Showing posts with label Big Brother 10. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Big Brother 10. Show all posts

Friday, July 10, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Report into Friday Evening 7/10

Jeff has a friend. Is it a showmance?

Well, as I watch the feeds, it's apparent that the "sore loser" Allison Grodner and Julie Chen alluded to in interviews must be Chima. While the nominations went down before the feeds came on, there's been a lot of talk about her reaction to being nominated.

What's been happening in that Big Brother House of Dim (energy-saving!) Bulbs?
  • Natalie admitted her age. She told Jessie she worked at Home Depot for five years, and recently started with Blockbuster. Her boss is "cool" and let her take the time to be on the show.
  • Jessie is friendly with Lydia and feels bad about nominating her. He told her she should have come to him before the nominations. (Is my memory correct in thinking that same sort of scenario happened during his season and it became drama?)
  • For some reason, Lydia and Casey were surprised Jessie didn't nominate Michele for eviction.
  • Chima seems to turn a lot of the folks off. She's a braggart. Um ... can we all say "Jessie" at the same time so it can be heard around the world?
  • They picked players for the veto comp. Lydia picked Jeff while Chima picked Natalie. Jessie is with the Neck ... love Russell, whatever.
  • They were given a dictionary to study.
  • I learned from Braden (who can't put a sentence together properly) that there are 300 species of turtles.
  • Ronnie threw Lydia under that proverbial reality TV bus with Chima -- telling Chima everything Lydia's ever said about her.
  • Chima mad.
  • Ronnie and Natalie told Chima that Lydia is a snake in the grass. (Not to be confused with a turtle on the turf.)
  • Ronnie thinks that if someone uses POV to save Chima, Jordan should be put up as that would mean Lydia would be voted out.
  • Jessie is upset that Chima chose Natalie for POV. He wants her (Chima) out this week and considers Natalie a strong competitor.
  • The Muscle Boys have become a single brick wall.
  • Nothing major going on as I get this posted. I expect the POV will be played later tonight.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Big Brother 10: The Evel Dick Interviews

You're being warned -- crude language ahead. It is Evel Dick, after all. But what he does, you don't see Julie Chen doing. He asks the questions and makes the statements YOU are thinking ... albeit probably not in the same words.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Big Brother 10 Gag Reel

Thanks go out to commenter BJ for the link to this gag reel played at the BB10 wrap party!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Dan and Memphis on The Early Show Video

And here it is ...

Watch CBS Videos Online

Jerry's interview with Gretchen is here -- they've disabled embedding. Ah, the kindness from Dan was saying goodnight every night.

Memphis interview.

Keesha interview.

April interview.

Libra interview.

Renny interview.

Michelle interview.

Steven interview.

And Good Dumplings Abound

I took this photo on Monday in the Little Italy/Chinatown border area on Grand Street in Manhattan. Of course I'd go for the good dumplings rather than the Just OK Dumpling House or the Bad Bad Dumpling Depot, wouldn't you?

My review of last n
ight's Big Brother finale is up over on TV Squad. I saw Dan and Memphis on The Early Show and hope I can post some video of that. It was SO short on the actual show that you didn't miss much if you missed it. But CBS is supposed to have more video which isn't up as I get this posted. The article about the interview is online there.

I want to thank everyone for a fun BB season here on the blog. We had health issues, hurricanes, and more trying to thwart our good times, but it was good times we had. (They go well with good dumplings.) You all rock and I'm glad you hang out here -- the blog wouldn't be anything without the community it has grown. Merci!

My knee and hip (from all the stairs) are both a bit sore from all the walking and the stairs on Monday. But I'm fearless. I'm going with a friend to the outdoor cafes, shopping, and roaming about Westfield, NJ later today. Ah, but there will be no stairs!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Big Brother 10 Season Finale Live-Blogged From the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB!0

Well, this is it. The feeds have been blocked all day since the wake-up call at the BB10 house. And here we are at the season finale. As the show airs this post will be constantly updated -- typos and all. You know you're welcome in comments and I know how much you love a party! I hope you don't mind the spoiler in the Zoetawny graphic. Yes, Ted the spider won the season, but let's watch the show anyway!

71 days and we're ready to crown a winner. And we recap it all -- including Dan as the AP for the week. Alliance changes. The beginning of the Renegades. All of the evicted and how the alliances worked -- ho-hum. We're almost up to Jerry getting gone. I want new stuff!

Finally, we're down to Memphis and Dan. So, let's recap the action in clips again!

Ohhh, Julie has a slinky black dress on. And Dan and Memphis have sport coats on.

Jerry goes to jury -- it got heated when they realized they all got played. Keesha wants arrogant Memphis. Ollie wants Dan because he mocked them. Libra would like to see Jerry because he wasn't the gingerly old man we thought. They talk about Jerry floating his way through. Everyone is just quite. Michelle says the two evil people are in the house. She thinks Memphis and Dan allied. Jerry said they played them all. Jerry tells them he put Keesha up instead of Memphis because he had a deal. Renny lit into Jerry.

Renny thinks Memphis is insensitive and conniving. Keesha thinks Dan's best move was getting everyone to like him. Michelle is still mad about the roulette. April thinks it was embarrassing and mocking. Keesha really isn't mad at Dan and Renny said that you have to get into Dan's head. Libra has it down -- both are culpable, but this isn't a game of trust. They're now talking about who played the best game deserves to win.

Michelle's trip -- Jerry finds out. He's stunned. Keesha is really pushing for a Dan win. Jerry thinks Memphis let Dan do all the dirty work. Jerry definitely thinks Memphis had a better strategy. Keesha thinks Memphis used her. April thinks Memphis played better than Dan. Renny cannot give someone a half million for not winning anything. Michelle is tossing between going with someone who did have blood on their hands or someone who didn't.

Jury questioning -- could they handle the truth?

Libra - Father Dan - most strategic move and why -- backdooring Michelle.

April to Memphis - Why should I vote for you? We got separated in the start, straight shooter.

Michelle to Dan - Jury House Roulette - why chose Michelle to go on trip, me backdoored alliance's idea? Dan - Make amends with the trip. Original backdoor plan was mine, had to get alliance support. To Memphis - We were in an alliance that only benefited you -- you didn't win any HOH, etc. -- Memphis - you were a hard competitor, backdoor not first to jump aboard, was hard.

Ollie to Dan -- the deal, why did you put Monica's name in -- Dan: Knew you were an emotional player, had to do it whether shameful or not.

Renny to Memphis -- One thing you did for me in the game. Memphis is lost for an answer, gave you the least of myself, didn't connive you.

Keesha to Memphis - Why me? Why Jerry over me? Remorse? - The hardest move I had to make in the house, from game standpoint, I had to do it, only way I could get to this point.

Jerry -- Arrogance when winning comp, respect any jurors? Dan - The moves I made weren't meant to be disrespectful. To Memphis, alliance with me to end, who would you have picked -- me or Dan? Memphis avoids an answer again, never had to pull the trigger. Dan throws him under the bus about throwing the final HOH.

Memphis tells them all he tried to make a business plan to the end, asset to YOUR game, only threw two HOHs, played straight-forward, if I'm better player, vote for me.

Dan the Orator -- reminisces, how am I going to win, sounding like Coach Dan, everything I did, I did for a reason. Wanted Ollie and April to dislike him, vote for the better player.

Now the jury has food for thought.

Jury comes to live show stage. Keesha looks like a slob with jeans while Renny is all gussied up. Even Jerry has business casual on.

Checking in on the F2 - Dan? It was tough, heck of an experience, intense. Memphis? Kind of like being on a firing squad.

Keys for the winner, can make one final statement to both.

1. Libra - Contrary to popular belifef, not easy, just go crazy, best man win.

2. April - Congrats, thank you for all the experiences we shared, appreciated it.

3. Michelle - Crazy ride, congrats

4. Ollie - Wassup? Unforgetable summer, congrats and good luck.

5. Renny - Hello, as a business woman, decision was easy to make, important people don't take little things for granted, in this game it's good to get in touch with the human spiritand THAT IS WHY I'M VOTING FOR THIS PERSON.

6. Kessha - Love you both like little brothers

7. Jerry - I do have a lot of respect for both of you, decision on kindness, will explain later.

The first four evictees will join in after commercial and share info now that the votes are locked in.

Brian, Angie, Steven, and Jessie. Brian predicted Memphis would go far, what does he have to say to jury? Both never attacked a person, it was a game. Ollie -- temper tantrum - personal reaction, surprised. Michelle first reaction to losing Hawaii, personal reaction to Libra, you guys attacking Keesha's physical appearance, the two played right.

To Steven - Whose behavior surprised you the most? Jerry. The way he treated Dan was disappointing, Judas comment. The treatment, horrible things said. Jerry brings up the bringing religion in it. A little off color, but had effect,

Julie, the conspiracy, no plant, one week AP -- The nominations Jessie. The hug. Michelle is going on with I knew it, I said it.

Jessie to Dan -- Moreso to America, thank you for keeping me on your mind, obviously entertaining, I got back to be a gorilla.

Julie tells them America has been voting for favorite juror, later on.

The winners -- Keys --
Libra - Dan
April - Dan
Michelle - Dan
Ollie - Dan

DAN WINS! The votes were unanimous for Dan.

The favorite juror - close between top two. Second place, Jerry. Keesha got it.

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Monday Into Tuesday Dawn

The excitement on Dan's face in this screen cap I took last night says it all. Too long for two people to be in the house with nothing to do. Here's the rundown from inside the Big Brother House of Non-Events:
  • Ted was the most exciting houseguest. I think he'll be looking for a SAG contract and hear he's hired a fashion designer for his wrap party wardrobe.
  • Dan and Memphis slept until well past 11:00 AM their time yesterday.
  • Dan still didn't get up until BB woke him up at noon.
  • Dan is positive McCain is leading in the polls.
  • They played badminton without a net, then Dan napped some more.
  • Memphis told Dan he thinks it's his fault that Jerry offered him the shirts he didn't want. (Jerry offered him his not cut-off sleeve shirts when he was packing.)
  • Dan worried if anything he did might result in getting fired from his job at St. Mary's.
  • Memphis was upset that there was no Craig Ferguson appearance this week.
  • BB gave them a Japanese dinner.
  • They played cards and called it an Olympic event.
  • They played beer pong.
  • Dan put a box of Tampax on Memphis' bed. Oh, the hijinks!
  • They're asleep as I post this.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into Monday Dawn

This is about as exciting as it gets. They played cards, played beer pong, fed Ted the spider. Dan got in trouble for singing. BB kept spouting trivia at them. Really a lot of nothing.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Big Brother 10: 9/14 Show

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB10

The show is on a delay here. I won't be live-blogging it per se when it starts as tonight's show isn't a normal episode. It will be clips, previously unseen bits, and such. However, I'm opening this show post for folks to discuss the happenings in comments. I may have a comment or two of my own ... once the show starts, that is.

Finally, at 8:44, we're ready to start the show.

I like the change in how they're introducing the clips with Memphis and Dan reminiscing.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

BB10 - Latest Live Feeds

My latest live feeds post is up over on TV Squad. It's a few hours behind, but it's not missing much. The only other thing of interest is that Michelle told Dan about how nice the jury house is -- pool, tennis court. And she also told him that they got gift baskets. At least this is what Dan is telling Memphis.

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into Saturday Pre-Dawn

I hope they eventually change the amount of days that the final two spend alone in the house. The only thing of interest is the jury questioning -- blocked to the feeds. That happened last night. What are they going to do for four days? The jury has it worse -- after the questioning, they will all be individually sequestered and not able to discuss the vote until Tuesday (if I'm understanding that right):

  • BB gave them a bocce ball set and a kit to make their Renegades tie-dyed t-shirts.
  • After the jury questions period, Dan seems to be very worried about getting Renny's vote.
  • Dan also made a reference that "He has to get either April or Ollie's vote and he never said a word to them."
  • Memphis thinks the vote is a toss-up and a lot will depend on whether April and Ollie vote as a block or not.
  • Memphis also said he doesn't think he'll get Michelle's vote as Dan took her on the trip.
  • Apparently Renny asked Memphis what he did for her in the game and he told her "nothing."
  • Dan doesn't think Keesha is going to forgive Memphis. But Memphis said it was like firing someone -- as a friend it bothered him, but he had to do it.
  • Dan told Memphis that Michelle badmouthed him (Memphis).
  • Dan told Memphis about his computer work side business and how he makes money from websites and creating sites for small businesses.
  • Memphis says that no matter if he just wins the 50 grand, he wants to invest $25,000 in the Renegades clothing business. Wait until he finds out that the 50 is more like 25 after taxes!
  • They're both asleep as I get this posted.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Big Brother 10 Live Feeds Into Friday Dawn

Well, it's down to the Renegades. It's only slightly more interesting in the house than when Jerry was there. Jerry's voice droned on and put me to sleep. At least Dan and Memphis have more animation in their voices. But it's all very predictable conversation-wise:
  • They talked about how smart they are.
  • They talked about questions the jury might ask them.
  • They talked about how they'll invest their fortunes.
  • They talked about how mad Jerry might be at Dan.
  • They gave shout-outs to the Internet.
They went to bed early (for them). They're still sleeping off the big meal BB gave them now.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Big Brother 10: 9/11 Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB10

The show has started here on the East Coast. This post will be constantly updated as it airs. Mind you, there WILL be typos since I'm paying more attention to my television than to my monitor. Everyone is welcome to jump in with their thoughts and reactions in the comments -- bring snacks and beverages and your comfy chairs!

Recap. recap, Michelle, veto. Upset Keesha, Dan using the betrayal to his advantage, Memphis sent her packing. Three part battle for final HOH starts ... finally to the opening -- Julie has on a dark short sleeved dress.

It's On a Wing and a Prayer. Dan tells Memphis he made a good game move and we see Keesha voted off again. "This is the first time someone actually did what they promised to do for me," says Jerry of Memphis. Memphis tells us that they stand a better chance against Jerry. Dan tells us he told Keesha to finish it in regard to Micchelle's vote. Dan's comments were staged and Jerry believes it. And he does.

Jerry's down quickly. Dan tells us the plan was for Memphis to fall sometime soon after. Memphis tells us that he thinks Dan was overplaying the card and would make it too obvious. He doesn't go down as quickly as planned. But he finally goes down and Dan wins part one of the final HOH.

Jerry tells Memphis, "I want to thank you for today." He tells us there's a nice side to Memphis and he didn't get a chance to enjoy it before. Then it's to Memphis and Dan scheming. Dan says Memphis HAS to win heat two.

Returning to Julie -- Jerry and Memphis must duke it out in round two. Dan comes to call them with boxing gloves. Memphis is out first == 10 round fight to the finish They have to knock out the cut outs in the right order leaving up the HOH and the two nominees in each of the ten rounds. Jerry is confused by week three. He keeps saying "I'm so lost" throughout. Memphis is concerned with his time. Memphis time - 8:35, Jerry -- 51:22. Jerry "I'm totally ashamed and embarrassed."

Dan and Memphis do their Renegades dance and we get to see Jerry's underwear.

Julie talks to the three. Jerry says when he fell in the pool, his brain got waterlogged. He says he feels maybe-=maybe not, it will be their choice. Memphis - hard to choose between Jerry and Keesha, hardest ever. Dan -- Less than a week away, how has the mood changed? Dan says more fun, almost smell the half-=million in the air.

Keesha goes to sequester -- did she follow through with threat to turn them against Mempshis. Renny tells us it sucks, "we're losers and that's why we're here." Michelle is ready to rat out Dan for the luxury. Keesha shocks Michelle by mentioning the trip first. They watch the DVD. April sees right through Dan and Memphis. Renny said she told her all along. Finish it dan to Keesha. Keesha sees through Dan, but says he's a great player -- he's trying to get her vote, Michelle's and others. Find out how you can help your favorite juror (RENNY!) win $25,000 -- probably will be up on website later.

Time for part three -- in a few moments. How the juror completed the statement, two choices.

Libra change alliance or behavior -- alliance Dan one point
April coasted under radar - jerry or Memphis - Memph gets point
Michelle best stretgic - me winning hoh and revenge/backdooring me - both right
Ollie fatal arreo - trusting dan, letting heart get into the game - heart - both wrong
Renny - moment irritate -jerry dentures, Jessie punk - Jerry - Dan right, lead by one point
Keesha - uncomfomtable moment - birthday, or evict night - Dan got it right.

Dan wins the third part. Dan has surprised us before, does he have one more trick up his sleeve? To commercial.

They give speeches -- Jerry, apologizes, played game strong,
Memphis -- Wild ride, put me on the block twice, find out if they're a true renegade or not.

Dan tells them that he hopes he's as strong at 75, but evicts Jerry. It's the two renegades for the end game.

House footage -- the bandanas are on their wrists.

Julie talks to Jerry -- "I'm not sure if it wasn't even planned." Heh. Did Dan make a mistake. Jerry thinks he made a big mistake as he's the deciding vote. Who best player or settle personal score. Goodbye messages -- No hard feelings, heck of a job, something to look to. Memphis -- see you as a friend.

Last hurrah for Jerry? I'm proud, I'm 75, did myself and family proud, blah, blah.

Julie tells us how we can help a jury member -- America's Vote -- favorite juror $25,000

BB10: Latest Live Feeds

My latest live feeds report is live over on TV Squad. Please join us for the live-blogging post I'll be doing here for tonight's live show -- it will be in motion at 8 PM ET. Snacks and beverages should be shared.

Big Brother 10 Live Feeds Into Thursday Dawn

Okay, so Memphis won part two of the HOH comp and he'll face Dan in the final heat. Their plan is for Memphis to throw the comp to Dan so it will be Dan voting out Jerry. Since Memphis already alienated Keesha, at least Jerry will still think he wasn't betrayed. It's boring in the house now with the three of them, it should get even worse when it's down to two. Here's what happened after the comp ended:
  • Dan was so antsy to get out into the yard that I was almost ready to call Allison Grodner and demand they let him out. Sheesh.
  • As for the comp, there were cut-out figures of the houseguests. Jerry thinks the producer of the comp was getting tired of him for taking too long (51 minutes).
  • Once released into the yard, Dan found odd things like balls (one in the pool and another on the patio), juice boxes, and coconut.
  • Ted the spider was there, along with his girlfriend Debbie the spider. Now Jerry is into them even more than Memphis and Dan.
  • But when Dan went through the trash and found the cheat sheets for putting the comp together, the feeds were blocked.
  • Dan wanted to get the flag set up for 9/11.
  • It's apparently a cool night in California.
  • Dan and Memphis have delusions about how famous the Renegades are. They're sure someone has already stolen the domain name for their proposed clothes line. @@ I'm sorry, but neither of them are fashion plates!
  • At one point when Jerry was in the Diary Room, Memphis asked Dan to get his cross and swear that he won't double-cross him if he throws the comp.
  • So Memphis is leery, eh? I think Dan himself is a bit leery if Memphis were to win the final HOH.
  • Memphis told Dan that if he betrays him, he'll cut his head off. Yeah, sure.
  • Then Memphis suggested they just "rock it" -- no throwing the comp on either side, Jerry is going to end up knowing anyway. Hmmm...
  • Jerry talked about his medications and going to the VFW once a week.
  • Both Dan and Memphis tossed and turned a lot -- probably excited about today's events. But all are sleeping now.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

BB10: HOH Part Two Winner Bulletin

The feeds just returned. Memphis won the second part. So, it will be Memphis and Dan in the final part.

BB10: Latest Live Feeds and ...

My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. Right now the feeds have been blocked for a few hours -- I believe the second part of the HOH comp is going on. I'll let you know when I know.

BB10: Live Feeds Itsy Bit and Keesha on Early Show Video

Oh my gosh ... there is almost nothing happening outside of eating and napping in the house today. They're on indoor lockdown. Memphis and Dan briefly teamed up to talk HOH comp questions while Jerry was in the shower. In lieu of any real news, I'm going to give you the video of Keesha with Julie Chen on The Early Show.

Watch CBS Videos Online

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into Wednesday Dawn

Aw, a boy and his balsa wood airplane. Ain't it just too adorable? Here's the latest from the Big Brother House of Marine Renegades:
  • Memphis and Jerry talked about the problems they had hanging onto the ropes the way they had to in the comp.
  • Jerry thinks they should have had handles. @@
  • Dan and Memphis briefly talked -- they don't want Jerry to see them talking together until after the second part of the HOH comp.
  • Dan talked to Jerry about how much he likes and misses Keesha.
  • Having heard Julie say the finale is Tuesday, Jerry doesn't know why they'd drag the show out with the final two alone in the house so long. He's got a point there.
  • Dan played with two ping pong balls and his wooden airplane.
  • Jerry sucked up to Memphis telling him how much he admired how he was playing the game although they got off to a rough start.
  • Memphis told him he respected him, too. Sure.
  • Dan wants Memphis to convince Jerry to throw the second part of the HOH. Memphis isn't sure Jerry will do it.
  • As Jerry and Memphis drilled each other on practice questions, the BB voice told them that kerosene lanterns are good to have when you're camping.
  • All are asleep as I post this.

BB10 TV Squad Doings

My show review post is up at TV Squad and there will be a special live feeds HOH comp update up there soon. The latter isn't much more informative than what you had here, but I had to get it up there, too.

Multi-tasking is so much fun! Thankfully, the BB house will be quiet tonight. But now you know why I've been quiet in comments.