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Monday, July 24, 2006
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Update - POV Ceremony Confirmed
<--- The feeds came back on to Will and Jase sitting in the nomination chairs. Marcellas confirmed it. Jase is on the block with Will. It's a somber house. I'll update a bit later this evening once they give me fodder to write up!
Will & Jase on the block! Zippiddydodah, zippidyday. FINALLY, some noms which make sense. I would keep an eye out for Erika though. She's a floater that is still flying under the radar during Floater Hunting Season.
what would be priceless, is if will is totally lying to the houseguest AND us viewers (for good tv) and isnt really wanting to leave, but going for the win. oh i would love to see that. i would love to see him win HOH next and put up S6.
I believe Will is serious about wanting to leave...........when is the question? Be nice to see him stay this week and Jase go..........but Jase is such a skank and as much as Will is fun to have around, Jase may make evil-and turmoil in the house more interesting? The show, until George getting POV was getting boring to me. Need some real tension and fun to continue to watch.....and some new twist or something? Hope BB has something planned.
I enjoy watching the evil doctor...he is witty and hilarious. And Jase is not quite as annoying as he was on his season. This is a tough call...I would rather have Mike up there and get ride of him....talk about a floater!
JAMES!!!!!!!!!!!WHy not BOOGER???? Now don't get me wrong,either Jase or Will can go but I really wanted BOOGER out this time!
I still think this is a bad,bad move on S6's part,not to get rid of one of CT for sure.
And some of the posters are right,Erika is flying low and now what about Dani and Diane,you get nominated and then everybody leaves you alone?????? And I am disappointed in the game Marci is playing. He's attached himself to Janie's coattail and is hanging on for dear life. And she's playing right into his hands. Play the game Marci!!!
Hi Jackieeeeeee, i hope jase leave first. will is not a threat, just talk.jase is conning, cunning, and not stunning. i'm glad george used the veto on himself. I still believe that danielle is the best player bar none. kaysar and janelle is good, but danielle is greattttt:>
Has anyone noticed that if they were really on the same page (S6), the same people would be on the block. 1st Allison/Danielle; Nakomis/Diane, now Will/George/Jase; come on get on the same page. If S6 was planning on getting out the floaters, the person not evicted the first time around should have been on the block back to back. This season is driving me crazy. I don't even watch the show anymore, Jackie has a better narration, then the show.
Putting the same people on the block week after week is boring. Besides, what is said and done in the house changes ever second. Minds change on who to align with and how they will direct their game by how the people in the house act... or don't act. I love the shake ups!
Hi Jackieeeeeeeeee, I love the mix up too. I am happy so far with the season. That's how i know i a bb fan. people say if they were there they would do it different. you wont know unless u lived there. Good Job with the feed jackie, i'm always hungry:>
Thanks for the skinny..I'm glad that George won the POV and has shaken up the plans somewhat. I think this "keep the strong player" crap is for the birds. What S6 need to worry about is staying alive until sequester so they will have the numbers to vote on who wins.
yep yep yep thanks Jackie! I also believe that the good doctor is the best player ever! He can be sooo annoying but when he's bad he's BAD! woohoo!!! Lets get the booger out next week. Wish BB would let US vote a couple of times. Hey Jase don't let the door hit ya on the butt on ya way out! :]
Thank you so much for your many daily updates, I truly enjoy reading your blog and seeing what the hg's are up to. You're a very talented writer and I tend to agree with most of your opinions on the game. I've gotten to the point that I now check in daily here and just watch the BB tv show on Thursdays. Again thanks!!!!!! LEENE
I feel bad that Jase had to shed another layer of skin. I had hoped that he had changed. He seems to have a 'psych' diagnosis, Bi-'solar, moody and still full of adolescent angst. I hope he grows up, for his kids sake. I'm sure he is gonna be sent packin' because of his scary outburts.
Will & Jase on the block! Zippiddydodah, zippidyday. FINALLY, some noms which make sense. I would keep an eye out for Erika though. She's a floater that is still flying under the radar during Floater Hunting Season.
what would be priceless, is if will is totally lying to the houseguest AND us viewers (for good tv) and isnt really wanting to leave, but going for the win. oh i would love to see that. i would love to see him win HOH next and put up S6.
thank god george used the pov!!
I believe Will is serious about wanting to leave...........when is the question? Be nice to see him stay this week and Jase go..........but Jase is such a skank and as much as Will is fun to have around, Jase may make evil-and turmoil in the house more interesting? The show, until George getting POV was getting boring to me. Need some real tension and fun to continue to watch.....and some new twist or something? Hope BB has something planned.
I enjoy watching the evil doctor...he is witty and hilarious. And Jase is not quite as annoying as he was on his season. This is a tough call...I would rather have Mike up there and get ride of him....talk about a floater!
JAMES!!!!!!!!!!!WHy not BOOGER???? Now don't get me wrong,either Jase or Will can go but I really wanted BOOGER out this time!
I still think this is a bad,bad move on S6's part,not to get rid of one of CT for sure.
And some of the posters are right,Erika is flying low and now what about Dani and Diane,you get nominated and then everybody leaves you alone?????? And I am disappointed in the game Marci is playing. He's attached himself to Janie's coattail and is hanging on for dear life. And she's playing right into his hands. Play the game Marci!!!
Hi Jackieeeeeee, i hope jase leave first. will is not a threat, just talk.jase is conning, cunning, and not stunning. i'm glad george used the veto on himself. I still believe that danielle is the best player bar none. kaysar and janelle is good, but danielle is greattttt:>
Will <33333 =]
Has anyone noticed that if they were really on the same page (S6), the same people would be on the block. 1st Allison/Danielle; Nakomis/Diane, now Will/George/Jase; come on get on the same page. If S6 was planning on getting out the floaters, the person not evicted the first time around should have been on the block back to back. This season is driving me crazy. I don't even watch the show anymore, Jackie has a better narration, then the show.
Keep up the good work.
Putting the same people on the block week after week is boring. Besides, what is said and done in the house changes ever second. Minds change on who to align with and how they will direct their game by how the people in the house act... or don't act. I love the shake ups!
Hi Jackieeeeeeeeee, I love the mix up too. I am happy so far with the season. That's how i know i a bb fan. people say if they were there they would do it different. you wont know unless u lived there. Good Job with the feed jackie, i'm always hungry:>
Thanks for the skinny..I'm glad that George won the POV and has shaken up the plans somewhat. I think this "keep the strong player" crap is for the birds. What S6 need to worry about is staying alive until sequester so they will have the numbers to vote on who wins.
yep yep yep thanks Jackie! I also believe that the good doctor is the best player ever! He can be sooo annoying but when he's bad he's BAD! woohoo!!! Lets get the booger out next week. Wish BB would let US vote a couple of times. Hey Jase don't let the door hit ya on the butt on ya way out! :]
Thank you so much for your many daily updates, I truly enjoy reading your blog and seeing what the hg's are up to. You're a very talented writer and I tend to agree with most of your opinions on the game. I've gotten to the point that I now check in daily here and just watch the BB tv show on Thursdays. Again thanks!!!!!! LEENE
I feel bad that Jase had to shed another layer of skin. I had hoped that he had changed. He seems to have a 'psych' diagnosis, Bi-'solar, moody and still full of adolescent angst. I hope he grows up, for his kids sake. I'm sure he is gonna be sent packin' because of his scary outburts.
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