Well, at least he doesn't say how "hunky" he is on the bio page! He likes to surf and cook. In addition to being a surfing instructor, he manages a tapas restaurant and bartends. That sounds typical for a reality show contestant, doesn't it?
He's a Fruity Pebbles fan and has varied tastes in music and foods. He doesn't mention Survivor in his favorite shows list, but mentions Top Chef a few times on the page.
He thinks his strengths are his cooking knowledge and how to make edible things tasty, plus he thinks he's witty and fun (in addition to saying he'll be a show hunk in the video). A weakness? Well, he just might be too nice.
Oh, my.I'm just not getting good vibes from Aaron. No, I'm not wincing like I did when I read "Boston" James' page last season, but I think he might be a bit too full of himself. I could be reading him totally wrong, but that's my first impression. Physically, he looks like a contender.

Amanda was Miss Montana USA in 2005 and Miss Earth in 2006. Me? I didn't even know there was a Miss Earth contest. Did it have mud wrestling? That would be earthy indeed! (I know. I'm bad. I'm just so not into beauty pageants.)
But then there's the physical aspects to this young woman. On paper (er, computer monitor), she's looking very good. She's into rock-climbing, hiking, all kinds of woodsy-related outdoor activities.
She thinks she's motivated, competitive, and determined. And, most important, she never leaves home without her cowboy boots. In looking at her favorites list, I see she lists Survivor first amongst her favorite shows. She's a Grape-Nuts cereal fan. (I always do my own psychological profile based on their favorite cereals, y'see.) That tells me she has common sense and is health-conscious, but doesn't go overboard.
I didn't watch her video yet, but I think she could very well be a strong female in the game. I predict at least the final half, probably further, for Amanda.

Reading through her bio page, it looks like a lot of name-dropping going on. I'm really not sure on a personal level if admitting you were on Danny Bonaduce's show is a good thing at all.
She went to the same college as I did (SUNY), but it doesn't list the location. Let's see if she can do the SUNY system proud. I wasn't too keen on the last Survivor contestant who went to my location of the school -- Sean Rector from the Marquesas season.
Ashley thinks she's spunky, quirky, optimistic, happy, resourceful, creative, adaptive, and relentless. (Yikes, sounds like Jen of BB8 describing herself.) From her favorites, I see Survivor made her show list after two wrestling things, 24 and South Park, but at least it's there. Her favorite cereal is Kashi. Nothing against Kashi, but it tells me she's power hungry for power cereal and will most likely snub her nose at Fruity Pebbles eaters.
Her chances? Hmm ... physically, she looks good. But something tells me she may rub folks the wrong way. I haven't watched her video, so I could be totally off base, but there's something there. I predict mid-pack or less for her.
Do you have any predictions for these three?
Jackie - I couldn't help Googling Ashley and came across her Wikipedia page.
Oh my..."One of Ashley's biggest wins to date came at New Year's Revolution 2006 when Ashley was able to win the first ever Bra and Panties Gauntlet match by being the final Diva left still wearing her clothes." That's quite an accomplishment!
First of all, how much Botox did these two women shoot in their face before their pictures were taken?! Then again it may help them by not showing their real emotions on the show.
IMO-I don't think Ashley will do well. She may be strong but I don't think she will have the endurance that I think Amanda will have. I may be eating my words later. Aaron sounds too in to himself and may be the 'hunky' eye candy for the girls on the show.
I believe my daughter will really like Aaron perhaps due to Top Chef being one of her favorite TV reality show's, I was surprised he enjoys Top Chef a lot. This season thus far is going really well for TC. I'm excited Survivor opt for China. It's going to be a great season, though originally Survivor had wanted a much colder environment except Canada was to cold.
Do you think Ashley goes to the same hair stylist as Evel Dick from BB8.
That red hair color is mighty distinctive.
I don't feel any warm fuzzies for the first 3 Survivor - China contestants.
Lynn - Maybe they dated. Both of them seem to like to name drop too!!
Based on the little we've learned here so far about these three, for some reason that escapes me now, I'm already not liking Ashley so much. Guess I'll just have to 'wait n' see'. I'm really looking forward to the new season.
Well I am a Grape Nuts gal myself...so I guess you can see who I might like....
Cant wait for the season to begin
Thanks Jackie!! As always YOU ROCK!
Hi Jackie,
I just had to mention that I am also a SUNY grad. I graduated from SUNYA in 1970, well before your time or any of the Suvivors, I'm sure.
Nancy - Not that "well before" my time. I started at SUNYA (yep) in 1972, so our paths crossing was just a few years off. My most memorable quote from school is "Edward Durrell Stone should live here." -- re: the architect who built the uptown campus. I, however, lived in the downtown dorms.
LOL, Jackie, you sound younger than that. Yes, the wind tunnel effect wasn't meant for Albany. My DH graduated in 72 so we really could have crossed paths. We were both science majors, though.
Nancy -- I was young when I started college -- 16 at the start of freshman year. But in the scheme of things now in 2007, I guess I'm no longer a kid, eh? I was an English major.
Jackie, I figured you were an English major since you write so well. Both my DH and I were science majors but my two girls are artists and the oldest was an English major.
Got my new TV Guide today with profiles of each and JP's take on them all. He seems to think that Aaron is one to watch and thinks he'll do well. He though Ashley might rub some the wrong way...ya think?
I am liking the "chicken" man. For a guy of 48 he's not built so bad! Of course,he may be crusty and set in his ways and it says he has a very strong work ethic and we know how that goes across with most of the 20 somethings. Gotta always root for the "oldsters"...LOL! I'll just appreciate a 40 yr. old who doesn't have a disgusting mouth on him for a change......LOL!
Well, I think we're back to the bold and the beautiful...LOL. It looks like they only picked this group for their beauty.
I'm still looking forward to Survivor China. I'm anxious to see the scenery and what kind of cultural challenges they put them through.
Well, I guess I am rooting for Ashley. I picked her name (randomly) from the office pool. Then came straight here to find out what Jackie wrote and what y'all think of her. Hopefully she isn't as much of a looser as the one I picked last season...
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