Sunday, July 05, 2015

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - July 5, 2015

Good late Sunday afternoon to everyone! My apologies for not getting to this weekly off television topic reflection of the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way earlier. But it's here now! If you're looking for Big Brother 17 content, you can find it right at this here link. I will be posting a blog party for the show at 8pm ET and another live feeds report late tonight. Trust me, not much is happening in the house today!

Most of the photos I have for you this week are from Plainfield's 92nd Annual 4th of July Parade. I'm lucky that I was off this year and it passes right in front of my apartment building. I just brought a folding chair, bottle of water and my camera down the elevator and had a front row uncrowded seat. I took a gazillion photos of the happenings -- more are on my Photobucket album for the parade at this link. I have more I want to upload there!

I hope everyone is having a great 4th of July weekend!

Hillside Steppers

These girls were adorable and quite talented! The Hillside Steppers with these young'uns and a group a bit older, were new additions this year. We also had a senior steppers group -- The Silver Steppers -- come from East Orange.

I messed with the clown

Well, I messed with my photo of the clown. I'm pleased with the way it turned out.

Not a part of the parade

Maybe not in the parade, but I've been wanting to get a shot of this guy. I keep seeing him whizzing by on that thing all around town. It's motorized, not sure what they call it. It would probably kill my knees, but years ago I would have loved to own one!


Bug Brother 17: Live Feeds Into Sunday - July 4 - July 5

Austin and Audrey talk game

The 4th of July weekend in the BB house has a lot of down time. They rushed through comps so that they can run with a skeleton staff and the hamsters are bored. So am I. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Fireworks:
  • Audrey told Jeff she wouldn't go after him next week.
  • Of course, that's after she instigated a whole lotta fake rumors about him this past week.
  • I really don't think anyone should trust Audrey.
  • John told Steve he didn't throw the BotB, but he did have a bad feeling they were going to lose when going into it.
  • (Remember, though ... John won the Veto, so he should be safe. I don't think he's a Marcellas.)
  • Both Meg and Jason would be thrilled if Shelli put Audrey up in John's place. But Jason is sure that would never happen.
  • A sidenote -- This is the first season with two hamsters starting with AU. I keep automatically typing the wrong name.
  • Right now, Austin isn't even being really mentioned as a target. With Jace gone and Shelli in charge, he's not a target. But the others aren't even mentioning him.
  • Da'Vonne told us (the live feeders) that we might think Clay is cute, but he's scuzzy -- he never showers and has taken only four showers since they got there.
  • Meg is more scared of Audrey than anyone ever in her life.
  • She must live a sheltered life.
  • Shelli thinks she will put up Meg as the pawn against Da'Vonne.
  • They tried to put together patriotic red, white and blue clothes for the holiday.
  • They fussed about how boring it is.
  • They wish they had board games.
  • They had a private 4th of July party and we weren't invited. We got Jeff highlights -- some of which are pretty interesting ... the first time you see them.
  • Shelli thinks, outside of her little posse, no one is coming to her to find out her plans.
  • That's because they all talk.
  • And, many are disappointed because she doesn't have any plan to put Audrey on the block.
  • John is becoming peripheral with the HoH 7-person alliance.
  • Hmm.
  • Jeff said he doesn't trust Austin and Audrey ... two of Shelli's buddies.
  • But the AU-2 do seem to be getting closer and closer.
  • Oy.
  • John said he had to change his Facebook page due to crazy female patients. 
  • But he's kind of a crazy dentist, methinks!
  • However, I'm liking him more than I thought I would in the house. He's nowhere near as loud as they're portraying him.
  • Lizia talked of her older sister.
  • Yeah, probably a few minutes older!
  • Austin thinks that the HoH went to James's head and that James hates him due to his height.
  • Austin and Jeff did a podcast thing about sexual experiences. It embarrassed poor Steve and he stopped playing.
  • Austin knows and repeats that Da'Vonne is a poker card dealer, not a teacher.
  • Clay, Jeff and Shelli said that John threw the BotB comp.
  • At least he didn't throw the Veto! He's not that stupid!
  • They're bored.
  • I'm out.

Whozzat comin' in the door?

At least his foot is clean

Shady lady?

Shelli has all the power

Lizia is skimpy patriotic

Da'Vonne knows she's a target

Meg loves NYC. Did you know that?

Saturday, July 04, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds into Saturday - July 4

(Hot) Tub Talk

I hope everyone has great plans for the holiday weekend! I will be posting, but it might be a bit more brief than usual. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Pampered Pigs:
  • From my last update, you know that Steve and Jason won the Battle of the Block. Shelli is the sole HOH now and the nominees are John and Da'Vonne. John won the Power of Veto.
  • Yeah, all that happened in one day!
  • While many have been saying Audrey, Audrey, Audrey as the person who needs to leave, it's not looking good for Da'Vonne.
  • And, she wouldn't have to be backdoored ... she's already up on the block!
  • Audrey might still go up on the block when/if John saves himself. But then it would be an epic battle between Audrey and Da'Vonne.
  • Audrey is better at manipulating people (even though people are onto her ways).
  • Da'Vonne is pretty outspoken and plays a rather emotional excitable game at times.
  • However, it's looking more like they might just put up a pawn (like Meg, for example) to go after Da'Vonne.
  • Clay and Shelli tried to convince John not to use the veto. (They really want Da'Vonne out).
  • I don't think he's that dumb even though he might sound that way!
  • Then they talked about putting Liz up as the pawn.
  • At least they can't put Steve up as the pawn again!
  • Austin is spreading the word that he's sure Audrey is America's Player.
  • Um ... let me think about that one ... NO. She's not.
  • While everyone else napped, Steve was a bit uneasy and quite awake. He spoke to us saying that he thinks he should tell Shelli his vote will be with her decision.
  • Steve said that no matter what happens, he has a great life to go home to.
  • Of course, he's not going anywhere this week!
  • The others eventually got up and spent lots of yard time in the late night hours.
  • I'm pretty sure the yard is going to be unavailable to them for most of today's holiday as they usually lock them inside on the 4th.
  • Austin helped Lizia work out kinks in her back, then did the same for Da'Vonne.
  • Jason talked about how wrong it is that a good person like Da'Vonne may go home.
  • They dressed up the inflatable giraffe and harassed the poor thing.
  • Steve took the giraffe and dangled it from the second floor railing, threatening to drop it unless a ransom is paid.
  • James rescued the giraffe and performed CPR on it.
  • Y'see what I've been dealing with?
  • I think the PoV ceremony probably won't be until tomorrow.
  • But things aren't looking good for Da'Vonne.

Steve didn't keep his prom 'do

It's not looking good for Da'Vonne

But, it looks a bit better for Audrey

The giraffe should file charges

Austin arrests Lizia ... or not

Gals on couches

Friday, July 03, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Friday - BotB, Veto Winners - July 3

Shelli and Boy Toy Clay

Yikes! What a whirlwind day! They had to wrap up everything because (as I understand) there's a big 4th of July celebration on the CBS lot and they have to be in indoor lockdown for that. So, here's what's been happening in that Big Brother House of Whirling Dervishes:
  • The house consensus is that Audrey needs to go.
  • As you know from my last update: Shelli nominated Da'Vonne and John, Becky nominated Steve and Jason.
  • The Battle of the Block went down (blocked to the live feeds).
  • Steve and Jason won the Battle of the Block and they are no longer on the block. 
  • Becky lost her HOHship with that win by her nominees.
  • So, Shelli is the sole HoH and her nominees are Da'Vonne and John.
  • (At least they rhyme!)
  • Then the PoV comp happened.
  • Fish, fish, everywhere, fish today!
  • JOHN won the PoV.
  • He's sure to save himself.
  • I think.
  • He seems goofy, but I don't think he's stupid!
  • Will Audrey go up?
  • Hmm. 
  • We'll see.

Jeff and Meg, not really a couple

John is a Have Not

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Into Friday pre-dawn - July 3

Before the live show

So, we have two women HoH to start out with this week until it gets dwindled to one HoH by the BoB. Here's what happened after the live show last night with those Big Brother House of Harried Hamsters:
  • They talked about what the "last laugh" Kathy Griffin BB Takeover might be, but none are coming close and they didn't have anything more than the teaser we saw at the end of the show. Vanessa had the closest guess in thinking it might have something to do with the votes. But the method and the actual WHAT it has to do was still in the air with her.
  • Audrey, after appearing normal during the show, continued to isolate herself from others and moped about the show.
  • I'd call her Debbie Downer or Negative Nancy, but I can't think of anything with an 'A.'
  • They also spoke of the missing BB Takeover sound clip during the show. It wasn't just us. Someone did an OOPS.
  • Jason berated himself for doing so poorly in the HoH comp.
  • Is it an act? Probably.
  • Jeff sought out Audrey and asked why she wasn't hanging out with everyone else. She told him that she's better off alone because everyone is against her.
  • Oh, sure, Audrey. Just hide away. That will make things so much better!
  • Audrey goes to tears and blamed any anti-Jeff talk on Jason (again). She also said she didn't start the (ill-fated) girls alliance. And she didn't throw Vanessa under the bus.
  • Same as it ever was, same as it ever was.
  • Audrey is a one-trick pony. Well, maybe two tricks. Instigate and deny.
  • Jason and Da'Vonne think they will be two of the nominations.
  • Ah, the screen says Nominations Today even though the two HoH don't even have access to their room yet!
  • Becky and Shelli talked about "the elephant in the room" -- AKA, Audrey. Neither want to really talk to her. Shelli doesn't want to hurt her feelings. But both think "the house" wants something done about Audrey.
  • Shelli does not want Clay to go on the block.
  • Of course she doesn't!
  • We could have predicted that.
  • It's sounding like Becky wanted to win HoH to go against Audrey because others told her that Audrey said she was a racist bigot.
  • Somehow I missed that.
  • They decided that neither Clay nor Jackie will be nominated by either of them.
  • Once again, no food comp -- the two HoH chose the Have Nots.
  • They chose Steve, Meg, James and Jason. I'm not sure the reasoning, except that none of them were Have Nots last week. I'd think it was a fairness thing so no one suffers two weeks in a row.
  • They should have put Audrey in there.
  • But I bet they have far better plans for Audrey this week!
  • Becky told Jason that she might put him up with Steve.
  • She wants Audrey to go home, though.
  • As if Audrey isn't going to see through a backdoor plan from the get-go.
  • Who wants to see my HoH room?
  • Eh, seen one, seen 'em all.
  • Jackie, like Jace, immediately recognized the hinky vote for her was Audrey.
  • Austin told Audrey she probably won't go on the block, but get backdoored.
  • Well, duh.
  • If she doesn't expect it at this point, she needs to put on her cheap sunglasses and isolate herself in bed.
  • Again.
  • Clay told Audrey that they're all flipping the house against Da'Vonne.
  • Hmm.
  • I don't see that happening even though John said he was leery of working with Da'Vonne because she's cocky.
  • Then we had fish for an extended period.
  • Oh my.
  • Nominations are indeed in.
  • Shelli nominated John and Da'Vonne. Becky nominated Steve and Jason.

After the live show

Yet another alliance?

Steve, more popular than he thinks

Becky, HoH for now

Shelli, HoH for now