Sunday, July 03, 2011

Off Topic - That Was the Week It Was - July 3, 2011

It's Sunday morning. That means it's time for my weekly off television topic photo post (and I'm even doing it this week). Those tuning in for the Big Brother 13 posts can check the ones previous to this one (and probably after it). But this is my time to take a look back at the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken. By the way -- I can't keep that one Julie Chen video to stop autoplaying -- you have to either pause it or just hit the time link at the end of this post to bring up only this post!

I've actually been getting out this week for more than a short walk outdoors with the visiting physical therapists. On Monday I walked to the local bodega -- perhaps a long city block distance-wise. And back, of course. My walks outside are taken using a single crutch although I'm walking without any aids inside my apartment. I can walk for some distance without a limp, something I couldn't do prior to the surgery.

During the week I made a few more walks to the bodega, but my big adventure was on Friday. My friend Barbara dropped me off at my surgeon's office for my post-op follow-up x-ray staples removal visit. That went fine, the doctor's really happy with my progress, as am I.

I decided to be brave going home. I've really needed to hit up an ATM which hands out more money than the bodega's machine and wanted to say hello to some of the downtown folks. So I walked to the bus stop from the doctor's office (one of those one long block distance walks).

Not bad. I took some photos on the way. Uh-oh. I missed the bus and it was 45 minutes until the next one. Hey, there's a bench, I'll be fine. Alas, there was no shade and the temperature was near 90. Wah! I covered my knee and its new steri-strips from the sun. At one point I felt quite sick, whether from the medications I'm on or the heat, I don't know. I hadn't thought of bringing any water.

But the feeling passed and the bus came. Despite the fact that it was crowded (heading to NYC on a holiday weekend), I found the only double seat not occupied and claimed the whole thing with my crutch and stretched out right leg. No one challenged me after seeing the obvious knee (and crutch). There were standees. I didn't care.

Once I hit town, I stopped in to say hello a The Corner Store and the Plainfield Donut Shop in addition to getting a fortune some money from the local bank ATM. I then took a taxi home, sitting in the front seat as it was either that or sprawl across the back as they have practically no legroom in the back!

So, my visiting medical people visits have ended. Yay! Thursday was the last in-home PT visit. I still can't seem to get really away, though. The director of the hospital's joint surgery center called me while I was waiting in the doctor's office and the Bluecare nurse (can you guess what insurance I have) called me while I was on the bus ride home!

No more days of Vincent sucking up to the medical types! He would stand next to the PT and watch as I went through my paces. I know she was counting but I thought he was just thinking I'm crazy! He did succeed in getting on the shoulder of PT and you'd think that their visits were all about HIM!

Everyone, including myself, is thrilled with the knee's progress. My last measurement was 105 degrees range of motion. Of course, that was while sitting in a chair. I expect a bit less at the out patient PT next week as I know he does the measurement while I'm on my back. I'm still having sleep, concentration, lack of appetite things going on, but that's to be expected -- a mix of recovering from the surgical trauma and the meds. But even with those issues, this is a thousand times better than the other knee's TKR recovery!

Now that I've thoroughly bored you to death with knee talk, it's time for this week's photos. Clicking on an image will open it larger in a new winfdow, then hit you back button on your browser to return to the blog.

What? More knee?

Um. Yes. After showing the gory photo earlier this week (or was it last week?), I thought I'd show you the latest. These are my steri-strips in lieu of the staples. My knee is still very swollen and a bit more in this photo than other times as I took it after my big outing to the doctor's on Friday.

The bruising right around the knee is down. But I'm still black and blue all down the inside of my leg, especially on that side of my calf and down below my ankle. These strips fall off on their own and I'm already trimming flapping edges. My next doctor's appointment is on the 18th. They'll be gone by them!

Plainfield High School Marching Band

Since I was home and the parade goes right by my apartment, I stepped out with my one crutch and a camera for a while. One young man whom I don't really know -- we've said hello a few times in the building's hallway -- insisted I take the chair he brought down. That was so nice of him! As I had a seat, I ended up staying outside until the end of the parade although I missed the beginning.

Drummer for Jesus

This guy was actually pretty good! Alas, the "Stop the Violence" message wasn't heard in town. By afternoon the was an armed robbery at a bodega with three people shot, one fatally. Sigh. No, it wasn't my local store, thankfully. But, what a shame on a day when everyone seemed in such good spirits.

She posed for me!

Since this is Plainfield, the 4th of July parade tends to be not all fife and drum. There are so many different cultures here that the West Indian and Latin American cultures are a huge part of the parade.

In all her glory!

Mmm ... Italian Ice


In addition to the usual Black Cowboys on dancing horses, there was a Latino contingent of horse riders. Neat. I love horses but haven't ridden one in a couple of decades.

Speaking of Black Cowboys on dancing horses ...

These guys are in the parade every year. The horses do sidesteps and other fancy choreographed moves. Seeing them always brings back the child in me!

The Pollo Campero float

Delinquent vs. obediences? Hmm ...

Belly dancers?

These hat/belly people were dancing to a Latin beat.


The parade is over -- onto other stuff ...

Where's that GPS when I need it?

While waiting for the bus in Bound Brook, I spotted this guy with a dilemma.

Ah, this way!

I know it's not really safe up there for the squirrel, but his chances would be worse trying to cross the busy street.

Nifty old car!

Along with a cute driver! Mountain Avenue and Union in Bound Brook.

Does that hole go all the way through?

This tree is on Mountain Avenue in Bound Brook, in front of the old cemetery there. My knee wasn't up to crossing (then crossing back), but I'll check it out the next time.


These webs are covering the bushes at my doctor's office. In the sunlight and at the right angle, they're pretty.

Wrong angle, just creepy.

Bee in the clover!

Berckman Street, Plainfield.

Day Lily

Also on Berckman Street.

Some kind of lily

Berckman Street.

The physical therapist's assistant.

Vincent is definitely liking the fact that I'm home more. Although I still haven't gotten a full night's sleep, I'm taking many naps. Guess who's right there/on me? As long as he doesn't stand on the surgical leg, I'm good with it. I've actually felt stable enough to carry him around some on my shoulder. Happy cat.

How was your week?

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Big Brother 13 News Round-Up

Well, there isn't any official news coming from the BB13 Powers That Be, but there's surely a lot of speculation out there. One rumor is that the returning duos will be someone we love (Jeff and Jordan?), someone we hate (Brendan and Rachel? Jessie and Natalie?) and someone we love to hate (Dr. Will and Boogie? Dick and Daniele?). I just don't know. I do think Allison Grodner likes Jessie, so I'm worried ... because I never want to see him or Natalie (or Brendan and Rachel) again! Wah!

But, for the lack of real news I scouted around looking for articles and videos for you!

TVGrapevine has another Allison Grodner interview here.

Grodner clarifies the twist and throws in a few more duo names here. Amy and Marcellas I could deal with better than Rachel and Brendan or Jessie and Natalie. Even Memphis and Dan.

I guess it's a waiting game.

Friday, July 01, 2011

Big Brother 13 Cast Part 2

My apologies for not getting this up yesterday. But here are the remaining new hamsters!

Adam Poch --

Oh, a local homeboy! Adam Poch is 39, a music inventory manager (?), originally from East Brunswick, NJ but now living in Hoboken. For some reason on the bios, he's the only one with "fans." I kinda like the dude. While he makes a joke about his good looks, it came across as a joke (not like Lawon). He's loyal to his girlfriend (we'll see) and Janelle is his favorite player. At least he's not the cookie-cutter BB hamster. What do you think?

Kalia Booker --

Kalia Booker is a writer, age 30, originally from Philadelphia but now living in Los Angeles. Gosh, I wish she had worn something less revealing. She seems like the ultimate strategist from the women's side but I don't really want to see her chest during the initial video! She definitely has some very good observations -- like thanking Ericka for showing women what not to do! I think we just might have an evil queen here! In her bio she claims to like Dr. Will, Janelle and James. Except for James, I'm in her camp!

Cassi Colvin --

Cassi Colvin is 26, a model living in Nashville, but originally from Allen, TX. In her bio, she claims to be successful and not particularly looking for fame. Hmm. Model not looking for fame comes across as a bit of an oxymoron to me. But I kind of like this gal. I think the "no personal attacks" bit attracts me. We'll have to see how that works out.

Dominic Briones --

Dominic Briones, age 25, is a college student at San Francisco State. He hails from San Mateo, CA. Hmmm ... kind of a little cutie in a boytoy kind of way, no? Although in his video he claims Enzo was his favorite player and he wants to be like him (social game), but winning things, in the bio he says he liked Jeff's game. He doesn't like Jessie. So I think I'm going to have to like him!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Big Brother 13 Cast Part 1

Okay, they're up on the CBS website. Off the topic of this post for a moment -- I can't get the Julie Chen house tour video to stop autoplaying. If it plays and annoys you, just pause it please. My apologies. I hate autoplaying videos and ads.

Up first is Porsche Briggs --

Porsche Briggs, age 23, is a VIP cocktail waitress (where have we heard that before?) from Fort Lauderdale, but now living in Miami Beach. Yes, she's pretty and seems way typical of BB gal hamsters. In her bio, she claims that Natalie Martinez was her favorite player. Oh, no! Jessie's Natalie! Now I have a bad taste in my mouth. Patoouie! She says she lives in a bikini. Yuch.

Shelly Moore--

Shelly Moore, age 41, is an outdoors industry executive (whatever!) from Centerville OH, currently living in Prairieville, LA. There are things I really like about her but there's something about her I'm not so keen on. I like that she's not going to be a slutty showmance gal or exhibitionist. That I'm totally on board with! I even like that she likes Jeff and Jordan. But I can't help but wonder if she might end up going on a kitchen/cleaning martyr trip or something. I just can't nail it down, but there's something not so likable about her (for me, at least). How about you?

Lawon Exum --

Lawon Exum is 39, from Urbana (Il.), but living in Inglewood, CA. He's a legal file clerk (with obvious delusions of glamour). He seems to think he's all that, but I think the house will knock him down pretty quickly. He doesn't seem to have a real strategy other than he thinks he's all that. The only thing going for him is that he likes Dr. Will.

Keith Henderson --

Keith Henderson is 32, a human resources manager from Bolingbrook, Il. Hmm ... so far he does seem to be the only one of this groups with an actual strategy. We'll have to see if the "Angels" come around. I find it interesting that he has an identical twin brother -- can't help but wonder if we might see some switcheroo at some point! For an HR manager, he's coming across as quite sexist. But we'll see how that goes! He wants to be an actor. Yeah, past hamsters have been so successful at that, eh? Jen from BB8 was his favorite. Will be interesting if Dick gets on the show ...

Part 2 will be posted later today! Stop back!

Big Brother 13 Returning Duos

Gah. The new cast list is up on the CBS website ... all eight of them. Six of the hamsters this season are returning duos and CBS ain't talkin'.

They have a guess who bit with these duos mentioned:

Jessie and Natalie
Evel Dick and Daniele
Hayden and Enzo
Dr. Will and Mike Boogie
Jeff and Jordan
Brendan and Rachel

GAH! I wouldn't mind seeing Will again, maybe Jeff and Jordan, perhaps early mornings with Evel Dick would be okay ... but I'm not happy with this. Are you?

Do you want to see any of them return?

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Kitchen Nightmares setting up for local episode

The Kitchen Nightmares filming crew is setting up at Blackberry's Restaurant, a place where I invited one of the blog friends from here visiting from Trinidad/Tobago.

Here's the photo gallery from the local newspaper.

I like Blackberry's -- a mix of soul food with West Indies, a friendly staff and reasonable prices. I hope Gordon Ramsay doesn't scare them to death! If my knee were better, I'd go lurk around.

Big Brother: Dynamic Duos? (video)

Hmm ... dynamic duos from the past? I'm still waiting on cast announcements.

CBS has more house photos up

The CBS site has more photos up including some of the yard. A graffiti mural? Well, that's different!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Big Brother: Old News, but Interesting

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

In poking around for new news, I came across a bit of old news. Now, we all knew Adam and Matty from BB9 got busted for peddling prescription pills. Well, Matt has been sentenced to and is currently serving 36 months in a federal prison. Not surprising these days, he has access to a computer and has set up a blog.

It sounds like he has finally gotten his head screwed back on straight although I'm not all that keen on his thoughts of those who cooperated with the investigation and testified against him as "rats." Perhaps if I were the one in prison, I'd feel the same way. But I wouldn't be peddling drugs to begin with -- the amount of money, no matter how great, is not worth the ultimate hassles!

Here's Matty's blog -- give it a look-see!

A Look Inside the Big Brother 13 House

Yep, it's coming up on us soon! July 7, to be precise.

Last week there was a press day in the house and now there are photos floating around the web. Since I obviously didn't go, I'm linking to photos I've found.

The Jokers Updates site has images of the whole house. Since it's kind of sleazy to copy all the photos and share them here, I'm advising you check out the whole house at the link above and I'm just putting a few in here.

The Kitchen

Note there are fourteen places at the table and on the memory wall. It's going to be a full house this season! The overall tone to the main section of the house is a more mellow earth tones look than in some previous seasons.


Only two bedrooms were accessed on Press Day and one is just a bit odd. Could the second one above be some sort of Have/Have Not scenario?

Check out the rest of the photos on the Jokers site and stop back here to let me know what you think!

My thoughts:

I'm not sure why there are two bicycles in one shot. The yard isn't that big! Where will they use them? The "tattered" bedroom is interesting. If it's Have/Have Not, it's certainly not as brutal as last season.

Still waiting on casting announcements. I fear it will be a bunch of pretty model wannabe bartenders with the partying theme of the promos. I'd really like to see a good mix of ages!

Update: Another site with an additional bedroom/bathroom shot is Quirkydude's site.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A quick update

I'm not posting the usual Sunday morning off topic "That Was the Week It Was" post. My apologies. I don't really have many photos I could post even if I were to post.

In TV news: I'm expecting announcements regarding the new BB house on Tuesday and I think we'll get the casting updates then, too. I'll post what I know when I know it here. I've also created a Facebook page specifically for this blog and BB. The main content of the show coverage will still be right here. However, I'll be tweeting links to the posts here on Twitter as well as linking on the Facebook page. I won't be linking each and every BB13 update on my own personal Facebook page as many of my friends don't follow the show and it tends to clog things up.

In knee news: I'm doing well. This knee makes me realize how horrible my last knee recovery actually was. I can bend it just shy of 100 degrees and I can totally straighten it out. I'm getting around at home without any walking aids (walker, crutches, cane). Thanks to the new program at the hospital (the one with coaches and all), I'm not being left alone a day for two weeks. I'm so not happy with that.

Each day a physical therapist is coming to my home, including yesterday and today. A nurse came Monday and will come tomorrow. Friday I have no one coming, but I have to go for my post-op staples removal x-rays surgeon visit. On Saturday I'll finally have a blessed day to myself.

While the knee is doing tremendously well, this was still a major surgery and I have issues like being unable to sleep for more than a few hours at a time, lack of concentration and stuff. But it's heaven so far compared to my last knee replacement recovery. Now if medical people would just stop coming ...!

It's a different therapist today and he hasn't even called to let me know when he's coming. I suppose I could get dressed, then try to nap. Grr.

Also -- Vincent is no help at all. He likes the one PT who's been coming all week and tries to jump on her shoulder. He also likes to get underfoot. I love him dearly but he's not the best cat to be around while trying to recover. It's a good thing I'm in better shape this time around! I've been stuffing him with cat treats and catnip. That works! He does nap well every time I try to nap!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Really Off Topic Long Update

I've given brief updates both here and on Facebook, but now it's time to tell the whole story! It's early Tuesday evening as I write this, not yet a week after my surgery. With the last knee I was still at the hospital at this time. I came home Sunday afternoon.

Where to start? Where to start? Oh! The photos above! There I was checking Vincent into Best Friends in North Plainfield last Wednesday when I happened to notice the video screen above the reception desk had these photos rotating! How cool is that? I love this place for boarding. Every single worker I've talked to there seem to love their work.It's clean, roomy, the dogs are away from the cats and they send photos of your pet via email while it's in boarding.

They are as reasonably priced as any boarding place I've ever used and Vincent was in good hands in a comfortable 3-story cat condo. In addition to the photos, they give you a report card when you pick your pet up. Vincent was "a regular guy," as well as being on his best behavior and I should be proud of him (I am). He did gift them two hairballs, though. Oops.

Onto the meat of the skinny ...

There were a lot of changes at the hospital in addition to the group therapy coach, etc. stuff. A nurse went through a lot of trouble hooking a fancy-schmancy IV into my left forearm. Last time it was the back of the hand. She told me she was particular about the placing. And, she must have been, because everyone using it down the line complimented it.

Instead of a huge electronic IV thing and monitors, I had a gazillion electrode doohickeys attached all over my chest and stomach and a finger thing. All of the wires were hooked into a heavy but small box and they could monitor me wherever I went. I found that I could fit the box in my pocket, but it was very annoying.

This time they wanted to use a spinal with a femoral block for anesthesia. The last time I was told I had to have general. Although I'm not keen on spinal taps, I prefer this to a general. I think the general anesthesia was part of my really sick problems last time around. They gave me happy juice before messing around with my spine. This time I actually remember the recovery room, the last time I knew nothing until I woke up in my room. Except for the bottom half of my body being numb, my mind and tummy were fine.

My doctor came to me in recovery and told me the operation went well but was longer and harder than my other knee was. He said there was an incredible amount of damage within the knee and, had he not known I was walking prior to the surgery, he would have thought I wasn't mobile.

Thankfully no catheter this time, nor was I really bed-bound per se. I was supposed to call for the nurse any time I wanted to get out of bed. Again, no offense to nurses, but I don't really care for them so much. I don't like people coddling or hovering around me in fear that I'll hurt myself. I prefer my own orthopedic surgeon and the therapists whose reaction is, "Cool! You can do that? Great!"

I had one male nurse I enjoyed and I think he was the same one I liked the last time. Supposedly with this new program, every employee in the Joint Surgery Institute is hand-picked. Thankfully that means that the old head of physical therapy who acted like I had a blood clot just to mess his day up is gone.

I actually enjoyed the group physical therapy sessions and meals. Only ONE person out of the six joint replacement patients had a coach! Heh! I wasn't the youngest, but the patients were definitely older for the most part. One woman (hip) seemed like a nasty curmudgeon but I immediately figured out it was her sense of humor. So I would get up on my walker and invite her to "twist like we did last summer" and such.

One guy, younger than me (also hip), voiced some of my own sentiments and I loved him for it. They made such a big deal about how we're not sick so we can wear our own clothes and all ... yet the nurses acted like we were total invalids!

I was hauled off for a Doppler test to check for blood clots one morning. NO blood clot! Woohoo! Since she had my previous record with her, she told me she liked the challenge of looking for the old one. Most of the time blood clots don't go all the way away and just lodge solidly along a vein wall. Nope. My old one totally dissipated.

At the hospital, before leaving, my ROM (Range of Motion) was 83 degrees. When I left the hospital the last time, it was 61. 90 is considered successful with 120 being the ultimate goal. My first knee is all the way up past 150 now amazing my doctor, the physical therapy people at the hospital and home PT this week. None of them have ever seen such a great bend.

I'd be amiss if I didn't throw in thanks to my friend Barbara for once again being my transport, my steady visitor, my bringer of the bag and more. She's a godsend. Work sent me flowers with a Get Well balloon attached. Said balloon is stuck drifting across my ceiling now as Vincent promptly attacked the ribbon and set it free on Sunday evening.

What really surprised me is that a woman I hired last fall and trained showed up every day, called, brought me two homemade Chinese dinners (I'll never be able to eat Chinese delivery again and like it as much!) and fruit. She has always been so grateful to be hired and had been unemployed for a while. She speaks English fluently with a heavy Mandarin accent and apparently that was a stumbling block for employment. But she learns well and has definitely been a good hire. I know that she has always appreciated the time I spent training her and such, but she went above and beyond!

Okay, so now I'm home. The last time my insurance allowed two weeks of visiting nurse and home physical therapy. Since I had blood draws due to the blood clot, the nurse was a definite need! But I had the nurse twice a week and PT twice a week.

So there's another change with this. With the new program, I'm considered a "Gold Standard" client. I still have the two weeks. The nurse came yesterday and will come next Monday. PT is five days straight this week, three times next week. After that, I'll go to out patient PT. They bill the insurance company directly, so I won't know for a while what this might cost me on this end.

My PT is amazed at how well I'm doing. I'm not a week out yet, mind you. My building's intercom is broken, so I told them to call when they get here and I'll take the elevator down and let them in. "You can do that already?" "Sure."

So today the PT (a different one from yesterday but the one I'll be having the rest of the week) called. I got my walker and went to the elevator, pushed the button. thing. ACK! I walked my walker to the top of the stairs, couldn't figure how to get it and me down the stairs, so abandoned it there. I really didn't have a problem with the stairs. Sure, it was bad foot down first and one step at a time while holding the railing, but no problem.

Then I realized I didn't have my walker and had to walk about 60 feet to the door. I did it. She was shocked! She could see the elevator door open on the first floor through the door so she knew I couldn't be taking it. She thought I was trying to get someone else to go let her in. It turned out someone had used the emergency stop button (which I use with groceries and such) and hadn't flipped it back. So we took the elevator back up and she retrieved the walker for me.

The therapists both today and yesterday both said that I'm doing fantastically well, probably the best they've seen. I feel good (well, except for the knee pain which is expected). While I measured 90 degrees today, there's no guarantee that that I'll have anywhere near the flexion I have on the other knee. But I'm very optimistic and thrilled that I see improvement each day and I'm already more mobile and alert than I was for more than a month the last time. As a matter of fact, the last time it took me over two months to get a 90 degree bend. I can do leg lifts, too. I couldn't do them for weeks before.

My appetite is still a bit off. Friends brought me some watermelon today. That appeals to me. I finished off the last of the homemade Chinese food earlier today. I'm also sleeping weird, but that's expected. Getting dressed takes me nearly a half hour but I can do it. Like before, I get exhausted really easily yet can't sleep an entire night. Yet again I fall asleep unexpectedly!

I feel good, though. I want to thank everyone for the kind words!

Gross photos ahead, skip over if you want!

My fancy-schmancy IV and finger doohickey

The yellow band next to the standard hospital band declares FALL RISK! I suggest we get them for the druggies and street drunks in town! I had matching yellow hospital socks also declaring me a FALL RISK!

Da knee

Look at all the pretty colors! Yes, it's very swollen and yeah, it hurts a lot. The PT measured the incision ... only 7 1/2 inches. I counted the staples, but forgot how many. It's around thirty.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Vincent at his boarding place - Best Friends in North Plainfield. They email photos of your pets during their stay.

I'm very thankful for Russ (my brother), Laurie and Sydney for keeping things updated.

I'm home.


My orthopedic surgeon said at his end, this was a much more difficult surgery than the other knee. It had a lot more damage done to it. But on MY end, I feel so far that this one is so much better. While I have bruising, it's nothing which makes people gasp. Today before I left, it had 83 degrees of bend. The last one, after a whole week in the hospital, had 61. It has a few degrees to go to be perfectly straight, but nothing not achievable.

I was hauled off first thing this morning for a doppler test -- no blood clot! YES! Exactly what I wanted to hear!

All things considered, I'm feeling pretty decent -- much better than the previous knee 4 days post op. But I am so tired. I thank everyone for their kindnesses and thoughts and will post more soon.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Well, that's a little dramatic.

And more accurately I should say, she talks. Because Jackie called Laurie, and I will just post Laurie's note here. It all sounds like good news:

Jackie just called to give her own update for everyone. She had just finished her second therapy of the day and had also been visited by her doctor. The larger bandage has been removed and she said the wound is much less traumatic than the previous one was. No blood clot!! No coumadin!! Everything looks very good.

She is walking with the walker and can take a couple steps without it. Even with the pain drugs, it still hurts a lot. Local friends have brought flowers and balloons and one friend has been bringing her food. She doesn't have much of an appetite and doesn't eat much but she appreciates the thought. She said she dozes off quite a bit but isn't sleeping well, as usually happens in a hospital setting. All those strange noises and such are not good for sleeping!

At this point she expects to return home tomorrow (Sunday) and will have the same visiting nurse she had before for daily (?) visits. Also when she starts PT, she will have the same therapist and she feels good about that. She does know her brother is keeping us updated, too, but she wanted me to be sure and let you know that I have heard her voice and she is alive and well.

Please keep those prayers and positive thoughts going her way. They are working!

Thank you Laurie!!

I guess all the Team Jackie t-shirt wearing and all the good thoughts you all have been sending worked!! I know Jackie really appreciates it!

* I'm keeping my tee shirt on for good measure till she's home though, to prevent any need for that coumadin arising between now and then. *

Friday, June 17, 2011

Jackie Update, Friday Afternoon

Jackie's brother has been in touch with Jackie. I'm glad he has called these last few days. Not being family, you never really know when to call when someone is in those first few days after surgery. If the patient wants to be cranky or cry, they can probably feel a little more comfortable doing that with family. Thank you Jackie's bro!

Here are his words:

I just spoke with Jackie, she had a rough day of therapy, is somewhat drugged, extremely tired and feels that they are pushing her much too hard. She feels at this point that it will be at least Sunday before she is released. I will be calling her at about the same time tomorrow.

Poor thing. I am always amazed that they don't give you at least just one day to rest and recover after being under anesthesia and being cut into, before they try to start ripping your leg off with PT. But, I think you feel exponentially better with each 24 hours that passes. Let's hope Jackie will.

Keep sending those good thoughts her way please! I'm sure Jackie would want me to thank you ALL for your prayers and tee shirt wearing!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Jackie's Out of Surgery!

Many thanks to Jackie's brother, who has spoken to Jackie and said the surgery went fine, and as expected, Jackie was tired. When my husband had this done, he was completely out of it for 48 hours -- groggy from the anesthesia and then from some kind of meds after they took out his nerve block. They do get you up and stand yo on your feet the same day. And apparently Jackie will be in therapy immediately tomorrow, so her bro won't be talking to her until then.

So the great news is, it's over and she made it through. Let the healing begin!

PS: Let's all send a little extra positive vibes toward her not having to be on that coumadin that she was on for so long before. Maybe we can wear "Team Jackie" tee shirts so the blood thinning gods can know these intentions loud and clear. Perhaps we might go so far as to chant, universally, until the energy surrounding the bands of the earth shift to prevent it.

I know this suggestion will not be seen as preposterous in Jackie's eyes. Do you remember when she was on that stuff? 'Twas was a great day when she got off of it.

Jackie Watch

Good Morning Jackie Fans!

It's Sydney, your somewhat MIA fellow commenter (as of the last few seasons of TV at least--my new work keeps me really busy). Last time Jackie got her knee operated on, we all wanted to know how she was. Jackie has a desktop computer and it was going to be awhile after the surgery before she could get back to a sitting position at an apartment desk so I was able to pitch in on the blog from where I am in Houston to keep us all in the know.

The time has come for her to do the other knee and I will be writing a few posts to keep you updated until she can sprint, bend, run, to the desk herself (maybe even adding a little leap over Vincent). Commenter Laurie is going to be in touch with Jackie via phone, and will be letting me know how Jackie is doing so I can let you know. Jackie said she may e-mail or text us too, depending on how she's feeling.

Speaking of Vincent, he's off to kitty camp this morning, so Jackie can get to the hospital after what I imagine was a hectic Wednesday of preparations for her stay, as well as stocking the cupboards and tidying up, getting pillows on the couch and having books and the remote close by for ease when she returns.

Jackie needs to be to Somerset Medical Center by 9:30 AM to get checked in and be prepped. The surgery will happen at noon, and if you've been following along here, she's mentioned she's doing this with the same doc who operated on her other knee a few years ago. If you will please keep her, the docs and nurses in your thoughts and prayers, especially from noon-4 or 5 EDT, it would be much appreciated by Jackie, I'm sure.

She hopes to be there for a short time, probably returning home later Saturday or on Sunday, so sending cards to the hospital may not be a good idea unless you live locally and send them as soon as you finish your coffee this morning. But there is a link on the website to the hospital gift shop if you 'd like to send something to her room from there -- and you can leave all the notes you'd like here for her, as she will eventually be able to get back to her computer to see them.

I'll report back as soon as I hear something.

Off to see the Wizard

Or, perhaps it's the orthopedic surgeon! The surgery is at noon. I hope to at least briefly text over on my Facebook wall. I can't get to the blog with my phone. (Yes, I have a dumb phone.) Sydney will post an update when she hears.

Wish me luck!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Off Topic - That Was the Week It Was - June 12, 2011

Okay, it's Sunday once again. You know what that means! It's time for my off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken. Of course, I haven't had any ON TV topic posts this week, but that's beside the point. It was my last work week before my surgery, most of the week was enveloped in heat and humidity and, while I did watch some shows, I really wasn't up to posting.

Gah. What a week it's been! I still feel like my head is spinning trying to wrap up everything for a lengthy stay away from my workplace. We have a couple of major changes which affect my job and, not only did I have to learn a bunch of new stuff, I had to prepare the person filling in for me. Plus, filing swamped me each day this week and I had to get all of that caught up. Gah. Oh, wait. I already "gah'd." Well, it's worth a double gah. So there.

On the 100 degree day, not to be confused with the 102 degree day, I had my last pre-op appointment with my orthopedic surgeon. Since I walk and use public transportation, that meant extended time in the heat and humidity. I think the trip could have been in lieu for a stress test not taken in prep for the surgery. (My EKG was excellent, no need for a stress test -- thankfully!) But if the time spent walking in the heat and waiting in the heat didn't kill me, no surgery ever will!

Have I ever mentioned I HATE to sweat? This week's weather was of the kind that my forehead starts sweating while I'm just standing there doing nothing. Grr.

The doctor's visit really wasn't much. Perhaps it's the last chance to back out! He told me all the medical tests were fine, gave my knee one last look-see and answered a few of my questions. He told me he can't guarantee that I'll have the same 150+ degree bend in the right knee that I have now in the left one he replaced three years ago. He feels he might have set the bar a bit high as I'm the most flexible knee replacement patient he's ever operated on.

I will be having the same exact knee as the previous one -- a Smith & Nephew Genesis II, cemented. I understand the results might differ. But if I don't have constant pain and stabbing pain when bending the knee more than it wants to be bent, I'll be fine. I'm ready. It's too bad my apartment stuff and lots of loose ends still need to be done!

Now that I've bored everyone with the knee stuff, it's onto the photographs I've taken this week! Clicking on an image will open it larger in a new window, then hit your back button on your browser to return to the blog.

This is not a photo I took!

This is a copy of the flyer for the Plainfield Public Library Photo Exhibition. When we were discussing the date for the opening, I had been thinking my operation would be scheduled mid-May instead of mid-June. Oops. But I'll be four weeks into things, so I'll probably be using my crutches, but I'll be there!


It's a camera, silly squirrel. East Front Street, Plainfield.

Already a name change?

Goody, goody (in my best Hannibal Lechter voice). They just rehabbed and opened this restaurant within the last year. Now it seems to have a new name and is touting that it's a "Spanish and Chinese restaurant." Huh? ALL of the Chinese restaurants around here have Spanish dishes! I always wonder if they make as many typos in Spanish as they do in English on the menus.

If one really wants any kind of Hispanic related foods, I'd recommend they just look around at any of the many restaurants from every Latino-related country in the world ... right here in Plainfield. This Chinese "Spanish" restaurant is on Watchung Avenue in Plainfield.

I don't know what it is, but I like it.

I'm talking the green car, of course. The other car is too much like the cars I grew up around as a teenager. Bridgewater, NJ.

Feet off the seats, fool!

Hogging up one of the four four-seaters on the upper level of the train, sitting on the aisle seat with her nasty feet up on the seat blocking anyone else from sitting there. Now, who would want to when she had her feet all over the seat? I'm having a knee replacement this week. I can't take my Advil leading into the surgery. If anyone ever needed to elevate her feet, it would be me! Do I? NO. I wouldn't want my shoes which have gone through who knows what on the seat!

The chicory is back.

Plainfield Train Station.

Outdoor ant

He stopped running around long enough to get one clear shot out of about ten! He's bigger than those tiny ants, but smaller than a carpenter ant. Bridgewater, NJ.

Seeing these amidst the grass makes me smile.

Bridgewater Train Station.

Absolutely no clue

I've never seen this plant before and it's in a place in Bridgewater I've walked by for at least seven years. They're very tiny and, as you can see, even the stems and such are brilliant royal blue. When I first saw it, I thought it was fake. A brief tug proved otherwise. There are about five of them growing in a patch of "lawn" alongside the Bridgewater Train Station parking lot.

Pink beauty

Growing in my neighbor's lawn.

Again, no clue.

Well, it's not a plant! It's very tiny, less than a quarter-inch long. Bridgewater Train Station.

Bound Brook flowers.

I feel I should know what these are, but I'm very flower-ignorant. They were growing by the Presbyterian Church on Union Avenue in Bound Brook.

Knee action figures!

This is what happens when you leave me alone in an examination room at the doctor's office. I shoot knees. Bound Brook, NJ.

Intertwining vines on a guy wire.

They've definitely taken it over! Maple Avenue, Bound Brook.


Although it was SO hot and there didn't seem to be any shade in Plainfield, my walk from the bus to the doctor's office in Bound Brook was shady. That's the office on the right. Maple Avenue, Bound Brook.


That cool big tree has a historical plaque -- George Washington slept there or something. Maple Avenue, Bound Brook. (Actually the plaque states the tree was there before George Washington -- it's over 300 years old.)

Another unknown flower in Bound Brook

Cool blue/purplish flowers

East Front Street, Plainfield.

NOT a new shot of Vincent

This is where he'll be staying while I'm in the hospital. He'll have his own three level cat condo with a litter box in the "basement." They'll let him out daily to roam the cat room and check on the view from the windows. Although they have dogs there, the cats are all in this room where they can't even hear barking. I used them (Best Friends in North Plainfield) when I went on vacation last year and was very pleased. They even email a photo daily to the owner! (Which won't do me much good as I'll just have my dumb phone with me -- it can go on the Internet, but isn't good about it.)

So, that's just about it. I swear once this operation is done and over with, I'll be back to posting more about television shows ... especially Big Brother. How was your week?