The one thing I'll really remember about today is the overuse of the word "whatever." I swear it's been said 482 times from everyone ranging from Carol to Dick to Kail. Stop it.
Here are the not-so-thrilling thrilling events from today in that Big Brotherly House of Brotherly Love (just check out the Mutual Admiration Society amongst the guys!):
- Zach and Kail had a hushed conversation in the Storage Room about Dick. Kail thinks Dick is a loose cannon. Zach thinks it's wiser to get rid of Daniele first, then Dick won't be as dangerous.
- Kail plans on collecting Dick's IOU for a favor if he becomes HOH - don't put her up will be her request.
- Kail has no idea who "Mrs. Roberson" is because she never saw the movie. Zach at least knows the song and was singing a few bars. (Where do they get these houseguests? Under rocks? I can't believe a woman her age isn't at least a bit familiar with The Graduate or the song... one or the other! Roberson!)
- The HOH camera came to life and fun was had by all. Yawn.
- Nick and Daniele's showmance is hitting tough times. Too bad, so sad.
- In talking with Daniele, Amber said that Zach is a floater and must go.
Mind you, folks... that's the big news since my last post. Whatever! At least we know tomorrow will be an interesting night. The daytime hours will be quiet, but this group is much tidier than past casts. They won't have as much housecleaning to do for the live show.
Wow, this is the most boring group of houseguests. I can't imagine where they found these people. What I wouldn't give for a Chicken George or a Dr. Will or a Marcellas. Everything these people do seems forced or staged. Kail seems like a robot half of the time. Jen is nauseating. And Eric just needs to go, America's player or not. For the moment I like the 3 D's, Dick, Daniele, and Dustin. Thanks for the updates Jackie.
Kail is turning out to be as big a ditz as the young bimbos. She doesn't know who Mrs. Robinson is? Did she really say Mrs. Roberson? How old is she? What a twit!
Love the pic of Carol! Although I thought the goal was to have as many bad pictures of Jen plastered everywhere. :)
I have read other comments on Kail's voice and agree with the poster who said it is as if she is reading a script.(I also agree that it is irritating!) But there was also something about it that seemed familiar. Finally, it hit me. Sometimes the tone of her voice and the articulation remind me of Holly, Hef's number one girlfriend of the Girls Next Door. No other resemblance, just the voice. I wonder if they come from the same area of the US. Sue
Well, let's hope things pick up in the BB house. Summer TV has been boring enough!!! I've resorted to watching The Age of Love! For anyone else who watches it I think Mary cries as much as Jen on BB8(and over the dumbest things). But on to BB8.....I think Kail is much like Danielle from last season. She aligns herself with a younger male, acts sympathic to the young girls, befriends everyone, claims to be a christian, and lets the young guys take the heat for her plans. I would get rid of her SOON before it's too late. I, too, am liking Daniele. Although if I were her dad I would make sure she is eating and not purging. She is way TOO THIN. Dustin seems like an OK guy-I hope he doesn't hook back up with drama mama Joe. Please let Jen or Jessica be the next to go---they are just plain annoying!!!
I'm on the west coast and I try really hard not to read the blogs in the evenings on Sun,Tues, or Thurs. until I've watched the show, but sometimes....
Nana in the NW
I just have to thank you all for keeping me awake with your posts...cause this show has been a real snorer....Kail is so Ms Maggie like...Eric is like a chicken on a griddle...Can people be as clueless?
I thought EVERYONE knew about mrs. Robinson and the Graduate..oh wait...she owns the town they probably dont have a movie theatre.....
Jackie Love your blog. Congrats on the job for tv squad. One question I am on the west coast so I always enjoyed finding out who went home. Will you still be able to do that. I sure hope so. Thank you again Jackie.
Not to fear, Karen. East coast updates will be in effect!
congrats on the job......have you heard anything about zack and dustin color secret. i got most of it but dont know the colors for jameka....jessica.....carol and mike
Whatever is used more than Like???
Is Kail too busy running her town to not know about the Graduate, the song, or the movie that came out LAST YEAR--- RUMOR HAS IT??
Good Lord. How old is she-- almost 38? I'm 33!!
I hope hope HOPE this house gets turned upside down tomorrow night, the producers have got to be falling asleep in their chairs.
I G-O-T Aaaaway SCOTCH FREEE ~Kail
New Blog Idea Jackie: Count how many times they said Whatever, Like, and BB stoopidisms.
Carrie in Tx
Belle - All I have is:
Pink = Jen
Green = Joe
Black = Dick
Lovebirds = Daniele and Nick
White = Eric (I think)
Red = Kail (I think)
I didn't get the rest and I'm iffy about Kail and Eric
The Hamsters have turned on the charm for ShoToo
I just have to scream, less than 30 minutes on, Jen has her glitter bikini on-- with her 6 sizes too big butt. No I am not jealous!!
Joe just flashed us with his banana bright yellow bikini underwear, and he put on Amber's overall mini skirt. Ohh my eyes!! He wanted to be barefoot and pregnant so he is walking around with a pillow stuffed under his shirt.
Carrie in Tx
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