Friday, April 11, 2008

BB9 Latest Feeds/POV

I've been waiting for my latest feeds report to go up over on TV Squad and it's been a while.

Judging by the comments on the last post here, folks know that Adam won the POV. He will remove himself and Sheila should be putting Natalie up in his place. As they said, Team Christ has a Judas.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like the POV comp had images of the HGs superimposed on the guinea pigs, lol!

I swear, those producers read the blogs and get ideas from us.

Nancy said...

I hope Nat goes, I actually hope they all go I don't really have a favorite Sharon isn't too bad. Loving this season of survivor. Thanks Jackie you make BB so much fun especially when you get a season like this one. I hope the summer BB is better if not we have this place to come to talk about it.

Anonymous said...

I just heard Sharon telling Adam that she knows she can't win in the end, because the most she'd get is 3 votes, and maybe only 2 - because James indicated that if Adam is F2 he'd vote for Adam. She's trying to plant in Adam's head that she's the best person for him to go up against in F2. Meantime, Adam says he doesn't care about the money.

WHAT? Well fa crissakes then I sure hope he doesn't win!!

Sharon also said that her group would vote for Sheila in the F2.


Anonymous said...

Hi all, I'm continuing the older posts discussion. Hope that is okay. I have live feeds, but only get to watch at odd times of the day and night. I agree with Toms...maybe...I'm still wondering, about the con being on Sheila. My reason is that the two guys are way too overacting the out Natalie game. Their eyes are actually sparkling (or my monitor is wacky) They seem to want Natalie to overhear the convos, they are much sweeter to Sheila than they have bee before. They are looking like two guys with a plan. And Sharon doesn't look as relieved as she should, maybe she is picking up on their giggles.

I think the boys are planning something against all three girls and I don't think they are telling anyone else about it. But, this is only Friday. Frankly, I think whichever girl cries on Adam's shoulder last will get his vote to stay.

Anonymous said...

LOL Sue, you're right about whoever is last to have Adam's ear (or shoulder). He's so impressionable isn't he?

Few more tidbits I picked up: Gnat apparently reamed Sharon out (or as Sharon put it, "ripped her a new one") for convincing Gnat to drop during the HOH comp. Interesting how Gnat isn't taking responsibility for that decision, even though immediately after all she could do was crow about how she's "not a James". God how I dispise her.

I admire one thing about how Sheila is playing this phase of the game: when Gnat confronted her, trying to beg that she put up Ryan instead of her (Gnat), Sheila was up front and just said no, that's not going to happen. Contrast that to how Gnat has played - she would have said Oh no, I won't put you up blah blah blah. Such a contrast. And I have not at all been a fan of Sheila before (still not, but she gained some respect from me for this)

It's true the guys are being very loud about their Gnat-swatting campaign, but in a way it seems like maybe they just finally feel they can freely express themselves. It looks genuine in Adam anyway. Ryan is too shifty for me to tell.

I think that now that James is gone, I'm rooting for Sharon. I don't care that she didn't "play" the game, she seems like the only decent human being in that group.

Wintermute said...

I think Adam is probably a lot smarter than the other HGs realize. I've been secretly rooting for him since I stopped rooting for James (I liked him before he was voted out the first time, but not so much once he went back in)... He certainly wouldn't be the first to claim that he doesn't care about the money, and I think he'd actually do something good with it. Of course, I don't have the live feeds, so that might just be editing ;)


Anonymous said...

I waited long enough for a new post :) I have some comments with regard to previous posts:

formerly anon: Welcome!! It's all baby steps....start as anon., then formerly anon., soon you'll feel comfortable enough to use your name! We really love new people in our "blog" family and promise not to "backdoor" you or vote you "off the island"!!LOL

zoetawny--it's almost 70 here and I brought out the capris....big mistake! I guess I stocked up on food for the winter a little too much! Time to hit the streets and start walking.

Occassionaly I've heard mention of who to take to the F2 but not in any length. They seem to be more concerned with the F3 and HOH comp.

I haven't figured out who the boys are telling the truth too. I'm not sure they have figured it out yet! At least, it gives us something to look forward to!

formerly anon: it sounds like you know Youtube has videos but did you know that at Joker's Update you can read a transcript moment-by-moment of what's happening? I usually combine the two and get a pretty good idea of what's going on.

Anonymous said...

gotta get ready to go dancing but I meant to say:
Jackie---I have been waiting for the Judas reference...just wondered who it would be used on!! I couldn't have said it better myself!!

Anonymous said...

Formerly Anon-Welcome aboard! I think you will find that this is a great group to hang out with.

Anonymous said...

formerly anon said... Sounds like the POV comp had images of the HGs superimposed on the guinea pigs, lol!

I swear, those producers read the blogs and get ideas from us.

I certainly hope if they ARE reading they will realize that their audience would like for them to do away with the raunchy, trashy behavior that house guests have shown this season. Also to include a more diverse age range.

I know that if they have house guests like this season's, they will lose me as a viewer. I will continue to come read the blog, but if it appears they are continuing this type of "entertainment" I will be switching the channel. I will come read the blog each day (Jackie, I love your writing)), but will not support the station.

Is it just me, or has BB been getting cheaper and nastier over the past few seasons. When CBS shows couples performing sex acts, or even eavesdrops on sex acts, they degrade not only the couples, but the network. That is JMHO.

Okay, off my soap box. I hope Gnat goes home. I used to like her, but no more. PLUS, I cringe at Matty getting a dime of money from her -- and you know she would snap him up if he gave her the least bit of attention.

Anonymous said...

Gee folks, thanks for all the warm welcomes! Honestly, the only reason I was posting as Anonymous was because I was too lazy to type in a name, lol. But now I'm busted. I might actually have to pare it down to FA, so if you see that name, it will be me.

Nana, no I had no idea about the Joker's update site -- I have to go check that out! Thanks! One more site to get addicted too, so cool!

This game has been pretty boring up until this week I think.

As for youtube, I have used "BB9" and "Big Brother" as my search terms -- is there any thing else I should look for?

Thanks everyone! :D

Anonymous said...

I don't think we know as yet how those "boys" will work this one out. My guess is they are going to save Natalie as they realize what Sharon is doing now that she is finally opening her mouth.....and I think inserting foot. Trying to get everyone to take her to the f2 because otherwise the "bad seeds" hold the deciding votes. But gee they still have to vote for someone. I say if Natalie makes this cut, she may do it all. I remember how upset I was last year when Evel Dick pulled it off, but now that I look back he did have some entertaining qualities....notice I didn't say redeeming? LOL! Have a great weekend all, and the next few days should prove a bit interesting, more so than usual lately. Sheila is bugging me as the HOH. That's just me!

monty924 said...
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monty924 said...

Okay, I'm home on a Friday night bored to tears and decided to collect all the chants. We have to pool our collective vibes to get NN out of there. Zoetawny, I cannot wait to see your "Swat the Gnat" graphic.

'formerly anon', welcome. There are no real flamers here; Jackie doesn't allow it. That's why we love her. We may rib each other at times but it is the best blog on the internet. You are free to say whatever you think, if you don't attack fellow posters. If you do Jackie pulls it off.

Now to my chant collection: have I missed any?

Shoo Gnat, don't bother me,
Shoo Gnat, don't bother me,
Shoo Gnat, don't bother me,
Cuz I don't want your company!!
(sung to the tune of Shoo Fly) love, love, love this one

Please add at will. :)

Zoetawny said...


Just saw the Shebot video on YouTube. Hysterical! Thanks for posting the link.

"Know that"
"I'm not stupid"
"I'm 45"

How many times did Sheila say "45"?
You've got to see this if you haven't already.

Thanks again, Sue!

joy n said...

Don't know that anyone will be interested, but...

Evel Dick's Blog had an announcement about an auction for Rock Against Diabetes 2008 to which all money will go.

The auction is on EBay and ends April 18. Details are:

Win A Date With Evel Dick To The Season Finale of Big Brother 9.

Winner will receive:

1. Return air travel to Los

2. One night hotel accomodation
in Los Angeles

3. Limo service from the airport
to hotel

4. Dinner with EvelDick at the
restaurant of his choice

5. Limo service with EvelDick to
the Big Brother Finale

Bonus item for winner of
auction: A brand new Cherry
Burst Inferno Minarik guitar

He also says there will be a pre-taped cameo of him on Tuesday's BB show.

Dick's quote on Natalie. "Nothing funnier than a christian houseguest that is saying GOD will help Team Christ win, then sucks another c**k, strips for the house, has another abortion, and is the biggest liar there. Way to go. Jesus, himself, would be embarrassed for you, Natalie."

HIS quote.

Anonymous said... made me laugh. Then the song was stuck in my head for a few hours. But worst, I think I am channeling Sheila. I was in a group tonight and someone offered me a drink of water and I answered. "No, I'm good". Then I giggled and it sounded like I had had more than water to drink.

Anonymous said...

This is from Evel Dick's myspace page. I don't think he cares for Gnat.

EvelDick hates Natalie and hopes she dies. She started Cum Guzzlers for Jesus, where she asks.... What would Jesus swallow?? Jesus answered, "a cyanide pill, please

Anonymous said...

Shelia, Sharon, ryan are all lyers no more the Nat. So I say they are no better then her. At least she keeps the house interesting! Go Nat! Go Nat! Go Nat! Postive thinking. Anyway for any of them to win as of now they have the best chance against Nat except maybe for Ryan.

Anonymous said...

That is a horrible thing to say Dick to wish that Nat would die. I just lost any respect I had for him!! Anyone that would agree with him shows how low class there are too!!

Anonymous said...

Nat lies about God. How low class is that?

Anonymous said...

She does not lie about God! And to listen to Sharon & Shelia right now "well Angie Jolie is a home wrecker Shelia" & Shelia was her friend "get rid of Shelia & Sharon. Sharon is such a lier & Shelia is falling for it. Shelia is trying to say Nat wouldn't have last longer then her. Oh Nat how could you have let her win!

Anonymous said...

Nope still not buying Adam & Ryan's plan to send Natalie packing.

Sharon & Sheila are talking their way into a sinking ship.

Anonymous said...

I could never wish someone to die! Not even James! Nobody! I'ts only a game!

Zoetawny said...


Never fear, you're not channeling Shebot until you start staying, "I'm a single mom, you know" every other word. ;)

"Know that." LOL

Going to watch "Numb3rs" now.
I'd say "Niters!" but I might check back later. You know you're addicted to this blog when you brush your teeth while reading it.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:19-I will agree with you that it is horrible for anyone to wish death on someone.

All the HGS have twisted the truth, so I think they are all even in that department. It always comes down to twisting it a little harder as the game comes to an end. They all cannot win.

Good night.

joy n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Nat says she is a CHristian and she's not. That's lying to God. And Angelina Jolie IS a homewrecker.

Anonymous said...

I too doubt if ryan and adam will vote out Nat and if they don't they deserve what they get... backstabbed by her the first chance she gets. And make no mistake, she's going for the win and if she survives this week, I'd say she probably deserves it...more so than anyone else in that house. I can't stand her either but in terms of game play, she's got them all beat. the thing that really surprises me is how they all bend down and kow-tow to her when she's so obviously less educated than any of them other than Sheila. You'll notice I didn't say she's ignorant baecause she's not. How could she be, she's basically run that house for the past few weeks and gotten everyone to do everything she wants.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:42 - yes, it's quite revolting. Kind of reminds me of certain aspects of our government (the totally clueless having complete control for no apparent reason)

Sydney said...

Zoe-- LOL about brushing your teeth to Jackie's blog. I have done much of the same in so many ways I can't list them all here. What IS it about this blog???

And Anon 2:42, good points

And Anon 2:48 -- You totally hit the nail on the head.