Friday, July 28, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Since Live Show - Thur. Evening 7/27

Dirty Socks Doc
<--- Will looks pensive as he lounges while listening to other houseguests discuss trivial things like movies. Is he plotting and scheming? Or is he thinking that his socks need washing? I just don't know. He's a man of mystery, y'know...

The live feeds returned shortly after the live show ended.

Here's what's been happening since the show in that Big Brother House of Crushed Dreams and a Winning Buxom Blonde:
  • Danielle is pretty upset after the Jase exit.
  • Danielle explained to Mike Boogie the reason Marcellas took him out of the HOH Comp was because Mike had been saying he was a target. Mike claimed not to remember saying that. [Editor's note: Did, too! @@ An eyeroll for Mikey!]
  • Mike then said he just wanted S6 to think that, Marcellas isn't his target.
  • Janelle said she didn't throw the competition to Marcellas because she was thinking of all the food the HOH receives.
  • Erika told Janelle and Marcellas that Mike Boogie is mad about the comp. [Editor's note: Well, duh. I bet they could figure that out on their own, don't you?]
  • Will thinks he should just leave his bag packed by the door.
  • Will also thinks tonight's live show was edited to make it look like he was leaving. [Editor's note: Yup!]
  • Mike Boogie went off on the floaters not taking out S6 Players in the comp.
  • When Mike wondered aloud to Will about Jase asking that only Diane and Danielle walk him out, Will told him it just goes to show when you think you know what's going on in the house, you don't.
  • Mike went on and on about how much money both he and Will have while the others will NEVER have that much. [Editor's note: Another reason I don't like Mike. Not that he has money, but that he thinks it makes him better than others. Feh.]
  • Will and Mike Boogie discussed throwing the food comp if Mike goes on the block.
  • James is upset that he no longer has his HOH Sarah photographs.
  • Will told Danielle that his loyalty is with Mike first, her second. [Editor's note: !!! Important, I think!] Danielle told him she thinks they're safe -- she thinks that they'll go after Erika, Diane or George.
  • Their feast was Chinese food. Will once again requested that George be allowed to eat. Once again, BB didn't answer. Janelle's fortune cookie read: "You will make a change for the better."
  • Will said he's going to improve his behavior. [Editor's note: @@ Sure, Will.]
  • Mike Boogie whined to Marcellas about the S6 Players. When he couldn't get him against them, he worked his Erika suspicious angle on him.
  • The HOH Discovery was only on audio while the video was flame/clouds. Janelle said it was "Hello Kitty Pink" and there was the usual hustle-bustle and fake praise.
  • It is pink. Way too pink.EEK PINK
  • Janelle, Howie and Kaysar (note, no James) talked about nomination choices. They seem to be leaning towards Diane as one, Mike Boogie as the other.
  • Kaysar wondered why the Jase vote was unanimous. Did Danielle get George to change his vote? He wants to talk to George and possibly take him under his wing. [Editor's note: Earlier, though I forgot to mention it, James told Howie he was taking George under his wing. Looks like the Chicken now has wings. Maybe he'll soar! Oh, wait, chickens can't fly far, can they?]
  • Long, long feeds block as I re-typed this. Storms rolling through blinked my power for a few minutes on my first try.
  • It sounds like they had the food comp when the feeds were blocked for so long. Some of the house is on Slop -- Boogie and Erika, at least. None of the S6 are on it. I don't know about the others. It was something physical with a ball. Erika whined that it was unfair.

That's it for now!


Anonymous said...

hi jackieeeeeeee, im up, and thanks for the nitecap, i hope to have some in the morning. ur good at this, its like reading a book.:>

Anonymous said...

Is that a screen cap from the HOH room or a picture of a Barbie house? That room is going to make the next few shows hard to watch.

Good thing I can read about the goings on right here! Thanks Jackie!

Anonymous said...

It's nearly 4am PST and they are still up Jackie. It was worth staying up just to watch Will's bathtub puppet show. He is so funny, yet so manipulative. Howie is the only one who really sees through him. Howie is smarter than I thought.

Buddy said...

First Jackie I so glad I find you again this year you make BB so much more fun to watch
you should be on BB pay roll, I remember last year you was getting over Surgery when
BB6 was on, Thank you for the great work you do, can you tell me what the BB
Slop is or does any one know just what it is.

Anonymous said...

OMG jackie that pic of will omg, he looks gorgeous as usual!! SO HAPPY HE STAYED GOD. i love janie's hoh room omg pink!

Anonymous said...

You know how designers say room colors are supposed to create a mood? If so, BB is really playing with S6 giving them that too bright to think straight color. Thank you Jackie, your words add a whole other layer to the show. Sue

Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie -
When Janelle won the HOH competition last night it looked like Marcellas said something and then covered his mouth and looked shocked that he said it. He was freaking out about it... what was it that he said? Did anyone catch it?
Thanks for the updates, I dont have live feeds this year and I miss it -
p.s. You are the best Jackie!!!

Anonymous said...

@@ on Jase thinking he is coming back
is the all pink HOH room to tone down all that testosterone? I say Boogie and Daneille go up up up and away!

Anonymous said...

Jackie, I wasn't on line and missed a few of your reports, so will include several comments on this one. First, I wouldn't have minded seeing George get HOH. Not a sentence I would have considered writing a while back. I'd like to see the HOH room they gave him, for one thing. Especially since they put Janelle in the Barbie House. But mainly, I am curious who G would nominate and which one of the two he would target. Because I have no idea what he is thinking...or even if he is thinking about it. Would it stress him too much to be HOH? At one point I would think it would have been "snake" James, but did their talk clear that up or would G still go after him? See all the game questions that would bring. Very interesting HOH game and either everyone missed the point of it (unlikely) or Marc was the only one really playing. Very predictably Dr W took himself out. Kaysar either stuck with his floater plan or has an alliance with Will or wants Will to think he does and didn't want to tip his hand. I agree that I don't think Jase will be back, and that Nak might. I base that on the same type of thing you mentioned about BB using a formula to edit the eviction notices. Nak didn't see her goodbyes and while she gave a Morning Show interview, she might have been sheltered from the outside. Has anyone seen her or could she be sequestered? Thanks Jackie, Sue

~~Silk said...

RE bringing someone back - they already have two too many people. So to bring someone back, they'd have to extend the season, or do some multiple evictions. Or, given the number of injuries already - kill someone.

DriedPapercutsAndChickens said...

I think what marcellas said was a bad word. My show lost sound at that moment....

Anonymous said...

I think the obvious needs to be done. Save Erika get Mike out then get Dr. Physco out then Danielle then Diane then James then Chicken George then Marcelles then Erika THEN>>>>>>let the remainder of S6 battle out and let the best Ssixer WIN!!! They by far have been the most fun to watch and root for. I personally would love it to work that way....I wish Kayser, Janelle and Howie could win together. They are the best. I would include James but after last year.....NOT! Go Ssixers!