Big Brother 10: Cast in Depth Part 1
I apologize for getting to the more in depth looks at the cast later than I had planned. I had several errands I had to run this afternoon and for some odd reason, I get wiped out more easily these days. Oh, yeah ... recuperating from major surgery. Yep, that will wipe a person out!
But I'm here now with the first five BB10 cast members -- alphabetically by first name. Pictures, a bit of bio, links to the official skinny, and my initial impressions. The remainder of the cast members will be completed by tomorrow. And, of course, I want to know your impressions of the new hamsters, too!
Shades of April (BB6) and other hamsters from the past, Angie is yet another pharmaceutical sales rep. I think it must be a BB goal to eventually cast every pharmaceutical rep in the country, don't you? According to her bio on the official CBS website, she's a recently divorced Korean-American tomboy.
She has her Bachelor's degree in advertising and originally hails from Virginia Beach, VA. I kind of like the fact that she's very devoted to her mentally disabled brother. She seems to be bright enough and athletic. I want to like her, but we'll see.
Speaking of April ... here's April version 2.0. Although she's living in Arizona, she's originally from Arlington, Nebraska. According to her bio page, she earned her Bachelor's degree in sports and fitness management from Doane College in Crete, NE. So she now works for a car dealer, go figure. She's the infamous OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) person. I have to admit that might make the feeds a bit interesting at times. Knowing how sloppy the BB houses tend to get, this could be fun!
She likes Froot Loops although CBS spelled it wrong, so she can't be all that bad! She seems to have unrealistically high expectations for a romantic partner so I think she's going to be single for years to come. My personal jury of the mind is out on her. I think she could very well add some real entertainment to the feeds but I'm not too sure I'm going to like her all that much.
Brian believes he's a "guy's guy." His chosen city to live in could run another direction with that claim. Heh. According to his bio, he's originally from Elk Grove, CA. I have no clue where that is! Air Force through and through, he earned his Associate degree from them and served for six years. Kudos to him for that! But will I like him?
It makes me smile to note that in his list of jobs, he's worked as a snowboarder amongst other more lofty positions. He seems very nice guy next door kind of dude. I'm not sure how well he'll do, but I definitely like him better than the extremely conservative guy on the cast, Dan. He seems to respect women.
Oh my. You see, I'm the kind of person with little tolerance for those who judge people rashly for aesthetic reasons or those who are extremely pushy with their religious or political beliefs. I'm the kind of person who thinks everyone has a right to do anything which is legal and while I might not want tattoos or piercing, that's me. You can do what you want with your own self, ain't no skin off my nose. (I always wanted to use that expression in a sentence, woohoo!)
According to his bio, Dan is the exact opposite. He's very conservative with little tolerance for liberals. (I hate the big conservative/liberal brouhaha.) He would have moved out of the country if Hilary Clinton won the presidential race. He thinks vegans are weird tree-huggers. He thinks tattoos are trashy and piercings are for freaks.
About the only good things I see about this guy are: he likes Cheez-Its crackers and Frank Sinatra. I think he's going to be way obnoxious.
Then there's Jerry. Heck, just the fact that he is 75 gives me all kinds of warm fuzzies. On The Early Show today he showed he's pretty darn fit, probably in better shape than I am! I worry that if he lasts a long time, he's going to be a target at the end because anyone up against him in the final two will consider him a huge threat for the vote.
In his bio at the CBS website, it states that he's originally from Wilkes Barre, PA. He's been a diehard BB fan since the show's inception, watching the feeds and even After Dark on ShoToo. He's been married to the same woman for 54 years and keeps himself fit so he can be her caretaker as she has Parkinson's Disease.
I just plain like this guy at a quick take. I hope he does well and that I actually enjoy him when I see him in action.
All images used here are ©CBS.
Thanks Jackie... I need to keep seeing them and reading about them so I can remember who's who.
Can't wait for Sunday!
Of the five mentioned, I'm liking Angie and Brian so far.
I'm loving Jerry. Just something about a guy who's already lived a full life and yet, keeps on going, looking for another challenge. This guy will be forever young.
Not sure about OCD April. This show may do her in.
I can't think of a single thing that I like about Dan, and can't imagine him changing my mind anywhere down the line. His narrow-mindedness is irritating. He wouldn't like me, either. I'm a woman, I lean towards the liberal side, my ears are double-pierced and I would have loved for Hillary to be our next prez. So there, Dan. Pbbbbttt!
Other diverstiy -- the aren't all from California....
The clock is ticking down for the start of our show. I hope so much that it will be as good as it can be. The old man does not have a chance, I fear. How in the world will he do the challenges? And who is going to want to be in an alliance with him? I know. I am being negative...but come on guys..tell me you guys think he has a snowballs chance. Some person over 30. And that one is 50 years over 30. Oh well. Let the games begin!
Based on the interviews on CBS2 with Diane (S5 and Allstars), I say Keesha or Michelle will be the first evicted. Just thinking.
If I knew how to link the videos I would but you can check them out there.
OFF TOPIC - Does anyone know who won Hell's Kitchen last night? I fell asleep at me at
Thanks Jackie, Funny that I find myself disliking these people and I haven't even seen them in action yet. I am jaded, I don't believe anything the PR department puts out about them, I think 'conservative and liberal' are misued by the media, I can see I am just not going to fit in with BB. And yet...I can't seem to give it up. : )
I keep wondering if Grodner's view of America is more accurate than the one I want to be true.
'running' errands,Jackie? I do that too, but, it is very slow and takes a week to do the stuff I used to handle in a day. Enjoy your day and know that I appreciate your updates. Sue
I don't like Dan already!!!!
April may come close to killing herself on the show.
On another note...has anyone been watching I Survived a Japanese Gameshow? I love it!
ok, so i admit it...i identify with the OCD chick. i have a thing about a place for everything and everything in its place...yes, my kitchen cabinets are oraganized, all like items together..all labels facing front at the same closet is organized by both type of item, and then by color....etc..etc....
yes, i can laugh at myself although i can't stop and live any other i think i wioll get quite a charge out of miss april :) if i was in the house i would be cleaning CONSTANTLY. would prob. get on everyones nerves and get booted week one.
can't really say who i would like or dislike at this point...i have to watch them for awhile first and see how they react to things.'re a gem!!
Christina won Hell's Kitchen
Good morning everyone. All I can add to this morning's conversation is that Elk Grove is near Sacramento, CA.
Oh, I can also add that I can't tolerate generalized narrow-minded intolerance.
On first impressions, Jerry's got my vote. And Dan's gotta go.
One more note on Hell's Kitchen. TV Squad says LONDON WEST HOLLYWOOD opened at the end of May and Christina was named Senior Sous Chef at the restaurant. Possibly because of her inexperience? But she still received the $250,000. prize.
Thank you Jackie for your great insights. Here are my thoughts on the first five:
Angie: On the fence with her. She may try too hard to be "one of the guys" or perhaps come off as too strong.
April: All I can say is there is something not right with someone who lists one of their favorite activities as "having sex." Perhaps she should have been on BB9
Brian: A "guy's guy" - who is he trying to convince? I am a bit put off by his putting down other branches of the military. He presents himself as an Air Force snob.
Dan: This guy has got to go. How narrow minded can one get? A real bigot. Can you imagine he is teaching in an all boys school? Now we know where our future male-chauvinist pigs will come from. Will not enjoy this house guest at all. Send him to the curb ASAP.
Jerry: What a ray of sunshine. It is exciting to see a senior who is so full of life. His chances may be slim for a win but I hope he is on the show for the long haul. It will be interesting to see how he reacts to the BB experience.
Jerry looks like an "if you rest your rust" kind of guy, and probably a lot more open minded (because he's seen a hell of a lot more, probably including combat in Korea) than Dan. I like him already.
I like Jerry,but because of his age he will probably be a target right off. I know right now I will not be liking Dan and he would not like me. I am a woman,I have a few tattoo's, my belly button and ears are pierced and I would have voted for Hillary.
It's going to take me a while to remember their names, too.
Joy n...
Now I have to go back and read about Angie and Brian again. ;)
I'm liking Jerry, the underdog, too. He stands out being 75 but also he has such a pleasant countenance and bright positive attitude. I just hope he's not alienated by the younger crowd and targeted early on.
I'm wondering how the alliances will form. Usually people seek out their piers (generation) or will the girls tend to stick together and the guys as well? With all of them being strangers with no former connections I think generations and political preferences will initiate the first alliances.
Sydney said...
Other diverstiy -- the aren't all from California....
7/08/2008 11:47 PM
Thank goodness! I'm getting tired of a reputation I don't deserve. LOL
Sue said...
7/09/2008 8:31 AM
My sentiments exactly. But, you know I love the ride with all of you here.
Thanks again, Jackie, for all the in depth info. I hope BB isn't too much for you to handle. I just sent a new graphic for you but I'm not sure I'm happy with it.
I'll be scouting around the net for more images of the new season.
Yes, thank you so much Jackie, for keeping us up to date on the new BB cast and info while you are still NOT at the top of your game. You are very much appreciated. Hope you truly know that.
Anon -6;25 AM -- you probably know by now but someone commented who own Hells (I don't watch) on the Jackies prior post.
Nancy -- i do the same with labels in thier kitchen and colors and type in my closet but my house is still always a mess -- I don't know how neatnicks do it ALL.
Not a fan of Dan. Loving Jerry. Of course Keesha won't be booted quickly, gee, I just can't wait to waste my life watching her. The San Francisco guys looks a little odd. He needs to go vu-vu -voom in his gelled hair and get it right, lol.
Thanks for ALL the hard work Jackie. R U ready???
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