So, this entry is for you! Hang out, discuss the show's happenings with others, place wagers on whether Heather Mills' leg will um... be a problem, and just have fun!
Here are some links of interest about the show:
- The ABC official website
- The AOL "Hot Show" feature page (you don't need to have AOL)
- SirLinksALot Dancing With The Stars links page
You can discuss the shows here, use articles you see linked, dance, and more in the comments. I'll be making a label (category) for the show a bit later tonight so that it will be easy to find this post to join in on the discussions. And, I'll probably post something now and then if I catch the show or see some interesting news. So, that label at the bottom of the post will get you here!
Thanks, Jackie! You ROCK!!
Thanks from me too Jackie.
Oh Jackie, good to be back...I love DWTS, so many good newbies this time! I am falling for that adorable Apolo, can he dance? who cares? Joey is a riot, poor Billy Ray....oh my...well at least his daughter is raking in the dough. I am so much a Paul Mc cartney fan I cant vote for Heather..guess I am mean.
I agree with you to Terry in ca. I love Paul McCartney and I can not vote for Heather either.
I think Joey and Laila are great. I love Apolo and his dedication.
Good article in today Times about how Brits come here for rehab like our stars go into rehab after a p.r. mess. Remember Fergie...she became a WW rep when she was scorned in Britain and has redeemed herself a bit over the years. Guess Heather is trying the same thing...lots of bad press for her in London now. I actually thought she did a pretty good job given that she has such balance problems. Which is not to say I don't think she married Paul for the money, because I do...But I also think she is interested in removing land mines and other humanitarian causes and I'll give her a chance. Takes two to tango and Paul should have known better...she was so much younger and his kids hated her. He should have been more wary.
I hope she sticks around for a few weeks...I think it is good for young people with artificial limbs to see that their life doesn't necessarily have to be "over." Thanks Jackie for including a space for Dancing comments.
I admit, I tuned in to watch apollo..........
This show is so much better than Idol, the judges seem fair and accurate and the talent is there, the color, the costumes and entertainment... I really have stopped watching Idol in the last few years, especially when there are stupid things going on like talented people going home because it's all left to the mercy of text voting campaigns.
In this case, I think it's done right. The judges get 50% of the vote and America gets the other...
Great show tonight...all did so well for only the 2nd week. Wonder who will go....
Well,I did my part and voted for Apolo,so he'd better stay around. He is nice to look at...no? I also am a fan of Joey and Ian(mostly because of Cheryl) and I have to say,that Laila can sure shake her groove thing! She is a talented new dancer,and very good for someone who has never danced seriously before. She was the ONLY woman to make the mambo look sexy tonight!I also threw a couple of votes her way. Billy Ray is just awful and unless his country fans save him,I would bet on him to go first,but who knows! Shandi,Paulina and Leeza are all very stiff and not so much fun to watch,but I give them all props,cause this has to be much,much harder than they make it look.
Sharon -- I agree with your picks, that Billy may go home first. Leeza is incredibly stiff, but I can't believe she got better scores than the tall guy, who I thought was a pinch better than she... that fast step is hard and he is compensating for so much with the height difference and rotator cuff problems in raising his arms!! Paulina is at least very graceful with her arms and carriage, I noticed, and if nothing more, her face is so alive with her fun reactions to the judges, and while dancing, I hope she gets to stay long enough to improve.
I missed seeing Heather but have it on Tivo so will catch up but interesting that she has gotten the most press so far from the first show and there are no comments about her performance tonight. I bet she'll stay around in the middle for the next few shows.
I have to say that I don't want Mills to do well,but she really was rather good this week. I would have to say she was the second best woman and I do agree with whoever said that this is a good thing for children who are disabled to witness. I know it sends a positive message about being able to overcome and all,but I just can't forgive her for what she's doing to Paul! How many millions does she deserve to live comfortably for the rest of her life. He earned it,she didn't! So that colors my feelings for her.
Gee we all seem to be on the same page. I was voting for Apolo,Joey,Ian,Laila and a few mercy votes for Leeza cause i just plain like her..at 50, you go girl.
I havent narrowed down a favorite, but that Apolo is such a darn cutie!
I used the online voting and the landline...when I know for sure who I like best..if i ever do! I will use the cell phone too! I do have to admit heather did a good job, but still sorry, cant vote for her cause of the McCartney thing....she doesnt need billions of his money.
I voted for Laila, Joey, Apolo and the guy from 90210. I love Paul McCartney so I will not be voting for Heather Mills even though she was much better last night than last week.
Who might go home, Clyde Drexler, Miss USA or the model. Billy Ray will have the teen votes because of his daughter show Hannah Montana.
I voted for Laila, Joey, Apolo and the guy from 90210. I love Paul McCartney so I will not be voting for Heather Mills even though she was much better last night than last week.
Who might go home, Clyde Drexler, Miss USA or the model. Billy Ray will have the teen votes because of his daughter show Hannah Montana.
So tonight was elimination and I was sorry to see Paulina go home! I thought she was much better than Shandi and Billy Ray. I also liked her spirit and she seemed to have so much fun on the floor.
Terry...like you I want Leeza and John to do well,just because they are close to MY age,but even though Leeza can lift her leg to her head,she is very stiff and doesn't move well to the music and I think,you either have it or you don't and she doesn't have it. And John is NOT the best of the males,but I admire what he does.
I'm still liking Apolo but Laila is going to be tough competition!One thing I don't like,how this is dragged out so,so long. Just tell us who's out and move on for goodness sake! AI even tried to pull a fast one tonight by delaying the end of the show so it would run over into DWTS opening.
Heather blew me away with the flip over...lots of guts and she did a hot mambo...but she's getting $2,000 for every minute she was married to Paul McCartney...boo.
I would have rather seen Shandi go than Paulina. I think she would have improved, given the chance.
I agree with everyone about Heather Mills. What an overblown ego! I never liked her, and tho't Paul could do MUCH better. But she isn't terrible, and she'll get the sympathy vote.
~Susan from MA
I was all set to hate Heather Mills, but I have to admit I thought her mambo was darn good - way better than Paulina, Shani and Leeza. She's being very pleasant and personable and the other contestants seem to like her, so I'm gonna give her the benefit of the doubt. It doesn't hurt that I can take or leave Paul McCartney. Laila was by far the best in the mambo and I think Apolo led the guys in the quick step. Clive is just too too tall to make anything look smooth and graceful. Joey can dance, but his constant joking around is already starting to annoy me. I thought Billy Ray somewhat redeemed himself with his quick step, it really wasn't bad. Leeza is way too stiff and lady like, she's gonna have to let loose if she wants to stay in. Shandi was a little stiff, but I think she has potential - Stacy Keebler was not great in the beginning either. I guess I just like Shandi because I watch Lingo!
Hi everyone!
I just watched the results show online, as I missed it Tuesday night. It was good! I am not sure Paulina really should have been the first, but I guess they would have been eliminated in the first three or so, so... As she said, one of the couples had to be first!
It is weird, as I was so prepared to really, really dislike Heather Mills, and she has surprised me! She has blown me away with her dance ability, all things considered, and she has been pleasant and supportive, so I totally agree ~ She gets the benefit of the doubt from me, too!
I believe my favorite remains Apolo, as he is just so darn cute, likable, and talented! I have really liked him since his first Olympics, and I just seem to like him more each time I see him! :)
Laila looks to be a contender, as well! (No pun intended.) She certainly has the athletic ability and mental toughness to persevere.
I will be on a plane again next Monday night (darn!!) so will need to catch it online on Tuesday. Can't wait to see what everyone thinks of the show next week. Looks like a good season!! Yeah!
Paulina was robbed... she doesn't have a big enough fan base. Billy Ray Cyrus and Leeza Gibbons did a worse job than Paulina, if only incrimentally...
I felt awful for Paulina, I thought she did good compared to BRC, HM & LG. Just what is HM a "star" for??? Marrying someone does not make them "famous" or a "star". I will give her props for her second performance she did better than her first but I still don't think she has adequate star quality to be on DWTS.
I don't get it. Why do some people think Heather Mills is a good dancer? Sorry about her leg and all but she IS stiff on a lot of the moves and does anyone pay any attention to her footwork? Yes, considering her handicap, she does better than expected, but aside from being an inspiration to others with similar handicaps she is never going to be in the position of a really good dancer. I think the judges are weighing her votes on the high side as a move to make them look unbiased but yhry're going too far. Plus, her continual announcements of what she cqn't do, but then goes out and does it, such as last night's "I can't kick with one leg and balance with the other" which she did several times. I truly believe she's just usu using America. They hate her in Britain. It worked for Fergie, but Fergie is a likable person and didn't demand that she needs $20,000. a day to live on. Get a job, girl! Watch her footwork. She's not so great.
I hate to admit this, but I think Billy Ray Cyrus is totally hot!
I don't want to like him because of the whole Achey Breaky Heart craze and the mullet, but that man is just too good looking now!
Is there a BRC Anonymous group somewhere?
I so agree with anonymous 9:31. I did not feel that she deserved the 8's that she received. I know she has a handicap with her leg and all but she is not a very good dancer. I really dont care for her anyway and hope she goes home soon.
Oh,Anon 9:34...I sooo agree with you!! They go on and on over her flipping and all that is,is her partner taking her and flipping her over HIS arm! It looks wooden and it is! She's flat-footed(I know,I know..cause of her disability)but she can't point her toes and they'd be all over the others for that!!I don't like her style and though I admire her for trying,this again is a CONTEST and they should not be giving her that high of marks!
Now before all of you start bashing me for bashing the disabled...I have a learning disabled son and I am all for making things as normal as possible for them,but I have always believed there are just some things disabled people CANNOT do,no matter how much we or they would like it to be true. I hate when I read that school districts have almost bankrupted themselves to build and facilitate handicapped kids to be "normal" when that just is never going to happen. There can be a perfectly wonderful handicapped facility near and the parents insist on putting their child into a "normal" school setting. That just makes me mad. JMO!!!
And ORKMOMMY..so agree with you on BRC...when he pulls that hair back he is HOT!!! Still can't dance very well,but he's smokin'...lol!He reminds me of Antonio Bandaras...who I think is the hottest,especially when he slicks his hair back....whoo hoo!!!!
AND(sorry,I forgot my other point)don't you find it telling that HM has access to all these doctors and technicians to make her any leg to fit any of her needs??? It must be the reason she needs to have half of everything Paul ever earned in his whole life!!
Oh and I thought Apolo was very good and was ticked he didn't get 24 and Ian/Cheryl were much better.I think Clyde or Shandi might be bottom two.Leeza was better but she really has a high opinion of herself...no? Still don't like her dancing a whole lot. I still hope Mills goes home soon too.Ok...I'm done now...LOL.
I'd just like to pose the question. "Why did last season's contestants get reprimanded for show-boating (when they had the skills to do that), and this season's mercy chick can show boat with back flip and front walk-overs and get praise from the judges? I thought this was supposed to be judged on ability and technique... I can stomach the allowances on the pointed toe (etc.) but not the gymnastics for the "WOW THAT'S A ONE-LEGGED GIRL!" dancing thing! I just think that if she wants to be treated like everybody else...HMMMM...Perhaps she should be...
I agree about the show boating,if Apolo or Ian or Joey were doing those flips,they'd be all over them. Look at what they said to Lailia and Len griping about Apolo's opening,but then Joey does the same theatrics and they pick them for the do-over tonight?? Nice and consistant,JUDGES!!!
Not surprised who went hom,but was a little surprised that Clyde wasn't one of the two. As bad as those two girls were,he was much,much worse. But I won't be sorry to see Leeza go soon or Clyde or even BRC,tho Orkmommy and I DO like to look at him......lol.and,of course,HM can also go anytime now!
Okay it is discouraging to see someone go through who (as others pointed out) breaking rules that others in past season's have been reprimanded for. I am disappointed that Shandi went home over a few others.
Hi all!
Well, I did not see the Monday show, so I felt a bit lost tonight, and especially after reading everyone's comments. I will catch it online just to get caught up with the events!
I was not really surprised to see Shandi leave. Not that she was the worst dancer, but I think she just doesn't have the fan base that some of the other "bottom performers" may have. Loved Clyde as a b ball star, but a terrific dancer, he is not. He has the NBA vote, so to speak, and stronger name recognition for some fans / voters.
Still have to love Apolo! I just find him so darn likable, plus talented and focused. And I also think he has a terrific partner. They "fit" each other, which always seems to help.
And ladies, I do have to agree that BRC is hot. (without the mullet!) I can't believe I just admitted that publicly. Oh my.
I am enjoying this season so far!
Looking forward to next week's dancing!
Not to keep talking about BRC, but have any of you seen his daughter's show on Disney...Hannah Montana? BRC plays her dad on the show and he absolutely cannot act!
He can't sing, he can't act, he can't dance...but he sure is nice to look at. I wouldn't mind having him just stand quietly in my living room for a while ;)
Orkmommy, I caught Hannah Montana one afternoon when the TV was just on in the background, and you are so right. He can't act!! :)
I would also be up for him standing quietly somewhere close. (I can't believe I admitted it again!)
For all of us DWTS fans, I found a great link:
Joey - Ian - Apolo - and Billy Ray were HOT!!! Finally some good scores. What happened to Aleia, and I saw Heather stumble on many steps.
Hello All --
Just really enjoyed watching tonight, followed by the Bachelor. Thought Apollo (CUTE!!!) really did well, and Joey of course. I thought of all of you who wrote last week of your crush on Billy Ray... lol... I am still seeing Keith Urban in him with his new hair. He was endearing with his comments about not being themost talented but trying so hard.
Seems the guy from Cheers has a bit of an attitude... did anyone pick that up? His daughter (i think) and mother out in the audience looked so proud of him though.
Did anyone else read that Paul sent Heather flowers on the first night from their daughter and him? if that is true, I guess a classy gesture but it IS a little confusing.
Leeza looked great tonight but I felt bad for her that she is doing her best and just so stiff. She does look like she's having fun with this though the judges comments can't be easy to take.
The most fun for me in these early weeks is seeing how much each person's body changes as they do all the practicing, and how pumped each star seems to become after a few weeks of taking something new like this on. It's such hard work no matter how smooth they end up looking!
Hi all you DWTS fans!! :)
I smiled through the entire show tonight! Some great performances, some less than great, but I just thought it was an entertaining show!
My favorites tonight: Apolo (of course!), Joey, and Ian. I believe the girls are really going to need to step it up to be around at the finale.
I see either Clyde or Leeza going home tomorrow. Sydney, I also thought she looked beautiful tonight, but the dance was sooo stiff. I feel for her, as it appears she really, really wants to do well. It just doesn't seem that she has the natural flexibility and talent... I give them all so much credit for being involved. I would totally suck.
I also agree that BRC with his hair cut does have certain similarities in style to Keith Urban! However, I did NOT like his hair tonight!! So I didn't find myself wanting him around to look at... LOL!!! Look how fickle I can be!
Len was certainly "in a mood", especially for the first half of the show! I believe they are going to be much tougher, as it did seem they have been pretty easy for more than a few weeks. I like they way Heather's partner told her to "get ready" as they walked over to hear the judges' comments.
20 more minutes of The Batchelor, so I need to see who he boots!
Talk to you all tomorrow after the results show ~
Pretty good show tonight,especially since my favs did just fine. Apolo,as usual,took my breath away,he is so determined and made it look very romantic even though they do act like a goofy bother and sister act in rehearsals. Ian was good adn so was Joey,but for some reason,I don't want him to win though he seems to have the edge,at least with the judges.And i gree about Leeza,it was almost painful to watch her dance. She must think in her mind she is doing all she can but it was soooo stiff it was hard to watch. She can't even move her hips in the least.I am almost certain it will be her leaving tonight,cause Clyde still seems to have his fan base voting for him.I also didn't much like Laila or John or Clyde this time.And yes,whoever mentioned it,I did think John had a big ole attitude,and he wasn't very good,as well as Clyde. Clyde looks so uncomfortable and looks as if he's saying,why did I ever agree to do this! I feel for his little partner,she is trying her best.
I'm still voting for Apolo to win and I though Len's rant,while he had a point,was uncalled for. Maybe this time,this is all the hours these people can afford to devote to the practice. It seems these people are more involved in their careers this time compared to some of the others in the past.And I still think the men are pandering to HM,while Carrie,at least,told it like it was regarding her this week. Way to go,Carrie! She wasn't as good as the men who did the waltz!!
Laila surprised me last night, I agree, she seems to be going backwards, but she obviously can do better and hopefully she will listen to the criticism and try harder next week. Joey and Apolo were both fantastic and both have natural talents. They should both easily make it to the final weeks. I thought Ian was a little stiff this time around. He also can do bettre. Leeza and Clyde seem to have no innate talent for dancing and really should be leaving soon. Johm and Billy Ray seem to have a great desire to do well, but I don't see them making it to the final shows even though BR has shown a marked improvement. Heather, on the other hand should not even be on this show. Nothing against her handicap, but she does look awkward every time she's on the floor. She absolutely does not deserve the high marks she has received. She doesn't (can't) follow technique, she has no grace on the floor and it seems the rules are constantly fluctuating for her to accommodate her handicap. This is a dance contest, not a charity event! I'm so tired of hearing her complain about how EVERY dance is so hard for her. What did she think it was going to be like? And thank goodness, at least one of the judges has the sense to stop ignoring the obvious. I just hope the pity votes stop and she finds another venue to bolster her "American" popularity. I'm rooting for Joey, Apolo, Ian and Laila. I think thet're the ones with some real talent. e. .
Clyde needed a partner with more height. So I also consider him to have a handicap...but is that mentioned...NOOOO...imao. Hard to have the correct posture when your partner can not reach your arms in the position needed for most of these dances. Not a Clyde fan..but all playing fields are not even. HM has had her fun, time to go, soon, I hope. Poor Leeza, she needs new joints...maybe hers do not move so well anymore.
Wonder who the surprise dancer is tonight? Drew Kelly Emmitt ???
Has anyone noticed the inappropriate music choices assigned to the couples? I wonder if the producerss are picking who will win by requiring certain dancers try to waltz or do the pasa doble to inappropiate music. Joey Fatone had correct music to facillitate and create a certain atmosphere as well as Apollo. But Laila and John had music that was really out there. Especially Laila, there was no way in hell anyone could feel a steamy feeling with music that almost sounded like a march. As for John I think the coreography was ill conceived. lisa was indeed stiff. Clyde would rather be anywhere but on DWTS. Heather is someone you have to admire to even get up there and try. She is aware of her limitions and still goes for it. She does better on obne and a half legs than I would do on two whole legs.Ian is cute and I like him but, it's time for Cheryl to step back and let someone else reign. Billy Ray is working hard but I think it's probably like trying to push a car. But, after all is said and done I think it will come down to Joey and Apollo, with Joey taking the trophy. And not for any other reason than that is where the producers are guiding the public with appropriate music to the dance,some talent and lots of charisma and looks. bf
Anonymous 2:10 pretty well says it all...the end will be Joey and Apolo unless Laila starts practicing more...when these people sign on they should understand the commitment they are making and not try to have it both ways, work on career, dance on show. Dancing with the Stars is a career enhancer so they need to focus on it while the show is on. As for John of Cheers fame, I think he must be a surly kind of guy in "real live." His attitude is showing..and there is no "Cheer" there. Too bad big Pussy from the Sopranodropped out. It would have been fun to see a faux mobster try to dance!
Goodbye, Gibbons.
It’s the strongest lock since I picked Florida to buck Ohio State in the college football title game.
OK, so I picked Ohio State to return the favor in the recent hoops final. But who’s counting?
On the floor that counts right now — “Dancing With the Stars” — Leeza Gibbons won’t stand for long. Like tonight. She’ll glide right past Clyde Drexler and fade stage left.
Not that it matters much. Drexler is a slam-dunk goner next week. McCartney will beat it soon thereafter. The Cheers guy is facing a last call. Billy Ray won’t be aching in practice much longer.
Start counting down to the Fat One vs. Ohno.
Joey is this season’s Mario Lopez, a ringer stepping all over the competition. The big guy truly hammered it out last night, doing footwork only a pro can nail.
As for Apolo, he has two big factors that will shoot him to the final: a gold-medal ethic and a partner who is a drop-dead superstar waiting to happen. That would be Julianne Hough, the hottest teen to hit Hollywood since, what, Shirley Jones?
Leeza is gone...who next?
BUCKY. it's only your OPINION that Joey is a pro. He was in a boy band, they danced. He has talent, PERIOD. Apolo has talent and no one is calling him "the skinny one". And, from everything I read, Mario was never a pro, either. Did you start that rumor too?
bf -- I always think that about the music too and wonder who picks it... It cartainly can't be the dancers themselves as they'd never pick half the stuff they play. I noticed that from the first season, so glad you brough that up. How the dance goes and how the crowd reacts has SO much to do with the music, even if they don't realize it in the moment.
Part of the fun of the show is almost everyone has something to overcome, and while there are always the early standouts you know will make it to the final few, since they go one at a time it does allow some of the ones who are struggling with things to get better over the weeks they remain. And watching "stars" who excell at their field but are now out of their element, making the effort to get better is one of the reasons it's a captivating show.
I thought it would be interesting to see Apolo and Laila do this -- both had the stamina, the dicipline, the ability to train, perform for a crowd and take judgement.. but Apolo's art overdevelops his thigh muscles (so maybe he would not be so graceful) and is all about crouching over, where these dances are all about standing tall with arms extended. I wondered: would either of these be HIS "handicap"? And Laila is strong, and her sport requires she be tough... would her "handicap" be that she needed to be more flowing than forceful and have her lower body be more important to control than her upper... that kind of thing.
Some people don't have natural rhythmn, like Leeza and Billy Ray, hence their "handicap"... but viewers do get heartened seeing them improve. Watching BRC try in earnest or Leeza meet it with such enthusiasm is endearing, again, a part of the show's appeal.
That said, I totally agree with you Delee that Clyde has as much of a TRUE handicap while paired with fairly petite partner -- I think they could have found someone who was at least 5'7 (5'9' in heels) to level the playing field a little... and then they can comment on his arms. Though he did say his rotator cuffs were so punished by his basketball years that he had trouble lifitng them very high in regular life, the set up is still there...
So NOT surprised it was LEEZA going home,I never saw anybody as stiff as she was......well,maybe Master P...but she had done so much better the week before. I don't think she had many fans out there in TV land either. How else do you explain CLYDE still being there. I agree with the judge who said he does the same dance every week,because that is what it looks like to me. He looks so uncomfortable and out of place on that floor. He needs to go next week and then John or HM in any order.
I,too,think it will be JOEY standing at the end,but I so want it to be APOLO and I will keep voting for him with my double how ever many each week. I don't think Cheryl is going to get her three-peat,and that is just killing her,but IAN is not Drew or Emmitt.
I will also continue to like to look at BRC until he gets the hook....yeah,Orkmommy..you know what I mean...lol!
It was a fun treat to see DREW on the show tonight. The minute they started that song,all I could think of was Drew and Cheryl's routine.
Hi everyone!
Good show, no surprises, great to see Drew, smiled the whole way through, remembering their dance!
BuckyFox, totally agree!
And Anon 10:50, "Fat One" has been around all season, and they actually introduced it on the show. It is his last name with a space, not something BuckyFox made up to be derogatory!! :) I think it may have been Joey that started it, as he was trying to lose weight, reduce the size of his booty, and get in shape for the season.
And I was so thrilled to hear that Samantha, the host, is pregnant!! I had noticed a "bump", especially in her green dress last week, and I doubted that she would have chosen the dress if she had just put on a pound or two (at the Kraft Service table) ha!
I bet Clyde wishes he was gone, so he could play 18 tomorrow, and skip the rehearsals...
So who is gone next week? My bet is on John from Cheers.
Have a great week!
It doesn't matter who started calling the fat one. It's derogatory and no different than if others were called --- the big-boned girl or the old guy or the gangly guy or the hick or the gimp or whatever. The names are not flattering and they hurt.
OK, show's not even over yet and I have to say Laila was fabulously sexy tonight, and Apollo totally rocked it... and his adroable partner... yikes, what a bod! Her long legs and perfect derrier made me say, well, for all I say that I wouldn't go back there for anything. there WERE some things that were good about being 20 after all... lol.
I thought Ian did very well for how clearly uptight he was about doing the "non-masculine" aspects of the dance. I think he overcame his discomfort like a pro, to deliver his best performance in those 2 1/2 minutes. I think he was wishing it would be over as soon as possible but the judges were way too critical, and I think inside he crumbled.
OK. Orkmommy and co -- I finally thought tonight that BRC was hot looking. Not in the dance necessarily but in the clips before hand :-)
Last week when he got the great reviews from the judges, I must say he looked truly happy and humble too and that was really endearing.
And as soon as Heather fell I thought oh, there is the moment all her critics have been waiting for. As a woman I just wished the cameras didn't have a full shot of her undies, whether they were costume or not... what did you all think?
Waiting for the bachelor...
NO one is calling Joey "Fat-one" he called himself that...he in no means is fat IMO he is a cutie and a great dancer and has a fabulous sense of humor. He is simply making fun of his own last name, I have done it about myself and if he wants to do that then that is his choice and if he gives himself that nickname it is okay for others to use it. (Sticks and stone may break my bones but names will NEVER hurt me.) Peace to all!
Hi everyone!
What a great show!! Apolo brought it in a BIG way, and, Sydney, you are correct! His partner is a doll! I believe they make such a cute couple, it is just impossible not to love them. :)
BRC must have wanted to cry. How would any of us like to follow a perfect 30?? They seemed sooo sad!
Laila and Maks were hot, as well!
I think Clyde goes home (or to the links!) on tomorrow night's show. What do you all think?
Good fun tonight! The Bachelor is up next! :)
I just HOPE that Clyde does go home tonight.or John......or,dare I say it.....BRC!! It's time one of the men who dance badly get sent home. If any of them stay while all the women go,well that's just not right. Clyde was his usual poor self and,of course,we had to hear all of his pathetic excuses for why he was! Enough already! And John,after coming out pretty strong,has just become very dead on his feet and not much of a mover...don't like his posture much either. And,I have to say,BRC was very poor this week,just standing there and letting Karina flit around him and shake her groove thing. It was painful to watch. I LOVED Apolo and Julianne! That was what I had been waiting to see........now Joey has a run for the money! If Ian doesn't loosen up,as the judges told him,he and Cheryl won't win this thing. He IS stiff and clearly a distant third in the run for the title. I still want APOLO to win,he's a cutie and a real competitor. I think Joey is overconfindent and wasn't taking this too seriously until now,but maybe he just got his wake-up call. It would be nice if this really turns into a contest like last season.Laila was much better this week also,but still waiting for HM to go home,just want some of those terrible men to go first!!
Doesn't it seem like Billy Ray's heart just isn't in it anymore? It seemed like he wasn't even trying this week. And when he mentioned all the things he has to do this coming week, it sounded like there won't be much time left for rehearsing. Even his partner looked surprised as he mentioned his itinerary. As Sharon mentioned, he just moved around Karina. No footwork, no nothing! And I thought, too. that he looked very sad. Maybe he just wants to be done with it.
I hope Clyde goes home, but I think it will be John. I voted for John just for that reason. I would rather see Clyde go first. This is a good season so far.
The dancer going home is... Clyde
The bottom two were: Heather Clyde
First of all, loved Joey Fatone's "bathroom sketch". Very funny! I guess Billy Ray does want to stick around. Says if he just could get an 8, he'd go home happy. But have to say, I'm surprised he wasn't in the bottom two. Kind of glad he wasn't though, he IS so pleasant to look at. I was kind of surprised Heather was there but still think her days are mumbered. Clyde on the other hand wasn't much of a surprise. He seems like such a nice guy, but the man just has no sense of rhythm a nd I got the feeling he was more than happy to go play golf. Well, can't wait to see what happens next week. *
I agree Joy....BRC is very,very nice to look at. Loved that shirt with the bare arms and the pecs standing at (ahem) attention and real men apparently DO wear purple!
The only thing that would have made it perfect was if that hair had been slicked back,don't like it in his face. I hope his girls get after him and make him practice more! I'd like to see him get an eight too!
Was it just me or was that Lisa Rinna number just a little bit over the top?? I think it showed that she's never done anything on the stage before and thank goodness I saw a better Roxie than her in the play on stage. Don't get me wrong,I admire her for doing this at "her age" but methinks she might be rushing into this part on Broadway just a little too soon.
And can't stand Macy Gray,she always acts and sounds as if she's stoned to me....JMO!LOVED the pro's group dance,I could watch them all night!
Anon 3:35 (4/17) TBC
I have to agree I almost always vote for Ian and Joey and at least one for John last night I gave all my votes to John to help him out!
Clyde was so happy to go play golf, and I was so happy for him! He just does not look like he has enjoyed this process all that much!
Anxious to see the battle between Apolo and Joey again next week!! It is finally getting good!
I am hoping that HM and John are in the bottom two tomorrow,tho it may well be BRC down there too. I loved Apolo tonight...of course!!! I also thought Laila was very good and Joey wasn't bad,but what is it whith Ian??? He looked like a mad dog tonight,instead of a virile,passionate bullfighter!! I know it wasn't a big stretch in acting for him on 90120,but he just doesn't get it. He may have been less stiff,but he went over the top and looked like a crazed
stalker. Sorry,Cheryl,doesn't look like a three-peat is in the cards!
And what's with Len,the sour puss! He carps about Apolo using the chair(which by the way,was an intergral part of the dance) and then praises HM for all the "tricks" that have nothing to do with her dance. Give me a break,judge her like everybody else!
Sharon, I agree you about Ian. What is Cheryl thinking?? Please stop him from making those terrible faces! The way they perform is always uncomfortable to watch. And, while I do admire Heather for putting herself out there, I don't enjoy her dancing all that much. It's not fair that she was able to skip rehearsal for the group dance. I actually hope she goes this week.
My favorites are Apolo and Julianne! They both seem surprisingly professional and mature for their ages.
Appolo and Julianne are just the best. I don't vote, but if I did, they would be who I would vote for. Let John go home next... keeping him in the competition I equate to keeping Sanjaya on Idol. My opinion of course... to each his own.
I do have to say that for only one day to rehearse with the group dance Heather did okay.
Hi everyone!
Happy Monday! Pretty good show, with some definite highlights! Loved Apolo, as always!! He has been my favorite from the beginning, and I don't see that changing any time soon. I also thought Joey and Laila were good tonight!
Sharon, I agreed with everything you said...
John = not good
HM = not good
Ian = no threepeat for Cheryl
BRC = not good
I think John or BRC go home tomorrow. Buh bye!! ;)
I loved the group dance. Very enjoyable! Thought Apolo did exceptionally well again. I wish Laila would let her choreographer do his thing. I doubt she'd let him offer tips on her boxing style. Loved Joey as always. He helps to make the show fun and I think his dancing is very good for not ever having ballroom training. Heather, on the other hand, seems to get special consideration every week. I think her scores are always on the high side and I hope she is gone soon. I agree that John's Billy Ray's days are numbered and then, probably Ian's, too. I've been rooting for Joey from day one, But Apolo is so Good! I'm hoping now that he continues his hot streak to the end.
The worst dancers are Billy Ray, though cute and John...who I personally don't enjoy watching. Heather has had her "day." Now it's time for her to go too...then Ian who is stiff as a board...too bad Cheryl got got a lamp partner this year. And I agree with whoever said Laila should let her professional partner take the lead...her "funky" moves not so hot...and what the heck was Bily Ray doing? Not good. Kind of vulgar.
The dancer leaving tonight is:
Heather Mills
I'm not at all sorry to see Heather go. I thought her true personality was beginning to show, and she seem ed kind of rude tonight, especially at the end. She was going to give her speech no matter who she had to interupt. And blaming the judges "low" scores as the reason for her leaving was beyond me when it seemed they were pretty darn generous with her scores all season long. Too generous, I thought. I'm understanding a why Paul's seem to dislike her so much. (Left out "family" after Paul's) My typing is atrocious! Plus, I was so tired of her excuses every week. Think John's a goner next week. Love that they did the swing dance again. They looked like they had tons of fun doing it.
Well,last week Sanjaya and this week HM...it's finally back to reality!She was a real twit at the end,with her "goodbye" speech with all her excuses rolled into one! I am another who was so tired of her
"I only have one leg besides" excuse every week! Hello....like you knew that going in,and you shouldn't have expected a different set of rules for you,even though I agree the judges were more than generous to her. If not for her partner doing the lion share of the work on the floor,she would have been gone right away.
Yes,I think John and BRC are next up on the block and then Ian and then it will be a dog fight to the end with the other three. Though I must say,I thought the "funky" part of Laila's cha cha was cause for lower scoring,not praise,especially when Len had such a hissy about the chair in Apolo's routine! AND Laila was very stiff legged in the swing dance,as compared to some of the others.......so there......IMHO!!!
And enough of the short jokes about Apolo! Sure Laila could pummel him in the boxing ring, and he can skate rings around her on the ice, so big deal. It was funny when she scooped him up in the group dance, but now the jokes over, let's move on. He seems to be taking it in stride, but I'm getting annoyed on his behalf!
(Love you, Apolo ;)
Hi everyone!
I actually thought Heather was more gracious tonight as she exited than some of the others we have seen in the past. I was totally prepared to dislike her intensely before the season began, and, while she was never my favorite, I did grow to respect her more throughout the season.
I actually love love love Joss Stone, so I did enjoy the show tonight. And how cute are Julianne and her brother?? Maybe we will see him again in the next season.
Totally agree that John and BRC are next on the block, followed by Ian, and top 2 should be Apolo and Joey. I am a huge Apolo fan, but I would be ok if either of those two win! They are both entertaining and fun to watch.
I am over Laila. She was definitely the premier performer of the group of women this season, and she did do a good job last night, but her arrogance is beginning to grate on me a bit.
I so agree with you,dla,about Laila! She is definitely her father's daughter and has a big dose of his high opinion of himself. I didn't like the short jokes she kept throwing at Apolo. She may be a "star" in her profession (women's boxing...not a fan) but he is an Olympic medalist in his and I'd like to see her try it. She looks a bit masculine in her dance a lot of the time and I dislike her telling her "pro" what she should and shouldn't do on the dance floor.She may be the last woman left,but don't see her in the last two.
If Heather were really "in it to win it" she would have practiced more...no excuses about "having" to go to London...we all have choices and she should have cleared her schedule when she signed on. We want good dancing, one leg or two, busy or not. She was here for her own p.r. reasons. I though her dig at the judges "low" scores unfortunate as they had been giving her higher marks than she deserved all along. The voters saw things differently, albeit the Paul thing was a factor. However if she had danced better she'd still be there and John or Billy Ray would have gone first. Bottom line...she didn't work hard enough.
Order of elimination...John next week, Billy the week after and Ian the following week...then Laila. Other than Joey and Apolo the dancers were pretty dismal this year. Hope they recruit better dancers from the start next season...it's a great show but Len was right, not many working as hard this season and not as much growth from week to week. You only see growth with Apolo and Joey who really seem to be putting in the time. As an athlete Apolo know you get out when you put in.
Heather Mills was on Good Morning America. In an interview, she again blamed her leaving on low scores. She said she wasn't surprised because vote tally of prior week was low. She also said, "What I wanted to do, which I didn't get the chance to do, had we stayed in, is I wanted to get Carrie Ann to stand on one leg on a stilt and actually feel what it's like to be on an artificial leg." Doesn't that sound like she means if Carrie Ann knew what that felt like, then she would have given me better scores? I'd have respected her more if she had just said, "I did the best I could under these circumstances and I'm proud to have gotten that far." Sounds to me like she believes she deserved special treatment.
I'm glad Heather was given the opportunity to be a role model for kids with disabilities. I'm also glad that she kept her opinions to herself while she was on the show. I always thought she was given favorable treatment by the judges, but now that I know she expected it, I hope she takes herself back to England ASAP. I'm sure they miss her.
I think all did really great tonight, some just entertained and others danced their hearts out. Will be sad to see someone go. I think Apolo did g8 and do not know why Len was so harsh on him!
Wow -- Joey really went wild tongiht, and blew Apollo away (and I love Apollo)!
I don't understand why Len was so hard on Apolo tonight!! I thought they did their usual great dancing and I was bummed at the less than stellar votes. I think Len needed a laxative or something,cause he sure was grumpy. I always think Apolo and Julianne tell a wonderful story with their dance and then others do the same things they do and don't get critisized the same way. No fair!! It's like they expect so much less of some of the dancers and when they do the least little thing right,they give them extravagant praise. I still love A/J and all my votes went to them tonight...so there,Len...you old fart!!
I do think all the talented ones are starting to bring it and I thought Ian was much better tonight! Laila was good,but not THAT good and Joey has stepped it up too. I still think it should come down to Joey and Apolo for the finals.
I agree that Len seemed harsher than necessary with Apolo tonight and tho Laila was good, I didn't think she deserved the scores she got. I especially loved Joey's Jive. Ian surprised me that he was so much improved this week. I'll be happy if Apolo or Joey win. I even enjoyed John's Rumba. But Billy Ray seemed more off this week and I'm afraid he may be leaving tomorrow. Darn, he's so cute and I love his personality. I just wish they would've given him his 8.
Sharon - funny, your suggestion that Len needs a laxative. I do think the judges are quite inconsistant from show to show and from contestant to contestant. However, the dysfunctional AI judges make these look like angels. Thank goodness that American votes 50% and the judges vote 50%.
The judges have a history of scoring down any front-runners who start to dominate (the same thing happened with Mario Lopez and Stacy Keibler). I think it's to keep the competition interesting. With two dances to learn, Apolo was not as perfectly finished as in past weeks, but I think the footwork that Julianne choreographs for him looks more difficult than the others are doing. Joey definitely brought his A-game tonight. Laila was very good, but her dancing just doesn't excite me. And I still thought Ian looked stiff, only now stiff with a forced smile. Billy Ray totally copped out on the first dance. I really admire John for the effort he puts in each week; who knew Cliffy could be so entertaining?
But, as always, I'm rooting for the best darn ballroom-dancing speed-skater out there! Go Apolo and Julianne!
I thought from the start the judges scored Heather far higher than her dancing merited because they took her disability into consideration. Now it seems like she felt "entitled" to high scores...she seems to feel entitled to a lot. Maybe that's her paroblem. Glad she is gone..bad sport as the English say. I thought the judges rated Julianne and Apolo low, considering that they often gave the same numbers to Heather who could not compare. I personally love watching the "kids." I think they work hard and bring great enthusiasm. I think all their dances tonight should have been 8s and 9. Hope they are back on top next week. I can live without flaky egomaniac Joey and stiff egomanias Ian. As for Acky Breaky...he needs to go home. Same for John.
Down to Billy Ray and John. And it's good-bye to Billy Ray. Too bad, he's such a cutie!
Sorry about that screw-up!
Good bye John R. You tried real hard. I think BRC was shocked it was not him.
Joy N I read that and never caught wrong one. IMAO
How is the network going to continue to make these results shows an hour? Both on DWTS and Idol, the results shows could go back to a half hour, but it seems the networks may not have any other programming to fill such a slot that gets the same ratings.
I tape the results show and then fast forward to the end to watch the last elimination. The rest of the show is filler that is totally boring.
OK... I missed it... who went home? I came in the end when Bergeron (sp) was saying goodnight. It appeared that it was John, but I wasn't certain.
It was John that left ( I'm so embarassed, posting the wrong one). I thought the kids were great. I envy their youthful limberness. Did anyone else notice Karina roll her eyes when it was announced that John was leaving? At the same time that BR looked shocked. I think they both want to be put out of their misery. Alas, that will probably (and should) happen next week. Will miss looking at that good-looking hunk of manhood, though. I abslutely loved the DanceCenter bit. I, also would love seeing that every week instead of Kimmel. This was the first time, though, that I thought his bit was actually funny.
Apolo and Joey just get better and better. Apolo turned it up tonight. I think Len was off his rocker after Apolo's 1st dance. He used to be hard but fair this year he must be taking lessons from Simon. BRC will be going for sure, sad but true.
I was flipping channels and missed something. What was BRC so cranky at Bruno about? Seems like they got decent scores for the way they performed. Is he still looking for an 8?
Apolo and Julianne are just great to watch. I couldn't figure out Len tonight, either. Apolo's steps are always more difficult than everybody else (except maybe Joey). And he started with no dance training, so I'm voting for Apolo and Julianne to win!
Anon 1:18
BRUTAL Bruno said that Billy Ray's dance was "crap". It really was a bit harsh, and uncalled for. BRC has never been a great dancer, will never be a great dancer, but that was pushing it a bit too far.
I also agree that Len is jumping a bit out of line this season. The judges have really been grumpy, which is not all that much fun to watch!
Still loving Apolo and Juliann!! They have been my favorites all along, and I hope they win that crazy trophy!!
They have fun, they have style, they have class, and they push the envelope on a weekly basis!! Love them!
Doesn't it seem like Joey doesn't have a chance in YKW of winning when Len won't give him a ten if there is razzle-dazzlle and Bruno will score him lower if there is none. Len also said Joey's waltz was beautiful with no errors pointed out, but gave him a nine. Well, at least Laila didn't get any special consideration because her dad was there. She's good but don't her arms seem gangly when she dances? I just can't get past that. Apolo was underscored on his first dance and fantastic on his second although I'd swear I saw him slip once and used his arm to check his balance, but no one called him out on it. I need to watch the tape again.
It was a good show,but kind of surprising in some ways.The first two dancers came out,and I thought they were "off" or something,they were not nearly as good as last week. Then BRC, and though calling it "crap" may have been uncalled for,to me,he really hasn't improved much at all and just still stands there and lets Karina flit around him for the most part. I'll bet she's ticked off she got stuck with BR this season when she had Mario last and felt she got robbed,as we all did.And I'm sorry,but Cheryl and Ian have almost NO chemistry and that's not going to happen!
And,Joy,I also agree with you about Laila,even though I do enjoy her dancing and she is the last female standing,I,like you,don't like her arms at times and sometimes she looks very stiff legged to me in some of her moves. The judges have been very generous to her at times.
And,apparently,Len didn't get that laxative I recommended last week,cause he still had something stuck in his craw again this week. If he had not given Apolo and Julianne a 10 on that last dance,I swear I would have gone looking for him. Now THAT was one hot dance(she says fanning herself)!!!!
Now don't get upset with me, but I gotta say this. I watched my tape of the show. At the beginning of the Paso Doble, as Julianne ran towards Apolo *(he was on his knees) she dropped and slid towards him. He lost his balance and dropped his arm to catch his balance. He quickly recovered and it was admitedly aminor flaw. But they gave him all tens. This, after Len gave Joey a nine because of razzle-dazzle? Don't get me wrong, I think Apolo is a fantastically talented dancer with a greeat chance of winning. At the same time, Joey (whom I also love) is also fantastic and has a pretty good chance of winning too. What's fair is fair. It reminds me of the first season when that soap star screwed up both of her last two dances and still received all tens. Something was so wrong with that, yet she won over John Hurley. It gives me an uneasy feeling about their voting process. Ah, well! I'm pretty sure it will be BRC tonight too. And I doubt Ian will be around after next week. Hopefully Laila after that. Hopefully, it will be Joey and Apolo as the final two (it SHOULD be!) and I am so looking forward to that final episode!
Sharon I was fanning myself on Apolo's Paso too!!!! WHEW
I do not know what is wrong with Len...he has turned into a sourpuss!
Joy N I agree I saw that too, makes ya wonder. Last 2 should be Joey and Apolo, but it is how those in TV land vote!
Len needs some nap time b4 the show if he is coming in from England. Must doze off during dancing. IMAO
BRC is in the bottom 2
Ian is safe...WHAT?
BRC is in the bottom 2
Ian is safe...WHAT? Laila is safe!
Apolo is safe!
The other in the bottom is:
Joey what the heck????
Going home is... RBC
Well, 8th week is something anyway. No way Joey should have been in bottom two. It should have been Ian or even Laila. I shudder to think what will happen next week.
No more eye candy in the form of BRC,he was a good sport and he seems like a nice man.I was surprised that it was Joey in the bottom,but sometimes we get lazy and don't vote for our favorites and then they get in trouble.I think Cheryl has a lot of fans and maybe there are more 90210 fans than N'Sync ones....lol.
For the first time I LOVED the Jimmy Kimmel spot.It was so faunny when they popped "P" and then stepped on him.I remember his waltz and it's painful to recall!
GO APOLO !!!!!
Wow, Joey and Kym looked really upset. I think Sharon's right about people not voting until their favorite is in jeopardy.
I, however, have learned my lesson and vote for Apolo every week on both my phone lines. Next week I may have to vote from my neighbor's phone, also!!
Love you, Apolo ;)
Apolo is certainly a good dancer, but he is also a professional athlete (like Laila) so I would expect them to excel in a physical competition. Also, Joey Fatone is a professional dancer so he has an advantage as well. My personal favorite dance team is Ian and Cheryl. They have so much personality and give each dance 100% effort. Ian is not a professional dancer or athlete, but yet he has all the talent of the rest of them -- last week he received six straight "9s" from the judges. I hope he surprises everyone by giving his best performances in the next two weeks and capturing the trophy. If you like Ian and Cheryl, please do your part to vote for them on Monday -- vote 4 times for each phone number and 4 times online. If you like Ian and Cheryl, please do your part to vote for them on Monday -- vote 4 times for each phone number and 4 times online. Also, Ian has really cool videos on his websites at www.IanZiering.com and www.MySpace.com/OfficialIZ and there you can sign up to receive his fun email blasts.
What does being an athlete have to do with having rhythm for dance? And I'm so tired of people saying Joey is a professional dancer. I've read that he has had no ballroom training whatsoever. There's a big difference between ballroom dancing and learning choreography for a boyband. They said the same crap about Mario Lopez last year who has said over and over that he did not ever have ballroom training. Some people just can't stand the fact that Apolo, Joey and Mario all have natural rhythm and work hard to improve themselves every chance they get. They're good and it shows. Ian tries hard, but his stiffness shows (after all these weeks) and yoy can see he struggles but lacks the grace Apolo and Joey have shown again and again. Some people got it and some people don't!
I'm a little late in posting, but better late than never. I agree with you Joy N. Being an athlete has nothing to do with having rhythm. Appolo and Joey do have rythm where Ian is too stiff and therefore always looks like he's uncomfortable. Too bad for Cheryl, but she just didn't get the best dancer this year. She didn't have him last year either, but she won anyway. Mario should have won last year. IMO... I hope she doesn't pull it off again this year. And while I think Joey is good, Appolo is still the best dancer. People forget sometimes it's a "ballroom dancing" competition and they just vote for their favorite "person". We should vote for the best dancer.
That being said, I've never voted. LOL My bad!
News flash Mario Lopez and Karina S have moved into together. And they thought we did not know they were a couple. IMAO
Can not wait for tonight 3 hours of fun!!!
Though we know it will be down to Apolo and Joey in the end (and have pretty much since the beginning)< I have rooted more week afte week for poor IAN. The guy tries his hardest and is so in earnest.... and to see his face just crumple (but trying to be brave) under just relentlesscriticism from the judges. He really broke through tonight and FINALLY got some well deserved gold stars for all his effort this season.
I am sorry Laila just does not do it for me. I did not think her dances were that great. Ian was better, 1st dance very good, 2nd one so-so. Len sure has it in for Apolo (2nd dance-raunchy what the ****), at least for the 1st dance Len had some sense. Joey is Joey loved both his dances. Tomorrow night will be tough.
Joey and Apolo are hot , hot, hot tonight! Apolo deserved all 10's too. Laila did not. I'm glad, too, that Ian did so well and got credit for it. tomorrow's going to be tough. Only hope that Joey and Apolo are the final two. They deserve to be.
I was only able to get in 3 votes for Apolo tonight. In past weeks I voted to the limit on 2 phone lines. I'm hoping that's a good sign for him, but maybe there are just more people voting this week.
Go Apolo and Julianne!
TOTALLY shocked that Egyptian dance of Laila and her partner got all 10s. I could not believe how complimentary the judges were to her for that. I saw several times where footwork was fudged (not that I could do any of this mind you!) and it had very little of the energy or creativity of the other 3 couples. Sometimes I think the reactions are somewhat "planned" to carry us all along from week to week. Sometimes the judges are unduly hard for no reason or the opposite, with their comments not always in alighnment with the performances. Anyone else wonder what goes on with that?
Man,I wish ole Len was crossing the street and I was in my car...lol. I cannot believe him....too raunchy!!! Like delee said...what the????!They deserved all tens if that cha cha Laila did!I just think she is too stiffy sometimes and the fact she complained about her knees tonight shows why.Boohoo! I think the fact that Apolo said he'd like all tens tonight spurred Mr. Nasty to do that on purpose and that was the best excuse he could come up with!
I do have to say I was surprised to see that the old fart can still cut quite a figure on the dance floor.....LOL!
I did my part and voted as much as I could for Apolo and Julianne.It should be quite a final and I hope all us Apolo fans are not crying tomorrow night. Vote online all you Apolo people...you have until noon tomorrow...vote,vote,vote APOLO!!!!!!
Hi everyone!
Apolo and Julieann ROCK!! I absolutely LOVED both of their dances, and when Len came up with the "too raunchy" comment, my reaction was also WTF??? I was screaming at my TV! lol
Delee, Laila does not do it for me, either!! She is good, but I just don't see GREAT.
And, Sydney, how did she get those perfect scores??? I was personally scoring that Egyptian dance as a 24 or 25, certainly not a 30!!! That was just plain crazy!
Delee, thanks for the tidbit on Mario and Karina!! As if we didn't notice the chemistry!! :)
I hope they are happy together, as they are really a cute couple!
All in all, I thought it was an excellent show tonight! When you think about the remarkable improvement since week 1, it is wild!
I was really upset that Appolo didn't get his 6 10's. He deserved them, Laila didn't. She's ok, but not great. I agree Len didn't give him a 10 because he said he wanted to be the first to get them.. and if they were so raunchy, why did he think they deserved a 9...what's the difference. And it was really Julianne who did the real raunchy bit, and they shouldn't be judging the professional dancers.
TSharon, thanks for telling us we have until noon to vote... I'm voting now!!!
fuSydney, I agree about the comments not always being in alignment with the performances. It seems to me they are purposely trying to influence votes and results. I thought that the first season when that soap opera star won over John Hurley even though she was clearly an inferior dancer. And last season, too, When Mario should have won hands down over the football player. Last night's show, it seemed like they were all set to give out good scores to everyone. I think it was Apolo's remark that cost him the third 10. I didn't think Laila deserved all 10's in either dance and I think they use idiotic excuses to give lower scores. Like "too raunchy" or "too much razzmatazz". I have this nagging feeling that Joey won't make it to the final two because of Len's com ment of too much razzmatazz and Bruno's that he would score him lower if there was none. It seems to me they are over-grandizing Laila for some reason and putting Joey down excessively ( not this week, but usually). I strongly feel that Apolo will probably win, but that he will go uo against Laila in the end and not Joey., simply because that would make him more clearly the winner of the two. I.m not saying Apolo shouldn't win, he's a fantastic dancer, but I think Joey's fantastic, too, and should be given a fair shot. Based on the history of this show, I really don't think that will happen. We'll see.
Sydney, that fu before your name was totally an error and DOES NOT mean anything else. Don't have any idea how that happened. I swear.
IMAO JoyN I was wondering if that was an error....
I hadn't typed in over 25 yeaers when I got this computer, which I got about a year ago. My delete key stopped working and just about every comment I make has errors. I barely touch the keys and sometimes get letters I don't want. I didn't even see that error until I published the comment. And it had to be THOSE letters! I am so red-faced and really sorry Sydney. I've got to read these things before I send them out. y
Hey, joy n., sometimes when I take too long to type my entry, it makes me reenter the Word Verification and the cursor jumps back up to the beginning of my post instead of staying in the WV box (grrr...hate that WV!). Maybe your WV started with those letters :)
Anyway, nothing to worry about! I'm sure Sydney will get a kick out of it!
Joey and Kim safe
Laila and Max safe
Bottom two:
Ian and Cheryl
Apolo and Julianne
Going home:
Ian and Cheryl
So far Joey is safe and now so is Laila. I am so relieved for Joey and not surprised to see Laila still there, BUT Apolo sure as hell better be there next week too. I know Ian has worked very hard, but he's not the same caliber of dancer that Apolo is. After the break...........It's Apolo!!!!Thank goodness!
Come on judges - Apollo was the best of the night. Laila made quite a few mistakes in her dance and the judges just overlooked it. Could it be that she is the daughter of Ali. Let's be fair. If Apollo does not go all the way - there is something really wrong.
5/15/2007 from a professional dancer myself
On a side note, I was surprised that Enrique Iglesius (sp?) was still making the rounds with "Hero" but I did really like his second song.
Now, is next Monday the finale, or do we eliminate one more next week, and then go to final 2?
Love you, Apolo ;)
I think the voters got it right last night. Out of the 4, Ian was the right one to go. I think he lasted as long as he did, not because of his fans, but because of Cheryl's fans. I did appreciate the hard work and effort he put into it, but he always came off just a bit stiff.
Good luck to the final 3 - but my votes are going to Laila. I think she has shown the most improvement and has given classy, elegant performances throughout, with just a touch of funk thrown in to make it fun. While I think Joey is a great dancer, he just always looks like he's on a Broadway stage to me, with so many tricks thrown in that you can't really tell which dance he's doing. Apolo has also turned out to be an excellent dancer, but I find their performances to be too fast and frantic. While I appreciate their stamina in keeping such a frenetic pace, I would like to see him do something slow, sexy and sultry. Although Julianne has a cute butt, I don't need to see it shaking at me quite so much. JMO.
Who was sweating bullets with me before the final couple was named??I was so sure it should be Ian but you just never know.
I think,from the way it sounds,this time there will be three in the finals.Because next week IS the finale.I am not rooting for Joey,even though he is good,mostly because he did have some dance training going in and I am not as thrilled by his "razzamatazz" as are Bruno and Carrie Ann.So that leaves Laila and Apolo. I don't think Laila is as polished as the judges seem to think,and I find her stiff legged and not always finished in her moves. And I,for one,don't care for her "funky chicken" or "butterfly" as she likes to call it. It really takes away from whatever dance she is doing. And that comes from her,having to have her own way in the dance when she has a professional partner who knows the integrity of the dance.
So,of course,my pick and favorite is Apolo!! I like the energy they bring and they are young and energetic. I just think he is a very,very competetive young man and I love his smile and love of what he's doing. And,seems to me,we see ALL the ladies shaking their bums in our faces every week.
I very much liked seeing Enrique on DWTS. I think they have had much better talent that AI has this season.He's a cutie,much better even than his dad,and...sigh.....young enough to be my son!
I too think Joey is too frenetic and when you see him doing the actual "dance steps" he is not light on his feet but a bit clunky. Joey is all sizzle and no steak. As for Laila, I agree about the funky chicken or butterfly...it looks awkward and her job is to dance the dance not inject her personal moves. That leaves Apolo who has definitely improved the most, brings the most enjoyment in my opinion and has become quite an excellent dancer. Hope he wins. I'll be calling for sure.
Joey is a big guy and is never going to be a "twinkletoes", but I think he does sizzle for someone who has NEVER had ballroom training. I think he is doing very well and has come a long way beyond most people's expectations. And he makes it look like SO MUCH fun. Apolo is wonderful and though I would love to see Joey win, I would not be unhappy to see Apolo win. That said, I would be totally disappointed if Laila won or even came in second. She.s not all that graceful (her arms usually flail). Her footwork needs lots of work. Her inability to let Maksim do his job, (he IS the expert) and constantly doing the same moves for almost every dance, (the butterfly, shaking her butt the same way every dance) gets very old. Most of the time her scores are undeservedly high and so is the praise she gets from the judges. She's good not great.. Her father is an icon and I wonder if he is the one the show is trying to impress...........bD.......
HI All -
No worries Joy, LOL! I did get a kick out of it.
I wonder if there is some pressure ot "fix" it that Laila stays in, as it grabs a broader audeince to keep a man and a woman in... while this dancing is so HARD to do, especailly as the woman, and Laila has become quite graceful considering her muscles and body is trained to be a boxer (at teh beginning I wondered also how Apolo would do, since his sport gave him overdeveloped thighs and was all about being bent over, when this is about standing overly straight etc...). But it's been obvious to all for a long time that Joey and Apolo belong in the final 2. Delee, maybe you are right about a final 3?
I love Apolo for the win and Joey as an equal in terms of entertainment value, but not the winner if we are strickly talking about formal dancing. They are a close tie and Joey is going to be fine... he's upped his stock and broadened himself even more as an employable entertainer (he's already been on broadway but now will have increased his audience 10- fold). We know either could win for different reasons, but Apolo came the furtherest.
I actually liked Ian... his face as he got cut down by those judges each week, when he clearly was doing his BEST each week and trying SO hard, endeared me to him. You could see the disappointment and disbelief that they were never pleased. He not only took it like a man, he tried to grown with each week...
Now for gossip -- which you may already know. Julianne is said to have separated from her boyfriend (don' t think it was a finacee)... I know we don't know what's real or not, but she an Apolo are so cute together... and who WOULDN'T try to free themselves up to be with him?!?!?!
And Tori Spelling is said to be talking to producers trying to get on the next show. Besides wanting to lose her baby weight, and we see how faste veryone gets into the best shape of their lives doing this, the girl needs to make $$! And she is also really funny and down to earth in her way. Did anyone watch NoTORIous or Inn Love? I was totally surprised to see her adroable personality. Never came across in 90210 (which I rarely watched, and when I did I got nothing from IAN, so my comments about him aren't based on that lol!)
PS: Of course the one week that Joey did a waltz, the judges said they missed the razzle dazzle and to stick with that becasue that was Joey's strength. SO he now puts it in all his work and they say it's too much razzamataz. Just like the AI idols, where they criticise song choice when often the kids only get to sing songs that are cleared in time, and many are not, so there goes the "choice" in it... blah blah blah. You get my drift.
There are probably legalities with allowing the audience to vote involved, but if it were just up to the producers of course they would put apolo in the lowest tow with Ian last time, just to make the viewers pant! Could it REALLY be that they, who have never been unpopular and are clearly so talented, got the least votes? Maybe so, but maybe not. I know that that can be due to people not voting for them becausee they assume they are "safe" but I'm never doubt there is an OZ behind the curtain on all these shows, maximizing the drama to get ratings!
I can hardly wait to see them dance tonight! I just ole Len has taken his "happy" pills so he's not such an old sourpuss.
I want so much for the entertainment editor for the Plain Dealer to have to eat her words when she says it's going to be Laila hands down and that Apolo will be a "distant" third! I will make sure I give her a wake up email when Apolo "dances" off with that butt ugly throphy!!!
GO APOLO and JULIANNE!! You do know you can vote by phone and online(and from every screen name)!!!
All 3 couples were on Ellen today, and it was obvious (to me anyway:)) that Apolo and Joey have advanced far beyond Laila. She did a slow number and still missed some steps and looked stiff, while Joey did the jive and Apolo did the cha cha and both were very quick and natural.
Apolo and Julianne were so cute! They kept talking over each other and were very excited. If they're not a couple, they should be.
So, 2 dances each tonight and then voting, and then another dance tomorrow night that gets judges scores only. (And the audience votes count for half.) Can't remember if this is the same format as last season, but the 2 hour show tomorrow seems very long. Hopefully, more dancing and less filler.
I'm so excited...GO APOLO AND JULIANNE!!!!
Love you, Apolo ;)
Disliked both of Laila dances. What was that free-style?
Apolo got crapped on again for their 1st dance, but blow it out of the water the 2nd.
Joey was Joey. Loved both dances.
Gave my vote edge to Apolo over Joey, but would be happy if either won. JustsayNOtoLaila!!!!!
WOW! Apollo and Julianne were great in both dances. They are so cute together.
Joey wowed me too during his freestyle. He deserved the 10's as well.
But Lilah was just not up to it tonight.
Go Apollo... he is definitely the best dancer. I've voted on line already... time to get on the phone.
What a poor choice for Laila's freestyle! The decision to wear those flat shoes really took a lot away from her style and grace. And they were spot on,she's much better doing the slow and sultry dances.
I just loved Apolo and Julianne,every single bit of it!! They didn't get the scores they should have but I'm hoping tomorrow night they blow everybody out of the water. It will be a dog fight between Joey and Apolo but I am hoping Apolo will walk(no DANCE) away with the win!!
Can't wait to see pretend winner Kelly tomorrow night,I hope she is in her usual form and gets shown up. I still say that John got robbed!!!
Loved both of Joey's dances. Apolo was great, too. Laila, not so much, thought her scores were both undeserving. All my votes went for Joey, but I won't be unhappy at all if Apolo wins. Laila should be 3rd place and nothing else. I thought she looked very amateurish in her dancing tonight. All in a all, it's been a great season. I hope Kelly does dance and does as well as she did in the final dances of her season, which would mean she still sucks. Yes, John was definitely the real winner that night! GO JOEY!!!
I tried and tried to vote by phone and never got through.... I didn't want to give my e-mial to ABC and get a million e-mials from them, so I figure the world will still turn without my one vote. Please forgive me, but refresh my mind as to who Kelly is???? I haven't watched every show in past seasons, and watched many in this one, but not all... I don't know how the final show goes 000 does everyone from the contest come back to dance in the finale? Sorry to sound so in the dark!
Apolo and Julieann have absolutely ELECTRIC chemistry! I think it makes Len uneasy, as they are so sexy and natural together!! I hope they ARE a couple!! Too cute for words! I laughed out loud when the host said he didn't smoke but he wanted a cigarette after their first dance! I felt the same way.
I will be happiest with Apolo winning, also think Joey did a smashing job...
AnybodyButLaila!!! She just does not move me!
Kelly Monaco 1st season winner and John Hurley. How soon we forget. That's ok at 1st wondered who Kelly was as there was none this season.
I voted on line...just uncheck box that you do not want bothered. WOrks for me.
Me too...I vote online and ABC never sends me anything! And on AOL I have two screen nmaes and so get to vote on both of them. So I got 15 votes...alll for Apolo,of course. I tried on my cell but couldn't get through. You also have until noon the next day to vote and it's almost impossible to get on the website at the end of the show.Good to know for next season!
Kelly Monaco is a soap star on ABC's General Hospital and she was in the first season finals against John O'Hurley(Seinfeld and Family Feud). Most of us were sure John would win,but this being an ABC show and all,Kelly won! They even had a "dance off" between them because people thought it was so unfair,and John was called the winner of that but they still consider her the winner of season one. So unfair!!
Wow, I don't know if we were watching the same show last night! Apolo and Julianne, while both being as cute as a button, have absolutely no chemistry together. They look like and act like brother and sister. Last night I kept my eyes strictly on Apolo because I realized I'm always watching Julianne more than him. In my opinion, the judges were right about his rhumba, he looked stiff, had no hip action, and Julianne was doing all the work. Their free style was much better, thought it was cute, but let's face it, the ballroom dancers need to leave hip hop to the dancers that know how to do it. In my opinion, that performance did not deserve 3 10s.
On to Joey. As usual, his cha-cha had very little cha and a great big helping of razzmattaz. I think he does more of the choreography than Kym does. I would comment on his free style number, but I'm having trouble remembering it. I remember thinking it was okay, but had seen better from him in previous performances. Again, in my opinion, 3 10s were not warranted. Although I must say that with the reckless abandon that 10s were thrown out there this season, I'm not surprised.
Last and maybe, maybe not least Laila. I actually liked her Paso - it was much improved from the first time she did it and Maks is always something to behold. I agreed with the judges about their free style, I think they were trying to keep up with the boys, instead of playing up her strengths - sexy, sophisticated and strong.
It will be interesting to see what they bring tonight.
Thanks guys -- now I remember that they had a dance off in the first season after the final winner was announced as people didn't think it was fair. And I appreciate the report from those who did vote on the webiste about not getting mailings from them. I order froma catalogue and get not only endless stuff from them and new people, they will not take me off when I repeatedly unsubscribe!!!
For next season...it's save to vote online at ABC as they don't sell your address and bombard you with junk mail. Hope Apolo wins tonight...love him and Julianne. Joey is sort of a johnny one note to me and certainly not light on his feet...but I realize that's not his "style." However this is a ballroom dancing contest and I think Apolo is the best all aroud. Laila is a distant third...hated the flat footed free style.
Laila and Max 3rd place
Well. Laila is out and I have to say she was very gracious about it. She did say she was pissed, but laughed about it. And her repeat of the Mambo was very, very good. That really was her best dance of the season. Now, will it be Joey or Apolo? As you all know, I'm a big BIG fan of Joey, but won't be shattered at all if Apolo wins. May the best man win!!!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS, APOLO!!!!!!!! I'm so glad at least Joey came in second, but I am thrilled for Apolo. The best man did win.<
So happy for Apolo and Julianne! Apolo is a great role model for kids. And Joey's a class act, too. Very gracious.
Hope Julianne comes back for the next season.
(Now off to bed. Much as I love this show, I would have been happy with a one hour finale!)
I'm so fricking happy now I could dance!!! Congrats to Apolo and Julianne!!!!
I was so disapponted they(judges) gave Apolo the rumba to do last night. It is probably my least favorite dance of all of them,and they judged them very tight on it.But for two kids who AREN'T hip hoppers,they sure did a credible job!
I always think a woman will have a much harder time winning this competition because they have the much more demanding part. But Laila did a good job and deserves praise for it.Kelly winning was suspect at best and not a true test of how hard it is for a woman to be the champ. Bring on the next one,I'm ready!!!
Well, I was certain Apolo was going to win, and I thought he was deserving for the technical thing of ballroom dancing but Joy, I was almost torn wanting Joey as much... Joey was so crushed that I felt awful -- the look on his face which was prolonged before he recovered that twinkly eyed smile of his.
I was just glad it was between those two -- nothing against Laila, but at least it was between the two who really deserved to win.
Apolo, Joey and Laila were on Good Morning America today with their dancing partners. A very enjoyable interview! They were shown 3 clips of the judges dancing. Len's was the clip shown on DWTS. CarrieAnn's was from a show I didn't catch the name of. Bruno's was from an Elton John video he'd done many years ago. It was so funny! Very gay, very playful and you wouldn't believe the bathing suit he wore, (it was a beach video) it lookedl ike a thong. Joey, Apolo and Laila moaned and groaned and laughed all through it. Joey said they had actually seen Bruno's clip before and during one practice session had mimicked Bruno's moves while he watched them on stage. He sais that Bruno laughed and said, "Oh stop,I did that a long time ago. It was an excellent interview.
PS: I am a fan of Paulina and I thought her dance last night was smooth and beautiful. She is much bettter than Leeza technically, but I guess she didn't have the fan base to vote for her. I coudl not believe how the host insulted her when asking the round of questions to all -- what did you like least. She said judging and while she was still talking (looked like she was going to say something funny) he whipped the mike away from her mouth and pointed out she wasn't on long enough to not like the judging. AWFUL!
Also, I really thought Heather looked incredibly akward as she repeated the dance that she did the best during the show. Probably was out of practice but also, she is just too skinny these days.
Sydney...I liked Paulina too and was so disappointed when she got cut first. I thought she was much better than Leeza too! It would have been nice to have gotten to see her grow as the weeks went by.I think she had more potential than Clyde and Billy Ray by a long shot,but as I've said,I think the womne have a much harder job in the long run and don't all us ladies like to keep the man eye candy around to watch them shake their groove thangs....LOL.
I thought Joey did okay but still thought his "razzamatazz" took away from his dance just a bit,and I think they both(Apolo and Joey) worked very,very hard. You can tell they are both very competitive men,as well as was Ian,but IMHO the right one won....lol!
Did it seem that Drew was the only past champion who really embraced being champion? It seemed to me like Kelly and Emmett didn't want to be there.
Probably because they didn't deserve to be there. John Hurley and Mario Lopez should have there to take their rightful places and would have appreciated their wins the same way Drew and Apolo have.
But didn't Stacy deserve to win as much if not more than Drew the season they competed? Who won, won. Why carry on about who deserved it? As Maks mentioned sometimes basics are harder to pull off.
I personally love their costumes! I think they get better and better with each year. I even saw some dress replica offerings recently on Maria's Ballroom Sparkle site:
NEW SEASON!!! Nice to see Drew!
Women's Night~ Jennie Garth not too shabby. Josie okay. HI, (hubby interruption) arrrgh! missed part of it. Thought Sabrina did surprisingly well.
Marie, you go, girl! Middle age women got it going! Mel B.'s got some rhythm. Jane did very well. I'm only 4 years older than her and don't think I could kick like that if my life depended on it. Her twins have grown, (look like their daddy).
Don't know yet who I'll be rooting for. Think all did very well for debut performances. Can't wait to see the guys tomorrow night.
Well it is on its way....
Did not like Jane S's dress...I think all did well...is Sabrina a ringer or what? She seems to have a lot of previous experience. The hunks are hunkier this year. Be still my heart.
Jackie...please clean up site as I am #156 here...Thank you...
PS What a surprise that Drew is filling in for Samantha...
Delee, even the judges said she put too much hip-hop into it. We'll have to wait and see how she does with "straight" ballroom dancing.
Please use the new discussion post linked at the bottom of the entry above for fall 2007 show discussion.
Totally unfair...Josie was robbed yesterday. I think the judges were totally biased and unfair. Do you? http://youpolls.com/details.asp?pid=601
Are you kidding me? How can Albert go home and the old fart, Wayne, stay? This is soooo off. Vote your conscience: http://www.youpolls.com/details.asp?pid=626
Check me out. I picked 'em right.
Danke schoen, Wayne ....
If you are a DWTS fan, check out this e-card that I made that is themed around the show.
It is of Carrie Ann and Len dancing. You can put anyones head in the card. Check it out!
I must say I love this show. Have been watching since the first season. Was sad to see Wayne Newton get voted off but it has to be the best of the best. Marie Osmond falling was interesting TV I am glad she is okay but like Ryan says in his interview with Tom Bergeron it makes for good TV. Check out the interview here: http://ryan.kiisfm.com/cc-common/losangeles/podcast/onair.html
DANCING WITH THE STARS season 2 RETURNS to Television! Its premiering this Sunday on January, 6, 2008!
For all you real fans out there check it out on Sunday!!!!
This was my favorite season!
I am so excited for season 7 of Dancing with the Stars to start. I really think that this will be the most competitive season. We have a quite a few stars up there that can really move if ya know what I mean.
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