Showing posts with label safety ceremony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label safety ceremony. Show all posts

Monday, November 21, 2016

BBOTT: No Surprise Noms - into Monday, November 21

Ohhh! The HoH camera!

Well, it was yet another exciting fun-filled day in Happy Hamsterland! Er, well. Okay. Maybe not.
  • Morgan got the HoH camera. 
  • And fun was had by all.
  • Or, by some.
  • Um. Make that a few.
  • Well ... make that Shelby and Morgan.
  • Some of the day was spent with Morgan and Shelby desperately seeking a pineapple hidden by the Late Night Jamboree crew.
  • Shelby and Morgan spent a lot of time going over the details of every comp, every day.
  • I didn't bother to study at all.
  • While they were doing that, the LNJ bunch was talking about Jon Lovitz and Alexis Arquette.
  • But, Justin does have a song memorized to help him with the days.
  • Of course, he doesn't have to worry this week -- he achieved safety by walking the slack line as per America's Care Package.
  • The nominations were evident even before the Safety Ceremony.
  • Justin is off the table.
  • Shelby is Morgan's only ally.
  • That leaves Jason and Kryssie.
  • Duh.
  • Yet, they went through with the ceremony.
  • Instead of just saying they were her only options, Morgan went on about the division in the house in her nominations speech.
  • Morgan and Shelby want Jason out.
  • Jason is worried, but doesn't seem to really be working on studying for possible question comps.
  • As a matter of fact, he's acting rather defeated.
  • Justin claims that, with the numbers, they have his back.
  • Hmm.
  • One of them would have to win veto forcing Morgan to put Shelby on the block.
  • Otherwise ... the LNJ will be down to two. 

Can you feel the love?

Studying? Nope!

The suspense is killing me!

Monday, November 14, 2016

BBOTT: Shelby's Nominations - into Monday, November 14

Is it morning? Gah.

The big action yesterday (Sunday) was something we all expected and it was no surprise to the hamsters either.
  • They got the HoH camera (and fun was had by all).
  • Well, except maybe Kryssie. Now, she got safety the night before, yet is fussing about how Shelby and Morgan do nothing. Oh geez, they didn't help put the awnings up for the day! Horrors!
  • Danielle is still on her anti-Justin kick.
  • She thinks he doesn't really play the game, throws comps and has made a deal with Shelby/Morgan.
  • Huh.
  • We all know that Danielle/Justin tried to make a deal with Shelby/Morgan.
  • Danielle listed a whole bunch of reasons that she shouldn't be evicted. I assume that would be for the America's vote benefit.
  • Hmm.
  • Shelby and Morgan recognize the need to emphasize to Justin that he must act "normal" -- as normal as Justin can get -- around Jason so that Jason won't realize the deal this week with them is a final four deal.
  • Yep -- final four deal as in Morgan, Shelby, Justin and Kryssie.
  • During the very brief safety ceremony, Morgan was saved by Shelby.
  • Well, duh.
  • Since Kryssie and Justin were saved the night before, Danielle and Jason knew what was coming. They're on the block.
  • Shelby's speech to them was just as short -- "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."
  • That was a reference to Jason going back on deals with them before.
  • Danielle's been running around building the pity reasons for her to stay.
  • Kryssie has been telling Justin that Danielle's gunning for him.
  • Jason says no way does he want to go out before Danielle.
  • Of course, America's final nomination today may change the whole scenario.
  • But I do think more will target Danielle than Jason. 

We never have ANYTHING to eat!

Quad cam - as they wait on Shelby

Make your final safety pick

Ah, yes, I knew it was coming.

Fearing America's nomination

Will this be her last hurrah?

Sunday, November 13, 2016

BBOTT: Scheming and Safety - into Sunday, November 13

Waiting for the green glow of safety.

Yep, they've had to start turning on each other. And, it's not a pretty sight, not at all.
  • After meetings with all, Shelby played her cards.
  • Or, to be more accurate, pushed the picture buttons which deem two people safe from nomination.
  • Both Jason and Justin, separately, pleaded their cases to her beforehand.
  • The LNJ is a Danielle/Jason and Kryssie/Justin split.
  • It was further divided when Shelby made her safety decision.
  • She first saved Justin, then Kryssie.
  • Kryssie is acting all surprised that she's safe (from Shelby's nom, at least).
  • Justin didn't act surprised at all.
  • Danielle is being all kinds of bitter and says she'd like to punch Shelby in the face. She quickly took that one back, saying that she's not a violent kind of person. Uh-huh.
  • Danielle is so down on Justin that it's ridiculous.
  • She's claiming that Shelby is stupid to take Justin into the finals.
  • Um.
  • In my opinion, she'd be stupid to take Danielle. Danielle is more likely to win comps going into the end than is Justin.
  • Jason is taking things well. Well, as well as can be expected. He's been off of cigarettes and on a nicotine patch for two weeks now. He's in trouble in the game. If he loses (again), he will return to being poor and living in his mother's basement once again.
  • But he's acting so much better about things than Danielle!
  • In the end of the evening, though, there was still a divide with Morgan and Shelby together and the rest in another room.
  • If all goes to plan, it will be Danielle going home this week.
  • Kryssie, of course, thinks it's all a big scheme to backdoor her.
  • Yeah, right.
  • If there were two Kryssie's in the house, a strong player would want to bring both of them to a final three to guarantee a win! 

Will Shelby work with the plan?

So close, yet so far.

I have to play this right.

Uh-oh! I'm in trouble this week!

Monday, November 07, 2016

BBOTT: Nominations, HoH Camera - Into Monday, November 7

Why did I do this? Tell me again.

Oh, don't worry. It's still a house divided. But, that said, they are spending more time blurring the lines. Ah ... but to what purpose?
  • The HoH camera came out and, unlike some other times, all got involved and had fun with it.
  • Even if they didn't have fun with it, they pretended to do so.
  • That's much better than outright hate and refusing to participate.
  • They had fun in the yard with three-legged races and such.
  • Sundays, with the exception of the Safety Ceremony in the evening, are so boring in the house that they'd to practically anything to amuse themselves and pass the time.
  • But, the big news of the day was indeed the Safety Ceremony.
  • As expected (by us because we eavesdrop), the nominations are Danielle and Shelby.
  • Justin and Jason are all smug because their "plan" went off without a hitch -- their strongest comp competitor is on the block while the other side's weakest comp competitor is up.
  • Dependent on the America nomination, they think Danielle has the strongest chance of winning the veto.
  • If Danielle wins it and saves herself, because Jason nominated her, he gets to nominate a replacement.
  • That replacement would more than likely be Alex.
  • No matter who America nominates, if Alex and Whitney are on the block, one would go home (Alex of those two).
  • Justin is still into keeping Whitney around for his own self as an ally.
  • Danielle knows the plan.
  • However, we all know that the best-laid plan of mice and hamsters often goes poof.
  • The Veto comp could be a crap-shoot type with anyone able to win it.
  • Things also hinge a bit on America's nominee and America's vote.
  • I'm actually a bit surprised that Shelby went along with putting her weakest member on the block against Danielle, who's been winning comps.
  • I thought she'd be smarter than that.
  • But, then again, her weakest person is also the bottom member of the alliance and one they've had concerns about flipping to the other side.
  • Maybe she could be considered expendable to them.
  • Hmm. 

Hamming it up for the HoH camera

Not quite guffaws

The only real entertainment in town

Having 3-legged race fun in the sun

Safety Ceremony is done

Sunday, November 06, 2016

BBOTT: Some Are Safe - Through Saturday, November 5

Will it be her week to GO HOME?

I've decided I like the Safety Ceremony and "block passes" lighting up much better than the way they've been naming the nominees the last few seasons on BB. I used to like the keys in the lazy susan thingee. But the pictures appearing on screens has turned me off since they started it. The safety necklaces are more interesting and suspenseful (even though we know what they're going to do from the live feeds).
  • It was a relatively lazy Saturday in the house with the exception of the Safety Ceremony.
  • Even then, with dwindling hamster numbers in the house, the action didn't last long.
  • As we knew from previous conversations between Jason and Shelby, Shelby saved Morgan and Jason saved Kryssie.
  • That was it for the Saturday night Safety.
  • We know, however things go down, Danielle will go on the block. Shelby and the girls want that and Jason has all but offered her up on a silver platter.
  • It's a bit trickier on the other side. The girls don't really want Alex to go up as she just might go home. They'd prefer Whitney.
  • (Remember, Jason and Shelby agreed to put up one from each side.)
  • The girls are very worried about "what if" Danielle wins veto.
  • As annoying as Danielle can be personality-wise in the house, she has proven that she can win comps. They should worry.
  • The girls (Shelby, Alex and Morgan) are very worried about Whitney's reaction if she goes on the block.
  • Well, I don't think Whitney is a stupid girl. I think she must realize that she's the low end of the totem pole with the girls. At this point, I think she'd have a better chance of winning if she flipped to the other side. 
  • Whitney would actually need to win some comp to better her position with either side at this point. Other than basically being a decent person, she's pretty much nothing other than a vote number.
  • A lot will depend on whom America nominates, as has been the case all season. The ONLY guaranteed safe hamsters are Shelby and Jason. 

The numbers are dwindling

Morgan is safe

Jason saves his choice

Sunday, October 30, 2016

BBOTT: Some Are Safe, New Alliances? - into Sunday, October 30

Sharing giggles with the LNJ

Shelby winning the America's Care Package of negating the votes of three people has thrust the hamster house in another direction entirely.
  • The Have Nots chosen by America this week are: Kryssie, Whitney and Justin, not necessarily in that order. That's been a bit indicative of the upcoming America vote for eviction.
  • I personally think it will probably be Kryssie nominated by America for eviction this week.
  • Of course, if we were actually IN the house, either getting Whitney or Justin out would be a better idea. Justin is way too popular to make it near the final three -- he would win a popular vote hands down. But he doesn't really PLAY the game so much -- he's just being his quirky self and, by gosh, people LIKE him. I wouldn't want him next to me at the end!
  • As for Whitney, she's not an Alex, but she's playing the game and is working a strategy.
  • In a diary room session, Alex told us that she'd like to work with Danielle.
  • Danielle told Scott and Alex they were safe (from her nominations) this week.
  • Scott told us that he, Danielle and Alex plan to work together.
  • Hmm. I wouldn't mind them as the final three. Then Alex would win it all, as it should be. I'd like to see her win. She's really been trying to work strategy, win comps and play the game of BB. Yet, she's been put in riskier spots more so than others in the house.
  • To be honest, Kryssie would be one I'd be willing to bring to the final three because she wouldn't win.
  • A good player, preferably likeable too, would win against any of those who got into arguments or became overly emotional.
  • Justin and Jason will go far because of fan popularity. But no one else in the house wants to be sitting in a final three with them.
  • Morgan also approached Danielle (or vice versa) about working together. Hmm.
  • In the first Safety Ceremony, Danielle made these hamsters safe: Justin, Jason and Kryssie. No real surprises there.
  • I'm thinking, after the next Safety round, if she keeps her word, she'll save Scott, Morgan and Alex. That would leave Shelby and Whitney as her nominees. America will probably nominate Kryssie. Of that bunch, Kryssie would get the boot.
  • I guess we'll see. 
Sharing giggles with Alex and Shelby

Pacing the yard, talking to us

She's safe ... for the moment

Decisions, decisions

Alone again, naturally