'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds and Stuff - 8/22
This is the excitement from inside the house so far today -- an interesting camera angle capturing Jen doing laps in the pool as reflected in a window by the moose. I think she must be going for the 440 laps make a mile bit.
Dick is sitting on the couch in the yard smoking and spitting. All of the others are still asleep.
Over on TV Squad, I have a new feeds update post going on a bit more about last night, but the houseguests haven't given me any new fodder for today.
Jen is an idiot!
I hope this doesn't result in her staying, as much as an addict as I am I will have to stop watching any and all BBrothers- if they fix it so she can stay. Americas player better keep himself quiet, cause the house guests are picking up on his comments about America.
Interesting... ya think
Hey Jackie! First of all thank you for doing a GREAT job keeping us updated. I am confused with this whole Jen eating food thing. How could that keep her in the house? What is this penalty nomination and vote? I am sorry to bother you, but I never heard anything like this before! Thank you!
In all fairness, Jen should have to go, she is not holding up her end of the what she agreed to do. IMO the penalty of an automatic vote does not prevent others from such behavior. These people came in to play a game. The game will consist of lying, cheating, etc. ways toward the other HG, however when it comes to the comps, everyone should have to follow through with what choices they made. If for any reason they chose to ignore them, they should suffer consequences for their action. That is just everyday living, we have all been taught that. What is that saying? "You do the crime, you pay the time and you have nobody but yourself to blame"
I at one time admired Jen for taking so much crap from ED, I still do, but I vote to evict "Jen". I say this because she did not stay true to her word in the comp.
If Jen stays, this for sure is rigged!
It looks like the HG view Jen as a quitter and a cheater, according to the joker site.
Jen is so socially retarded...Jen comes in, Zach says, "They're asking for you in the DR. I think you're going to get the swimming merit badge." Jen just gives him a puzzled look.
Hilarious-- made me giggle anyway
Angie in KC
Ok...I admit it...I'm at work and bored. So...what do I do? Research of course ;)
The night of the big brouhaha btwn Jen and Dick, Eric brought up how Jen talked about her entry on IMDB. Dick didn't know what it was. Zach said that he was on there. I looked him up and the only entries for him are the Big Brother ones which weren't on there before he went into the house. Check it out for yourself!
Zach's a big fat liar who wants people to think he's more important than he really is!
Why do I care? I don't...I already told you I was bored :-)
Jackie or anyone what does a penalty nomination actually mean. Does she already have one vote to go tommorow night?
Nancy - A penalty nomination could be invoked by the staff for breaking the rules. It's used at their discretion. It has never been used, only threatened. It's not being used this time, either. It would mean that Jen would be put on the block for eviction (in addition to the two on the block if she wasn't put up as a replacement this week).
But they're not doing it. She's just getting one additional automatic vote to be evicted this week.
Thank you Jackie, I really love this blog I have been following it the past 2 years I follow most of the shows you talk about. I think what you do is great Thank you for all you do. I guess Jen really screwed herslf she had a chance to stay but that craziness the other night really turned people off.
Some random thoughts.
Breaking of the rules: if someone not on the block but on slop for the week, cheats and eats regular food, what happens to them? Does BB let them get away with it?
If there has been manipulation going on in the DR by the producers, wouldn't we hear about it after the show is over? Have there been comments by previous seasons contestants regarding this so called manipulation or could this be the first season it's being done?
imho - great comparison of BB8 to Lord of the Flies.
Wasn't it the case that heavy smokers in past seasons could only bring so many cartons of cigarettes in the house with them? Haven't some even used the experience to quit smoking? Now it seems that if someone (i.e. ED) runs out for WHATEVER reason they get resupplied.
Whether boring or explosive, you don't see the comment lately that
"I'm done watching BB8."
Tom in CA
Tom - I guess someone who breaks the rules would normally get a penalty nomination but since Jen was already nominated she got a penalty vote.
As far as the manipulation goes, I've not heard anything about past seasons BUT Arnold Shapiro isn't involved this year. Allison Grodner is the only producer and I really don't think she's going a very good job. I think she wanted to make a huge splash with her first solo season and she ended up doing a cannon ball!
I don't agree with Jen destroying the cigarettes so I guess I don't mind that BB gave him replacements. What I have a problem with is that he took her clothes on Monday and still hasn't been required to give them back. In my book that's stealing!
Jen has been trying to tell Amber all she can so that Amber can use the information after Jen is gone. Too bad it is Amber who is hearing it all. She probably has already forgotten. (What's final 5?) In fact, she asked Jen not to tell anyone that she (J) told Amber. Also, I am very glad the board came back, Jackie. I missed you! I think Boogie has taken over this board, though. Every time I log on, the page is right at Boogie's doorstep (so to speak) instead of the top of the page. He'll scroll off soon, I know. Thanks for all the hard work, Sue
Im thinking you are on to something...new producer...pitiful show
I don't think the houseguests are handling all of this very well. They (Dick) have won the round and yet continue to insult and ridicule Jen both to her face and behind her back. Find a new topic guys, you already won this one. Jen is keeping out of their way, it looked like, maybe I am wrong, and just waiting for Thursday, but Dick is laughing about how 'someone' could get away with murdering her. Crossing a line, I say. Not just Dick, but all who are laughing with him about Jen's health, etc. Self destruction (if that is what we witnessed) isn't humor. It just makes them look bad. I'd think at least one or two in the house would have some sympathy for mental health issues from a personal perspective. Sue
Will the epsiode of Power of 10 be shown with Amber and Daniele. Can you imagine Amber'r reactions to the qustions? I would love to see that episode!
From the Joker Web site..."CBS’s and the producers of the reality show Big Brother 8 are allowing a contestant on the show to verbally abuse and threaten a female contestant with violence.
One of the show's contestants, a 44-year-old man named Dick has repeatedly verbally attacked 23-year-old Jen, calling her crude names, telling her he’d like to sodomize her until she bleeds to death and that if he was wasn't in the house (and at risk of being expelled) he would like to kill her. In a recent episode, he dumped a glass of tea over Jen's head, laughed about it, and said he wished it had been "piss." Many fans called for his expulsion from the Big Brother house. Instead, Dick is still in the house and CBS is running ads promoting the "explosive" events of the house.
Contact CBS and tell them allowing this kind of abusive behavior for the sake of entertainment is irresponsible and unforgivable.
Contact CBS:
CBS Television Network
51 West 52nd Street
New York, NY 10019
(212) 975-4321
And the show's producers:
Allison Grodner Productions Inc.
12925 Riverside Dr, 4th Floor
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
(818) 325-6900"
This kind of behavior on the live feeds is beyond the pale. Dick is way over the top and should be evicted.
Just a few thoughts--
Sue I am having the same prob. Everytime I log on up pops Boogie(so to speak) then I have to page to the top.
I thought Dick said Monday night that BB told him to give Jen's clothes back. He said he would but one piece at a time.
I bet BB producers changed Jen getting a penalty vote instead of nom. because of the plan Dick had already figured out(Jem this week/Jen next/then Amber). If that is true then BB is controlling the outcome of this game!!
IMO throwing someone's personal property over a wall so they have no access to it is the same as destroying it!! In which case BB should have went out an IMMEDIATELY replaced her clothes. I'm sure they knew the potential damage that could have been done by Dick in a rage and they didn't want to deal with the fallout. Can we say "favoritism"?!
This kind of behavior on the live feeds is beyond the pale. Dick is way over the top and should be evicted.
8/22/2007 6:37 PM
Jen pulled yet another fast one. If you were watching the feeds around an hour ago, she lost her bikini top in the kitchen with Amber, Jameka, Danielle and Eric sitting at the table.
They think it happened through a freak miracle or something. Jen have undid the clasp on her top just seconds before while she was leaving the BBR. She stopped, reached behind her, and giggled like she does.
This poor girl needs to be out of the house for her own sanity. All the evicted HGs have been dead on about Jen and I'm happy to see her go.
Sorry, thought I tyed half not have. She half unclasped her top.
I read on silly hamsters that the episode tonight of the "Power of Ten" might be the one with Dani and Whamber
While I don't hold Jen faultless in her situation. She did destroy Dick's smokes which was dumb and childish.
She did eat regular food when she was supposed to be on slop, which I agree is breaking the rules.
Having said that, I feel ALL of the other Hgs have more than proven their point and dislike of Jen.
I have no respect for any of the HG after the way they have treated Jen as reported on Joker's update in the past 36 hours,.
As far as I am concerned they are worse than bullies.
I will refrain from using provocative words that might incite riot here on Jackie's blog.
I seriously hope that Jen does get a lawyer and sues CBS for allowing the others in the house to verbally abuse,harass and threaten her.
It is frightening to see how quickly mob mentality and total melt down of socially acceptable behavior has happened.
I am so upset by what has gone on today that I may not watch the show again this season.
It won't change the situation but I don't condone what is happening in the house. If that is entertainment I must be from an alien planet.
Dick is the most disgusting pig to ever walk this earth, how could any of you ever condone his behavior. To tell a woman or anyone for that matter that you would like to sodomize them until they bleed to death is not entertainment or game play people it sick. If I were Jen I would indeed hire an attorney and sue CBS, and everyone affiliated with this show, for all their worth.
Anon @ 9:00 -- Let's leave the judgment of other commenters off of here, please. You can think what you wish about Dick, but don't pass judgment on the commenters who like him.
Dick's remarks about sodomizing someone were directed to Dustin not Jen--that still makes it vile and totally unacceptable. Just thought we should have the facts straight.
CBS cannot show Dick's commentary regarding his feelings about Jen...such as his remark that he would like to sodomize her until she bleeds to death, therefore many people continue to find his "antics" amusing. If they had the live feeds they would probably be horrified he would speak of any young woman, and Jen is the same age as his daughter, in such a demeaning way. I wonder how he would feel if someone said that about Dani. My guess is that game or no game, he would rip their head off. I think Dick needs to grow up and perhaps take some anger management classes. Whose mind goes there about a woman young enough to be his daughter?
Anon @ 11:14 - Get your facts straight. You're wrong. He has said plenty of nasty things to her, but he never said that and I refuse to be a part of the person who's not going by actual facts at Jokers with the statement.
I'm not saying Dick is right with his treatment of Jen. I think he's wrong and has been vulgar and cruel. But he never said the sodomize comment about or to her. He said something quasi-similar about Dustin and he was out of line there.
But I'd appreciate anonymous folks not using my blog to write fiction to back their causes, thank you.
This has been a tough year for us BB fans...not a wide selection of players to cheer on...miss Janelle and even Dr. Will, who could manipulate and scheme but remain charming. Hope they do a better job recruiting next year. At this point I'm feeling like Jessica and Zach are the nicest people in the house...Eric and Jam tolerable...Amber seems to have mental health issues and Dick is an overgrown bully who seems to be stuck in a time warp. Not to crazy abougt Dani either...quite the narcissist and appears rather cold and bratty. All it all it must be a trial for Jackie to watch them as much as she needs to. Hats off to you Jackie for your usual great job both with the show and keeping the postings on track and civil. The blog is better than the show...love "and Amber cried."
Eric is not working to "save" Jen so it would appear America voted to give her the boot.
jen should be in a mental asylum
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