Wednesday, April 12, 2006

'Big Brother 7' News

From this article - Entertainment Weekly's Feature: All-star ''Big Brother'': It's on! - it appears that this summer's Big Brother 7 will indeed be the wanted-by-many-but-not-by-me All Stars show. I'm just personally not too keen on watching folks I've already watched before on reality shows. That said, I'll be watching because I'm a BB addict and I'm pretty sure I'll have the feeds once again. I don't think I could get into the show without the feeds accompanying it. I'm also pretty sure I'll be blogging about the show, whether on this blog or another or perhaps even a team set up with other bloggers. Unless I have knee surgery again this summer (which is unlikely, but there are knee issues) and have the summer off from work again, I won't be able to devote the kind of time I did with last year's blog. But, with the help of other fans, maybe we can get something fun going once again to while away the summer days while watching the House Hamsters!

Here's a quote from the article:

...for the first time ever fans will get to choose who participates in the game from a pool of 20 former houseguests (BB6's Kaysar Ridha, stay by your phone!). CBS has yet to announce how or when voting will occur.

So... who do you want to see return on the show?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love big brother hope you will still be blogging you did a great job last summer i am from the west coast and i like the spoilers