Sunday, July 23, 2006

BB7 - Kaysar Finally Up and Still Bald - Live Feeds Screen Cap

At about 2 PM their time, Kaysar finally got up to eat. One of the girls told him it looked like it was growing in some.

Not too much happening in the house so far today as some slept way past noon.

One cameraman seems to like Mike Boogie and keeps shooting him.

George isn't too happy with his diet of Slop, but he won't give up, nor will he hide in his room... he says.

Howie said that the houseguests in sequester were told about Katrina last season.

Will is worried his girlfriend will leave him.

Chilltown wants a meeting with James.

There are the Quickie Feeds of the moment for you!


Anonymous said...

I saw Will saying he's worried his g/f will leave him. It was funny because 5 minutes earlier he was telling Diane she needs to "love herself" to have a good relationship, in a holier than thou way.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about those spammer's, Jackie. What a PITB!
Does anyone know who Will's girl friend is? Guess Shannon didn't last too long. ;) Now the question seems to be who will replace George? George wouldn't be foolish enough not to use the POV would he? Nah, he's not that naive...he just looks like he is. ;) Actually, I'd love to see him win but I don't think it will happen. Can't wait for tonight's show.

Anonymous said...

would love to see george win!!

Anonymous said...

george is too passive and weak...i want danielle or a S6 player to win...and erica is just eye candy for the fellas she bores me

Anonymous said...

Hi Jackieeeeeeee, i agree with the last person, i want danielle to win or one of the s6. erika is sliding by and i hate chilltown. george is just for laughs, marcel is just to pathetic, and i dont like jase or diane. not james, but any other s6:>

Anonymous said...

BB6 rules! Howie is hysterical. Will is killing me too!! I think those two in the final would be awesome!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i want in the finals chicken george and marcel! tht whould just b sooooo funny b/c every 1 thinks it will b s6. but i think danielle should win b/c she needs it the most b/c she has a family 2 support! every1 else is just gonna buy a big screen and a car, or get really nice jewlery. good luck danielle!

Anonymous said...

hey danyell already won i want to see james marcel iam so sick of no one useing the veto i would it about time some one grows up and use it ive wached every seasson this is so far the most interesting well go luck s6 its time to draw some blood

Anonymous said...

I can't stand S6 I would love to see Chicken George win only because he is REAl and doesn't need 3 other people to back him up and he can make up his own mind unlike them fake blondes LOL in S6

Anonymous said...

Janelle to the finish , she may look great ,but she is real , genuine and loyal!I hope she makes it to the winners circle.

Anonymous said...

i love the way howie look with his six pack he need a better tan and i hope he wins best of luck to all the house guest

Anonymous said...

best of luck get boggie out