Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Tuesday Into the Evening - Sept. 4

Frank thinks he might stay with a 4-0 vote

"We are never deceived, we deceive ourselves." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Deception Perception:
  • This morning we got a huge dose of The Frank Show. It was a mix of Dick at Night and Boogie Early Morning Talks.
  • He definitely has nagging doubts which crept into his talk now and then.
  • But, then again, he thinks he might be staying with a 4-0 vote?
  • Talk about deceiving yourself indeed.
  • He called everyone "scalliwags."
  • Well, that was different.
  • I give him two points for coming up with that.
  • He's blaming all the game's problems on a "21-year-old kid."
  • I don't know. I think that kid is just as in love with the game and knows as much, if not more, about it than Frank.
  • On and on he went about how Boogie and him would have brought Ian to the final three.
  • I'm not sure Ian wanted to play the game on anyone's coattails.
  • Frank feels he (Frank) deserves to win.
  • He may ... if he can last to the end.
  • If he's in the final two, he'd win based on his gameplay.
  • That's why everyone wants him out sooner rather than later!
  • Danielle is having a severe pimple problem. I'm sure it's devastating. Maybe it's shingles. @@
  • Frank tried to tell Danielle it was he who suggested that Dan try to smooth things over with her from the "you're dead to me in this game" bit.
  • Of course, she knows otherwise. She didn't let on.
  • She can do some things well. She has Frank believing she believes him.
  • "We are never deceived, we deceive ourselves."
  • Perhaps because he wants to believe so badly?
  • I guess it's really hot in L.A. -- they all fussed about the heat.
  • Danielle ran to Dan to report her conversation with Frank.
  • She then, alone in the room, turned to the camera and told us Frank isn't very smart.
  • Dan talked to Frank, once again giving him the impression that they will go to the final two and ride off in the sunset together.
  • Ian got the HoH camera and fun was had by all.
  • When Ian climbed atop the pool table and posed with an empty wine bottle, the BB voice yelled at him for climbing. It should have just told him to get off the pool table NOW.
  • Joe talked to Jenn. He brought up many valid points about how neither side will take them to the final two and they should stick together.
  • He'd like her vote to stay, but will understand if she chose not to.
  • He talked quietly.
  • Yes, Joe.
  • Really.
  • Danielle told Shane it's hard in the house because she's "the only girl."
  • Huh, maybe Jenn isn't in the house after all!
  • Nope. I see her. She's there.
  • Dan managed to break the memory wall. Britney's photo is now all pixalated. He broke an urn thing in the yard the other night.
  • Then the cards came out again.
  • I've been thankful that they're not always playing chess, but now the cards are just as bad.
  • That's where we stand. It looks like a blindside a'comin' for Frank. 

Auditioning to play a dead body on CSI

Ian would love a tie to boot Frank himself

Jenn's still in the house

Ian passed out on the pool table with the wine bottle

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Monday Night into Tuesday Morning - Sept. 4

I don't know how to play, but I'm still here!

Y'know, a good brouhaha would liven up these hamsters! Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Lackluster Lads and Lassies:
  • Frank trashtalked Janelle. Huh. Hasn't that boat sailed?
  • Shane, falling right in with his lying role, told Frank that Joe was really mad that Dan used the veto.
  • He also told him that he hasn't talked to Joe about his (Shane's) vote.
  • Joe told Frank he won't be campaigning until "Wacky Wednesday."
  • Shane said he is in a "nomance" now. Danielle said that's because he doesn't want to kiss on camera.
  • Danielle thinks they got booze due to BBAD.
  • I'm sure they did. It's dead in the house. They needed something, anything to liven it up.
  • Frank studied the Memory Wall. 
  • He thinks he might be around for a morph comp, I guess.
  • Frank cooked hot dogs for all.
  • Dan said both Joe and Frank are cooking to save their lives.
  • Dan is still playing up to Frank that he's on his side.
  • But he's not.
  • When Joe wondered if he should campaign Jenn for the vote, Ian told him to lay low and he's "golden."
  • Joe and Ian said Jenn is getting a bit salty.
  • What the heck is with the "salty" bit this season?
  • Although a part of the Quack Pack and working with Dan, Shane still thinks Danielle and Dan have issues due to Dan's funeral speech.
  • Danielle no longer thinks anything will happen with her and Shane after the house.
  • Frank told Joe that Jenn was loyal and he was sure he had her vote.
  • I don't think he does, unless she throws him a sympathy vote.
  • Of course, if the vote is a tie, Ian gets to boot Frank himself.
  • But, at this time, it doesn't look like a tie.
  • Yet Frank will be booted. 

Spreading the mist

A little late for studying the wall

Plenty to smile about

Monday, September 03, 2012

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Monday Into the Evening - Sept. 3

They tried to fly the flag

For a PoV meeting day, it sure was subdued around the house today. Here's what happened inside that Big Brother House of Misfit Toys:
  • Shane told Danielle that he told Frank he has his vote and he'd (Shane) work on Danielle to get her aboard.
  • Yeah, he's got their vote alright ... vote to EVICT!
  • Danielle told Joe that there is nothing Frank could say to get her to keep him in the house.
  • Danielle told Shane that she isn't a kindergarten teacher. She said she's a nurse with three degrees. 
  • All bow to Ms. Educated But Little Sense Lady!
  • Then she kept asking him if he was mad about it.
  • @@
  • Dan froze Danielle's panties.
  • Not with her in them, unfortunately.
  • Frank still thinks he has Jenn's vote.
  • I think Dan's mist got to her.
  • Frank told Jenn that if he can pull it off and stay, they can "gut them like pigs."
  • Ew.
  • They played cards half the day and into the evening. Boring.
  • Joe and Ian had an extensive talk.
  • Now they have a final two deal.
  • One of many for both of them.
  • Frank is suspicious because, all of a sudden Joe and Ian are best buds after hating each other for weeks.
  • Joe is still ticked at Dan for how he treated Danielle.
  • He isn't privy to the facts.
  • Dan is still playing Shane like a fiddle.
  • Lots of big yawns today.
  • But Thursday should bring the bang back in the game. 

Has Joe really got a deal with Ian?

Mr. Werewolf Wrists

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Power of Veto Meeting Update - Sept. 3

As expected, Dan saved Jenn. Joe is now on the block with Frank. Frank is the target.

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Sunday Into Monday - Sept. 2-3

Shane, oh my Shane Gator!

I took a bit of a breather yesterday with mostly down time in the house. But I'm here now. It's Labor Day. I'm refreshed, I'm rested. I'm ready to work! (But not at real work -- just here!) Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Farewell Frankie:
  • Shane is still trying to disengage from Danielle's stalkings while providing just enough interest to lead her along a bit.
  • His head just might implode.
  • It doesn't help that others tease both of them and try to push them more together.
  • And that Jenn told Danielle that Shane referred to her as his girlfriend.
  • Friend, sure. But he's going to drop her like a hot potato before September is out.
  • Then probably go into hiding.
  • Frank thinks it would be heartbreaking to go home with just two weeks left in the game.
  • So it won't happen.
  • He can go to sequester and make out with Ashley instead!
  • The BB voice finally started announcing trivia facts such as how many laps around the yard it takes to make a mile.
  • I recently wondered where those announcements were.
  • They got the grill back. Woohoo.
  • Oh my. Shane actually had a game thought. Be prepared to faint now.
  • He told Dan they should have a plan in case it's a double eviction this coming Thursday.
  • He's the first (that I've seen) to realize there's a possibility of a double eviction.
  • Shane is also getting worried about Joe.
  • He told Dan that Joe said he (Joe) is going after Dan.
  • He's also worried that Joe has deals with everyone.
  • Like no one else has done that!
  • The Quack Pack confirmed that Frank is going home this week. They control the vote.
  • They decided if it's a double eviction this week and one of the Quack Pack is HoH, it's Jenn and Joe on the block and Jenn goes out the door.
  • It's Dan's turn to be Secret Squirrel now. He's scheming with the Quack Pack on the down low so that Frank and Jenn still think he's with them.
  • Danielle is still carrying the story that she can never work with Dan again after the personal attack at the funeral.
  • Well, she's carrying it on with Frank, Jenn and Joe. The Quack Pack knows otherwise.
  • Frank is more worried now than ever before. He thinks he has Dan and Jenn's vote for sure (if she gets saved). Shane and Danielle have been hinting that they could vote to save him, but no commitment.
  • Frank is expecting Dan to save Jenn with the veto.
  • After all, it was his suggestion so that it doesn't seem like they (Dan and Frank) are working together.
  • Lots of small talk, reminiscing about the season and comps, discussing past years, movie lines, pool games, lounging about.
  • All in all, the same as it ever was (since nominations).
  • Dan will save Jenn, all will act surprised, Joe is the only choice to put up in her place as he promised Shane and Danielle safety and he can't put up Dan, the veto holder.  

This hammock's made for rockin'

Wow! Dollar store fake grass, too!

Only a maniac thinks Frank can survive this week

Pretty is as pretty does