Saturday, July 22, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Overnight Into Saturday 7/22

Please center your microphones and get ready for the latest happenings, schemes and weird moves in that Big Brother House of the Unbalanced Oddities...

Did James make the right nominations? Does Will really want to go home? Is George the actual target this week? And... why George, of all people? Is James really in a pre-show alliance with Will and Mike? So many questions and so few clear-cut answers. I think these folks are all lying to each other, including members of their own alleged alliances. Here are the overnight goodies:
  • James told Will and Diane of times he caught George spying on him, then scurrying away.
  • The current S6 Players plan is to keep Will, evict George.
  • James thinks the floaters are aligning with Chilltown.
  • The general concensus is that Will will go home Week 5 just prior to sequester unless there is a big twist. He was supposedly promised one by the producers.
  • Marcellas and Danielle think Jase is acting up now like he did on his own season.
  • Janelle and Kaysar shared bad feelings they have about Jase. [Editor's note: Seems contagious, huh? Apparently he went off after the nominations when the feeds were blocked -- accusing James of "throwing him under the bus."]
  • So obviously a choice to stir the house up, BB gave the houseguests a huge amount of alcohol for the evening.
  • Will complained that they should have given them cheaper booze and something fancy to go with the feast on Saturday. [Editor's note: Will complains so much this season that he makes Marcellas look appreciative!]
  • Will said that the Diary Room asked him about Mr. & Mrs. Smith (alleged Jase, Diane and Alison alliance) and he was clueless. Jase piped in that he was clueless about it, too.
  • George thinks he's going home. Howie tried to peptalk him to make him feel better.
  • James told Janelle and Howie that if George wins veto, he has to confuse him into "pulling a Marcellas" and not saving himself.
  • Chicken George tried to peptalk Howie into going for the win this season. He also told him to go along with who he has to in the beginning, but "watch the snake, he'll turn around and bite you." [Editor's note: I think he was referring to James, but he didn't say the name.]
  • James is upset that Chilltown is talking of winning the POV and saving Will when he's already gathered more than enough votes to send George home.
  • James told Danielle that the Chilltown truce is with him, not the S6 Players on the whole.
  • James and Danielle talked about "having an understanding" since they met at the wrap party last year. [Editor's note: Okay, now this is just getting redundant. How many secret pre-season alliances are in the house this year?] Danielle said she doesn't have to be that bad because she has him. A Danielle quote: "Who's Danielle's Dark Side? James." [Cue organ music here.]
  • Erika told James he would have done well on Survivor - "You look like Aras who I cast..." Flame/clouds. She's working for a casting company.
  • Drinking and more drinking.
  • Marcellas went up to the HOH room to hide. He says things blow up whenever there's alcohol and he doesn't want to be in the line of fire.
  • Jase became obnoxious with the alcohol influence -- yelling and screaming.
  • Jase screamed to a camera that America's choice was a "bar whore."
  • The alcohol-induced houseguests started rapping thanks to Mike Boogie. Jase stopped calling Janelle names when she joined them.
  • Danielle seemed particularly inebriated and was upset when Chilltown decided to go to bed.
  • Danielle told Howie that if she won HOH she wouldn't put up any of the S6 Players. [Editor's note: She's drunk, but she's lying, too. She's playing both major alliances.]
  • Danielle was the last one up, milling about talking to herself... perhaps even sneaking a cigarette behind the couch.

And there you go. Kaysar is the smart one of this crew, for sure. By not drinking, he can observe all the behaviors and lies the drunken houseguests are displaying and incorporate them into his own personal strategy.

The POV Comp should be later today, but I might not get a chance to post about it until the evening. See you then!


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jackie. I appreciated and enjoy your updates!

Anonymous said...

Why don't the houseguests get rid of Will? Afterall, he's the only winner from previous seasons. Does it seem fair that he could will twice. Those block-heads!

Anonymous said...

Just heard....George won POV.

Anonymous said...

I am soooooooo behind in the info, i need some serious updates please