Thursday, July 19, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Into the Evening - 7/18

<-- Zoetawny's take on the Jenitard. Whateva! (Thanks, Zoetawny!)

I must say the tail and ears are a nice touch.

I still don't have a clue why the voting is live on tomorrow's show. Since they'v been in this format, I can't recall live on show voting while the numbers are so high. It's usually something reserved for when the first jury member gets voted out.

Oh, well. It gives them an extra day to scheme and backstab, right?

Here are the events into Wednesday evening from that Big Brother house of Ubiquitous Über-Alliances:
  • They played dodgeball, a game they play every day or two. Yawn.
  • Jen complained about the pictures she received in her HOH gift basket... again.
  • Jen made her HOH Blog entry today for the official website. I'll be curious to see if she knows how to spell. ;-)
  • Joe thinks his votes to stay are Kail, Jameka, Mike, Nick, and Jessica.
  • Of those, Nick will most likely vote for Dick to stay; Jameka and Jessica are on the fence. Oh. Joe has Mike and Kail!
  • Kail put a guilt trip on Joe about digging herself into a hole if he doesn't stay this week.
  • Jameka told Kail she should play the game in a way which makes her proud and not lie because it will affect her integrity.
  • Jameka, once again, refused to tell her voting decision to anyone.
  • Kail went on about Dick "threatening" her in the kitchen. Jameka told her at least Dick was honest with her and that she should refocus her attention. Focusing solely on Dick would destroy her own game. She also told Kail that most of the other people in the house didn't feel the same way about Dick as she (Kail) does.
  • Joe tried to campaign to Jameka. She told him he doesn't have the votes to stay. Jameka told him she can't stand lies and can't live in the house with them.
  • Jen told Joe he must stay up all night working with the backyard crew for votes.
  • Jameka made up a question game and several in the yard (including Joe and Dick) played.
  • Eric burnt a pizza and Daniele slopped her slop all over the microwave. (Where's Gordon Ramsay when you need him?)
  • Kail and Jen headed to the HOH room where they figured out that Joe won't have the votes to stay.
  • As I get this out to you, Jen is trying to convince Zach to vote for Joe to stay. I don't think it will work.


Anonymous said...

I just don't see Evil Zach changing his vote in favor of Joe. He's almost as homophobic as Kail, maybe more...just quieter about it.

I'm praying to the heavens and burying crystals in my yard so Dick stays.

On a side note to Sharon...sorry gf, I re-read my post to you and on second lQQk, it sounded a little nasty. I never meant my Jersey Girl to come out spitting venom. Please forgive me if I offended you.


Anonymous said...

I've been without a computer, and oh how I've missed this blog!

RE: Jen: My daughter told me that she (Jen)is a friend of Will's (BB7). If that's so, is she really THAT dumb?? Can anyone be that dumb?!? She's got to know she's irritating the crap out of everyone!
Well, it's good to be back, I missed you Jackie & one & all.

~Susan from MA

Anonymous said...

LOVE the graphic, Zoetawney!


Anonymous said...

Does it get any better than to wake up and see one of Zoetawny's divine creations...or is that devilish creations...anyway it rocked!!
I can see Boogie being Jen's friend, but Will? certainly not???
Cant wait for later today when youc an end all my suspense out here Jackie!
I think when Joe will be very dramatic...but in so many ways I will miss his sweet face.
I just like Dick better....
Now, on the block Kail and Jen...puhleese

Anonymous said...

Zoetawny, that has to be one of your best graphic creations, ever. Bravo!
My head is spinning. I just watched the Shotoo broadcast of Jen and Zach's "who to get rid of" discussion. Jen cannot put three coherent sentences together to make her point. Zach wanted to listen to her strategy (even though his vote will not change from Joe), but I don't think he could understand what she was trying to say. What a ditz!

Hammy said...

good work on the blog. keep it up!

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to seeing her "deer in the headlight" looks tonight. They stopped showing us
Ditsy Jessica, so I have to take what I can get! ;)

Anonymous said...

ya terry i get my coffee and come stright here forget the news papper. what part of calif are you in? i think it would be so fun to have bb party nights

Shirley & Bob said...

This is the 2nd year I've read your blog Jackie. Like everyone else it is the first thing i do every morning. Love reading everyone's comments. I also like ED and Dani and can't stand Jen. Hope it is Joe who goes tonite. Thanks for all you do. Would be really boring without your blog.

Shirl from CA