Monday, September 14, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Into Monday - September 14

Walking the Backyard of Broken Dreams

Well, this will be the last update until after the feeds blockage ending after tomorrow night's show. While the feeds shut down at noon here, it's 9am there and, unless BB wakes them up, they'll be asleep still when they go off. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Indecisive Incentivizing Indecisions:
  • Obviously, the feeds are shutting down so that I can head into the city (NYC) to photostomp the Feast of San Genaro, sleep in tomorrow and celebrate my birthday without worrying about blogging BB live feeds!
  • I know it must be all about me, not about them taping the eviction for tomorrow.
  • Heh.
  • Austin pumped Johnny Mac for the latest news and what Steve might have said to him.
  • While JM was basically honest with Austin, telling him that he told Steve he needs to campaign and such, he didn't let on that there was any chance in heck that Steve would stay.
  • Steve did try to campaign to Liz. 
  • That didn't go over well.
  • But the HUGE NEWS is that Vanessa called Johnny Mac in for a talk and told him she wants to make a big move ... and get Austin out.
  • She wants Johnny to vote to keep Steve, knowing Liz will vote to keep Austin. She will then break the tie and vote out Austin.
  • Of course, this is Vanessa.
  • It's subject to change.
  • Of course, this is Johnny Mac.
  • It's subject to weirdness.
  • We will see.
  • No matter what, I won't miss seeing Austin literally shoveling scrambled eggs into his mouth. He cooks up a half-dozen or so at a time, a few times a day and inhales them.
  • No manners whatsoever.
  • Whether he goes tomorrow or next week, he'll be off my monitor and TV screen forever more.
  • Make sure you stop by tomorrow night 8pm ET for the show blog party!

Shoveling down mass quantities of eggs

As long as I don't go up!

I need to win HoH. I need to win HoH.

Thinking of end game.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Sunday into the Evening - September 13

Knows he's in serious trouble

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Too Much Talk:
  • A banner is scrolling across the top of the live feeds which says they'll be "paused" from 9am PST tomorrow (Monday, 9/14) until 9pm PST on Tuesday, 9/15. Again, I'm wondering about why they think they're on Standard Time. The feeds themselves also list the time as PST. It should be PDT. Who error checks this stuff?
  • Not a heck of a lot happened today in the house.
  • They now know they're on an accelerated schedule and expect an eviction on Tuesday. But they don't know beyond that and assume the next show would be another eviction on Thursday.
  • We know there will be shows on both Tuesday and Wednesday, no show on Thursday.
  • Johnny Mac and Steve talked.
  • JM admitted to Steve about his deal with Austin last week.
  • He also pretty much told all about his conversation with Vanessa last night.
  • JM admitted that he told Vanessa he'd vote out Steve (to save his own butt).
  • He said that Vanessa will not be willing to go with them into the final three because she considers them a "couple."
  • Like Austin/Liz isn't a couple?!?!
  • Well, Vanessa thinks of Steve/John as a more dangerous threat to her own game couple. She thinks she would have a harder time winning over them and they'd take each other to the final two.
  • Johnny Mac told Steve that Vanessa is all but positive the upcoming veto (after the HoH which she can't play in) will be hers.
  • He also told him that he doesn't dare approach Vanessa to tell her he wants to vote to keep Steve -- that would be bad for his own game with her and she wouldn't go for it.
  • He advised Steve to convince Vanessa to convince him to vote for Steve to stay.
  • It sounds odd, but I see the sense in it if it can actually go down.
  • It would seem like it's Vanessa's idea if Steve can convince her to convince JM to vote to keep Steve.
  • I personally don't think Steve has the skills to bring it off, though.
  • Oh ... and they got photo booth today. Woot. Woot.
  • More in the morning ...

Back to looking like Liz

Convince Vanessa to convince me ...

Doing her nails surrounded by junk food

Big Brother 17: HoH Reveal, Nominations Show Blog Party - September 13

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo photo BB-09-smJackieMA28497852-0002.gif

Good evening! Ready for a blog party? While many of us already know the results of the PoV comp, tonight's episode will focus on the reveal of the HoH winner from the Thursday comp and nominations.

The show isn't due to start here until 8:30pm ET tonight due to football and may even start later than that. I'll be posting this at the regular 8pm ET although word verification won't come down until it starts here. I'll be updating this entry with the major happenings as it airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

We're getting started ... the recap, the promise of the eggs-citing HoH comp and a once in a lifetime trip (ew, Frankie) ahead.

At the comp, Liz is doing poorly while the other three are more evenly matched. Vanessa has taken the lead. John is a close second. Liz, still doing horribly, goes for the luxury prize and wins it. Vanessa still in the lead with Johnny Mac on her tail.


She's worried because now she'll have to decide between her two different alliances. Steve thinks he's safe. Johnny Mac thinks he's safe. Austin thinks he's safe. Liz thinks Vanessa has been acting "sketchy" lately. 

The paranoia and interrogations begin. 

And on and on, the interrogations go. 

Vanessa says she's going to go with her gut, but it looks like her head hurts. I know mine does. 

Vanessa talks to Steve and indicates that Johnny Mac will be her target. Then she talks to Austin, tells him she's after Johnny Mac and gets him to make all kinds of deals with her.

Oh, geez. Frankie is in the house bouncing like Richard Simmons. The trip is to an Ariana Grande concert VIP experience and Liz can choose someone to go with her. They will be disguised by a professional. Austin points and Vanessa, so Liz takes her. 

Lots of hoopla. I actually think Liz looks much better made up with short auburn hair. 

Johnny Mac talks to Vanessa. She looks for deals with him. He thinks he's using reverse reverse reverse psychology and tells her if she wants, put up him and Steve. He's hoping her head explodes.

Time for nominations. Vanessa nominates Steve and Johnny Mac. Her head did NOT explode. She claims she adores Steve, respects Johnny Mac ... not personal, just strategy. She thinks their loyalty is to each other. (What about Liz and Austin?)

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - September 13, 2015

Good morning! Welcome to my weekly off television topic reflection of the past week in both words and photographs I've taken along the way; This post is a year 'round "feature" on the blog. If you're looking for Big Brother posts, they can all be found at this link right here. If you're not interested in this particular post, please feel free to skip on by it. I'll be posting a Big Brother blog party post coinciding with the East Coast airing of the show and, late this evening, another live feeds post. Stay tuned.

Yes, I'm finally at staycation! This week I do have a lot of things I want to get done. I have to choose photos to enter in the photo contest. I have work I want to do on a few old computers to get the information (and photos!) off of the hard drives. I have to consult a lawyer over some issues (not criminal, mind you). I need to watch all of the TV shows I've recorded. I want to organize stuff here at home and get rid of unused items and clothes that will never fit me again. I'd like to go into the city, perhaps tomorrow, to photo stomp the Feast of San Genaro and parts of Chinatown. The last time I went was on a weekend and it was packed. Monday might be better! I also want one or two mornings at the park now that kids have returned to school. Oh, and so much more planned for the week!

But I will indeed take time to rest and relax, too.

This past week at work was work although severely shortened in the number of days. Labor Day is a paid holiday for me and I took a paid vacation day for yesterday. So, technically, I had a three day work week. However, things change. I ended up going in for about three hours on Monday at an exorbitant rate of pay. Hey, they wanted me. I certainly didn't ASK to work!

The week was record-breaking heat (and humidity) at its start, then rain and a return to more seasonable temperatures. Once we get by iffy weather today, it looks like clear sailing and more seasonable.

In home life, things have been back to their normal quiet since last week's excitement. About the most disruptive thing is that I've decided the guy upstairs needs a new vacuum cleaner. He has wall-to-wall carpet and vacuums rarely or when I'm not at home. He vacuumed yesterday and I swear it sounded like a helicopter trying to land and moving around his apartment! Here I have hardwood floors throughout and Swiffer does the trick. My handheld vacuum can deal with the few small area rugs I have. I do have a good working real vacuum, but I'll hang onto it. I don't want to have to buy another one if the day comes that I'll need it. I doubt I'll live here forever.

Enough ... onto this week's photos! Clicking on a photo will bring up a larger version.


He's looking all sweet and innocent. But, give him some catnip and all heck can break loose! Oh, wait. He's not sweet and innocent ... he's checking out the bird in the photo below!

A mourning dove

Perhaps in mourning; I didn't see its mate. I swear this one has been zooming out of the underbrush so quickly every day that I wasn't sure what it was. But, I caught it zooming then sitting one day. Like a pigeon, but not.

Cool old Thunderbird

I saw this car on East 4th Street in Plainfield, fantastic condition. Its windows were down and I didn't see an owner around. If it were MY car, I wouldn't take those risks. But, I'd bet a lot of today's car thieves wouldn't know how to drive it anyway!


Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Into Sunday - September 13

Let's not tell them

Sheesh, even when her conversations go on and on, I should hold off posting until they finish. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Ten Days to Go:
  • Okay, by the time Johnny Mac and Vanessa stopped talking, the target changed to Steve.
  • Why is that?
  • After telling him a gazillion different scenarios and possible outcomes, Vanessa asked, "Which way are you leaning?"
  • "To evict? Steve, for now anyway."
  • Gah! They're still too dumb to break up the obvious couple!
  • Going into the final four with a couple is just too risky, methinks.
  • One wise thing they did is decide not to tell them ahead of time.
  • "Heh-heh, why do people always tell? It's against the rules and everything, heh-heh," according to Johnny Mac.
  • They still don't know, although they're guessing, that the schedule will switch up or speed up to get everything in by the finale date.
  • Steve mentioned to Johnny Mac that no star ever got their start in BB.
  • JM brought up Frankie. Steve told him that BB might have helped, but was not the root of his fame.
  • Meanwhile, both Liz and Austin have visions of sugarplums and open doors throughout the land waiting for them when they get out.
  • Ha. Only BB fans will know them and both have been unpopular with the online fans.
  • That's all for now. Things could change again. We won't know until we know, I guess!

I'm leaning towards evicting Steve

If we were BB2, we'd be out by now

Could I be going this week?