Wednesday, July 11, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Blurbs - Overnight Into Wednesday 7/11

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Just the facts, ma'am.

I'm posting this update a bit late, so it's going to be as short and to the point, yet catching the news up.

Here are the important quickie updates from that Big Brother House of Hopeless Hamsters:

  • I can't believe most of the HG aren't familiar with the book 1984, sort of the impetus for the concept of the show. Only Dick and Dustin seem to really know much about it. @@
  • Nick told Joe that Daniele told Dustin (follow that trail) that she's just using Nick for her game. When Nick asked her to pinky-swear, she wouldn't. She's acting differently to him today.
  • Eric told Carol that he's not sure of how he'll vote. "I'm not a swing vote, I'm an unknown vote." He must be planning to vote with our choice... which I think will be to oust Amber.
  • The voting is in process, but they can't talk about how they voted.
  • Jen primped a lot for her DR session. Now, that doesn't surprise you, does it? ;-)
  • Mike wants the house to see him as a floater, not a part of the Mrs. Robinson alliance.
  • I think Dick and Kail are the two real hardcore players this year. Kail is so Maggie and Dick is the one who sees it.
  • Right now there aren't any new indicators on the vote. It still looks like it's too close to call.


Anonymous said...

My 11 year old last night asked me why it was named "Big Brother". I explained the book 1984 to her as best I could, considering I read it in 1982. She thought it was pretty cool, especially since it was written 50 years before 1984. I'm not so sure some of these HG's would even understand what I explained to her.

I find this year off to a slow start. I see why Daniele didn't use the PoV since she wasn't ready to stir the pot, but someone has to start somewhere!!

Thanks for much for the blog, Jackie. I enjoy coming here so much.


Anonymous said...

I agree, tbc, this year's show is off to a very slow start. I think that is attributed to a lack of diversity in the cast.
I miss the maturity of the 30 -40 something's mixing it up with the know it all 20's. I also miss the cultural diversity.
Thanks for the blog, Jackie. Your updates keep my interest in the show!


Anonymous said...

First of all, Jackie, Much congratulations on your new position with the TV Squad. Bravo! I am so happy for you.

Some of the transcript from the live feeds at Joker's site are discussing who to get rid of next. It seems some are leaning towards getting rid of Zack or Danielle. I hope this is not the case. It is not that I like any of them so far as I have no favorites, yet.
But I hate to see Jen stay another week. And Jessica is so immature and arrogant and mean. I am not fond of Kail, either. I guess because I could not stand Maggie and she reminds me of Maggie but Kail is more homophobic and nasty from what I have seen.

I do miss the diversity of the cast of previous seasons and some of the drama. So many of these House Guests seem too smug and also more immature than some seasons and more shallow for sure. Where are the Janelles and Kaysars and even obnoxious but funny Howie or the Chicken George types...?

Anonymous said...

Also, I was hoping never to hear the name, Chilltown, again once last season was over. I have Chilltown fatigue, anyone else agree?
Enough with Chilltown all ready is how I feel. I did not like Will and Boogie but especially Boogie. He should not have won last year. But since he did..oh well, I figured, next season will be a new season.
But if we find out a twist where Jen cannot be evicted because she is Chilltown, and Chilltown is referenced all season..blech..ew....awful.
I hope not!

Anonymous said...

I have been a BB fan since the first episode and have not missed one yet. But with the casting of this year's crop, I am wondering if I would be missing anything if I skipped a couple of months. This group is soooo boring and I don't like any of them.
Jackie, congrats on your paying job. I have enjoyed your blog more than the actual shows sometimes. Whether I stop watching BB or not, I will still visit the site to get everyone's take on the season.

Anonymous said...


"...Jackie, congrats on your paying job. I have enjoyed your blog more than the actual shows sometimes. Whether I stop watching BB or not, I will still visit the site to get everyone's take on the season..."

Anonymous said...

I really am disappointed with the cast this season. It seems like a bunch of superficial air heads. I like when there are more older people and some married or different backgrounds and races.
I hope Carol stays because she barely remembers Jessica and yet, Jessica has been carrying a grudge all these years. It cracks me up.

LYSS said...


There are some really good pic's of jen crying in the diary room about how bad her pic is..i think they should be plastard EVERYWHERE!!!!!..but thats just me being mean..

i haven't made up my mind about danile yet..i don't think she's as flaky as some of the girls in the house..(jen and jes) i just wish someone would shove some twinkies or ho-ho's down the poor girl..she looks like she's suffering from a lack of high-cal good-for-you foods like twinkies and ho-ho' you know its gotta hurt to have your organs mush'd together..your organs have to have room to breathe and move around..(i'm a cool size 12 and proud as hell..) lol..

Congrats Jackie on your new gig..keep up the good work..and let them know that you need a new big screen tv w/hi-def and tivo to watch all these show's..maybe they'll hook you one could wish huh??


LYSS said...

oh forgot to tell you where the pic's of jen are..they're on the cbs/bb8 site under pic's..


Anonymous said...

I think this new crop of hamsters is unpardonable dull. Perhaps it is their youth, their self-absorption, their long hours of beating back body hair, chest hair, eyebrow hair, and butt hair (did your hear the convo between Jameka and Dustin on Sho Too last night about Dustin's best friend "waxing him there"? Yukk!). Perhaps it is the ink from all their tattoos. Or maybe their nipple piercings are itchy.

Whatever it is this group can't seem to drum up a coherent thought amongst them that doesn't involve trash talk, body parts, sex, food, or Jen's wardrobe.

Where is the wildness and hardcore play of a Jas, the thought out strategy of a Kaysar, the warmth and enthusiasm of a Chicken George, the layered machinations
of a Dr Will, or the competiveness of a Janelle?

BB seemed to have selected this group for their youth and looks (minus ED who has neither)and it seems that is all they bring to the table. And whoever picked energizer bunny Eric to be AP should be fired.

If it continues like this it could be the downfall of BB.

Anonymous said...

Hey, there Jackie! Kudos on the TV Squad gig, way to go, excellent! Just wanted to let you know that your big-big fan (me!) is still reading your every word, which this year, is sooooo much more entertaining than the show itself!

What was CBS thinking? I can't even tell Mike & Nick apart and there's no charisma at all. I sat down to read the overnight stuff and, uh... huh? That's it? Booooring! I actually sat here for a moment and said to myself " Eric? Who the heck is that? We have an Eric?? " Ohhh, yeah.... AMERICA'S PLAYER! Yikes.

This is the first summer I haven't had live feeds, so I'm totally depending on you Jackie! Thus far I'm with you, I like Dick very much. What makes him interesting is that I can't tell if he's pulling a "Dr. Will" thing by being Mr. Niceguy to all, or if that's really him. In any case, by television standards, he's fun to watch. I, too, miss the cultural diversity and age differences. One black person? Honestly. And CBS couldn't find one cool tatooed woman in all of America for Dick? Gonna be a long summer for Evel Dick!

My fave chick in the house (to my extreme surprise) is Dick's daughter, Dani. Yes, she's the typical fake blond... and yes, it looks like we could snap her arm like a twig-- EAT GIRL! But I find her very clever, maybe capable of playing this game. Carol owes Jessica 5 bucks from high school?? Yawn. (PS, if I have to see that black & white dress and head-band combo of hers once more....) Thank goodness for Dustin & Joe drama I suppose.

OK, I've said my bit, talk to you in a few weeks after something (ANYTHING happens!) Thanks a million Jackie, and as always.....

you rock, you roll, and you RULE! Love from,
Robin in Manchester