As the houseguests sleep, I thought it would be interesting to pick up and run with something commenter Barbwire came up with on a previous entry here.
In thinking about Jameka and Amber's game strategy or lack there of, she wondered about past winners of the show and whether some flew under the radar. I'm offering my take here and would like to open the discussion floor for your thoughts. Does Amber really have a strategy? Jameka? If either wins, will it be a purely under the radar win? How about Zach? Has a lack of strategy won the game before?
Here's my take on the previous winners:
Season 1 Winner: Eddie McGee didn't play under the radar, but no one really had a plan that year.
Season 2 Winner: Will Kirby, didn't play under the radar yet threw every comp, his strategy was to lie and tell them he was lying. Puppetmaster and probably my favorite all-time houseguest.
Season 3 Winner: Lisa Donahue - now, I think she played a bit under the radar. Not my favorite player, nowhere near it. She was strong at times in comps.
Season 4 Winner: Jun Song, had a reputation for playing under the radar but I think she actually had a strategy and was a bit sneaky. I think she was pretty game-smart and used others (especially Jee) to her advantage.
Season 5 Winner: Drew Daniel, not the strongest strategist by a long shot. Joined an alliance and was likable. I think I'd put him in the flew somewhat under the radar camp.
Season 6 Winner: Maggie Ausburn, definitely didn't fly under the radar, but instead had others do all of her dirty work for her. In my opinion, a bit of puppetmaster although certainly not as entertaining for me as was Will Kirby.
Season 7 Winner: Mike "Boogie" Malin, didn't fly under the radar but instead rode on Will Kirby's coattails throughout the season. I was NOT happy to see him win, not at all.
Here's my take on those left in the house right now and their strategies:
Amber: Has no real strategy, had a vision she'd win, thinks she's good and nice, thus worthy of winning. She's playing under the radar, but her tears and whining bring her to the forefront -- that's not strategy, though.
Jameka: Nice and good person, make friends with all and win. Under the radar.
Daniele: Strong in comps, I think her original strategy was to get along well with people, win comps. Immaturity issues, her father in the house, and the personalities of others have affected her strategy. A change to super-alliance with Dad and win at the end because they like her better.
Dick: Studied the game and often says he wants to emulate Will Kirby. Alas, his own personality does him in. Change in strategy to work with Daniele. He'll be thrilled if she wins, but is also thinking about his own position in the house. Cooks, cleans, makes himself useful even in rant stages.
Jessica: Under the radar, nice, but uses Eric and others to do her dirty work for her, thus still coming up in favor of others. Decent people skills and she's using them. Decent in comps. I do think her strategy is a bit under the radar when compared with others in the house, but a stronger player than Amber or Jameka. She actually tries to think ahead in the game.
Zach: Almost under the radar, but his strategy is showing more as the numbers in the house dwindle. He puts himself in the position of siding with the HOH each week promising to vote their way in an effort to keep the spotlight off himself. He listens and picks up on everything. He would have been more successful with different housemates. I could see him and Roddy teaming up, etc. Zach puts himself in the position where he never offends anyone by nominating them, never wins any comps. Maybe he can't win comps because he did really want to save his own butt with the POV this week.
Eric: He's the Big Brother scholar, but his strategy has had to change due to America's Player. If he were at his own devices, I think he could have every move planned out ahead. Unfortunately for him, the AP has thrown him some curve balls. I think he's handled the cover-up with the stray votes and such better than I ever could. I'd actually like to see how he'd play the game on his own. I think he could very well be the best strategist in the house if not for the AP intervention.
Your thoughts?
I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
Showing posts with label Big Brother 7: All Stars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Big Brother 7: All Stars. Show all posts
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Ah, The Memories of 'Big Brother'
What's in store for us this season? Three weeks (and a day) to go! Meanwhile, let's remember Will's Internet Love. ;-)
Monday, May 28, 2007
'Big Brother 8' (and BB7) News

There's Big Brother 8 news to be had today! According to CANOE -- JAM!, the starting date for the show is Thursday, July 5th.
According to RealityBBQ, Sarah and James from Big Brother 7 are now a couple of the past. All that's said is "she is dating someone new." Um, okay.
In previously released Big Brother 8 news, Arnold Shapiro is stepping away this season and Alison Grodner will be taking the producer reins of the show. They had worked together as executive producers on the show in past seasons.
On the official CBS website, they still have the application link live on the main page, but the deadline was in April. I'm anticipating this season to be at this link once it goes live (if they follow the format from past seasons). Usually the houseguests go into sequester for a period in the latter part of June. Once the show is sure they'll make it (see Brandon Showalter), the cast announcements and website go live. The feeds usually follow the show's premiere although the houseguests are in the house for approximately 4 days before the first show airs.
I'll be doing Live Feed Reports once again this year, most likely on the three times a day format (morning, early evening, late night ET) with the exception of some days which will have additional posts. I'm also thinking of live-blogging the shows as they air here in the NYC area. I previously didn't do show blog entries as most had already been discussed in live feed reports, but live-blogging might fit that in just fine. And, as always, I'll be posting East Coast Updates on eviction nights.
On July 5th, it'll be AWN. (Credit to Monica Bailey)
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
BULLETIN: 'Big Brother' - Evil Dr. Will on Ablow NOW
Will Kirby is on the Dr. Keith Ablow (whatever) show right now in the NYC area. Check your local listings! It's FOX5 here in the NYC area.
Ah, the PuppetMaster! He's with his lady love, Erin Brodie. No Janelle mention as of yet.
The show is all about reality television couples, so if you're around and can catch it... I think a few of the blog readers here might be interested.
They're going into a Biggest Loser couple now.
Will says he's currently shooting a show called Doctor 90210 with the E! network.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
TV Newsy Bits - Tuesday, February 13, 2006

It's Tuesday night. Of course, that means American Idol night - it's the start of the Hollywood rounds. I'll do a write-up about it later tonight. I also found that the episode of The Wire that BET didn't show in either of its Saturday night time slots is airing at 2 AM. Yes, I have tomorrow off. But, no... I don't want to stay up until 3:30 AM. I'll tape it. Thankfully, this week they have it on at 9 PM on Saturday once again.
In other real TV Newsy Bits:
- The good folks at the Buddy TV site have posted an exclusive interview with recently fired Apprentice candidate Aaron Altscher. If you're a Gilmore Girls fan, they also have an interview with Matt Czuchry (Logan Huntzberger on the show).
- TBS has given the greenlight a new sitcom, The Bill Engvall Show, based on the success of My Boys and 10 Items or Less. According to Michael Wright, senior vice-president of original programming at TBS: "It’s a multi-camera family comedy shot in front of a studio audience, and we are absolutely thrilled with it. Bill is such a funny and engaging guy. He and Nancy [Travis] have great chemistry. And together with the rest of the wonderful cast, they just make you want to invite their family into your home and have a good laugh with them." The basic premise is a family in which the father is a family counselor - and the family could use one themselves. It's due to premiere this summer.
- The Celebrity Spider website has mild spoilers for this week's Survivor 14: Fiji.
- If you're a Chill Town fan, Mike "Boogie" from Big Brother took part in a Jokers Updates chat last night.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Sunday Morning Coffee Break Update
Shade over on AOL was kind enough to give me a cup of coffee, so I decided it's the perfect time for a BB7 break!
There are tons of news articles out there and I thought that some of the readers would enjoy catching up with our summer shomances. Of course, we just led them on... let them THINK we loved 'em. We don't, really. They were just our summer shomances and we're onto new shomances for the fall season!
But, here ya go:
Media Fiends put up the transcript of the final Housecalls with Mike Boogie and Erika here at this link.
Entertainment Weekly ran an interview with Mike Boogie and Erika here.
SC Magazine interviewed Mike at this link. They interviewed Erika separately at this link.
There are wrap party photos at
Sit back and enjoy your cup of joe as you read about our summer fling.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Reflections On A Season And A Finale

I've said it before with other reality shows - I'm not too keen on "All Star" seasons and I often really don't want to see people I've previously watched competing once again. Okay. That said, the hook for this season for me (other than the fact that I'm a Big Brother addict) was Will Kirby. A Big Brother All Stars version had to have him or I couldn't consider it "All Stars." In his season, I rooted for him. In this season, I sat back and marvelled at his ability to charm and manipulate his way through the crowd.
Sure, it was so cool to see Chicken George once again and I didn't see enough of Nakomis. I personally could have done without seeing Diane, Erika or Mike Boogie at all. Several of the players fell in the middle for me. I understand why they were chosen, but they weren't my season favorites -- Jase, James, and Alison. While I think Kaysar is probably a great guy, he's not a schemer and it showed with his lackluster performance on the show this season.
Then there's Danielle, a woman I thought was only second to Dr. Will in gameplay. I was disappointed with her choice of allies and a few personal errors she made this season. She could have done so much better. Howie imploded this season. He was never a real strong player, more of a follower. Alas, his adolescent ways overcame him. I have seen him tender and thoughtful to others, but he let rage rule too much this season and it cast a bad light on him. Marcellas, once funny, seemed bitter and unhappy all season. Janelle, the buxom blonde America's Choice, played competitions so well, but fell flat whenever she had to make a decision albeit making it to the Final Four through her talent at winning competitions. Kudos to her.
But the cast is what it is, or for that matter, was what it was. I personally think that if not for the Will/Janelle Show and the Chill Town phone segments, this season wouldn't have any entertainment substance at all. The competitions were run-of-the-mill, the house had no excitement, no America's Choices per se, no luxury comps or cool doings. Compared to past seasons, these houseguests got diddley-squat. I don't know why, but they did. Again, it was up to the PuppetMaster to keep the season lively. And, he did. Thank you, Dr. Will.
The season itself had a few really dull weeks in its start as the houseguests sat around and talked of past seasons. Yawn. Once it went constantly topsy-turvy with the sides switching power, the POVs being used, alliances mixing, Chill Town using them all... it became intriguing. And, to whom can we credit that? I'd say Will Kirby. With the exception of the final two, I'd have to say the season was a success through fate alone... and Will. I just never liked Mike Boogie and Erika always seemed like more of a non-entity than a player to me.
But, I think the producers seriously have to examine some of the areas in which they fell short this season. If next season with new unknowns has the same boring days and nights, it will fall on its face. This season, it was dependent on the houseguests' personalities and past showing to make it. That won't cut it next season... and barely cut it this season. This season they concentrated too much on sensationalism and humiliation of the houseguests when all else failed.
While the show itself is one built for trickery and deceit, I personally don't care for the "mean" factor we saw when folks were evicted and in the finale itself when Mike Boogie's ways were exposed to Erika. Yes, they have to find out sometime. And, no, I don't care much for Erika, but that was almost to the point of cruelty on national television.
I realize that Big Brother isn't a huge cerebral kind of show, but they took it a step closer to the World Weekly News tabloid of TV shows when they do that sort of thing. It's all about sensationalism and I don't think that's why I enjoy the show at all. I actually enjoy watching folks interact with strangers. I enjoy seeing a Dr. Will use charisma to charm while telling folks he's lying all the time. I liked the days when the houseguests had no clocks, had no automatic washing machines, yet got luxuries in competitions that they really appreciated unlike the Will Farrell movie which, if memory serves, was the only luxury comp this season.
It's time for the producers to analyze what this season would have been if not for the personalities of the houseguests. It's time for them to step back from sensationalizing the show and go back to the more simple, non-cruel ways of strangers in a house.
My favorite part of the finale was watching Danielle smile through the Will/Mike Boogie phone call segments, including the one in which they talked about evicting her. You could see admiration for a game well-played in the eyes of all the jurors as they watched the phone call bits. That was "good television." And, of course, I credit Will... not his sidekick.
I also enjoyed Jase admitting there was a Mr. and Mrs. Smith alliance via a phone call blurb to Diane. Of course, that was a bit overshadowed by Chill Town.
The vote of 6 to 1 for the Mike Boogie win didn't surprise me at all. Will (of course) proved he's the Ultimate PuppetMaster and even said so. Yes, Mike turned on the gameplay and he proved he can win comps, but in the end... he's Will's sidekick. I personally don't care if he thinks he's not. Will could have done well in the show on his own, but Mike wouldn't have been there if not for Will and certainly wouldn't have won.
So, what's next? I'm sure to be watching next season, but hope the producers don't follow their same ways they did with this season. Will Janelle and Will get together? I haven't a clue, but I loved watching their flirtmance as it played out. They were like kids flirting and it was even kind of innocent and sweet. Will Erika go out with Mike? I doubt it. She's been used, abused and tossed to the side by Mike Nasty. I don't like her and I wouldn't have allowed myself in those shoes, but I can't imagine how horrified she is after going through that humiliation live on national television. Feh to Mike Boogie. He won, but in the long run... you reap what you sow. I'd personally rather be known for being a decent human being, not a user of others.
As for the blog this season, I've had a great time. This blog tied with last season's blog readership at around a half-million hits. I especially want to thank Sandy at AOL Television for linking the blog on promotional pages even though I moved on from the AOL Journals product. AOL Television rocks! And, of course, I want to thank Zoetawny for another season of cool graphics! A few folks wondered about us... we've never met in person. Zoetawny is West Coast, I'm East Coast. We "met" while I was hosting AOL Message Boards as a volunteer Community Leader there and she was a board poster. We're both still on AOL and involved on various show boards although I'm not hosting them any longer. Now that all the feeds are over, I'll have more time for the boards again!
And, most of all, I want to thank the readers and commenters here for making this blog the success it is. While the donations many made are certainly appreciated (and put to good use), if not for the community which developed in the comments area, this blog wouldn't be the success it is. I hope many of you stick around for other show blogging right here. I enjoy having you around!
Thank you all! And, yes... I still owe people email, I know! I ended up falling asleep last evening after the show and ended up sleeping until just when Mike Boogie, Erika and Julie Chen were on The Early Show. Thankfully, I'm off from work today as I tend to have Wednesdays off. If not, I would have had to explain to my boss that I like my bed better than my job! But, it was so nice to sleep and not worry about missing what was going on with the live feeds.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Finale Show Update - Winner of America's Choice
Janelle and James also voted for Mike.
Janelle won the $25,000 America's Choice.
Erika is relieved it's over.
And... it's OVER.
Janelle won the $25,000 America's Choice.
Erika is relieved it's over.
And... it's OVER.
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Finale Show Update - Winners
The votes:
Marcellas - Erika
Howie - Mike
Danielle - Mike
George - Mike
Will - Mike
Mike won, the rest of the votes? Dunno right now. Erika doesn't look too happy.
Will and Mike happy dance/hug.
Marcellas - Erika
Howie - Mike
Danielle - Mike
George - Mike
Will - Mike
Mike won, the rest of the votes? Dunno right now. Erika doesn't look too happy.
Will and Mike happy dance/hug.
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Finale Show Update - Revelations
The evicted return (not jury). They've watched it all. Kaysar's hair has grown in, but it's not fluffy. He reveals to Janelle that someone came in with a chip on his shoulder, look behind you. George, Not me? James! He exposes James! All the bad stuff he said about Janelle. Janelle not really surprised... he's a bit of a whiner. James - I won't get personal, fusses about the Jase eviction again. Janelle accepts.
Jase - First honorary member of Chill Town. Mike/Will... Diane and Jase - they're mocking CT phone calls. Brrrrinnng - There WAS a Mrs./Mr. Smith alliance! Jase credits Will as best player. Damielle hooted at the calls including her own eviction. The jury loves the calls!
Nak thinks that Janelle and Will should be the final two.
Alison - Tells Erika she was played all summer long. They bring Mike/Alison to the plasma screen. She told Erika she hopes that Erika uses the money to buy some dignity. Film clips of Mike/Erika. Ah the Erika is a HO to America line. Erika, says she's sitting in the final two, we played each other.
Important announcement... America's Choice for the 25,000 next, and winner of BB7.
James gave Janelle a "she wins everything look" while Janelle called out Chicken George with a smile.
Jase - First honorary member of Chill Town. Mike/Will... Diane and Jase - they're mocking CT phone calls. Brrrrinnng - There WAS a Mrs./Mr. Smith alliance! Jase credits Will as best player. Damielle hooted at the calls including her own eviction. The jury loves the calls!
Nak thinks that Janelle and Will should be the final two.
Alison - Tells Erika she was played all summer long. They bring Mike/Alison to the plasma screen. She told Erika she hopes that Erika uses the money to buy some dignity. Film clips of Mike/Erika. Ah the Erika is a HO to America line. Erika, says she's sitting in the final two, we played each other.
Important announcement... America's Choice for the 25,000 next, and winner of BB7.
James gave Janelle a "she wins everything look" while Janelle called out Chicken George with a smile.
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Finale Show Update - Jury Vote
The jury has to put a key in for their choice like eviction. One statement without revealing vote...
1. Marc - Nothing personal, based on my question.
2. Howie - Howie, nasty comments about Boogie bullying and owning restaurants. Erika, I still love you but I think America hates you.
3. Danielle - Strategy, winning comps, devotion, floating.
4. George - biggest crowd reaction so far. Talks about the difference between his season... give money to the player who needed the most? No, best game.
5. Will - Nickname - For one last time, you can call me the PuppetMaster.
6. Janelle - Biggest crowd reaction - Voted for best player, not personal.
7. James - Came to both for help, voted for the one who played best.
Now that the votes are cast, Diary Room revealed... all the previous HG return after commercial.
1. Marc - Nothing personal, based on my question.
2. Howie - Howie, nasty comments about Boogie bullying and owning restaurants. Erika, I still love you but I think America hates you.
3. Danielle - Strategy, winning comps, devotion, floating.
4. George - biggest crowd reaction so far. Talks about the difference between his season... give money to the player who needed the most? No, best game.
5. Will - Nickname - For one last time, you can call me the PuppetMaster.
6. Janelle - Biggest crowd reaction - Voted for best player, not personal.
7. James - Came to both for help, voted for the one who played best.
Now that the votes are cast, Diary Room revealed... all the previous HG return after commercial.
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Finale Show Update - Questioning
Marcellas - Strategically best move -
Erika - Convincing Janelle to evict Will
Mike - Aligning with Janelle and keeping her around.
George -Mike - Love of your loves - Will you ask Erika's hand in marriage in the live show like you did Krista.M - No
Erika, you kept whispering in my ear and telling me I'm safe...
Erika - Had to choose Mike over him.
Will - Phone call... silliness.
Janelle - Erika, kissing butt and throwing comps your strategy?
Erika - Said she'd have taken her to F2.
James - Erika - Likens strategy to Alison's which she hated. How was she different?
Defensive, had to.
Danielle - Erika/Was it your decision or Chill Town's to get rid of me? Erika claims it was her.
Mike - Justify yourself, you were my Jason. He doesn't apologize
Howie - Mike - Bro's before Ho's? Mike said he should get credit because no one would have nominated him (Howie).
Their last pleas:
Erika - Couldn't go after PuppetMaster because he was too connected. I got Janelle and in pure PuppetMaster form, I had his best friend put him up and his girl put him out.
Mike - I lied to all of you. Vote like all stars and reward my gameplay.
Welcoming the jury live now...
Jury votes next
Erika - Convincing Janelle to evict Will
Mike - Aligning with Janelle and keeping her around.
George -Mike - Love of your loves - Will you ask Erika's hand in marriage in the live show like you did Krista.M - No
Erika, you kept whispering in my ear and telling me I'm safe...
Erika - Had to choose Mike over him.
Will - Phone call... silliness.
Janelle - Erika, kissing butt and throwing comps your strategy?
Erika - Said she'd have taken her to F2.
James - Erika - Likens strategy to Alison's which she hated. How was she different?
Defensive, had to.
Danielle - Erika/Was it your decision or Chill Town's to get rid of me? Erika claims it was her.
Mike - Justify yourself, you were my Jason. He doesn't apologize
Howie - Mike - Bro's before Ho's? Mike said he should get credit because no one would have nominated him (Howie).
Their last pleas:
Erika - Couldn't go after PuppetMaster because he was too connected. I got Janelle and in pure PuppetMaster form, I had his best friend put him up and his girl put him out.
Mike - I lied to all of you. Vote like all stars and reward my gameplay.
Welcoming the jury live now...
Jury votes next
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Finale Show Update - Jury Talk
Recap, recap...
Mike thinks he played "virtually a perfect game."
Mike is wearing something which screams Zoot Suit to me.
The jurors set up in the yard. They're trying to figure who the last arrival to the jury will be. Marcellas wants NOT to see Janelle. Janelle arrived, tiara and red slinky dress. She's telling them about the HOH. Will said Erika threw it, and backstabbed Janelle. Now they're talking about the difference between floaters and multiple alliances. Danielle points out that she (Erika) just did the same thing as Mike did. Janelle is speaking up for Mike.
Danielle is coming across very strong. Will, of course, speaks highly of Mike's game. Janelle said Chill Town played a better game. Will said Erika disgusts him. Marcellas is disgusted by the boys. Willl still likes to ask and answer his own questions. Howie thinks Erika played the strongest game. George said Erika did well by whispering in everyone's ear and they believed them. Marcellas said that Mike had Will for his own gameplay. Danielle asks that the vote isn't made personal.
The jury has only seen comps and, until this (taped) scene with them, they haven't talked about the show.
Mike thinks he played "virtually a perfect game."
Mike is wearing something which screams Zoot Suit to me.
The jurors set up in the yard. They're trying to figure who the last arrival to the jury will be. Marcellas wants NOT to see Janelle. Janelle arrived, tiara and red slinky dress. She's telling them about the HOH. Will said Erika threw it, and backstabbed Janelle. Now they're talking about the difference between floaters and multiple alliances. Danielle points out that she (Erika) just did the same thing as Mike did. Janelle is speaking up for Mike.
Danielle is coming across very strong. Will, of course, speaks highly of Mike's game. Janelle said Chill Town played a better game. Will said Erika disgusts him. Marcellas is disgusted by the boys. Willl still likes to ask and answer his own questions. Howie thinks Erika played the strongest game. George said Erika did well by whispering in everyone's ear and they believed them. Marcellas said that Mike had Will for his own gameplay. Danielle asks that the vote isn't made personal.
The jury has only seen comps and, until this (taped) scene with them, they haven't talked about the show.
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Tuesday 9/12
Last feeds report of the season! Last feeds report about watching Mike Boogie and Erika wallowing about the BB House!
Here are today's events from that Big Brother House of Should Have Ended Four Days Ago:
- Erika and Mike Boogie got up early... noon, their time.
- They know they're scheduled to go on The View tomorrow and have talked about it the past few days. Mike is now worried his ear(s) will give him a problem flying.
- Erika mentioned that she thinks they're the most injury-prone two in the house. I think that the whole house was more injury-prone than any other season.
- Erika mumbled that she looks like a stick figure. Yep, she does!
- They packed more things, including their keys.
- Mike exercised, Erika puttered about and shaved her legs.
- They're both a bit antsy about tonight. I'm not.
- Mike said that Janelle had no morals even though she was always reading the Bible. [Editor's note: @@ Can I get an eyeroll? Mike said someone else has no morals? Check.]
- That's about it. The feeds are blocked as we get closer to the show.
As usual, I'll be posting East Coast Updates as the show airs here.
I'll be addressing some questions in comments/email a bit later tonight after the show. I'm not ignoring you! Really!
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Monday Evening and Overnight Into Tuesday 9/12

Mundane. Tedious. Non-earthshaking.
Here are the events of the evening and overnight hours from that Big Brother house of the Deceitful and the Deceited:
- Mike Boogie misses his mother. [Editor's note: She lives in New Hampshire, he in California. He should always miss her, right?]
- Now Erika says she's not going to win. When Mike asked if it was because of Janelle, she said no. Janelle is just jealous. [Erika said that, not me!]
- Once again, Big Brother gave them wine and beer.
- Erika told Mike Boogie that if he wins, she will be happy for him. All he said was, "Back at ya."
- Erika told Mike that his "character" (for the season) was the lead character, funny, life of the party.
- Erika talked about her casting work on Survivor and spoke highly of the castaways (not the new upcoming ones, past seasons).
- They both think tons of people will swarm them. [Editor's note: @@ Roll those eyes!]
- Mike's ear is still bothering him.
- They showered together in bathing suits.
- They asked for and received movies to watch, which led to blocked feeds for us.
- They're now asleep.
Monday, September 11, 2006
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Monday 9/11 Through The Afternoon
One more day and it's all over! I just saw a commercial for tomorrow night's show and they said (paraphrasing) that Erika will find out how Mike really is. So, it could be worthwhile. Too bad I don't like Erika or Mike much at all. Um. None at all. Make them both go away!
I want to address a few questions from the comments area:
The number to cancel the live feeds is 866-212-1343 - make sure you get a confirmation number or something to back it up. You have to call, it can't be done online.
A few folks asked if I had a P.O. Box. I ask that they send me an email (not in the comments area) to this address:
The amount of money the houseguests receive was in question, too. Each week that they're in sequester (pre-season and jury) or in the house, the figure I've heard for a stipend is a net (not gross) amount of $2,000 for the All Stars season. The houseguests have it figured out if they last through the jury, they'll earn $30,000 gross. That's not in addition to the stipend - it IS the stipend money. The second place winner wins $50,000 and the winner $500,000.
Someone asked about tomorrow night's show schedule (yes, I'll blog the show here as it airs in the East) - it's an hour-long show, starting at 8 PM ET/PT in most areas.
Some were also wondering about my Survivor blogging - that will be done right here on this blog, as well as The Amazing Race and Lost. I have the Survivor posts in gear already with a show introduction and tribe information in these entries -- Looking at the Tribes: Part One, Looking at the Tribes: Part Two, Looking at the Tribes: Part Three and Looking at the Tribes: Part Four. I hope to see show fans there getting involved as we all notice different things and bring our own perspectives to the shows. But, you needn't change links or move to a new blog - it'll all be right here!
Finally... here's what happened today so far in that Big Brother House of The Unchosen:
- That had to be a movie marathon last night as the feeds returned around 6:30 AM ET (3:30 their time) to a sleeping in the big bed Mike Boogie and Erika.
- They were finally up about 1 PM (their time).
- Erika made half-hearted attempts at cleaning while Mike tried to figure if the feeds were live or not. Erika told him that they were like an old married couple not talking - even after five years with Josh, they always talked.
- Erika mumbled to herself that while she loves that guy (ew!), he's moody. [Editor's note: Wait to see how much she loves him tomorrow. I could burst into song... "Tonight you're mine completely, you give your love so sweetly, but will you still love me tomorrow?"]
- Erika is still having trouble with the rib she broke early in the season.
- Mike worked out.
- While Mike said it was "poetic that Will left under his (Mike's) HOH reign, Erika tried to get him to admit that Will's eviction was all her doing.
- He told her that it wasn't; it was Janelle's doing. She told him she got Janelle to do it.
- They talked about what to wear, producers and other things - nothing really exciting.
One more day... one more day!
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Brief - Overnight Into Monday 9/11

Not a heck of a lot went on last night in the Big Brother house.
Here's the skinny:
- Mike and Erika both napped a bit, not together.
- They got a Scrabble game from Big Brother.
- Mike Boogie made tuna melts and then they played Scrabble. Woohoo.
- Erika is bored. So are we, so are we.
- Erika cried and said something about telling the Diary Room she was suicidal - she really wants out of the house.
- BB gave them a movie to watch set up in the HOH room, so all went to flame/clouds as the feeds were blocked.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Update - Sunday 9/10

Too much time on their hands. What to do? What to do? Well, sleep and brag about what great game players you are! Naturally!
Here are today's events and non-events from the Big Brother House of When Bad Houseguests Go Even Worse:
- Erika slept until nearly 2 PM their time, Mike until 2 PM. Keep in mind, that becomes almost early evening in my time zone. Sheesh.
- They really want to get out of the house. Good. I really want them out of there, too.
- It dawned on Erika that Will's question of her regarding nicknames for him was meant to be answered with "Dr. Delicious."
- Erika thinks the jury members are a bunch of hypocrites.
- Mike thinks Janelle and James both hate Erika.
- Mike thinks he'll win either 6-1 or 5-2. [Editor's note: He might be right.]
- They both think they would have been perfect jury members. [Editor's note: Hey, they also think they're perfect game players.]
- Erika thinks the "others" don't qualify as "all stars." [@@]
- Erika gloated about winning over Janelle.
- Mike Boogie and Erika talked about the Legion of Doom. Erika thinks that was the stupidest name ever for an alliance.
- Mike mentioned today that George asked him if he was going to get engaged on the finale again this time. Heh.
- All of the sequestered houseguests are staying in a local hotel which Mike Boogie was stupid enough to mention to the Internet. [@@]
- Erika is fussing that she wants it all over with.
- So do I.
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Saturday 9/09 Overnight Into Sunday
Suppose they gave a television show finale and no one came?
The Internet sentiment regarding the finale is the lowest, most negative I've seen over the years of the show. Even last year's unpopular final two were more popular than this season's "All Stars."
Here are the events of yesterday and the overnight hours from that Big Brother House of Diasappointment:
- The daytime itself was lacking much noteworthy - they burned a pot of something on the stove, Erika talked to herself how she took out the brains of Chill Town, Mike napped, they smooched a bit.
- Mike said the Diary Room asked him if Will and Kaysar had a deal where Will would be evil and Kaysar good. He said that was crazy.
- There. Now you know the daytime hours happenings. It was the evening that became a bit intriguing.
- We could hear the voices, but the feeds themselves were showing Erika sitting alone at a table. The jury was in the house, or outside the house. They had microphones, anyway.
- Howie aparently had gas, Marcellas claimed he wouldn't miss that at all. George giggled. Danielle said she didn't want to go first.
- Will's voice told everyone to "stress down" and make it look as if they were angry.
- George said something about James' expressions never change.
- Howie wanted to urinate in the bushes, but was told to wait - they'd let them inside soon.
- The feeds were then blocked for more than a few hours as the jury questioned the final two.
- Mike thought they would have a more clear idea about how the jury vote would go after the Q&A period, but he's not sure. He said that one of the "fencesitters" was Janelle and she "went the other way." Erika said she never really thought she "had Janelle." [Editor's note: Hmmm... Janelle will vote for Erika?]
- James asked Erika something along the lines of: "Why should I vote for you if you deplored Alison's hooking up and flirting, yet you did it?"
- They think the vote will come down to Chicken George.
- Mike thinks the jury are all hypocrites. He said Danielle had no right to question him like she did. He lied to everyone but George and Will. He didn't lie to George because he didn't need to. Danielle asked Erika about "ass-kissing" and throwing comps.
- They said the only juror who "went off" was Janelle. Erika thinks she's jealous. Mike said, "Yeah, because she lost two years in a row." They proceeded to trashtalk Janelle and, to me, it sounds like they might be the ones who are jealous.
- Mike said Howie is a shallow person. [Editor's note: Pot. Kettle. Black.]
- Mike thinks that Howie will vote for Erika while Erika is worried that Howie will be influeneced by Janelle. I'm so confused
- They both think the vote will be very close - a 4-3 which could go either way.
- Big Brother gave them wine.
- Erika thinks that Danielle will vote for her.
- They complained more about Janelle being a "crazy _____."
- Mike told Erika that Janelle is jealous because she (Erika) is the "pretty girl" sitting in the final two. [Editor's note: Gag.]
- Mike told Erika that the jury sounded more hostile to her than to him. She said she noticed, but didn't know why - she was always the "nice girl." [Editor's note: Gag.]
- Mike thinks Will is working on the jury, but doesn't know if he'll be able to influence some of the jurors.
- They each took responsibility for Howie's eviction.
- Apparently they could only hear the jury, couldn't see them.
- They talked about the various alliances in the house - LOD, the Perfect Storm, etc.
- Erika told Mike that she knew he threw the face-morph comp when his time came in so high.
- Mike asked Erika if she was lying to Janelle when she told her she'd take her to the final two. She said no - she would have beat her in the vote (she thinks). If she hadn't let go of the key, Erika was going to throw the comp to her.
- Erika is sure that Janelle would have taken her to the final two over Mike.
- Mike thinks that if Janelle were in the final two, Will would vote for her.
- Erika thinks the whole jury is jealous of them and bitter about not being in the final two.
- They trashtalked Janelle once again. Still. Whatever.
- Alone, Mike asked the camera if he should drop Operation Double Date tonight or save it for the time being. The camera didn't answer.
- Erika told Mike she protected him the entire game. [Editor's note: @@ Eyeroll, please!]
- Erika went on again about how she singlehandedly "took out the brain of Chill Town."
- Mike found that insulting, as he should. [Editor's note: Yes, Will was the brain, but to tell Mike that to his face is a bit mean.]
- They got into a snit. Heehee! Slammed doors, grumbling at/about each other.
- They slept apart. Well, Erika mostly was awake.
There you go. There's trouble in paradise and... you reap what you sow.
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