Today has been on the uneventful side for the most part.
The biggest "excitement" for the houseguests was the time spent with the HOH digital camera. Above you see Zach and Jessica with glass bowls on their heads. They also took photos of the ants in the kitchen.
A thrill a minute, eh?

All of the others either all but pretended she doesn't exist or made snide comments to/about her. They've picked up with the "she cheats and doesn't follow the rules" and are running with it.
Daniele made Dick remove Jen's bags of stuff from the HOH room and told Jen they weren't in the room any longer.
Daniele went on about not knowing what to write in her HOH diary entry this time because she said it all the last time.
A few folks tired to pry information from Amber about the NYC trip, but Amber was pretty impressive in not revealing anything. I'm shocked. She didn't even cry about it.
Jen found her clothes, at least most of them. Dick didn't destroy them, just hid them from her. He told her she'd get the rest back five minutes before the live show. Her bikini top managed to come unclasped in the kitchen. Eep. Was it divine intervention?
While Jen was in the DR, Dick grabbed the final bag of her clothes from the HOH room and hid it in the tall dresser.
While taking pictures, Zach had a pink boa and Eric wore Dustin's crown. Amber was mad that they used the crown. @@
Jen fussed some more about not wanting to go to sequester as it takes her away from her life. (What does being on the show do? Take her away from her life and allow her to be on TV, eh?) Zach tried to tell her that being on the jury is as important as being in the game. No go. She don't want to go!
They have an indoor lockdown going on as I get this posted. Dick joked it was because a banner plane flew by which read "Jen save Jen."
All in all, not a day for the record books in the house. And, there's no sign of Amber or Daniele on The Power of Ten as I post this. I will post an announcement if they appear, but I think it's going to be next week. I could be wrong, of course!
UPDATE: I wasn't paying strict attention, but I believe they just said two Big Brother contestants will compete on the show next Tuesday.
Jackie - CBS just said next Tuesday BB guests will compete. Can't wait. I wonder if Amber will cry?
Thanks for the update Jackie. I don't have the live feed, so I haven't been able to see any of this stuff with Jen. I really hope they show it on Thursday's show. I'm sure it will be watered down if they do. This far along in the game and I still have no favorite and don't really like anyone in that house.
Jameka is actually talking with Jen now, not so much heavy game talk.
Yes, they just repeated that 2 BB guests would be on next Tuesday's show. So I imagine that's when the other HGs will hear about it too. That would be great because since it's on before BB8, it'll be fresh in our minds. I'll bet Amber does cry! I wonder if either of them will win anything.
Rbennie--you can go to Youtube big brother 8 USA and "watch" what went on with Jen/Dick. It's split into several videos so start at the beginning(look for the date/time posted and the title of the video). Enjoy....or be shocked as most of us were that BB is continueing to allow this behavior!!!
Jackie, yes, they did say BB contestants on Tuesday. That should be interesting to watch.
It's Wednesday night and I miss SYTYCD...wonder what Pasha is doing right now, LOL!
When these hamsters are not psychotic, dysfunctional, delusional and/or offensive, they are just boring. According to Joker's, Jameka is currently talking to her hair.
Eviction Prediction!
Jen stays. With what she has done this afternoon and evening, this house is beginning to get predictable. Jen's not campaigning in the usual way, but she is doing it. Working on Zach, working on Amber and Jameka. Hmmm.
I hope not. I want her to be out of the game for the simple fact that she DID break the rules and she sat right next to Jameka doing it and continued to do it throughout the next day. I think Jameka got a raw deal with Jen's behavior. Oh well... its just a game! lol
Again, not a Jameka fan but a fan of the game. Jen broke a major rule when she didn't honor the Power of Veto that she won. It wasn't a food comp violation. She didn't honor a veto comp that kept her in the game. JMO
I would say that Jen is either melting down or having some kind of break. I know she's different ("social retard" someone called her) but I feel sorry for her. She's been absolutely excluded from everything & everyone. Like someone else said, like high school.
Dick is a bully is an understatement. I liked him most of this time, but he has really gone over the line. He's being an ass to Jen. There was another conversation on youtube between Zach and ED and Dick did the same thing. Zach disagreed with him & Dick started ranting at Zach, calling him names & walked away (that cocky walk).
This will go down as the worst bunch in BB history.
~Susan from MA
I feel sorry for Jen in a way. Yes, I know that she broke rules, but I don't even want to think about the isolation she must feel since no one in the house is her friend, there is no one to talk to, they won't talk to her, and she can't GET AWAY from any of them! Also, BB has not been in her corner with all of the nasty things Dick has said to her over the past weeks. That being said, I don't stand behind the cigarette incident or flaunting the eating (you sign up for the summer, you stay for the summer, and all that goes with it). I hope that the houseguests just vote her out so she can get away from them and they from her.They all need some distance or things will deteriorate even further.
We'll see what happens!
Witt :)
Reading the Jokers updates- Jen is saying maybe BB will add and extra competition this week so she can stay because she is good for the ratings. @@ Whatever Jen. She better go tomorrow or I will be mad.
They've picked up with the "she cheats and doesn't follow the rules" and are running with it.
Not to beat a dead horse but it is true. Broke the slop violation and it was a veto slop violation. If Jen doesn't get voted out from the HGs then BB did fix it in her favor. They knew that Dick and Zach concocted this plan. Its wrong, wrong, wrong. Jen should already be gone, then Jameka, then Amber, then Zach.
I'm going to go cry now.
I'm sorry, but I just cannot feel sorry for Jen. She has rarely showed ANY kind of emotion, her compliments are backhanded insults, she doesn't appear to know how to make friends or alliances in the house unless she is forced to. And now that she knows that the odds are against her, she has gone into a tantrum of sorts & has disrespected the game and the players who are obeying the "slop" rule. The fact that she claims to have never seen BB, yet knows a lot about it, claims to be "begged" to be on by CBS, pre-checked on the "cig situation" before going into the house, refusing to eat the slop(something Boogie spoke of that BB should drop), only leads me to believe that she was planted in this house with the high hopes of being a "Chilltown" member and will not settle for less. I would bet money that Chilltown coached her on the game and with their known arrogance promised her that she will most definitely make the finals. Sad thing is, only Will has the finesse of the three to make it work and Boogie knows how to ride the coattails...
So... Yep, I won't be crying any Amber-sized tears over this programmed ditz leaving the house. Plus to borrow a line from "Clueless", she is a full on Monet. From far away she looks good, but up close(and in her head) she is just a mess. ;)
Jen is a cheater. Everyone is ragging about how ED is this and ED does that. He may be rude and obnoxious but he has not broken the rules. BB loves the spats and the name calling. They all knew what they were getting into and signed releases before going into the game. I would imagine they had to sign something stating they would follow the rules also. With that being said hate on ED all you want but he hasn't cheated and Jen has. I believe it is time for her to go.
I think that Jen got a raw deal with ED's behavior. And Jameka just sat right by her and let it happen,never speaking up or trying to help in any way.NOW she's(Jam) talking to Jen,why that's big of her.
Rules,smules...I think BB is making them up as they go along this season. I don't think ED's behavior is "good television" by any stretch of the imagination. I think "hating on ED" is a little strong,after all it's only a tv show and in another few weeks,I'll never even think about him.
Amber are you writing in Jackies blog about Jen breaking the rules? Get over it!
Mark C
Why would Jameka stick up for Jen at this point? I believe when ED was going off of Jen she had already started eating at that point (an apple). She probably wanted to yell at her too but thought ED was handling well on his own.
I know this is a broken record but again I have to say that I'm rooting for Zach. He actually sat down and had a conversation with Jen, trying to talk her into staying in the sequester house. He also got into a fight with Dick and would you beleive it, Dick backed down. Oh wait, Zach is bigger than him and younger and probably in better shape and yeah could probably kick his butt. Finally I think Zach is getting ready to make a power play. I hope he does cause then we can finally get back to the game without all the nasty personal stuff.
Also I'm beggining to think what another poster said about Boogie taking over your site is right Jackie cause I've been getting lots of werid word verifications lately Like this inbut and wash*t yesterday. It's strange but funny.
Sharon, I can see your point to a point, but Jameka didn't stand up for a reason. The same reason no man in the house has ever stood up for Jen. In the real world, I would hope that anyone would stand up to ED on behalf of Jen.
They didn't stand up to him because they want to win the grand prize, the don't want to make waves, they want to save friends and votes in the GAME.
I think Jen got what she's asked for. I'm sorry if that sounds sick to some, but I truly do. I do feel bad that she's had to endure some very harse comments, I'm sorry that the whole enitre house treated her like a non-existent person last night and today, and I'm sorry that she may feel bad leaving the house tomorrow. I'm not sorry if she goes, I'm not sorry if I'm wrong (in that she may stay), and I'm not sorry that she herself put herself into this situation this summer that I call BigBrother.
I could very well be right in my prediction that somehow Jen will raise herself out of the ashes and still be in the game come tomorrow night. I don't want her to though. Zach said it best... a cheater is a cheater.
Sorry, but I don't give a damn that Jen cheated. She does not deserve this! Eric and Dick were laughing and saying that they hope she drowns when she was swimming in the pool. The whole gang cracked one Jen joke after another. This group of houseguests are pitbulls and I hope that Jen sues the pants off BB for the harassment -- both physical and emotional -- she has had to endure from the lot of them! This is DISGUSTING!
Jackie-when I log on to your site it takes me to the spot of the Boogie video instead of the top of the page. I noticed Sue had posted she was having the same thing. Do you have any suggestions in solving this? Maybe it has something to do with AOL, which I do not use????
Thanks for any help anyone can give.
Patty - Are you using the AOL browser by chance? Since the Google Blogger outage I see that happening if I look at the blog via AOL. But if I use my Firefox browser, it's fine.
I don't know the fix. :-(
Anybody notice how Dick has primarily attacked women, and once, the smallest guy in the house-Eric.
Dick is a gutless wonder and so is everybody else in that house who goes along with Dick's crap. D&D are the dominant players in the house and everybody wants to be in the cool clique even tho the heads of the clique are a sadistic bully and a whiny mean girl.
Lets see how they fare when Dick turns on them. Jess has been so smug that Dick has never been mean to her so why should she care if he's attacks Jen. Well, pay back's a bitch and if D&D oust Eric and Dick turns his crap on Jess maybe she will get a taste of what Jen had to endure for weeks.
I just watched what was aired last night.
Amber is such a piece of work! She puts on act in front of Jameka as if she would go to the mat for her and cares about her so much, then turns around and heads to the HOH room with Daniele only to advance herself at any cost.
I hope Jameka finds out about this before she leaves the house or someone makes her aware of this before Amber shows up in the sequester house and confronts her. I would love to see Amber called out right on the spot and watch her squirm...I'm sure she would cry!
I do not see Amber making it all the way, but with this clan and it's operation, I would not rule out anything.
Jackie-thanks for the response. I do not believe I am using the AOL browser.
I will have my hubby look at it and ask him a few more questions in the AM.
Thanks for your suggestions.
Sue if we figure it out, I will post how to fix it.
(((((( Jackie ))))) Thank You for updating, it's very difficult being able to gather various thoughts while trying to edit. I had been reading various blogs and I thought Wow you guys really work hard, Thanks again.
Tom` S
I like the confrontations Dick starts, it makes for good TV, yes there is a but. But, he steps over the line. Never should you call anyone a c..t or fag, queer.....I can't believe that CBS lets them get away with it. I do NOT like Jen at all, but I do admire her for not slapping dick. I would have floored him weeks ago if it was me.
On Power of 10 is there a family member in the crowd? I heard Amber saying thank you god for letting me see my cousin.....
I guarentee after Jen's gone, they all turn on Zach. Their behavior is sickening.
Oh, 2:35 is:
Susan from MA
Ok, for those saying that Jen should sue CBS. I really doubt that a suit would go thru because she does have the choice of giving up the money and leaving. They are not forcing her to stay and put up with Dick or any of the other houseguests. Now if she would complain, and BB refused to let her out of the house, and refused to make the others stop, then yes, she most likely would have a case. She is making a choice. No one is forcing her to stay.
There may have been 1 or 2 times when anyone stood up for anyone else during an argument in the house. They usually just sit there not saying a word, or in the case of Dustin, peeking thru the door and then quickly hiding so as not to get involved.
I do recall Jen immediately attacking Dani the minute she and Nick were starting to stick together. Her jealousy caused her to attack Dani when Dani had not done a thing to Jen to begin with. IMO, Jen also never seemed to make an effort to make friends with anyone and acted like she thought she was above all the others.
I had started liking Jen at one point, but because of this latest episode of hers, it caused me to remember the overall picture and I can now understand why no one wants her in the house.
I just can't believe that Jen started to eat and has not stopped!
She is thumbing her nose at the rules of the game, and it is a game, and there are (and should be) rules.
What is up with that???
Jen won't be able to sue CBS due to the fact that they have to sign a contract. With that contract comes rules and one of the rules is "verbal attacks are encouraged". She may face a lawsuit if she refuses to go to sequester.
As for D&D turning & going after Zack? Of course they will. At each point, each must turn on someone else to make it to the end. It is how the game is played. I think D&D have done a great job of twisting & turning & getting things done when necessary. The other HG's may call them sneaky, but each is just as guilty. Wasn't dear lil Amber (who thinks she doesn't lie) up in HOH throwing Jameka under the bus to Daniele? Funny how she hasn't relayed that part of the convo to Jameka. Because it is how this game is played. All is fair in love & war and may the best sneaky, backstabbing, lieing, cussing, hyprocrite, user win... Who is that??? Each & every one of them!
It's the twisting, turning, keep-it-secret moves that keep the game in motion. I like it better when they don't realize that someone or all of them have turned, kinda like the Dustin eviction.
All this in-your-face stuff is mean spirited, and not the way I like to see BB played, but I guess that's just another way to play.
I agree with the posters who believe that most of the comments made about Jen are over the top, and believe do nothing but degrade those who made them.
Jen didn't get the best coaching, did she? We all thought of a bunch of different ways she could have turned this around.
The only reason that it looks like D & D are running the house, is because Dick is the only one who has any sort of game plan - everyone else is just riding along & trying to stay under the radar - why aren't the others talking game about getting rid of Dick ? they are all trying to get on the Dick bandwagon, because they think they are safe there.
Every season so far there have been players we love & players we hate - I haven't "loved" anyone this season - I want to see them all gone !!
When these hamsters are not psychotic, dysfunctional, delusional and/or offensive, they are just boring.
LOL!! When are these hamsters NOT all of the above?
A couple of thoughts about Jen suing CBS. Not likely to happen. First of all, as mentioned by another poster, the contract she signed. Secondly, she clearly broke rulles, which would weaken a case, if there was one. Most importantly: Jen at one point said she "wants to be an actress" and we know she has had some bit parts here and there. A wannabe actress is unlikely to sue a major network unless they think they may get work as a result. Not too likely. JMO
So far, I'd been thinking that Jen truly just wanted out of the house and that's why she broke/kept breaking the rules. The other thing that occurred to me is maybe she wanted to be the focus of the show even if it was just before she leaves. In prior seasons, many HG's used to talk about whether they were getting enough "air time". I'm wondering if that might be a motivation for Jen, among others. Just speculation on my part.
SO, anyway, I think that Jen is responsible for choosing eat/break the rules/whatever. I happened to see it live when Dick started spewing his language at her and I did just cringe at the stuff he was saying and calling her. I can't help it, when he is calmer, I like Dick on the show. Would I hang with him in real life? Nope, not me. But seeing him with Jen again really just made me feel kind of sick.
LOL@myself...it still doesn't have me liking Jen though. I have to agree with some who say there's no one in the house I really like. That being said from Day 1 (sorry, I couldn't resist), I hope Jameka stays this week. I'm not much of a Jam fan but I'd hate to see her evicted in the midst of a Jen brouhaha. You're right Jackie, that is a fun word!!
UGH. I hope Amber didn't "see her cousin", if they played Power of 10 like it's normally played, they would have done a round between the 2 of them then in the second round the family member is brought in for the first round winner. I'd rather see Dani play. Hopefully they let them both play the full game.
I have noticed that a lot of people complain about floaters and how that they should not win, but isn't floating a strategy? I have only watched the show for the last 3 seasons so i may be a little naive but it seems like going through not pissing people off, getting along with as many people as possible and not putting a target on your back seems like pretty good stategy to me. Waiting for the right moment to make your move seems like smart gameplay especially if you have some groups that are constantly going at each other, stay out of the way and clean up the mess. If the way ED is playing is considered strategy then floating to stay out of his way has got to be strategy also.
I was pulling for Jameka, ED, Kail and Zach in the begining. Now i can hardly stand to hear ED say word because of all the foul language he uses, Jameka will probably be out within two weeks (hope not),Kail messed herself up, but Zach could actually win if he wins HOH and backdoors ED or Dani preferably ED and then ally himself with Dani, amber and Jameka to breakup Eric and Jessica.
ED never went at it with any of the bigger men, just the women and smaller men. When Jameka gave it back to him he kind of backed off her a bit.
cha cha and anon 9:27: What if Amber's cousin was playing, and Amber was the family member sitting in the "box". That's a possible.
Then maybe Daniele actually got to play against another contestant, won the option to play and (as someone else posted although how did they know) won up to $10,000 and stopped.
But then what family member might have been there for Daniele.
All speculation... I know nothing!
Actually lawsuits can be filed at anytime by anyone, however it doesn't necessarily imply lawsuits would succeed ( having family work in TV/Billboards Media industry ) Last year I mention on here that my nephew Jason is on a show ) A relative whose worked reality TV indicated of course contestants in past years were encouraged to exchange heated confrontations, encouraged into partaking of consuming Alcohol beverages so that their behavior would be less intimated ( however due to arrests having taken place on Real World Austin ) along side other alleged incidents resulting from direct personal verbal abuse,Today contract inscriptions are modified of what words can and Cannot be used to a full listed detailed, for instance sexual explicit material ( though I highly doubt ) PSA MUST be followed; if various suggestive comments are exploited; I was going to give an example why the word Kill is not as a powerful worded statement as opposed to stating the actual word " Suicide " but I might lose you all if I haven't already; That's one of the primary reasons you guys don't view various confrontations on regular TV programming ( non- cable ) Though viewer Audience who've seen Unedited Version Material tend to proclaim " Editing is being provided Unfairly; However if HG's are NOT abiding by their contracts in regarded signed aspect, it simply cannot be shown. Emotional personal fouled induced slanderously comments Are NOT permitted for regular TV programming, language must abide by FCC Guidelines. If you look closely as with any case in general, An excellent Attorney realizes even some laws are designed to have a " Loophole " you just have to know how to work them to your advantage ( which is why Lindsay Oops Hehe this isn't TMZ ) several Housemates have already crossed those communication barriers, having made an editorial's Job a complete nightmare where he himself can be faced with a personal lawsuit ( just like in Hospitals where an individual Nurse can be Sued; so can any one Production Staff ) though many people aren't aware of this. One of the main issues at hand Contestants/HG's are prohibited from making derogative slanderous defamatory and libelous statements towards any of the HG's family members, HG's employers, those are strictly prohibited similar to copyright music material, unlike a year ago; today we have new Internet " Annoying laws, yes its absurd, though if you've read how " Annoying law has been designed ( many Loopholes ) it's understandable why Anonymous comments could be a problem, That's why I enjoy Jackie's Blog, monitoring what all is written can be time consuming, Last night I scoped various other BB blogs, Ouch the written words that were being allowed amongst one another ( of course unless it was Blog owner commenting to themselves Hahaaa ) otherwise I could not imagine why it would appear as such, Now had these rambling cursing's coincided with actual topic not on a non rated TV program, perhaps then it could have been part of topic, Back to Suing if both participants are fully aware of what will be directed at them by another participant then Suing is doubtful, Jen wasn't phased by ED's antic's originally, though his antics are rather unusual requiring stricter editing, however IMO both are willing Participants on how their actions have been reflecting back and forth amongst one another within last month. I mean repeatedly old used dialogued comes to mind, similar to an obsessed individual pleading for a scripted role.
Deanna: 4:13 AM - (WOW, you're up late!) I totally agree with your synopsis of the show. Very well put!
Eonline! is saying that Dancing With The Stars new season debuts on Sept. 24. Wayne Newton (can't believe he's 65 now) is set to be a contestant. Carrie Ann and Apolo will make an announcement of the full lineup on Good Morning America on Aug. 29.
Some good television coming up next month. I'm looking forward to Cane, too. I'm a BIG Jimmy Smits fan.
E.D. sets off my gag reflex. The producers should have muzzled him a long time ago and not let him get away with calling Jen those vile names. How would he feel if somebody was calling his bratty, narcissistic daughter some of the names he has bestowed upon Jen? They probably wouldn't live to tell about it and it would serve him well to remember that Jen is somebody's daughter, too.
SD in Texas
Joy... Hello to you & thanks! :) Im a west coast gal, so I wasn't up too too late. lol!!! But this show does make me obsessed and my sleep definitely suffers during the summer months. Oh well, it is sooooooo worth it!
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