Rachel and Brendon were on the block. The backyard had a small bowling lane (obviously for little people with little balls) set up so that the hamsters could practice for POV. And here's the tale of what has happened since then in the Big Brother House of Misguided Malcontents:
  • Not long after they got up, they had to pick players for the veto.
  • Unknown to just about everyone, Ragan has to use his veto ticket this week. So, Ragan must play.
  • Although blocked to the feeds, the hamsters later squeaked about it -- Enzo, Britney and Kathy ... plus Ragan.
  • Lane's getting irked because he never gets chosen to play for veto.
  • Enzo says that when they announce the saboteur, he's going to tell him/her it was a punk move accepting it.
  • Hayden told the other that, from his conversations with them, he doesn't think either Rachel or Brendon are the saboteur.
  • Nobody's guessing Ragan is.
  • There was an extended feeds block with the "secret game" screen while they played for veto.
  • When the feeds returned ...
  • Oh. Did I shout that?
  • Britney won veto
  • Jeff and Jordan made their appearance at the veto comp.
  • The main group thinks that neither Jeff nor Jordan like Rachel and Brendon. They said once when Rachel started talking trash, Jeff told her, "Whoa! Put your claws back in!"
  • Meow!
  • Britney said she won't use the veto.
  • Rachel is crushed.
  • Brendon is defeated.
  • Rachel is deflated ... well, except for her chest. Her bubble has been burst.
  • Rachel tried to offer the $5000 to Britney to use the veto to save her, no go.
  • Enzo said how good-looking Jeff and Jordan are in person.
  • I guess the veto had to be done with rounds and picking people to go against them.
  • Rachel told Kathy she chose her because she thought she could beat her.
  • She didn't.
  • Kathy must have gloated because Rachel freaked out about it.
  • They tried telling her it was like Rachel's own behavior when she won HOH.
  • Rachel thinks it's entirely different.
  • Probably because the shoe is on the different foot.
  • Maybe a size 13 one?
  • Rachel is definitely the target this week. They tend to think of Brendon as a doofus who rarely does well at comps.
  • Enzo thinks Brendon and Rachel should name their alliance "Wah-Wah."
  • Rachel is miserable. Brendon is still at her. I think she wants to be left alone for a while.
  • They are SO not going to make it as a couple outside of the house.
  • So now all the excitement is over. The only thing coming up will be the veto meeting in which Britney won't use the veto.
  • I guess we can watch Rachel and Brendon fall to pieces over the next few days.
  • Rachel is going on about the breaking up of couples as I finish typing this.
  • Um. Pot, kettle, black. Wasn't it Rachel who broke up Hayden and Kristen?
  • But when she does it, it's fine.

Happy Meow Meow