Sunday, July 30, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Bulletin - 7/30

Where's Janelle's bodyguards? Will is turning her once again.

"Don't tell them you changed your mind, just do it."
"Your alliance is falling apart. James is peeling off and will go to the floaters or ChillTown."
"The girls want you out."
"Boogie and I will protect you."
"Money split."
"Kaysar will think of some pseudo-moral reason to put you on the block sometime soon."
"Erika is with Kaysar, Danielle is with James... who's with YOU?"
"They'll be mad for 15 minutes and get over with it."
"Chicken George will listen to us, he doesn't like James."
"You will be protected and we'll carry you."
"Chicken George calls you a snake." "Of course he does. I am a snake."

Dang, he's so good. Now I remember why I started liking him for the win in Season 2.

Oh, Janelle, go ahead and keep him -- send Diane packing this week!

No word on the backyard as of this time.
Dang, Will is so good at this!


Anonymous said...

hi jackieeeeeeeee
it's pattttttttt,
i hope janey doesnt go with will, and just play his game and backdoor his butt:>

Anonymous said...

no, i'm totally with you, jackie. keep will. kick out diane:) will keeps the house interesting. besides everyone is gunning for her anyway, why NOT work with will this week? from the conversations i've read between him and boogie, i think they will actually protect her next week if they can. maybe not, but they'd still be there to be targets!

Anonymous said...

you know what they should TOTALLY do today? they should have the veto ceremony, and then IMMEDIATELY call people in to vote, kick someone out on tonight's show and have a new HOH contest TODAY. that would be awesome. and it would completely through them off. of course, that won't work since it's only 3 hours to showtime and there wouldn't be time to pack, etc. but BB should really do stuff like that to confuse the houseguests and mess up their strategies!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you Jackie, keep Will. I just saw tonight's show, and man, he is good! He sits and listens, then works his magic. Kayser had better watch himself though. In the show tonight, when having a pow-wow with S6, he said chill town is a joke. I don't know about that. He's better start taking them seriously before he finds himself gone.

Anonymous said...

I like Will at least he doesn't really backstabbed anyone. He says it like it is. I hope him and Janey will be the last two. Also, does anyone seen his website?He is so good looking. He's wearing a denim pants and bare chested. He is one hot potato.

Anonymous said...

You know the scary thing is, Will's absolutely right about the others. We have seen it on the feeds, now whether or not they will carry her, who knows...

I will have to catch the show online.. I missed it... Sattelite was out... grrrr

Carrie in TX