Monday, July 04, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Monday Morning - July 4

Will things said catch up to Da'Vonne?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Schemin' Demons:
  • It should be a relatively quiet day today.
  • If the past is any indicator, they'll spend much of the day in indoor lockdown due to 4th of July doings on the show lot.
  • I do expect, since it didn't happen yesterday, that the PoV meeting will take place.
  • I fully expect that Paulie will take Paul down and get Victor in place for the backdoor.
  • He can't take Tiffany down as she's the Road Kill nominee -- it would be Victor naming the replacement.
  • Of Paul and Bronte, it probably seems like Paul is easier to work with although he's a target, too.
  • But it's still Victor with the HUGE target on him due to his allegiance to Jozea, his physical threats and his controlling kind of attitude.
  • Nothing of much consequence happened in the overnight hours.
  • I expect the real fireworks to start when Victor gets named as the renom!
  • The girls seem to be getting closer. At least when we're talking Da'Vonne, Zakiyah, Michelle.
  • Of course, Bronte and Bridgette have been two for the price of one since the get-go.
  • Da'Vonne has been turning on Frank.
  • She and her gals also think that James is getting too chummy with Natalie.
  • So much for the returnees sticking together!
  • They also don't trust Tiffany.
  • BB gave them alcohol again.
  • Nicole told the girls that Frank wants Tiffany out more than he wants Bronte out.
  • Of course, this week it's still Victor. They're talking future order.
  • Da'Vonne thinks it will be easy to get Corey out when the time comes.
  • Since he's such an inconsequential player, probably so. He's friendly with all, is loyal to Nicole (his first friend in the house) and he's a rather mellow kind of guy in the house. He's the type who could possibly go completely under the radar until near the end.
  • Natalie and Bridgette think they're floaters and not a threat to anyone.
  • Nicole also has suspicions regarding Frank.
  • Paul tried to hint to Victor that he may be in trouble. He told Victor that he thinks Paulie won't take Tiffany down because that wouldn't make sense. But he thinks Paulie might take Bronte down.
  • Victor claims he wants to remain thinking positive.
  • Well, that positive attitude will most likely be blown within the next twelve hours or so.
  • James flirted more with Natalie. I doubt any of this will go any further than the Meg/James "romance" did. 
  • Frank had a bit of a hissy fit when James took pizza out of the oven before he (Frank) thought it was ready. He frightened Nicole with the reaction.
  • James isn't really frightened of much at all.
  • Da'Vonne told us she thinks Frank is her biggest competition. Hmm.
  • All are still asleep as I post this.

Playing all sides a bit too much

I want a storage room like this!

James has sprouted antennae

Safe this week, she needs to worry next week

Is it that cold and bright in the house?

Sunday, July 03, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Sunday Evening - July 3

Why am I here again?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap:
  • I've decided I couldn't have a bed like the one in HoH with the fishtank above the headboard. I'd sit and watch the fish all night instead of sleeping.
  • Sundays are rather lazy in the BB house.
  • BB let them sleep in.
  • I've noticed this crowd, although several stayed up late last night, aren't huge stay up until dawn types.
  • Paul says he smokes, but I haven't seen anyone smoke in this crew.
  • James says he wants some of the "blame" for putting Victor on the block when they do the PoV meeting.
  • I think it's more like he wants some of the "credit" for doing it. After all, they did nearly come to blows.
  • Paulie and some of the 8-Packers are very leery of Bridgette. Frank seems to be the only one who actually trusts her.
  • They were once again allowed into the backyard.
  • Just judging on the various workouts, it's Paulie who's the best fit in the house.
  • Frank and Da'Vonne really want Tiffany out (and Paulie in the 8-Pack as the replacement).
  • While Tiffany is on the block as the Road Kill nominee, it's not likely this will be the week they make the move. It should be a Backdoor Victor.
  • There was some excitement when a banner plane flew by reading, "Will you marry me?" Chances are very high it had absolutely nothing to do with BB.
  • Frank started the rumor that it read, "Will you marry me, Z?"
  • Heh.
  • Michelle cried over something, maybe stress. James consoled her. He's good at that.
  • Frank doesn't want Corey to win HoH for a few weeks so they can get Tiffany out.
  • Hmm.
  • Bronte's on the block this week. But she's more likely to be a target next week ... if some people have their way.
  • A whole lotta nothing going on.
  • No PoV meeting as of this writing.
  • So, Victor still thinks he's in it to win it.


My inside upper arm is too sensitive for that

Humma, humma Paulie!

Is there really an attraction?

Another under the radar player

She smells manure, could be a hamster

BB18: HoH Reveal, Nominations Episode Blog Party - July 3

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be constantly updating this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area! Come join in on the fun!

Gee, a quick recap for a change! They must have a lot of stuff to cram into the hour-long episode. 

The HoH comp continuation um ... continues. Frank wants Victor to think he and Paulie want to work with him. But, in reality, he wants Victor out of there this week. Paul thinks Da'Vonne and Zakiyah are moving too slow. Tiffany deliberately comes down because she thinks Corey can go faster without her. Freakazoids out of the game. James sneaky throws it because he wants another team to win. Frank says they're handing it to Paulie.

Yep, Paulie is the new HoH!

Oh, geez ... Victor, in the DR, is almost to tears about Jozea being voted out. However, Paul realizes that he's going to have to work to repair his "image" with the rest of the house. James wants Victor and Bronte on the block. He advises Natalie to keep her cool.

Victor, who blatantly wanted Paulie voted out last week, tries to influence Paulie that the girls need to go. Well, not Bronte. He wants Bronte to stay. 

Meanwhile, Paulie wants to get closer to Paul, even to the point of using him as a pawn on the block. He wants Paulie to betray Victor. And, Paul sees through it and believes he just might have to go along with Paulie's plan to get Victor out of the house. 

We're into a James flirting segment. Cute. 

Time for nominations! Paulie nominates Paul, then Bronte. Paul, wasn't sure where you're at, Bronte the same. Both part of the situation where someone was coming after him.

He tells us that he wants to backdoor Victor. 

Bronte no longer trusts any of the boys. Paul knew it was coming. He says the better beard will win. 

BB ROAD KILL time! Returning souvenirs, six items which add up exactly 18 dollars. Apparently, they don't have to figure in tax!  

The secret reveal of the winner was done through tackle boxes once again. Victor is the winner of Road Kill!

So, what does Victor do? He runs and tells Paulie and then Frank! Silly boy. He thinks he's showing Frank and Paulie he can work with them. He tells Paul and Paul advises him not to tell anyone else. Victor knows better, though. Did I say Silly Boy? I meant it. Victor asks Paulie who should go up.

The Road Kill nominee is ... TIFFANY.

Backdoor Victor plan still in motion.

BB18: Live Feeds Overnight into Sunday - July 3

Beauty fades; obnoxious might be forever

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of The Ants Come Marching In:
  • I don't have a heck of a lot for you.
  • As I mentioned in the last update, Paulie won the Power of Veto, thus his plan should go down as planned.
  • What was that plan?
  • Backdoor Victor, of course.
  • Earlier he thought he'd warn Victor just before the ceremony.
  • Now he thinks he probably won't.
  • He sincerely wants what will make it easiest for the rest of the house.
  • Victor has a temper. 
  • As of right now, Victor doesn't have a clue. He doesn't even know what a backdoor is.
  • Well, he probably knows what one in a house is. But we're talking a backdoor plan as in reference to Big Brother!
  • Paulie plans to take Paul off the block and replace him with Victor.
  • Lots of small talk.
  • They've been in indoor lockdown overnight due to clean up from the PoV comp.
  • It was a messy spelling a word comp. Technotronics!
  • Ah, well. Even though a group stayed up really really late (for a change), it was mostly small talk. Frank, Zakiyah and Paulie talked about how unrealistic it is for Jozea and Victor to think the show will bring Hollywood knocking at their doors.

Talk about under the radar ...

It was a messy PoV comp

Paulie and Nicole celebrate his win

Zakiyah plays with Paulie's hair
Toasting with water in chalices

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - July 3, 2016

Good morning! Since it's Sunday morning, it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. If you're here for Big Brother news, everything I have for you can be found at this link. I'll be posting another live feeds report tonight as well as live-blogging the aired show. But this ain't that. This post is a year-round regular "feature" while Big Brother is a summer obsession. Or, something like that.

I'm finally on a staycation, my last one until September. From what I can see, a heat wave is due to be taking up a good half of my week. Grr. I'm not a summer person unless we're talking staying inside with air conditioning. That's what I'll probably do for a lot of the week. I have the BB live feeds, some other summer TV shows, a couple of new books to read and plenty of diversions.

My three and a half day work week this past week seemed to last a good ten days. I believe I'm actually pining for the day I can finally retire. Yeah, you heard me ... pining.

About the only good thing work-wise which happened this past week is that I received my catalog to choose my recognition award. Every five years of employment at the company gets to choose an award. Since I'm up there in years, I have some pretty decent choices. The last time (five years ago), I got a flat-screen LED television. This year, if I had a car, I'd be tempted by the cool kayak. If I had a lawn, I'd be tempted by a very nice charbroil gas grill or the smoker/grill/roaster one. There are a few cameras catching my attention, a larger HDTV set, a home entertainment system, a quality cookware set ... oh, decisions, decisions. Several watches and pieces of jewelry are in the catalog, but they're really not my thing.

Onto the photos I took this week:

Little green apples

I took trash out to the dumpster in the back of my apartment building's parking lot. I happened to notice a small half-eaten green apple on the ground. I looked up and saw the apple-eater with another one in his paws.

Flower of an hour

Thanks to Bernice, I now know what these beautiful flowers which are usually closed are! You can tell that they're a hibiscus type flower. These just sprouted up like weeds near the Bridgewater Train Station. After the jump, I have a photo of the plant itself.

My town (Plainfield, NJ) had its 93rd Annual 4th of July Parade yesterday.  If you want to check out the photos I took or the "story" below won't work for you, the actual slideshow on my Photobucket account can be found at this link. The link to the album is right here. It was great to see all the children from the city schools involved this year! While the Plainfield HS Marching Band is usually in attendance, the younger kids got involved with their Drama Club (do they still call it that?) doings.