Friday, July 26, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds into Friday - July 26

Yes, Nick. It will indeed be a nail-biter

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Miserable Mice:
  • Last night's HoH winner could have been Analyse instead of Holly.
  • Holly was considering dropping while talking to Analyse and probably would have had Jackson not yelled that she had to stay up.
  • After all, he couldn't win at that point, but it would still be his HoH if Holly won.
  • @@
  • Either one, though, would be another HoH for the Jacks.
  • That said, both Holly and Amanlyse did incredibly well in the comp -- 2 hours and 19 minutes.
  • And, though I hate to say it, Jackson did really well as did Kat. Kat I wanted to do well. Jackson not so much.
  • In a way, I'm kind of speechless. But, I'll try. Y'see, Holly came into the house talking about thinking of respect for her parents and her small town, she wouldn't do anything to embarrass them.
  • But then she did. She jumped into bed with Jackson. Then she was told that the sex would be on the live feeds. So, she cooled it with Jackson. But then she made up with Jackson before the live show last night.
  • So, you know who's sleeping and, more likely, not sleeping in the HoH room.
  • And, Jackie … what about those Have Nots?
  • Supposedly Have Nots aren't allowed to eat until midnight on the live evection show day. Yet Jackson started immediately after the feeds picked up after the HoH comp.
  • Okay, he's been cheating, blatantly even, without any sort of penalty all week. What does an hour or two matter?
  • They haven't named any Have Nots for this week. Perhaps, if they're not going to enforce the rules for one, they can't enforce them for anybody and they're throwing the towel in.
  • I don't know.
  • Holly has had the revolving door of everyone pleading their case to stay off the block.
  • We know that much of the decision will be influenced by Jackson.
  • Sigh.
  • Nominations are later today.
  • It looks like she'll probably be putting Nick and Sam on the block.
  • Christie even suggested Cliff because "they" (she) only promised him two weeks safety.
  • So, yeah … they continue to be picked off one by one.
  • In other news, I watched the extended Bella/Julie interview. My gosh, had that Bella been in the house, she'd still be in the house!
  • Once I know the nominations, I'll post.

I'm so glad Jackson isn't in my life.

Could have won, still a bad scenario.

She did do well in the comp. Who is she?

I really wanted a Kat or Nicole victory.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds HoH Endurance Comp Updates - July 25

Once the live feeds return I will be updating this post with the action and some screencaps, too. Stay tuned. And, once I start updating, refresh the page to get the latest and please head to the comments area so you too can help report or react to the comp!

Jess, then Nicole, went down before the live show ended.
10:03pm ET - Julie promised live feeds the second the show ended. I have cute adoptable kitties.
10:04pm ET - Okay, feeds are live in audio, but we have fish.

10:05pm ET

10:09pm ET - Sam out, followed by Christie

10:15pm ET

10:20pm ET - Jack out.

10:28pm ET

10:33pm ET - Tommy down. Now it's just Kat, Holly, Jackson and Analyse remaining. I'm not sure when Nick went down.

10:40pm ET

10:38pm ET - We had a puppy for a while. Tommy and Christie have the poison ivy punishment.

10:50pm ET - Still Kat, Holly, Jackson and Analyse up.

11:02pm ET

11:23pm ET - All four still up. This is getting a bit much. It's to be a battle between Kat and Jackson. The other two can drop now as far as I'm concerned.

11:23pm ET - Jackson down
11:24pm ET - Kat down

It's up to Analyse and Beth, er Holly now.
I just wish one would drop. Neither are ones I had hoped to be battling it out now.

11:57pm ET - Still Analyse and Holly hanging in at the two-hour mark. One needs to drop. Really. Seriously. Like NOW.


12:14am ET - Analyse went down.


BB21: Live Eviction Show Blog Party - July 25

So, here we are … going into the first real eviction of the season. Will it be Jack or Bella? Will it be a landslide or a blindside? These questions and more will be answered during the show.

Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool. You can find the latest standings at THIS HERE POST.

I'll be live blogging the major events and updating this entry as the show airs here on the East Coast. A separate post is waiting in the wings to cover the expected HOH endurance comp which is promised on the live feeds after the aired show ends. That post should appear, as if by magic. a few minutes before 10pm ET. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

Julie, once again looking like a breath of fresh air in the summer. welcomes us and we're into the "previously on" segment. I will twiddle my thumbs until the real action starts.

We're promised an epic battle of endurance beginning in the show. And, it's back to Julie. Can Bella talk her way out of the trouble she's in? We pick up after the veto meeting ends. Cliff tells us he's thinking weeks ahead. We'll see how that works out. Jack thinks his odds are good. Nick thinks Cliff made a stupid move as the ones he's helping just voted him out last week.

Bella is crying. Jackson tells us how the entire house has been burned by Bella. Cliff tells Nick why he did what he did. Cliff tells us Nick and Bella aren't his path to victory.

Nick is sure that Bella will be voted out. He seems to really care about her. That's a bit unlike some of the other hanky-panky going around in the house! She tells us she loves him and will fight to stay in the house. 

Jack thinks it says something about Cliff that he kept his word to Christie. Cliff proposes working with them. He knows he won't be at the head of the totem pole. He would like to make sure he's not a target while they turn on each other -- sort of like they turned on Sam and Bella. They're receptive to Cliff's proposal.

Kat and Holly both come from the pageant world. They recognize each other but don't know each other (like Tommy and Christie know each other). So, some of these secrets are coming out. They go for a final two deal together.

Cliff explains to Bella why he put her up and that if he hadn't, Christie would have used the power and she would go up anyway. She tells him she will campaign for the votes. He tells her more power to her. Cliff tells her that if it's a tiebreaker, he will do what he has to do. Hmm. 

She is working it. Kat tells us she knows Jack will have to go, but it might be too early. She goes to Jess and Nicole. Jess is still mad at her but says Bella makes a compelling argument. Nicole tells us she can actually work with this Bella and it's a huge opportunity to get rid of Jack.

Just before commercial, Julie tells us it's time to meet the Cliffomaniacs; On a side not, I'm getting a kick out of his daughter Kelly on Twitter. She's a hoot!

We meet his family. His wife speaks highly of him. His two adult kids are there, too. We get a clip of his moon tribute from the feeds. He has a patent. Hmm. Then we get a clip of him twerking in the fashion contest yesterday. His kids are very proud, as is his wife. The live vote is next and we go into commercial.

To the living room.
Bella - Shout outs, consider the bigger threat, haven't won anything, large group, will take out the others one by one, respect Jack and your decision.
Jack - Hates speeches, team player, hold myself with integrity, hope you vote what's best for your game.

The votes to evict:
Christie - Bella
Analyse - Bella
Jackson - Bella
Nick - Jack
To commercial …
Sam - Jack
Nicole - Bella
Kat - Bella
Jess - Bella
Holly - Bella
Tommy - Bella

Eight to two, Bella is evicted. They had their chance to get rid of a real threat and didn't do it. I love that Kat said first she wanted to evict Michie! So, we go through the fake hugs. Bella is handling it well. Nick is crying.

Now, if the Bella talking to Julie was the Bella in the house, she'd still be there. She does indeed care about Nick. We get goodbye messages. Sam, Nicole leave nice messages. Nasty from Jack. Nick sweet. Bella is in tears by the end. But she did come off as very poised for most the interview, there will be an extended interview online.

To the backyard. Pose in Ivy. Hold onto vines for dear life, fall off, you're eliminated. Pull chip from punishment box. Two will receive poison ivy punishment. They're swinging, two hands on vines, feet also on vine-like moving piece.

Julie tells us next Thursday we get to send three HG on a trip that will put one HG game on the line.

Back to the comp -- Jess is down. Pick up the action on the comp post I made. Nicole is out.

BB21: Live Feeds into Thursday Morning - July 25

The loving couple coming to an end?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Controversial Critters:
  • For some reason this season's cast is into group activities.
  • I think the reason is Tommy. He always seems to be in the thick of it all.
  • He probably thinks it will get him air time.
  • Now, this is a group in which some (the Jacks) often talk about hating people, then to their faces say they love them.
  • Hate is a very strong word. If I sincerely hated someone, I wouldn't have anything to do with them.
  • Yet, again and again, they all talk love and kumbaya in the presence of the hated.
  • Yesterday's group activity was a fashion show. 
  • Hey, it took up more than a few hours of the live feeds.
  • Seeing Cliff twerking in boxer shorts is something I can't unsee.
  • Jess did more than she's done the whole season so far in the house. She put on quite a show and won the fashion show. Beep beep.
  • Then there's the game talk ... finally.
  • Nicole is still trying her best to get the votes to keep Bella. She wisely sees that the chance to get Jack out might not come around again soon and thinks they need to take the shot at him.
  • She thinks if she can gather five votes for Bella to stay (or, in other words, for Jack to go away), that would force Cliff into breaking the tie.
  • I don't think she's going to get the five votes.
  • I think they're all or mostly going to be sheep once again.
  • However, if she did get the votes to keep Bella, I fear Cliff would vote to keep Jack anyway in his misguided attempt to work his way to the seventh person in a six person alliance.
  • He's not looking long term at the game and it's disappointing to me.
  • It seems like he's willing to lose a definite number for his side and his side altogether to go to a group where he'' be used, abused and discarded when they're through with him.
  • Jackson was all kind of ticked off yesterday when they got groceries. He's been asking for watermelon all season so far and yesterday it finally came in. He doesn't want anyone to touch the several melons until he comes off slop.
  • He's probably angrier because he can't think of a way to hide a watermelon in his pants to sneak to the shower to eat.
  • After the fashion show (beep beep) Jackson seemed to be absent from the live feeds most of the evening. Diary Room? Sleeping in a prohibited area? Eating watermelon behind a chair? I don't know.
  • Tonight's HoH comp is promised to be an endurance comp and they're pushing the live feeds to view it.
  • I'm thinking it could quite possibly be a wall comp. It's just as good that Cliff is outgoing HoH and can't compete. I don't think he'd last long.
  • If a wall, I don't see Jack or Jess lasting long, either.
  • I'm hoping some of the inconsequential ones cough:::Analyse, Holly::: don't last long. If either of them win, you know it would be Jack/Jackson in charge.
  • Holly is so inconsequential to the show. How inconsequential is she? She's so inconsequential that they call her Beth on Twitter.
  • Why Beth? Apparently, although I don't recall it, when they were introducing themselves after entering the house, someone (Jackson?) called her Beth after the introductions.
  • Both Jack and Sam (who claims to be such a huge BB fan) were shocked that some people actually watch the live feeds 24/7 and file reports on the internet.
  • Yes, Jack … as long as the camera is on you, we see every move you make and every breath you take. 
  • If memory serves, when the cast bios came out, I only noticed a few even mention the live feeds. Ovi for sure. And, I think Nicole. Cliff mentions a lot of the sites (not this one, of course) but hasn't really talked about the live feeds.
  • I wonder what Jack thinks the cameras are for?
  • Oh, well. We'll probably see a sheeple vote again tonight with Nick being a single vote for Bella to stay because he can explain it. 
  • There may be a stray vote in there, too.
  • Nicole was talking to Christie about being blamed for the previous hinky vote -- both believe it was Jackson.
  • Christie has lately been on an anti-Jackson kick and how he needs to go.
  • That won't happen tonight.
  • And, since Christie is such drama queen, who knows if that's even the way she really feels?
  • I hate to say it, but Christie might just be playing the best game in the house. It's sad because she annoys me. But she has her Bunch o' Boys and Gals pretty much in tow yet her name isn't coming up as a target with the exception of Cliff pondering fooling her to not use her power and throwing her on the block … which didn't come to fruition.
  • She has shield all around her in the Jacks and, if it got down to it, the no threat at all Beth Holly and Analyse.
  • Tonight will show that the proof is in the pudding.

Cliff shakes his stuff at the fashion show

He could have been a contender

Glad she keeps the six guessing

Is she doomed in the game?

People actually watch the live feeds 24/7?

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

BB21: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - July 24

Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends … even though this season it needs to! Tonight is the PoV show and, hopefully, some of the issues seen and heard on the live feeds might get addressed. Some have made the major scandal media outlets. Than said, this post is about the show that's airing and is to be SPOILER FREE. Thank you!

I'll be live blogging, updating this entry with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments section -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

We'll sit through the Previously On. After all, it was previously on!

We pick up the action after the end of the nominations ceremony. Cliff thinks he made a big move nominating Jack and Jackson but is worried about Christie using her power. Jack thinks he's Cliff's target. Gee, y'think?

Christie is crying so her buddy Jack has to console her. She's freaking out more than the nominees. She knows any of her alliance who win the PoV will expect her to use it. Had she not told them all, she wouldn't have this dilemma. She isn't safe if she gives it to someone else who wins the veto to use it.

Cliff talks to Nicole and Kat, then Sam enters. He tells them if it backfires on him, it does. Nick is a bit cocky about Cliff's nominations.

The SLOP has arrived! Have Nots has returned. They'll be housed in the Camp ComeBack room. Cliff chooses Tommy, Kat, Sam and Jackson. 

Christie tells Cliff of her woes about using the power. He doesn't want her to hijack his HoH. He tells her how strong she is and how he doesn't want her on the wrong side of him.

Jackson is looking to see who has the one power that's owner unknown. Of course, it's Jack. He explains his power to Jackson. He can demand a new drawing of veto players if the original draw contains someone like Sam.

And … it's suddenly veto players pick time! From the bag, Cliff pulls out Houseguest's Choice and goes for Sam. Jack drew Holly. Jackson drew Jess. But wait …! Jack doesn't like those people! He activates his Chaos Power. It's a re-draw of the chips.

Cliff gets Kat. Jack gets Sam … so much for that, huh? Jackson gets Analyse.

Cliff talks to Sam about his worries that Christie will use her power. 

Veto comp time! They have to go out to the lake in the yard. There's a jetski sitting there. They have to strip down to their swimsuits while holding in three buttons. Each button they lose touch on speeds up the clock. Once to the bathing suit, dive into the lake and push a button to lock in their time.

It's a struggle for all of them. Due to his size, I think Jack might have had the most trouble. 

Cliff - 4.47
Analyse - 9.06
Sam - 11.21
Kat - 3.25
Jack - 13.10
Jackson - 2.59


Cliff is all worried now. He did not want either Jack or Jackson to win. 

Christie feels like everyone is looking at her to use the veto so that Bella would go up. Her alliance is pressuring her. She doesn't want to "piss off" Cliff, nor her alliance. What to do? Crying might help. At least she realizes she should have kept her mouth shut about it. Jackson is telling her it would be blood on his hands, not hers. 

Jackson pressuring her is turning her off. After all, she's such strong woman -- who is just given to hysterics now and then. She doesn't want a man telling here what to do!

Christie goes to talk to Cliff. He's thinking her has to buckle down and try to get safety or something. She complains to him about Jackson pressuring her. Cliff points out that if Jackson saves himself, he could put up her or Tommy. She tells him that for the next two weeks, she would offer him safety or use her power to save him. She tells him that she wouldn't break her word. This is all contingent on outing up Bella. He promises her. But he's doubting himself.

Veto meeting time. Jackson saves himself, of course. Christie does NOT invoke her power. Cliff puts up … Bella. Sigh. 

Cliff tells us he couldn't break his word. Christie is ecstatic. She still has her power. Bella is upset. Nick is upset.