Friday, August 05, 2011

Big Brother 13 - The Live Feeds Trashbag Wedding

Apparently they didn't have time for it in the show, but CBS has put an edited version of the trashbag wedding of Rachel and Brendon up on the website. Here it is for your enjoyment:

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Big Brother 13 8/04 Live Eviction/HoH Episode Blog Party


The show is about to start here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll update this entry with major events. But the real fun is in the comments and I hope you all join in!

Tonight's show should be VERY interesting!

Rachel is crying. Oh wait ... that's par for the course and not a major update.

Evel Dick commentary on Daniele's gameplay ... he thinks she's playing badly. He thinks she's playing too hard, too fast.

Pre-vote spech time -- Brendon -- Shout-outs to family and love of Rachel, cries (gag), cries some more. Jordan -- Long week, stressful, wants to be here and with Jeff, loves them all, vote who you think will get you further in the game.

The votes to evict --
Jeff -- Brendon (duh)
Rachel -- Jordan (duh)
Commercial break.
Kalia -- Brendon
Adam -- Brendon
Porsche -- Jordan
Lawon -- Brendon
Shelly -- Brendon

No surprises there. Brendon is evicted. YAY! Now he's crying to Julie.

New twist - gather in living room. Think carefully about how you play the game this week because the next houseguest you evict might be back in the game. The previously evicted (of our choice) gets to battle next week's evicted to return. On the website.

HoH comp -- Giant chessboard on the lawn called Checkmate. Face off on podium about first three evicted HG.

Kalia eliminated Jordan ...chose Lawon and Rachel. Rachel eliminated Lawon. She chose Kalia and Adam. Kalia got it again, chose Rachel and Porsche. Rachel eliminated herself and swore by wrong answer. Jeff and Shelly -- Shelly won. Kalia and Porsche -- Kalia won, now against Shelly for HoH ...


Big Brother 13 Live Feeds - Thursday Drama 8/04

Jordan reacts to Rachel's never-ending sobbing

Shelly shoots herself over Rachel's never-ending sobbing

See! Rachel's own issues have driven the others in the house into severe psychosis! Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Psychotic Reaction:
  • Rachel has talked both about walking out with Brendon tonight and/or just quitting the competing.
  • She says she'll float and smile and laugh at everyone's jokes, won't try anymore.
  • In the midst of all of this, I did pick up her saying (before feeds were cut) that the show ruined her life last year and how they (her and Brendon) didn't even get any follow-up therapy.
  • She also said (before feeds were cut again) that the DR pretty much told her that her problems are her own fault and she's being crazy.
  • Well, um. Yes.
  • She has cried for the most part since the Daniele blow-up yesterday.
  • Wearing her rose-colored glasses for a mind trip, she claims that she honestly believed there was a chance of Brendon staying and Jordan getting voted out before that incident.
  • Huh? Sorry, gal ... but Brendon NEVER had/has a chance against Jordan. He's tainted goods. Plus, he IS a big competitive threat in the house.
  • But now, in her mind, Daniele the Super Villain has ruined the chances of Brendon staying.
  • While moping this morning saying that she's giving up competing, Shelly tried to console her and give her a pep talk.
  • No, Rachel prefers to pout, sulk, cry and use up all the toilet tissue on blowing her nose.
  • Act or not?
  • Some of it is definitely a "feel sorry for me" pity party act. But as I watch her, it makes me feel like the most psychologically balanced person in the whole world.
  • That's by comparison, of course. I have my own issues. But I'm not stupid enough to expose them to the world. After all, it could ruin my reputation, job possibilities, relations with family and friends.
  • Oh wait. That's what RACHEL did.
  • She claims that being on the show ruined her life.
  • So she went on it again.
  • All for the $750 a week stipend because she couldn't get a job because the show ruined her life.
  • She keeps going on about how she has nothing and is no good.
  • That is sad. For sure.
  • But she put herself in the situation not once, but twice.
  • Nothing Jordan or Shelly said to her sunk in.
  • She still says she isn't going to compete anymore, she'll just float along.
  • At this point, I'm dreading the leaked hamster return bit. I so hope that Brendon is indeed gone. Then we'll see if Rachel has any game without him or if she's totally hopeless.
  • Whatever the case, she's secured her stipend for the rest of the summer.
  • Unless she walks out with Brendon, that is.
  • I don't think that will happen.

Too bad, so sad.
Yeah, right.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Into Wednesday Night 8/03

"What is WRONG with you?" - to Rachel

After the house got together for last night's trashbag wedding, you'd think everything would be sunshine and lollipops today, right? Ha. Any of you folks who have been following me for a while know there's nothing I enjoy more than a good brouhaha. And, to me, the best brouhaha is one that's absolutely senseless and causes a hamster I don't enjoy to self-implode. BOOM! Some drama fo' yo' mama!

I know it's a cruel dark side of me, but it's so much better than ME acting out and making a fool of myself on television! Here's today's happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Ridiculous Rachel Rants:
  • While the day started out quiet enough, it all went to heck in a handbasket before long.
  • First, Rachel went around talking to others about how Brendon needs to stay because Jordan already won the game once.
  • It would be SO unfair if Jordan won a second time.
  • She gave the speech to Shelly, Porsche and Adam at different times.
  • Of course, word got back to Jeff and Jordan.
  • Brendon and Rachel think Jeff and Jordan have a deal with Daniele.
  • Jeff went to talk to Rachel and Brendon about not throwing others under the bus even though they're campaigning.
  • He did so very diplomatically without throwing any of the informants under said reality TV bus.
  • But that's not the brouhaha.
  • It upset Rachel, but not to the point of implosion.
  • That is yet to come.
  • And it's so darn stupid of her that I can only repeat what Daniele said to her as it was hitting the fan ...
  • "What is WRONG with you, Rachel?"
  • It all started out innocently enough.
  • Daniele told Adam and Shelly that she gave their people "shout-outs" on her HoH blog. She mentioned Adam's girlfriend and told Shelly's daughter Josie to have a good first day of school and her husband to put a heart on her hand for her.
  • I've read enough HoH blogs to know that sometimes they mention other players' people or events.
  • They do.
  • They really do.
  • Shelly stepped outside in tears at both the thoughtfulness of Daniele to mention it and missing her daughter.
  • All of a sudden, we see Rachel storming around the kitchen slamming together a sandwich or something, ignoring Porsche, Lawon and Kalia who were having fun nearby.
  • Rachel storms into the Diary Room, comes out a few minutes later, then storms up to the HoH room.
  • Getting very snotty and into a situation in men would have a "pissing contest," both went on about two HoH reigns.
  • Of course, this season the BB FOTH button pushers are very quick on the trigger.
  • If a hamster says "pro..." they hit the censor button because they think the hamster is about to talk about production.
  • Geez, they could be talking about PROstitutes!
  • Well, not in this case.
  • But Rachel did get it out that when she yelled in the DR, they said to her, "Well, why don't you go ask Daniele about it?"
  • Rachel claims that they're not allowed to "give shout-outs" for other players.
  • Daniele says no one ever stopped her from doing it before nor has anyone told her she can't.
  • So Rachel thinks Daniele is either lying to Shelly to manipulate her or just manipulating her if she did indeed write it.
  • So then it all goes outside.
  • Brendon backs his sweet Rachel as she lights into Daniele in front of everybody.
  • They both storm into the house.
  • After that, even if someone hates Daniele, they're going to be in her corner about the whole absurd scene!
  • So, the rest of the day so far has been everyone except Brenchel siding with Daniele over the outburst.
  • I'd say, while Daniele can indeed be manipulative, she probably did do the shout-outs just being nice.
  • Rachel, with her dark view of the world and lack of people skills, doesn't seem to understand that sometimes people just do the right and nice things in life without ulterior motives.
  • I hate to say this, but I do feel a bit sorry for Rachel.
  • Just a wee bit.
  • I'm sure I'll get over it.
  • Y'see, in her HOURS of crying to Brendon and saying how she screws up everything, how everybody is going to hate her even more, how she can't even get a job because people hate her, how she wants to go home ...
  • ... I felt a wee bit bad because it is sad that someone has made such a fool of herself in front of the world that their life is probably way whacked.
  • But, she returned to do it a second time.
  • So, my wee bit of sorry for her is quickly dissipating.
  • Will she DOR?
  • I doubt it.
  • But I'm very leery of this "returning" hamster tomorrow night.
  • Anyone but Brendon.
  • Please.

Jeff in the sun

Rachel tries for the elf vote

Shelly cries after hearing Daniele gave
a shout-out to her Josie on the HoH blog.

Rachel cries because ...
well, because she's Rachel
and is once again proving it.

Big Brother 13 August 3 PoV Episode Blog Party


The show is about to start here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll update this entry with major events. But the real fun is in the comments and I hope you all join in! Tonight is the Power of Veto (old news to us!) and I really hope they have the Brenchel trash wedding footage -- some of the most fun in ages with Lawon being the real star! Oh ... and if you haven't read my previous show post, take a gander. Sigh ...

On with the party!

Veto player pickin' time - Daniele, Brendon and Rachel are joined by Jeff, Adam (Rachel chose him and said it sarcastically), Porsche. Lawon is the host.

The veto is a combination of the past comps this season with Lawon wearing a huge Flava Flav clock. They have to guess the time it takes to complete a task, then the fastest guess must do the task within the time of the guess.

Rachel knocked out Adam in the first round.
Rachel knocked herself out in the second round.
Daniele knocked herself out in the third round.
Jeff came close, but knocked himself out in the fourth round.
It's between Brendon and Porsche.
Brendon wins the Power of Veto!

America's vote - coconuts and catfish, raisins and rhubarb and um ... um ... I forget.

Brendon is trying to convince everybody that he's going to save himself when he's actually planning to save his beloved Rachel. GAG.

Veto meeting time. Rachel does her little speech. He saves Rachel, perfect! Daniele, as previously discussed with Jeff and Jordan, puts Jordan in Rachel's place. It's now Jordan and Brendon on the block.

The Have Not food choice is up.