Thursday, September 14, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Thursday - Sept. 14


Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of The Boring Four:
  • Man, these live feeds are just about shot for the season.
  • We missed the nominations and PoV, but found out the results -- Josh and Kevin are on the block and Paul won the Power of Veto. 
  • When the feeds came back on at 9pm their time, midnight my time, most were napping.
  • Well, Kevin was staring into space blinking a lot, much as he's been forced to do a lot of the summer because he was shunned.
  • About the most interesting thing that happened was that Paul had a "Friendship Chat" with us.
  • As I suspected, his intention is to take Josh to the final two. That would be the wisest choice for him as he's made sure Josh has bloodied his hands with almost every eviction.
  • If he chose Christmas, many don't really know her cruel streak, and they might feel sympathy for her due to her broken foot. Plus, he lost to a woman last season when he deserved the win. He won't let that happen again! He didn't say this to us, but I'm just being a bit psychic here.
  • I imagine she'll be getting a big enough payday for that foot from CBS anyway even though it was broken due to tomfoolery.
  • He won't bring Kevin to the final two because (1.) He would think it a Victoria move as Kevin has won no comps and (B.) Kevin just might take a bitter jury's votes for the win.
  • But Josh ... he has done his best to make Josh look like an enraged monster emotionally and physically.
  • Only we know that Josh, although too little and too late, was the one who most wanted to get out Paul towards the end.
  • I found it interesting in Paul's talk that he went on about not wanting to let his parents down again -- his sister became a doctor while he was inside the BB house this summer.
  • Why do I think his parents probably had higher dreams than him winning a TV reality game show? I'm not even talking about his twisted evil ways of going for the win. I'm talking goals in life.
  • I can only think they expected something much different from him.
  • If all goes like I expect tonight, Kevin will be voted out by Christmas.
Just a note -- I see a lot of talk about voting Cody as a favorite just to "get back" at Paul for the game he played. I personally can't condone voting solely for those reasons. Memories are short, I see. I realize Cody had a few fans from the beginning. But his BB game truly sucked. He betrayed his own alliance, refused to talk to people, holed himself up with Jessica, bullied others and sat around staring a lot. I can't see how that all comes across as a "favorite player."

Meanwhile, I was actually entertained by Kevin until they shunned him so much that he spent time just sitting alone with no one to talk to. He tried to get along with everyone and got shunned because of it. No, he didn't play a great game. Yet he was a breath of fresh air -- an older dude (for BB) who kept taking the punishment from the younger cast without breaking down. He's the one with my votes for "Favorite Player." That's because I'm using the vote for what it should be used -- my favorite in this cast, not a revenge motive.  

Plenty of time to think this summer

Most likely to be chosen final two

Some fish survived the summer

Offed by the toxic environment?

"I'm probably a psychopath."

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

BB19: PoV and (not live) Eviction Show Blog Party - Sept. 13

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging and constantly updating this entry -- refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun! 

The live feeds have been down since the hamsters woke up Tuesday morning. For those who worried about me, I just took a little rest of BB because I could. The live feeds won't return until midnight ET tonight.

Here are the blog pool match-ups for easy reference tonight --

Alex Ow - jujufruit423, caela, Donna in FL, Nickelpeed
Christmas Abbott - Willie J, Rich from Buffalo, Glenn, QuixoticElf
Josh Martinez - Petals, Stormy, Kelsey in NY, Dr_Celine
Kevin Schlehuber - elee86, aya, SueGee on the Left Coast
Paul Abrahamian - Indiana Jane, Jackie, Brian, Marlo L

Cody Nickson
Elena Davies
Mark Jansen
Matthew Clines
Jason Dent
Raven Walton

Hamster watchers ready? 

Julie gathers them in the living room to the couches, She tells them one of them will be evicted tonight early. Of course, this was taped last night, but ...! 

Then we go into the recap.

Alex cries about being nominated. Josh tries to talk to her. Okay, she's faking. So then Josh real cries. Of course. Paul and Christmas try to console him. Josh wants Alex to win veto so he stands a chance to backdoor Paul. Paul and Christmas tell him Alex has to lose the veto -- she must go home. 

Christmas won't commit to Josh when he asks for a final two with her. Hmm.

Josh cries some more. 

Paul tells Josh that Alex can cry on command. He says her last ditch effort will be to get sympathy from Josh. 

It's veto comp time! And, as we knew it was coming, it's the BB comic book cover zipline comp we've seen before. Christmas is not cleared to play. The time limit is 45 minutes. 

Pottymouth is perfect for Paul. He can't say a single sentence without cursing. Mind you, all of them have pottymouths this season ... even Kevin. 

Kevin timed out. Alex thinks that Paul is still her hero. Gag. She thinks that either she or Paul need to win. 

Alex - 14.34
Kevin - 45.0
Josh - 24.36
Paul - 12.10

Paul wins the Power of Veto! He plans not to use it. Alex thinks he'll save her.

Ah, Paul has to tell Alex he won't use the veto. He tells his truth to her -- that he can't use the veto on her because it would blow his own game. He tries to be oh-so-nice to her as he puts the knife in her back. 

She goes to the bathroom alone crying while he goes crying on Christmas's shoulder. And then he cries to us in the Diary Room. Oh, so sad. Yeah, right.

Veto meeting time --
Although he has no intention of using it, he lets them talk.
Alex -- You were the only one I trust
Kevin -- You make the decision.

He doesn't use the veto. 

Eviction time!
Kevin -- Says hi to all. Third time on the block, fighting, thank you all want to keep on fighting.
Alex -- Thanks and hi. She's in tears. It's been a struggle. She failed Jason, sorry.

The votes to evict:
Christmas -- Alex
Paul -- Kevin

He's even shedding the bloody hands to Josh on this one. Josh has to cast the tiebreaker. Tears are welling in his eyes. He tearfully evicts Alex. 

HoH Comp, What the Bleep? The traditional statements from previous hamsters, one word bleeped out, they must guess true or false when Julie says the word.

1. All right
2. Paul right, other two wrong
3. All right
4. Paul only one right
5. Paul right again.

Paul wins HoH and is guaranteed a spot in the final three. 

Monday, September 11, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Monday Evening, PoV Meeting - Sept. 11

Lap, no yap.

Can't hide from Paul's game

I've been played all summer.

Someone has to take me to Final Two!

Paul's a tool! No friendship!

Perhaps a tool, but surrounded by fools.

The screen caps above are the ones Blogger wouldn't let me post this morning as well as being funky when I tried to write the entry. That seems over with.

So, here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Devious Dormice:
  • As I mentioned in my ill-fated earlier post, Paul had explained to Alex that he couldn't use the veto or it would blow his own game.
  • At that time, she actually accepted his story and even told him she'd vote for him to win if he made it to the final two.
  • Then Josh cried to her. And at her. And around her.
  • The more she thought about things, the more it dawned on her that it was her beloved buddy Paul calling all the shots ... and he has been all summer.
  • Well, duh.
  • Then Josh went and cried to Christmas. And at Christmas. And around Christmas.
  • Her patience with his emotions is really running thin.
  • She snapped at him that Paul is a genius and neither one of them would be there if not for him.
  • She told him that if Paul uses the veto, Kevin might go home. Or she (Christmas) might.
  • Do you want me to go home, little boy? Stop your snuffling and crying!
  • Alex wants us to vote her for America's Favorite Player.
  • I doubt she has any real chance.
  • But, until Paul's spool of lies and betrayals snagged her, she did have possibilities in the game.
  • Too bad she threw them away.
  • As expected, Paul did not use the Power of Veto -- the nominations remain Alex and Kevin.
  • Alex will be going home.
  • Meanwhile, Kevin is studying the days and stuff by himself.
  • Alex is getting confused because of the difficulty in understanding the writing of the Bible.
  • Josh, Christmas and Paul are studying days and stuff together.
  • Josh told us he has to win every comp he can.
  • Josh, Christmas and Paul don't think Kevin has any right to be in the house.
  • Yet they will indeed vote out Alex.
  • Josh, Kevin and Paul talked for a bit about 9/11 in their own salute to the lives lost. It's strange to realize Paul was in third grade and Josh was only in first grade when it happened. Josh was in the Edgewater/Hoboken area and vividly recalls the day and the aftermath. Later on Christmas, Josh and Paul talked more about their memories of the day.
  • It turns out that Josh was a year behind because he failed kindergarten. He was new to the country and didn't speak English.
  • Then they talked about the ages they were for high school graduation. Paul went on about being so young graduating from high school because he turned 18 in June of his senior year. Um, what? He must have attended a small school if he was the youngest grad! All the schools I dealt with over the years have the age cut-off in the fall or even up to December resulting in many 17-year old grads. 

This should be in normal English!

Kevin is worried about his kids

BB19: Live Feeds Sunday into Monday - Sept. 10-11


Orwell for the win!

 I'm having Blogger issues -- it won't let me upload all the screen caps I took from yesterday and last night. Grr. I had figured out good captions for them and all! If it works later, you'll get an all screen caps update.

Meanwhile, here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Tools and Fools:
  • Paul gave Alex a long story about how he had to not use the veto or blow his own game.
  • She's not happy about it, not at all.
  • She knows that they will take her out over Kevin.
  • She realizes that she got got and by Paul.
  • She gave us a long talk in the yard before BB shut down the yard to prep it for the next comp.
  • Grr. Blogger is really giving me issues today! I tried switching browsers, but it did no good.
  • BB gave them the makings for an ice cream shake party including a blender and party hats.
  • Kevin calls sprinkles "jimmies."
  • I call them sprinkles.
  • I'm just going to get this posted before Blogger completely conks out on me.
  • More later!