Wednesday, August 02, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - In The House Wed. 8/02

Oh, something's up. It surely is. It must be! After Diane spilled the beans to Marcellas and live feed watchers that the Diary Room told her they'll be voting live on tomorrow's eviction show, the houseguests are full of speculation. And, so are show fans.

A double eviction? Someone returning? A new twist? Alas, we won't know until the live show! The suspense... the suspense!

Here's the skinny on what's happened today in that Big Brother House of Bare-Chested But Rarely Macho Men and a George (thankfully clothed):

  • Janelle and Kaysar not only stayed up all night, but then they exercised after the dawn by running laps back and forth across the lawn and aerobics. They plan to go to bed tonight by 10 (PT) and try to get into a normal sleep pattern. [Editor's note: Okay, the betting window is open. How long do you think they'll maintain a "normal sleep pattern"? I predict two days tops. You?]
  • Today's BB House wake-up song was Michael Jackson's "Bad." Is it a clue?
  • Will told Diane he's trying to flip the vote. If she hears the phrase "You forgot your flip-flops" - that's the code that the vote has flipped for her instead of Erika. [Editor's note: I don't think I believe him, but then I think of him voting to keep Nakomis just for the heck of it. With Will, you never know and, as they say, it is what it is.]
  • Will thinks George is using too much protein powder in his slop shakes. Poor George.
  • They got the HOH digital camera and went through the usual hyped photo shoots. Will did his best to avoid having his picture taken. I can identify with him except for the fact he's willing to be on the show.
  • James spent much of the day looking sullen. [Editor's note: He's achieved the perfect Sullen Sourpuss.]
  • Most feel someone previously voted out will return tomorrow.
  • An interesting bit of conversation between Danielle and Erika - Danielle asked Erika how Diane would know that they didn't vote today because nominees don't get asked to vote. Maybe it's all something in Diane's head and the voting did occur? Marcellas had told her not to talk about DR sessions when she (Diane) mentioned it to him. Hmm...
  • Danielle admitted to being jealous of Alison for getting on The Amazing Race. She would love to do that show.
  • Marcellas and Danielle fussed about S6. I think Danielle mainly listens to others fuss to pick up info, don't you?
  • Ah, Howie confirmed no voting was done in the house today. Hmm...!

And that's what it is so far today in the BB House.

Graphic by Zoetawny. She rocks, remember that!


Anonymous said...

Jackie you are very smart about this kind of thing, what would be the object of a live vote?? I don't understand what difference it would make one way or the other. YOU are doing a great job!! Please keep it up so we know what is REALLY going on in that crazy house.

Jackie S. said...

Rags - To be honest, I don't know. When they're closer to the end of the show, it gives more opportunity to change minds and act outside of an alliance's wishes. But now? Not sure what is up. It could be something as simple as trying to squash live feeds watchers from correctly predicting the vote. We've had shoe-ins going since the season started.

And, thank you!

Anonymous said...

My 2 cents worth: maybe those HG's who were either evicted or not voted in will vote...........or.........maybe they house is so incredibly boring that live voting will help to turn up the conflict...hopefully lessen all the whiiiiiining....I know THAT won't happen! At least we have something to look forward to on t.v. it's boring in tv land this summer.


Anonymous said...

There will be 8 votes cast, correct? It seems like that will take a while to do. Last year when Kaysar, Michael and Eric went into sequester, they didn't appear on housecalls did they? Didn't they just call in? Jase was actually on the show talking to people who phoned in, so that pretty much blew the "someone is returning" theory for me. -Jessiesgirl

Anonymous said...

I wish it would be a live vote made in front of the nominated ones. Won't happen, but it is a thought. If I were planning an all star season, I would probably include something from every season. If so, will we see a yard full of dogs? Maybe the Mime is coming back (that one really freaked me out for some reason!). Will does show up on camera right? I mean you mentioned vampire nights and that Will was avoiding the camera.... That does seem like it doesn't fit with the Will we know from the show. The 'look at me' kid. Oh, and another thing about the live votes: I think I heard that Jan and Kay stayed up all night "to vote" and then were going to bed. If they didn't vote, then the change messed them around. Sue