BB9 Live Feeds Into the Overnight
Yep, you got it. We have had trivia on the feeds since about 3:15 AM ET. But here's the skinny on what happened before the feeds were blocked:
- The HG weren't allowed to drink because there is a comp expected. I'm assuming POV. They want luxury.
- Sheila told Ryan she won't put him up but Natalie had told her that she'd rather Ryan go home if Sharon comes off the block.
- Natalie told Sheila that they had to stick together and go after the boys. When Sheila asked about Sharon, Natalie said she goes first then the boys.
- The plasma screen reads: Power of Veto tonight.
- Gulp. It's coming! A lot rides on this for a lot of people!
- Everyone has a reason to win and no one wants Natalie to win.
- Sheila wished there had been a food comp because she's HOH and would have food while others were on slop.
- They did some last minute memorizing of items.
- Then we went to trivia. Why, oh, why can't we have guinea pig cam?
If the trivia gets resolved before I leave for work, I will update!
Adam WON!!!! Hopefully they send Nat packing.
Yeah,it looks as if Adam is wearing the POV. They are telling Gnat she's going to go see Matty and she's freaking!
I so wanted Sharon to win POV. I'm not sure Adam or Ryan have the cajones to get rid of the Gnat!
IT would just be too great if they actually put her up and gave her the boot.
I am in agreement with you. I sure wished Sharon had won. I just do not think those guys will piss Natalie off and vote her out. Will Adam even have enough b*lls to take one off and give Sheila the opportunity to put her up?
For the first time in three weeks, I may be excited about eviction!!
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE... PUT NATALIE UP! Sheila if you want to win this competition, quit trying to be friends and go after the money! Get rid of GNat once and for all.
can we tell cbs that we would rather see the guinea pigs interacting rather than these brainless idiots? What happens to the guinea pigs after the show? i am only anonymous as i do not have a google account. karin in cleveland
Adam is up for eviction, so I am sure he will take himself off. Sheila will only have Ryan and Gnat to chose from. I really think she will put up NAt.
Never done this before but someone left a priceless post on another board and I had to share it with you: Jackie -- If this is not Kosher, pls remove! This is not to offend anyone but I thought it was clever...
"What would Jesus do?
Well for starters, he wouldn't be on Big Brother!
On the other hand, he was in his own reality show wasn't he. He would NEVER drop in an endurance comp. As evidence he spent 40 days in the desert being tempted by Satan. Then to top it all off he won the entire game by hanging in there having been nailed, a spear in the side, with a groovy thorn hat. The 2 other contestants beside him gave up much quicker.
I also think with Jesus in the house, and the ability to turn water into wine, there'd be much more fun and interesting things going on at night and on BBAD instead of the borefest it has been.
Your thoughts? Your ideas? What do you think Jesus would do? (other than now send my ass to hell"
Sheila already told Gnat she's going up,but that leaves Adam and Ryan to vote and I'm just not all that sure about them. They are telling Sheila one thing and then Gnat another. Who are they zoomin' and who will they really vote out?
I think they both think Gnat is the one to be standing next to in the final two,cause they think everybody is gunning for her,and they are!I think they should vote for each one,Ryan for Gnat to leave and Adam for Sharon to leave and make Sheila keep her word to the three of them(A/R/S)and be the one to vote Gnat out. Maybe then,the jury would respect Sheila's gameplay then.
On another note,how surprised was everybody that Michael Johns was voted out last night on AI?? I didn't care for him much in the beginning,but he grew on me and I would have said that either of those two girls would go before him. I thought Carly was a gonner and would have been happy to see her go.
Gee,Sydney...if Jesus was in the BB house,would Gnat have been giving bj's and stripping and talking smack about everyone? Or would she have been hanging on his every word and following him around 24/7 and making deals? If she really has God in her life, as she professes,she'd play as if he WAS in the house. These are the kind of Christians that give religion a bad name and hold it up to ridicule by non-believers. She is so far off the path that it isn't even funny. I know....cast the first stone,but I'm not on national tv,saying one thing and doing the complete opposite.
Yea, Adam! (Did I really say that, too????) Bye, bye Gnat - I hope!
Sharon - Re: Am Idol
I was surprised to see Michael Johns go, as well. I was hoping it was Carly, too. She has a great voice, but I just don't connect with her. I'm pulling for David Cook, although there are many good ones this year. Will be tough to figure out who should go in the next few weeks.
I am assuming this week will be the Big Brother Fast Forward? Any thoughts?
Angie in Kansas City
Go ADAM!! They should definitely send Matty a belated birthday present in the form of Gnat. I'm sure she'll give him a very special present of her own... Can anyone say BJ for BDay!
oh I am so happy Adam won POV, this makes my day.
Please, please Sheila have some game and put up Nat and vote her out.
If Ryan kept his word to Sharon, and Adam votes out Nat then Sheila will come off clean wouldnt she?
Yes, Natalie needs to go see Mattie (hope for his sake there are more bedrooms) and Chelsia and Nat can have that long awaited showdown.
Syndey, your post on the previous entry about Natalie was spot on. I really like the post you found re: WWJD, too.
Terry, if there aren't more bedrooms, Nat would be in a room (bed) with her Mattie or with Chelsia. Now that's good tv, lol.
I do hope Nat leaves. The only power would have left is one vote. Somebody swat that Gnat outt the house!
Jennasmom...I really like David Cook,too. I really like little David,but don't think it's his time yet,though his voice is one of the purest I have heard in a long time.And I like Brooke,too,but don't see her as the Idol,too hippie or kinda old fashioned to appeal to the teenies,IMO.
OK,gang,mental telepathy....
Go away,Gnat
Go away,Gnat
Go away,Gnat
Sydney...great find!
I am sure James is in Chelsia's bedroom. I would not want to be in there if I was Nat (if she goes). For such a huge house, I am sure there are more than 2 bedrooms, but how many furnished?
Shocked Johns went last night, but that is AI. Then on CBS, I heard he did not have the lowest score. What is with that? Is he or isn't he gone? Will try and see if I can find more on that.
Could I respectfully ask that other shows not be discussed in a thread about BB? Reason is that I deliberately avoid reading threads for shows that I have recorded but not yet watched, and it's frustrating to be reading a BB thread and learning what happened on Survivor or Idol.
Not being flameful, honestly.
Now, as for BB, I heard a couple priceless comments on BBAD from last night.
1) Natalie and Sheila are alone in HOH room, and Natalie is pleading her case (of course) and she says to Sheila: "...because I don't want to be sent home by YOU of all people."
WOW, how offensive was that? I fully hoped that Sheila would respond with "oh THANKS alot, what am I, chopped liver?" but instead Sheila says something like "oh c'mon, you know that's not going to happen."
I have no doubt that Gnat meant exactly as it sounded, like YOU are the WORST player, and how DARE you be the one to send me home -- while she had the plausible deniability factor that she was saying: oh YOU are my BESTEST most TRUSTED friend in the whole wide world, and it would really hurt if it were YOU sending me home! - that is NOT the real way she meant it, but Sheila just took it in stride.
2) Sharon called Gnat "Gnat" - it's as though she intuited what everyone on the boards is calling her! When they were trying to name the operation, I was hoping they'd call it "Operation Swat Gnat"
It's true, this might be the most exciting week yet. Hopefully nobody is stupid enough to think that saving Gnat will be good for them because she's the one to stand by in the F2.
I can already hear her fare-thee-well speach: "I kept my integrity when everyone around me was evil and lying, so Julie, I'm happy with how things went. Everything happens for a reason. And now I get to go see Mattie!"
I can just hear it.
Off topic... did anyone watch the Amrican Idol Gives Back. They had the So You Think You Can Dance dancers on there throughout the show. They were great to see again.
I had it taped and it took three nights to get thru it and I haven't watch the elimination show of AI yet.
So much to watch, so little time.
Amazing, considering just a few weeks back we were begging for something good to come on TV.
I think they're wrong about Gnat looking like a ferret.
I think she looks more like this:
Think back to the disco ball challenge day right after she dropped, and what she looked like and how she was behaving.
Sorry anon 11:34 but your request will be a tough one to abide by. Maybe we should always preface what we say with SPOILER ALERT FOR AI, or SPOILER ALERT FOR SURVIVOR... cause there's just a moment when you want to comment and no where to do it.
I'm willing to post SPOILER ALERTS. OK for everybody else?
Anon 11:34 When Sheila was talking about the convo with Sheila in the HOH, Sheila said (to someone?) that Natalie didn't know who she would vote out when Sheila was on the block. That was long ago, but Sheila didn't forget that time when Nat said she would have to wait and see who to vote for. I remember it made Sheila very angry. Last night Sheila told Adam that Natalie wants him out before Ryan.
If the have a FF eviction,Sheila couldn't play for HOH, could she? If Sharon won it, she might evict Sheila and leave herself in the house with men only. Getting Sheila out (assuming Nat was already gone) would please her jury alliance. Then the two guys would remember that much of the jury was with Sharon all game and decide she has to go because of her votes on the jury.
I don't know if I could stand one last week of Adam and Ryan staring at a chess board and not speaking.
Glad the other shows are coming back.
In Fort Smith, one insurance company reported the day after the storm that they already had 190 vechicles that were totaled. Thousands were damaged. And that is just one company. One high school had almost 300 windows broken from the hail.
BB9........ most pitiful season ever. I would still like to see Nat get by this week, as Sharon has never done a thing in this game. Then I would be content wtih whatever happens. Well not really, I would want to see Sheila eliminated! I guess it just doesn't matter anymore. They sure aren't folks I would like to get to know on the outside. As much as i have rooted for Natalie in the past, even I have to admit she has gone over the top now. Liked it better when she played the game without all the back stabbing to go along with it. And her God talk is turning way to much into a replay of Amber from last season. Good bye God.... who can forget that? Two more weeks of this........go Adam!
Yes its time to get rid of Gnat. Send her packing to see her Matty...James and Chelsia will be so happy!
If Adam and Sheila make it to the final 2 do you think there would be an extra prize? The only couple still remaining in the house. Till death do you part.
Horton hears a chant ...
and it's picked up across the country!
Michael gets the boot, Ozzy loses a water challenge, and ADAM wins a morphomatic POV.
I don't believe it. ;)
That was not only a SPOILER ALERT...that was totally unbelievable wasn't it? Couldn't believe any of the three, but yes they did happen!
12:56, Sharon almost single handedly won the HOH with Josh. She knew those quotes forwards and backwards at a time when none of the rest of them were even playing the game.
I hope Sheila sends Matty and James (early/late) a big fat birthday present. I would love to see the look on James' face when NN walks through the sequester house door.
LOL, Sandiekay. I checked Jokers first thing when I got on the computer, with ONE EYE CLOSED. :) It will be interesting to see what the boys do. Its up to Adam and Ryan at this point.
OMG--just had a chance to check in since last night. Adam won POV!!! Bye-bye Nat. Can you imagine--the 1st deal she made in HOH(with James) sent Matt packing and now with Sheila it may send her packing!! LOL
sydney--I LOVED your WWJD story. It is definitely something to think about.
meb--I like the spoiler alert. You are right that sometimes we just want to say something about another show.
I also have so much on the DVR I don't know when I'll catch up--reality shows and General Hospital!
Laurie--Horton hears a chant--LOL Did you see the movie? It is very cute, I think my grandkids liked it as much as I did.
There is going to be lots of action in the sequester house and we won't see any of it!! Hopefully, they are all still standing by the finale.
The boys are really in control of the game right now. Do they vote together and evict someone or split their vote and let Sheila decide?
Shoo Gnat, don't bother me,
Shoo Gnat, don't bother me,
Shoo Gnat, don't bother me,
Cuz I don't want your company!!
(sung to the tune of Shoo Fly)
Oh come on who are they all kidding, Ryan, Sheila, and Adam, all realize, the only person any of them have a chance at winning against is Natalie, Sharon would also win against any of those 3. Once hype settles down, Ryan and Adam are going to backstab Shelia.
I know Natalie is using the term meanly and that is what upsets Sharon, but I listened in on a conversation that included Natalie and Sharon a few weeks ago. It was the week when Josh and she were both nominated. Sharon said she would listen in on James and Josh and report back to Nat's group while pretending to still be with James. Isn't that the definition of a mole? Sharon made it clear in her goodbye message to Josh that she is still on his team.
If I had been Natalie I would have been very concerned that Sharon was the one rooting N on to drop and let Sheila have it in HOH. It was important to Sharon for Nat to drop, but N missed that huge clue completely.
Is there any way they can evict sooner than next Wednesday. I mean, they have talked it to death as it is and Veto ceremony hasn't even happened, then they will continue the talk until Finally it Happens five days from now.
The funniest thing I have heard in the last two days in the house is one particularly loud snore from one of the guys.
To Anon soo sorry, but we talk about what we talk about and you have been the first one to gripe.
Also being a anon and maybe new to the group here, I doubt we will change for one anon. Gee whiz
Many times I check in before watching a show (taped) and it does not spoil it for me.
Signed ANON
Typing Spoiler Alerts would cause extra typing and if they are reading here they are seeing many future spoilers for BB before the show airs. I think someone is pulling the wool over our eyes with that one.
I can see Jackie having to do that in her TV Squad article, but for us, I say NAY!
Nana, yes I did see the Horton movie with a 9 year-old and we both loved it. I love your Shoo Gnat song, too.
Monty, I checked here first thing this morning... before e-mail and before my forum. That is serious addiction for a show I profess not to care about, isn't it? I just really wanted to be sure Gnat didn't win last night!
Is it Ryan who is snoring so loud? He should get checked out for apnea. He's pretty young and that can lead to lots of other problems. I know, I have it and have a hate/love affair with my C-Pap. It does make a huge difference to have one and actually sleep at night.
Heat wave in SoCal, so expect to see lots of lying around in the sun over the weekend!
I was at youtube just now and saw BB 9 Do the Shebot It is a Sheila funtage.
shoo gnat dont bother me....shoo gnat dont bother me...oh Nana & Laurie I am humming away at this!
I do hope she goes...what a nasty sequester it will be!
Laurie, I have a friend who has sleep apnea, and yes its a serious thing. I agree that Ryan probably has it. Ryan sounds horrible sometimes on the feeds. He breathes so hard you hear it through his mic.
I check jokers for the POV because you have that quick look at the pics and that's always fun, well not always fun, but it's an instant rush to see what you want in the the picture you want, or not see what you want in the picture you do not want.
Okay, I'm not making any sense here so I'll just say once again. YAY ADAM!
Now get that Nasty Natalie out of there! :)
WHOOHOO! Adam won POV! Who would have guessed? Now I'm all excited to find out who is Adam's replacement. Gnat has got to be working Sheila big time. I'm sure Gnat's working everyone double time with her double talk.
Just curious about your opinion, whose responsibility is it to make the decision as to Adam's replacement nom? I always thought it was the current HOH and not anyone else's. But, this season it seems that whoever is HOH gets manipulated by their so called allies.
Are the hamsters starting to focus on who they could win against? Do they see Gnat as a strong player or as someone that nobody likes?
I hope this doesn't mean Sharon is going home and Gnat is saved. I'm getting a headache. OWWWWW
"What would Jesus do?
Well for starters, he wouldn't be on Big Brother!"
That was a clever post. Is Gnat praying?
I like your idea of one vote for each nom and then Sheila breaking the tie. Does Sheila have the smarts and fortitude to do it? I also totally agree with what you said about giving Christians a bad name. It's too bad Gnat has to use her faith in such a narcissistic twisted way.
Loved the poster's "Operation Swat Gnat" phrase. I think I feel a grahic coming on. :D
Well, I was going to mention Idol but afraid I might get swatted. At this point it's too bad anybody is eliminated. They're all very talented. We all have our favorites probably according to what genre of music we like the best. I'd love to know what age and demographics vote the most.
So, how is everyone today? It's HOT here at 84. Do my summer shorts and capris still fit? LOL
Stay cool!
Anon 3:40 --
Over the last few weeks we've begun to comment here on who the players should be thinking of being with in the f2 to WIN against. But I have not heard any talk about things like that in the house.
Granted I don't have the feeds... and I asked this a few days back but don't think anyone responded. Maybe Jackie (or Sue or Gayle who I think have the feeds) can tell me if that's so.
On Survivor, you hear a few players talk about it early, and it's integral to the players thoughts and many conversations as they are at least to the final 6.
Both shows pare down to 2 (or 3 last year) and the jury of their former castmates, and all the events that happened between then, votes on who gets the prize. Yet it seems not to be on even the back burner for these folks.
Maybe James spoke of it... but who of the ppl who are left are actually strategizing about who they want to win against in the F2... and letting that guide their actions now? Anyone?
Monty 2:08 -- Nice!
Anon11:34-No offense, really, maybe this is not the blog you care to come to if you do not care to read any spoilers.
Jackie's blog covers many shows and gets us caught up on some of the shows we might otherwise miss ourselves.
If you do not wish to remain anon, you may click on the circle that reads: Name/URL and it will prompt you to be able to leave your name with your comments.
Hope this helps.
I just watched a youtube clip of Adam and Ryan post-POV, and Adam was pissed at someone, seemed like it was Sheila. But, they did seem to acknowledge that Gnat would be going. But I'm not exactly sure of what is really going to happen.
I'm certain that Sheila wants Gnat out, so if there's a tie, no doubt Gnat leaves.
But... what I haven't heard, is Gnat pointing out to Adam that he should not use POV because only she and Ryan are voting, and of course they'll vote out Sharon. It should really raise a red flag for Gnat that Adam plans to use the POV. Both Adam and Ryan keep insisting to her that they will be voting Sharon out, but again, if that's truly the plan, then it makes no difference if Adam stays on the block, since both Gnat and Ryan would (supposedly) vote out Sharon.
Know what I mean? Has anyone seen Gnat confront Ryan or Adam about this?
As for F2, it's a huge risk to keep Gnat because, for one, there's no guarantee that she'd keep "you" (whoever that is - Adam or Ryan or Sheila) - and there's little doubt that she's the most competitive player left. Also, it's happened plenty of times where a very disliked person has won in the end, contrary to what all the jurors were saying all along, because they were a strong competitor and that was acknowledged. So, while most in sequester truly hate Gnat, they might find that they give it to her anyway because she really did play well and won lots of competetions. It's not a given that taking her to F2 is a good idea.
I just really hope they all stick with Operation Swat Gnat!
Regarding spoilers for other shows: ok ok ok, I get it, it's ok, it wasn't a HUGE deal, and I truly was not trying to get flames going, really. It's just that I'm on the west coast, and I don't always get to watch Survivor the minute it airs, and I really don't want to read the spoilers for that show (AI I don't mind so much). And yes, I am new here, just found this place within the past week or so (and really like it!)
I'm "formerly anon" how's that?
I just listened to Sheila and Sharon talk in the back yard. All normal anit-Nat stuff. Sharon plays a good game when she is quite, but her mouth gets her in trouble. IMO. Sharon said to Sheila that one reason she hates Nat is that Nat said to her that she (Nat) will win the game. Sheila was shocked. No, she didn't say that. : )ing at Sheila's shock. But then Sharon went on to enumerate the reason that couldn't happen. It is because Sharon has all the jury house votes and the people Nat sent there will vote for Sharon, not Nat. See..I'm thinking that wasn't too smart a move to point out to Sheila so early in the week. Sharon was basically saying Nat thinks she will win and I think I will win.
The boys are playing chess and Ryan just said 'it is so f*ing funny. It is on TV. what a con." and then goes into his Sheila impression of "I'm good'.
So what does that mean? They are conning Nat or they are conning Sheila? I must stop watching !!!
Formerly Anon said: Regarding spoilers for other shows: ok ok ok, I get it, it's ok, it wasn't a HUGE deal, and I truly was not trying to get flames going, really.
Your response is a great example of why Jackie's is the place to hang out and discuss. Every body had a say and, as far as I can tell, we are all still smiling. : )
I don't watch Idol, but I watched Carrie Underwood grow up, long before she was on TV.
Sue, you're right, this is a great place to hang out (just please don't anybody tell me Ozzy is voted out, because I'll cry!)
OK, regarding Adam and Ryan: I too am confused about which of the "girls" they are conning, Sheila or Gnat. They've been kowtowing to Gnat all along, so it's taking a bit of faith to believe they'll turn on her now, but if they're smart (big IF) they will do it now, the last chance.
Are you watching live feeds or youtubes snippets?
Either way this goes, it will be monumental: if they vote out Gnat, well, just anticipating the show where we get to see her enter sequester house is worth it; if they *don't* vote out Gnat, we'd be witnessing the WORST stupidity in BB history (and there's lots of competition there) and get to laugh at their sorry selves when she turns on them. Win-win for us, I'd say!
I have some comments BUT I just know as soon as I post them Jackie's will have a new post up!! So I'll be back in about 30 mins.
While it's true in seasons past that sometimes the most hated hamster ends up winning,you have to remember who we are dealing with this time. This group has no game play for the most part and as many are saying,don't seem to look very far ahead,if at all. And I don't think,on a bet,Chelsia,Josh or James would EVER vote for Gnat to win. They are not mature enough to look at it as gameplay,they just hate her for all the nasty things she's done and they won't get beyond that. Even Sheila,at her age,is now playing for revenge because of things Gnat said or did in the recent past.So,I don't think we should look for cool headed,well thought out voting for the finale.I give Sharon and Adam the most consideration of,maybe,thinking with a cool,objective head.
And when I had posted this AM about 8,A & R were already in the kitchen kidding Gnat about going to see Matty. She was squealing and sayin...don't say that....and they kept repeating it over and over. Then Adam got called to DR and R went up to HOH and told S/S that she(G) thinks she's going up,but not going home. "Let her think that,keep letting her think that" said Sheila and R said "OK".
But we all know,it's a long way till Wednesday.
I just watched some youtubers that seem to have been fairly recent, within the past hour, and Gnat is sulking alone in the back yard while the rest are ranting in the kitchen about how two-faced Gnat has been, detailing all her double lies etc.
Whew! It was very cathartic to finally see them do it!
Adam said something like he can't WAIT to call her out whe she goes up on the block!
If they're acting, then ok, then they are good actors.
Sheila is the only one that I'm certain is not acting, lol, and she's the actress in the gang!
Sharon, Your 9:32 am post was exactly right. As a Christian myself, I get very frustrated when people say that they are a Christian but their actions contradict it. Although Ryan and Adam are definitely no angels, Gnat is the one that is totally a sinner.
I hope that Sheila, Adam and Ryan go after Gnat and evict her from the house.
OK, regarding Adam and Ryan: I too am confused about which of the "girls" they are conning, Sheila or Gnat.
Ryan and Adam's facial expression leads me to believe it's Sheila, basically Sheila has unknowingly provided them various reason's why they should keep Natalie, as opposed to evicting her.
Sheila's continuous rambling could eventually backfire, Sheila's constant reminder to Ryan regarding his injury could very well suggest, she wants Ryan and Adam in final three, simply because Sheila believes, she'll win against either of those two men, plus the fact she backdoored Natalie thus gaining James, Josh, Chelsea's vote.
If Gnat get's booted this week, it's won't be Sheila who gets the credit, it will be Adam and Ryan. There are, as Sheila said, "slim pickens" and basically no option but to put Gnat up, so she won't get points for doing that.
But Ryan and Adam, who will have to actually vote to evict her, now *that* will score them points.
I get the feeling that Ryan and Adam are being honest when talking to Sheila (for now anyway).
Welcome formerly Anon!!!!
Thank you Sydney! :D
Love your reply "formerly anon".
We do all try to get along and welcome you to our group.
Some have the feeds, some read the live text at jokersupdates, most check out youtube and last but not least, we all congregate back here and share what we have found out and to see what Jackie has scoped out.
I had the feeds last year, but the hamsters this year were/are not my cup of tea, that feeling may change now most of the exhibitionists are gone.
Again welcome FA!
Good evening friends! It's 85 here at 5:30 p.m. What was I saying yesterday about it not being that hot here? LOL
Welcome FA, I'm a West Coaster, too. Do you have the link to the site for the East Coast live feeds? If you want to watch the shows before they air here on the West Coast here it is:
BTW, I just found out that the site moved to this new addy above. If you'd rather wait until the shows air PST then better not check it out.
I'm not sure who said it first but when I read "Swat the Gnat" I had an iresistable urge to make a graphic. :D Hey, I can blame it on you and sound like a BB9 HOH. ;)
Oh PLEASE don't let the hamsters flip flop and vote Sharon out! I never believe what I see or hear with this group until I see it.
Going to see if Jackie's TS update is ready.
Whoops -- "irresistible". I know you all are forgiving of spelling and typos but I cringe when I see it. Must be my parochial schooling. ;)
I don't really have a good feeling about this next eviction. I truly hope I'm wrong but.....
Ryan and Adam have stuck by Gnat with a vengeance, The one time Adam bucked against Nat's wishes, he cried and deeply regretted it. I just don't think they have it in them to go against her. I think their plan might be to go to the final three together. Get Sharon out, then Sheila.
In the f3, isn't there a final comp where one is eliminated and then the jury votes between the other two? They may have decided long ago to go that way. The three of them do the comp and they all have pretty much the same chance to go to f2.
As some have said, Ryan or Adam would probably have a good chance up against Gnat in the f2. Not only Josh, Chelsia, James and Sharon wouldn't vote for Gnat to win, but if (or when)Sheila goes out, she will not likely forget all of Gnat's lies to her. I doubt Gnat would have her vote. Having others do all her dirty work for her didn't fool any of the HGs. I'm pretty sure Matt will be her sole vote. He wants his perks!
If Adam ends up in f2, I'd think he would get the votes over Ryan or Gnat.
I DO hope I'm wrong, but I believe Sheila is taking an enormous risk counting on Ryan or Adam to vote the way she needs them to. R & A definitely do not want Sharon in f3with them, and that single mom thing might have them worried about Sheila. I just have a feeling.
I'd love for Gnat to have to face the outside world with the fact that SHEILA is the one whose HOH reign got her out of there. Especially since her remark to Sheila. "of all people"....But if she eludes eviction, the only "next best thing" left would be to see her lose the vote. I don't want her to win 2nd place, either, though, So I hope Sheila's plan works.
Joyn there are 3 final comps: all 3 do the 1st one, 2nd comp 2nd and 3rd place, while winner sits out. Final one is winner of 1st and 2nd comp. Remember Nick and ED in the 3rd comp. Then Nick was gone because ED kept Danielle. SO it is really a comp for who decides who goes of the F3.
Thanks, Delee. The old brain cells ain't what they used to be.
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