Monday, June 09, 2008

The Bachelorette Meet Up

On the Bachelorette website on there is a little screen and under it you can click on shorts to view. There is one called Diary of the Departed and is of some interest. It's the last words of the guys who leave each week. This week you can get one last glimpse of the Bitter Barber and Paul, the sweet, pillow lipped guy she let go last Monday night. I know, you can probably live without ever seeing the barber again, but you will chuckle to hear him still harping on Jeremy (Methinks he has a man crush and it's man-ifester-ing this way).

Tonight the boys get to race fast cars, wearing one piece jumpsuits. I think we liked the Ellen boxers better. And it looks like we may finally get to see the overplayed scene where she bawls out the guys while crying about how serious she is.

She rejects the kiss of one guy --ouch --and she goes on a solo date with Jesse, the long haired snowboard guy, so we can finally get more than a glimpse of what his appeal may be. It says a date may end with the most shocking outcome yet! Doesn't that make you want to tune in to see?

UPDATE - Image added, category label added, and I'll be linking this post to the sidebar momentarily! (Jackie)


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joy n said...

Jason offers security. The family seems to prefer Jason. I think it's going to be Jason.

But I don't think Jason will put up with her demand to be always numero uno in his life. She wants to keep her house to be near her family. She never talks about his family. Sorry, but I just don't see it lasting once he sees the "everyday" DeAnna in action.

Zoetawny said...

Sydney said...

Now I can see having two or three husbands, especially if it's all about me, can't you girls???

7/07/2008 9:24 PM

LMAO! D isn't the most giving person I've known. She must have been sooooooooooo angry when Brad rejected her.

Sydney said...

OMG the limo. WHO IS IT?

Sydney said...

I knew it!!!!

Zoetawny said...

joy n said...
Jason offers security. The family seems to prefer Jason. I think it's going to be Jason.

But I don't think Jason will put up with her demand to be always numero uno in his life. She wants to keep her house to be near her family. She never talks about his family. Sorry, but I just don't see it lasting once he sees the "everyday" DeAnna in action.

7/07/2008 9:38 PM

Maybe that's why they broke up...if the rumors are true.

joy n said...

OMG! She's dumping Jason!

Zoetawny said...


Sydney said...

I can't hear a word he's saying

Sydney said...

He doesn't look that crushed, just shocked.

joy n said...

Jeremy and now Jason! I wonder if she secretly is seeking avengement for Brad.

Sydney said...

I take that back. a little. He says he was so ready to be in love again, but was it about Deanna?

joy n said...

Thank God Ty is too young to understand what his father is going to be going through.

Sydney said...

From what he is saying he wants to fall in love, but it was not about Deanna in particular. He will find someone easily and fall again easily. I am not worried about him.

joy n said...

Poor Jason! Women will be coming out of the woodwork trying to tie this one down.

Zoetawny said...

Jason is handling it with class.

Now I tend to believe the rumors that D and Jesse have already broken up.

Sydney said...

Did anyone hear what he said to her when she said it's not you? The first three things he said were garbled or messed up by the waves in the back ground.

monty924 said...

Sigh!!! Another one of my favorites doesn't get chosen. Now I know why I stopped watching the Bach series. Oh well! :(

Sydney said...

Zoe, if they have already broken up, how can she be engaged and announcing that on MTA? And if it's not one of these bachelors, ABC would not be having a show about it next week.

joy n said...

I guess even D's family doesn't have enough pull to get her to choose whom they seemed to want.

This woman does what she wants. Hope Jessie can handle that.

Sydney said...

Monty! :-(

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe she kept jason away from his son only to send him packing. I am really disappointed in her. I think that shows her true colors and how selfish and self centered she is.

Zoetawny said...

joy n said...
Thank God Ty is too young to understand what his father is going to be going through.

7/07/2008 9:46 PM

ITA! Better now than after Ty gets attached to D being in his life.

I just can't believe D will stay with Jesse, especially since her father and family didn't pick him over Jesse.


Since you're the best researcher, keep us posted if you find out that Jesse and D are no longer engaged.

Guess my "all about me" is over now and I have to put dinner on the table. ;)

Loved sharing the finale with you all.


Sydney said...

Oh hush up with your it breaks my heart speech again.

joy n said...

It's "breaking HER heart" again. Oy Vey!

Sydney said...

Zoe-- you're not going to watch Jesse propose????

ANd next week is the "engagement" show special and if so, we'll all be back here I assume????

Sydney said...

Jesse looks rather Sean Penn-ish

Sydney said...

What is so great about this gril? What Am I missing. Hearing Jesse say what he's saying to her is making me ask this.

WOah, she accepted!

Zoetawny said...

One more note before I sign off...


Is the MTV show taped? Maybe the break-up is after the show. It was just a rumor so it is possible that it wasn't true. I hope Jesse is her true soulmate.


Sydney said...

Jesse looks pretty great in a suit I must say.

Anonymous said...

Deanna just made that WORST mistake of her life!!!. I had to turn the show off because I could not stand to see her with Jesse. Although I suspected that she might choose him before the show started tonight, after seeing the men with her family and on the private dates, I did not see how she could choose Jesse.
I really don't see Jesse lasting, he seems more in love with the idea of love rather than in love with Deanna. If they actually make it down the aisle, I don't think that the marriage will last.
But maybe in the long run she has done Jason a favor as he is way too good for her. And I would hate to see Ty hurt. It is obvious that she did exactly what Brad did to her and lead Jason and Jeremy on. It is obvious in what the two men said to her tonight. Well Deanna will more than likely reap what she sowed....heartache.

joy n said...

Whoever woulda thunk at the beginning of this season that she would end up with Jessie?

And there you go. He proposed. She accepted.

She said, "I love you. I've waited a long time to say that. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Is it just me or did those words sound hollow when she said them. Almost rehearsed?

joy n said...

Count your blessings, Jason! You escaped!

Sydney said...

I totally agree Joy.

joy n said...

She let him get all the way down on his knee because it probably made her feel good. She waited until he was "down" before she stopped him.

Sydney said...

Joy, if you are still there, why am I getting a little bit of the feeling that he is making a little more of this that he really feels? I know he wanted to be in love again, but I didn't get the feeling it was all about Deanna. His limo ride interview was about his sad story not about losing her her her. I have a feeling he is better than he's letting on, but of course, you have to string it out for the contract with these follow up shows....? I am not really explaining myself right, but I am not getting a true heartbreak feeling from him at all, though I did with Jeremy.

Sydney said...

now Deanna is out maybe this part will sound more sincere on his part. Let's hope she comes off nicer now.

joy n said...

I wonder if this woman is so "damaged" by love that she is really incapable of loving anyone? Not just Brad, but others in her past.

joy n said...

I just don't believe her tears anymore.

Sydney said...

She's describing how she fell for Jesse and it actually was the best answer I've heard her give in this whole season. She had her whole life planned out and an idea of all the things she wanted in a man. But something about Jesse brought a change in her, and she learned new things about herself.

Sydney said...

She's describing how she fell for Jesse and it actually was the best answer I've heard her give in this whole season. She had her whole life planned out and an idea of all the things she wanted in a man. But something about Jesse brought a change in her, and she learned new things about herself.

Anonymous said...

So Deanna is going to work 9 months of the year to support Jesse so that he can snowboard 3 months of the year? What do you want to bet that he doesn't give the snowboarding up at all? I think that she is in for a rude awakening if she thinks that Jesse is even close to settling down.
Well I think that she will get what she deserves when it comes to having a life with Jesse. It almost seems to me that she chose Jesse to spite her family.
Well I certainly hope that Jason meets a fabulous woman who loves him with all of her heart and falls in love with Ty.
I feel mean spirited, but I hope that the rumors are true.
And I do not believe for one minute that Deanna is actually in love with Jesse.

Sydney said...

Oh woah -- THERE are the words "I had more compassion for Brad Womack than I've ever had in my entire life."

Jason says I wish you'd have looked at me like you did with Jesse and to tell the truth Graham. Then she shoots Graham down and says that Jason is a far better man than Graham.

joy n said...

You're right, Sydney, I'm surprised that Jason isn't taking this harder. I'm wondering if he would have opted for a long engagement, wanting to be more sure. She seems to be the one rushing things along.

Now she says she wasn't really ever in love with Jason. That's totally different from what she's been telling us for weeks.

"I'm in love with both of them." Heard that many times.

Sydney said...

Lots of support from the girls in the audience when Jason, handling it all with class, says I am happy for Deanna, and I learned that I can fall in love again. He's going to be OK, and they are hugging it out.

He keeps saying that he proposed -- he DIDN"t propose to DeAnna... he just barely got down on his knee when she said no, stop. He was gripping the ring box, but he didn't say will you marry me before she told him to stop.

Sydney said...

I adore Jason but I think he too was just really WANTING to be in love again, and Deanna happened to be there. I think he is fine not being with Deanna, from that moment, as well as now. He was shocked that day at the rose ceremony, but not heartbroken. I think he knows how to make it work with someone, and knows that there are several someone's that you might be able to make a life with in this world.

ooh, Matt and Shayne

Sydney said...

Lets see if she talks over him all the time like she did on Ellen.

joy n said...

I think Jason means that she should have stopped him before he got on his knee to propose. It would have been more dignifying for him.

Sydney said...

Hmmm, Shayne looks rather sad watching his proposal.

joy n said...

I know I can be such a killjoy, but, I still don't see long-term with Matt and Shayne.

Anonymous said...

Jason probably feels like he proposed since he left no doubt with her the previous day that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.
I guess that I give her a little credit for not letting him actually go through with the proposal.
I just feel like she is far too selfish to share a life with anyone, she wants to be the one and only...and in charge. I really hope that she does not have children since I think that their needs would take a backseat to her own.

Sydney said...

She looks awfully uncomfortable. Looks like she put her lashes on herself.

joy n said...

He seems to be of that proper English genre. I'm sorry, but she just seems trashy to me.

Sydney said...

I like Matt - they are a funny together.

joy n said...

Do they even communicate with each other?

Sydney said...

Well, based on the preview clips of Jesse coming out to see Deanna, he jumps over the couch and says I love you quite emphatically and believably. When you think back on how it was with so many previous ones... some profesed their love only to have been broken up by the Today show the following day. Some were already broken up (like the Jen Scheff), one or two were still truly together (mary and Byron, Trista and Ryan). You never know what you're going to get.

joy n said...

Big announcement! Would that be the engagement show they've been shoving down our throats all week?

Sydney said...

Lol Joy -- they do seem to talk separately rather than to each other or as a duo but they are funny together, like Lucy and Desi or soemthing.

Sydney said...

oy, my typos! Sorry!

Sydney said...

I just read your next comment Joy and have to laugh again. :-D

Sydney said...

Let's hope that Jesse actually is going to smooth down some of D's rough edges. I think he can do it.

Sydney said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
joy n said...

Well, DeAnna should be getting the free lavish wedding that she wants and neither she nor Jessie will have to pay for it. Ain't life grand?

Sydney said...

geeze, I see Jesse's parents sitting there... I wonder how it was for them to watch their future daughter in law. She seems all happy, girly and giddy now, and I know the rules force you to keep your full feelings under wraps, but it's just hard to give her credit now and be happy for her after all this.

joy n said...

I guess I've just lost faith in DeAnna'a realness at this point.

Sydney said...

I just would not say I am going to be married to him for the rest of my life. I know how she feels right now, but it will just be so emberassing if they are divorced in a few years. THey DO look in love.

joy n said...

I guess I've just lost faith in DeAnna'a realness at this point.

Sydney said...

Hey I'd like nothing more than to see this show turn out another REAL, happy couple.

joy n said...

oops, somehow repeated there.

joy n said...

More for Jessie's sake than D's, I hope you're right, Sydney. They can always prove me wrong.

joy n said...

Her "I love you's" still don't ring true to me, though.

joy n said...

Whoa! I just realized. Over 470 comments here. WOW!

Sydney said...

I believe they are in the glow of love, but I just don't like how she words things.... just sounds like well constructed sound bytes.

Sydney said...

Chris says we can't wait for your wedding (and in my mind I added..on ABC)

joy n said...

May 9, 2009 is the wedding date they've set. In the Bahamas. The show will send her to Greece for her honeymoon.

She says she'd marry him tomorrow. ABC must need time to plan, though.

And she says she thanks Brad every day. How sweet!

joy n said...

Well, another season gone! I'll be back tomorrow to see the later time zone fans comments. G'nite, all!

Anonymous said...

Yes Yes Yes...I liked Jesse from the start. AND to set a wedding date already! Hope it is like Trista and Ryan's and on TV.

Anyone else note that Matt and Shayne never looked at each other, at least not into each other's eyes?

Terry is a Texan! said...

Well I for one am thanking you all for the link so I could watch it early and now I dont have to stay up!
I think they both seem incredibly happy...I think maybe they are a good balance for each other, and the parents seem to think so too.
I thought Shayne looked sad cause she was sentimental about the proposal and wishing she could relive it over and over....I thought they both seemed happy. And remember she is an actress, maybe full front facial is her best?
Well are we gonna nominate Jason for the Bachelor or what?
Im gonna miss you guys until Big Brother!!!!
Happy Birthday today for my dog Cruiser who is 5.....

meb said...

I guess I really am getting old, cause I just don't like anything about Jesse. I did have a concern that she was going to hurt him, keeping him around all this time cause I knew she would never CHOOSE him.

I have to admit, I didn't even watch it. I was afraid Jeremy was going to grovel and Jason was going to really get hurt if she didn't choose him.

From what I've read, maybe Jason was prepared. At any rate, I have no desire to see Deanna again in any circumstances... engagement party or wedding (well I make take a peak at her dress).

Thanks for all the comments. I feel like I saw it already.

On to BB... no more Bachlorette!

Anonymous said...

Well,I might as well add comment #478 and get my two cents in. I think that Jason is one lucky fella and that Jesse just fit into her plan to show Brad and the whole world that she could snag a guy. She has an agenda and Jesse fit it better than Jason. I thought the display on the couch before all of America was a bit much,and at times,a little "put on". I don't think that Jesse is totally ready to settle down or he wouldn't have nearly puked outside the ring store or got weak in the knees when he got out of the limo.And I beg to differ with D,he did NOT run past Chris to get to her! I think she wants what Trista had,the whole nine yards and she wants Brad to see her do it in front of millions.

I couldn't believe(but was so glad) that she went against almost everybody in her family and picked Jesse. I agree with those that think Ty would have been too much competition for her to handle. She's better sell a lot of houses so Jesse can snowboard the rest of his life! I never heard him discuss what he might do with his life if not snowboard,did anyone?

I don't think Jason needs to be the next Bachelor,he'll find somebody when the time is right,he is a catch. Now Jeremy,I'd like to see him find a great girl. I could not believe he came back and let her kick him once again. I was shocked she actually cried and let her nose get red and seemed to not care how she looked,not like all the other times she cried her "careful" tears,so as not to mess her makeup.

Good Luck,Jesse....see you at the altar May 9th,if she has to hogtie and drag you,gosh darn it!

Anonymous said...

Did anybody else hate Matt's "Beckham" look,what with that buzzed head and the scruff? He is not Beckham by any stretch and I am betting that Shayne and he never get down the aisle. They acted strange with each other. Another one that made you go....hmmmmmm.Like D and Jesse.

Sydney said...

SO right on about the careful tears Sharon!

dla said...

Well, I am traveling, and trying to get caught up on all the comments, but I can only say...


Are you kidding me??

I nearly threw up with all the "Oh, honey!!!" and lovey dovey stuff on the couch.

Thank heaven that Jason, Jeremy, and Graham got away... They didn't need her agenda.

Can you even IMAGINE sitting and talking about some guy that you PERCEIVED screwed you over year ago while you are announcing your engagement? Move on, girlfriend.

I did laugh out loud when she said she had "empathy" for Brad... What did she think was going on throughout the season?

Never cared for her her during The Bachelor, tried really hard to care for her during The Bachelorette, but still do not care for her.

Next up, BIG BROTHER!! :)

I will check back in tomorrow when I am home.

Anonymous said...

When Jason asked Deanna's father for his permission to propose to her it really impressed her dad. He mentioned that to Deanna and she immediately asked him if Jesse had done the same. He hadn't. What do you want to bet she then told Jesse to do the same thing the next day (which he did)? This tells me she had already made up her mind at this point to pick Jesse.

joy n said...

Dia, I couldn't have said it better!

Sydney said...

Anon 1;41, I was thinking the exact same thing somewhere in the middle of the night last night about her arranging for Jesse to ask her dad, or clueing him in. I think you're right on that.

Hi dla!!!

Sydney said...

Are we all watching the engagement show next week and commenting here?

Anonymous said...

I do not intend to watch the engagement show or the wedding (should it occur and/or be on TV). I am totally tired of hearing the hypocricy that Deanna constantly sprews. IMHO, she is worse than Brad...she cried and complained for a year about the way that Brad led her on and then she went on to do the exact same thing to Jeremy and Jason.
In the long run, Jason and Jeremy are both better off and I sincerely hope that they will not let this experience stop them from seeking love with women who are truly deserving of them.
I do not believe for one minute that Deanna and Jesse will have a lasting relationship....but at this point I really don't care what happens to them.

Zoetawny said...

Sorry, I had to leave last night but I did see the proposal before I signed off. I watched the last hour on my PDT time. Just had to come back to read the latest comments.

Well, I certainly was wrong about my choice. ;) Even though D's family were leaning towards Jason she chose Jesse.

Who's to say why we fall in love with one particular person even if that person may not be viewed as the "right one" by others.

D certainly did seem happy with Jesse. Maybe she thought she should choose a type that she never would have even chosen to date before. I do think her rejection by "Brad's type" could have been the motivation. She was also upset that she didn't get the adulation she thought she deserved from Graham.

I don't know, I think D wanted the proposal and engagement on national TV more than she wanted Jesse. Although she did keep saying she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Jesse.

What did you think of Jesse pulling a "Tom Cruise" jumping over the couch? LOL

It's so easy to get caught up in the fantasy of the show. Jesse seems the type to be in love with love. D is loving all the undivided attention from Jesse. How will D and Jesse feel when they have to deal with everyday issues in the real world?

I didn't see D in the Bachelor (Brad season) but I don't like her much now that I've seen her in the Bachelorette.


ITA! Jesse worshiping D and putting her on a pedestal fit her agenda better than Jason would have. Maybe Jason was the lucky one here.

Oh oh, my Windows Updates are installing as I type so I'll have to restart my pc very soon. I just noticed it in my bottom tool bar.

I enjoyed sharing the show with all of you.


joy n said...

Sydney, there may have been a change in plans for next week. I just read the cable guide for next Monday's show at 8pm. It says nothing about the engagement.

It reads this exactly:

WHERE ARE THEY NOW? Catching up with former contestants Andrew Firestone and Aaron Buerge; a visit with "Bachelor" couple Trista and Ryan Sutter; happenings in the lives of some of the most popular bachelorettes.

I suppose DeAnna and Jessie could be in there somewhere but it's surprising that it isn't mentioned.

Maybe those break-up rumors are true, after all? Nothing would shock me about D. at this point.

joy n said...

No matter what, I'll be back to comment then.

joy n said...

Reality TV World has an interview with DeAnna and Jessie. Still together. Maybe they will make it. Pretty good interview. Hope it turns out well for Jessie's sake but I'm still not positive that D is "real".

Unknown said...

How come no comments about the finale? Am I posting in the wrong place?

Anyway, I just have to say:

JESSE???!!! Really???

I just don't see it.

The "nugs" thing was really annoying.

And I think the producers made him ask her Dad for permission during the second visit. Cause they knew which way the wind was blowing, and her Dad made a point of saying it was important.

I read an article where Jason said he was down on his knee way longer than they showed. Which makes it harder to believe Deanna was taken by surprise, as she said.

All that being said, I wish them well :)

Oh, and one more thing: I loved it when Jason called Deanna out about how she looked at Jesse... and Graham!! LOL! Her face was priceless :)

Unknown said...

Oh, how strange, the last comment on the other screen was 6/30/08, but now I can see the others! Sorry 'bout that!

meb said...

Clementine.. I did the same thing on another post... you have to click on the link "Newest" at the top of the comments after you click on Post a Comment... I think each "page" only holds about 200 comments.

joy n said...

Well, now I've heard everything. I just read on either E!online or ETonline that DeAnna and Jessie have set up their own website. (Why do I think this is D's doing?) It's

The announcement reads thus;

Underneath a goofy photo, the couple writes, "We created this special place on the Web to share our lives with you. We hope this site will enable family and friends, near and far, to stay connected. We look forward to sharing our family news and precious memories with you for years to come.

Thursday, they'll be throwing out and catching the first pitch at the Dodger's game in L.A. They're also appearing on MTV's hit dance show America's Best Dance Crew.

Here we go! D stretching her 15 minutes on and on and on and on. And she wants all of us to keep in touch.

The comments under the storyline say that people are having a hard time getting thru to the site. It says to be patient. DeAnna says they're working on improving it. So thoughtful!

Thought someone out there might be interested.

Sydney said...

It would be nice if the bottom of the first page says something about new and newest or old and older or SOMETHING to give us a clue once the page is full and switches to the next. Seems odd doesn't it. But probably very few bloggers get 200+ comments, not to mention 500 like Jackie's Bachelorette site has.

Joy, I am loving all the stuff you manage to find. I can't believe the website.. I mean I can believe the couple setting it up for their families, but not for the public. Then again, Eric and Jessica from BB wanted us to vote them in for TAR as a team , but it was promoted on each of their solo websites...

I'm rambling. Dla, Tami and Celmentine, good to read your post-show comments. I am dragging a bit on getting into Jackie's new BB info as I know my life is going to get sucked into the void again once it's on. And I was so enjoying READING at night... THis was just once nice show a week to indulge in with all of you....

dla said...

Hi everyone!

Great to finally backtrack and read everyone's thoughts on this debacle. :)

I will be "here" if they have an engagement show next week, or anything remotely similar. I will not, however, participate in any televised wedding, if it comes to that. I had to draw the line for Trista and Ryan's wedding, and boycotted that, as well. Some things just should not be televised for the world to see. IMHO.

I have not yet checked out any of the great websites mentioned, and I am not sure that I will. I think I am done with this crew. lol

Sydney, I am with you as I have not yet become sucked into the cast for BB. Will catch up on that on Sunday when I get ready for the games to begin!

I sure hope there are several HG's to get behind this season...

joy n said...

Guess DeAnna and Jessie will be on the show to get some advice from Trista and Ryan.

joy n said...

So far, recap, recap, recap. Boring!

joy n said...

I read somewhere recently that Trista and Ryan live about 3 miles away from Jessie in Colorado.

joy n said...

Sorry, DeAnna, still not buying it. Two weeks before you accepted Jessie's proposal, you were in love with Graham. One week before, you were "in love" with Jason and Jessie. One minute, you knew you were in love with Jessie on your date with his family. The next, you knew when you were on the overnight date with him. On the show, you said you didn't know until the morning of the proposal. Make up your mind, girl!

I'll be glad when D's 15 minutes are used up.

The ending was absolutely the best part. Brad eating a big sandwich in front of his TV, watching Jessie propose to DeAnna, then turning the channel to a ballgame.


Sydney said...

well, I checked on Jessie and Deanna's website. I like him, I just don't like her so much. Did you ever notice that Jessica Simpson can't talk without wagging her neck and jaw from left to right. I wish you could see me so I could demonstrate, lol. It's hard to describe in words... well anyway, Deanna does that too. He answers seem so canned...she's a perfect sound byte girl. I just hope she gets real with Jesse, as he seems pretty real (and pretty young too). In those pix, Jesse has gotten his hair cut shorter in front and he actually looks pretty handsome.

I partially watched, look like it was a lot of reruns of footage we've seen before. I think that they had an engagement show planned to get more mileage and when Deanna could not help but let it out of the bag to spite Graham on the MTA show, they had to scramble to re-do it... and just do the footage of them going to T&R for advice. I think their advice was really grounded though. And that baby is DAMN cute... he does look just like both of them.

Anonymous said...

If Deanna gets her televised wedding and then pops up all the time like Trista/Ryan do,shoot me now!I guess with their track record(the show's)they have to ballyhoo the sucesses,cause they are so few.

I still don't think this is "true love" and I feel sorry for Jesse in a way. He is so young and I still think he wasn't quite ready to propose,but felt pushed into it by D. I hope he's happy having her wear the pants in the family,cause it sure looks as if she is accustomed to getting her way.I hope her 15 minutes are ticking!

dla said...

joy n, I completely agree! I watched and yawned through the entire show until we got to Brad at the end, and then I just laughed!!

And I am totally with you in that she just cannot make up her mind "when she knew she was in love with Jesse". It changes with every conversation. @@

When she told him after his proposal "I love you! I have been waiting so long to say that!" I just cracked up and said to the TV, "Yeah, but you didn't know who you were going to say it TO until probably this morning!" lol

She needs to go away. There is something so NOT genuine there... Can't put my finger on it exactly, but have always thought there was a "chip" missing.


dla said...

Sydney, I also agree that the advice was strong from T&R. Ryan was especially impressive. And the baby is absolutely darling!! :)

joy n said...

Read on RealityTVWorld today that Chris Harrison says Jason's name is on the short list to be the next Bachelor. Jason says he will "consider" it, but wants time with Ty. Chris said they would film in Seattle to accomodate him and that he (Chris) and his wife would be sitters, if needed. But Chris also says that Jeremy is still in the running, too.

It was also announced that it was not listed in the ABC fall lineup. It may possibly be mid-season. Hmmmm.

joy n said...

Today's New York Post has an article stating that Shayne Lamas has been sighted in Las Vegas arm-in-arm with media magnate Justin Weneger at Blush In The Wind (a restaurant, maybe?). She was avoiding the press. The article also says that her last appearance on the Bachelorette was for publicity only. Just reporting what I read. I do know that the English dude moved out of her condo weeks before that last appearance and there have been rumors of their breaking-up ever since.

Anonymous said...

joy n-- Today's Primetime in No Time update is hosted by Matt Grant, the British bachelor. He says he is available. I didn't watch that sason, but what I have seen left me less than impressed with the final girl! Anyhow, if you can catch Monday's PiNT, you can see for yourself:


joy n said...

Lucy2, just catching your message now. I will check that out, but don't know if I'm too late. Thanks for the info.

joy n said...

ET says that Adam Baldwin will perform the marriage ceremony for Deanna and Jesse. OMG! How do you spell C - I - R -C -U -S?

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