Thursday, August 27, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Eviction Show Blog Party Post - 8/27

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The show has started here on the East Coast. This post will be updated with the major events as it airs, but the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is welcome, bring your own snacks and beverages! Later tonight my show review will be posted on TV Squad.

Yay! We got footage of Jordan chest-bumping Russell! Of course, we got a lot of the Russell/Jeff verbal brouhaha, too. Upcoming is the vote (of course) and Jessie gets his new jury house roomie -- Lydia.

Julie announced that Have - Have Not is over for the season.

The vote to evict:
Jordan --> Russell
Kevin --> Russell
Michele --> Russell

Russell is evicted. He went out totally classy (although a bit backpedalling).

The HOH comp started. It's going to go on beyond the show as the four are running across a slick "graham cracker" filling a 16 gallon bowl with 8 ounce mugs of hot chocolate. I'll be setting up a separate post after the show ends to monitor the HOH comp on the feeds. While not an endurance, it's going to take some time.

Julie said there will be a new twist to HOH next week which will affect everyone.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into the Dawn Thursday 8/27

Gee, at least when Russell was rampaging, things were interesting. Here's the news from the late night/overnight hours in that Big Brother House of Survivor Will Be Here Soon:
  • Michele once again said that she wouldn't bring Russell to the final two -- why would she give him $50,000?
  • Jeff thinks Michele will target Natalie and Kevin if she wins HOH. Then they can stab her in the back the next week.
  • Natalie plans to put Michele and Jeff on the block if she wins HOH, with Jeff as the target.
  • Of course, she told Russell this, not Jeff.
  • Kevin and Natalie are taking this all seriously. They've been studying for any possible question-based comp for hours.
  • Russell has been nearby occasionally mentioning things or correcting facts.
  • Kevin is tired of Jeff thinking he's a god in the house because America voted for him for the coup d'etat.
  • Kevin and Natalie are very worried that America might have a hand in the jury vote -- they believe America and the show producers love Jeff and Jordan.
  • Natalie and Kevin went through Michele's drawers and duffel bag looking to steal Michele's gloves because they can't find Natalie's.
  • They didn't find them and BB told them they had to go to bed by 2 AM.
  • Kevin and Michele think they have secured the jury vote of Russell by their recent bonding (and Natalie's lie telling about Michele).
  • Jeff and Jordan cuddled and talked a long time.
  • All are asleep as I post this.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into the Evening Wednesday 8/26

Lots of fingernail interest going on.

What? Together again?

Despite the excitement this afternoon, things have been rather dull this evening. Odd, perhaps. But dull, for sure.
  • Odd: Jeff refers to Russell and himself as "kid.' Now, I might think of them as kids at 25 and 31. But when I was 25 and later 31, I didn't think of myself or my friends as "kids." I joke about the kid inside, but I can't help but wonder what happened to the generation?
  • Michele continues to befuddle me. She's in with Jeff and Jordan, out with Russell. The next moment she's in with Russell again and he's making her dinner.
  • Russell doesn't befuddle me. He's working every angle he can to stay in the house.
  • He tried to convince Kevin that if he were to vote out Natalie, he'd be in an alliance of three (Russell, Michele, Kevin) against two (Jordan, Jeff).
  • Kevin may be scheming to get Jeff out, but I get the feeling he likes Jeff.
  • He doesn't like either Michele or Russell.
  • He's frightened of Russell.
  • Natalie, Jeff, Jordan, and Kevin gathered in the HOH room for Russell and Michele bashing.
  • None of them can read her.
  • Neither can I.
  • Nor can Russell, methinks.
  • Natalie had the gall to say that Michele didn't take a shower after one of the comps.
  • You heard me.
  • Michele reported back to Jeff that Russell thinks he has Kevin's vote.
  • She does seem a bit more at ease talking with Jeff.
  • I still can't say I can read her.
  • Now Natalie, with Kevin eating Russell's gastronomical goodies meal, is reporting to Russell everything Jeff said about Michele.
  • I'm confused. That's all for now.
  • I want Jordan to beat up Russell just for my own entertainment.

Russ is cooking for himself and Michele.

Jeff hangs out with his buddies Natalie and Kevin while Jordan is in the diary room.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Wednesday Daytime & Brouhaha 8/26

No, he didn't get socked in the jaw, not because he didn't try to provoke a punch, mind you.

Natalie is such a pig when she eats. She eats with her mouth open and takes huge chomps, often talking with a mouth full of food.

Jordan went through a freak-out rant on Russell, tears, and now is just very subdued.

Yep, I wanted a brouhaha and I got one today. Here's the scoop:
  • Michele talked to Jeff -- she's worried that Russell is working on Kevin to vote to keep him.
  • Not all that long after they got up (late), Russell started the brouhaha by taunting Jeff in the backyard.
  • He exhibited the same behavior he showed when following/teasing/taunting Ronnie.
  • Jeff is no Ronnie.
  • He shouted back.
  • All of a sudden, Jordan rushed into the middle of it totally going off on Russell.
  • She screamed in his face!
  • She actually BUMPED Russell who, despite his propensity for bullying, would draw the line at hitting a girl.
  • "I'm not scared of you," Jordan screamed at the top of her lungs.
  • Fine, now I have a fear of Jordan. She's dangerous!
  • Jeff, in some weird guy kind of thing, told Russell that he (Russell) wanted to have sex with him.
  • Of course, that gave Russell ammunition to declare Jeff gay.
  • Jeff told Jordan to stay out of it, it's not her fight.
  • Jordan socked Jeff a good one.
  • Okay, I made that up.
  • Scream, gnash, holler, hoot!
  • Finally, BB shut the fight down before fisticuffs could go down.
  • I think my money would have been on Jordan. I didn't think she had it in her to be so angry!
  • Natalie told Kevin if he votes to keep Russell in, she'll stab him in the heart.
  • I'm sure she said it with love.
  • Now Kevin is once again scared of Russell.
  • Everyone is avoiding Russell, for obvious reasons.
  • Russell is acting very weird. One moment he'll be walking along and give a camera a huge grin, then he's moping, then -- when he saw Jeff -- he went into his sing-song bully voice taunting Jeff about being gay.
  • I think Michele has washed her hands of Russell.
  • Natalie told Russell that Michele reported all of her conversations with him to Jeff.
  • So Russell has washed his hands of Michele, too.
  • Russell is a man alone. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't have more meltdowns up his sleeve.
  • As I get this posted everyone but Russell is having fun with the HOH camera.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into Wednesday Dawn 8/26

Oh, I am so cheating today. I'm giving you more screencaps than words! Why? Because these hamsters haven't given me much to write about, not much new anyway. You'll notice in the screencaps I'm posting that I now have a second one of Russell with yet a different hanger. I don't believe we've ever had a hanger-fixated hamster before.

Here's the biggest happenings of the evening and overnight hours ... and enjoy the purty piktures!
  • Natalie and Kevin now have two covert operations -- Operation Sleep Deprivation and Operation Hide Sh** (let's say Stuff).
  • Russell moped around by himself a lot, then later talked anti-Jeff with Michele and the Covert Kids.
  • They played cards.
  • They played pool.
  • Kevin told the tale of the only time he ever stole anything. It actually boiled down to the store didn't charge him for things rather than him actually stealing things with intent. He wouldn't make a good criminal.
  • Russell claimed that he sneaked out to a sushi bar while they were in pre-show sequester.
  • They talked about what accompanying foods voted by America were best with the slop.
  • Natalie and Russell bonded.
  • Ew, just the thought.
  • Russell, Michele, Kevin, and Natalie stayed up through the wee hours while Jordan and Jeff retired for the night.
  • Now, do you see why I'm bored?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Big Brother 11 Show Blog Party Post 8/25

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo

The show has started here on the East Coast. This post will be updated as it airs, but the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is welcome, bring your own snacks and beverages! Later tonight my show review will be posted on TV Squad.

Finally the PoV -- a fun one with Casey as the voice of Otev the ape. Jordan out first. Natalie out. Russell out. Kevin out. Jeff beats Michele and wins the power of veto!

The back door has opened. Jeff took Kevin off, put Russell up. Target Russell.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Daytime Tuesday 8/25

Tonight's show should be more interesting than the live feeds today. I want to see the look on Russell's face and the Jeff/Russell testosterone battle! Here's the skinny on today in that Big Brother House of Fools and Their Money Are Soon Parted:
  • Jordan told Jeff she won't feel that they're safe next week unless she wins HOH.
  • She doesn't really trust Michele, Natalie or Kevin.
  • She shouldn't.
  • Jordan told Natalie that she told Michele that she "better not" vote for Russell to stay.
  • Gee, what if she does?
  • When Michele talked about Russell campaigning and singling her out for derision, Jeff freaked out saying he was sick of Russell.
  • Jeff, gorgeous as he is, does have quite a temper and quite a [bleepin'] mouth on him.
  • Kevin and Natalie talked about getting Michele in an alliance with them.
  • Kevin said he doesn't like any plan which includes Michele.
  • I don't blame him. Michele has to be one of the flakiest allies I've ever seen in the house.
  • Kevin and Natalie play their roles well. They've been reporting everything Russell says to them to Jordan.
  • They think Russell will have an epic elimination speech.
  • Lots of them this season, huh?
  • Really, a lot of nothing so far today.
  • Remember to stop back for the show blog post party tonight at 9:00 PM ET -- there will be a new post and snacks. You bring the beverages!

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into Tuesday Dawn 8/25

Russell, driven to the brink of insanity via the backdoor, tries to off himself by shoving a hanger up his nose.

Or not.

Here are the happenings from the Big Brother House of Foolish Follies:
  • Supposedly Michele cried after the PoV ceremony -- this was what Kevin told Jeff anyway. I didn't see tears, but wouldn't be surprised.
  • Kevin also told Jeff that Russell's going around saying he has Michele's vote and just needs one more.
  • Kevin told Jeff what a good little loyal puppy dog he can be. After all, he stayed loyal to his pals Chima and Lydia.
  • Jeff and Kevin bonded some more.
  • On a purely platonic level, of course.
  • Natalie tried to make nicey-nice with Russell, probably thinking of the jury vote. After all, her hands are clean in the latest.
  • As far as Russell knows, both her and Kevin's hands have no blood.
  • No, there's been no murder. I'm talking figurative blood.
  • They all discussed The Amazing Race. I should mention I did NOT try out for TAR yesterday when they had the casting crew around here.
  • Jordan moved all of her belongings to the HOH room because she's scared Russell will do something to them.
  • Jeff thinks Kevin is acting strange after he took him off the block. Jordan insists he's grateful.
  • Neither Jordan or Jeff trust Michele but feel they need to keep working with her.
  • Jordan is scared she will be on the block next week.
  • Russell, Natalie, and Kevin hung out together talking.
  • Natalie once again mentioned she can only go to Indian casinos because she's so young.
  • She doth protest too much -- there was no need for her to mention it again.
  • But Russell isn't bright enough to pick up on it.
  • I think Kevin's filing all of this age suspicion away in his mind, though.
  • No more brouhahas.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into Monday Evening 8/24

Jeff and Jordan putting Q-tips into the bottles. Don't ask.

Natalie's all smiles.

Here are the events into the evening from inside that Big Brother House of Roads Not Taken:
  • Natalie assured Kevin that Russell "walks the walk, but doesn't talk the talk" when he's mad. He'll get into a girl's face and scream at her, but he yells at a guy from a distance.
  • Natalie thinks that Russell is going to try to convince Michele and Jordan that he should stay.
  • Aw, Russell and Natalie talked things out and hugged.
  • I'm deeply touched.
  • Russell told Natalie she should work to keep Michele in the house for her own game.
  • Russell believes he never attacked Jeff or Jordan. He and Kevin talked about Chima's terrorist comments and now all is hunky-dory between them.
  • Or, at least Kevin has stopped hiding in fear of being punched.
  • Jeff and Jordan are proud of Jeff's move. They say Russell was a yo-yo, with them one day, plotting against them the next.
  • Russell mentioned that Natalie is only 18 and she's an amateur poker player in casinos?
  • She claims she can't get into most casinos but can get into the Indian casinos where the age to enter is 18.
  • Jordan and Jeff continue to count and study the house.
  • That's what the Q-tips are all about.
  • I'm sure you were wondering.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Monday Daytime - PoV Meeting! 8/24

If looks could kill ... look at those dagger eyes on Russell! Yep, it happened. The PoV meeting was today and Jeff did what he said he was going to do. He saved Kevin and put Russell on the block with Natalie.

Here's how the day went down:
  • BB woke up the hamsters early today -- around 8 AM. Of course, most of them were up into the wee hours. They're going to be sleepy.
  • Jeff told Jordan he was going to take Kevin off the block because he'd be more likely to win (and put Michele up). He's going to tell Natalie and Kevin he drew a playing card to decide which one gets saved.
  • Kevin and Natalie are way nervous. They don't want to look desperate, but want to just confirm the deal with Jeff and Jordan one more time.
  • Natalie and Kevin have already decided that if either of them win, they'll put Jeff up. They'll tell him he's a pawn, of course.
  • Then, if/when Jeff gets voted out, they'll explain to Jordan that the opportunity came up, he's such a strong player, blah-blah.
  • Natalie thinks Ronnie was totally right about Michele.
  • Kevin thinks they should give Michele a break because she's been through so much.
  • Um, okay.
  • Natalie claimed she hasn't won anything because she hasn't had to win anything. I think I've seen her trying ... she CAN'T win comps is the issue!
  • The PoV meeting went down.
  • Michele said that this will put her loyalty to Russell on the line.
  • Jeff hadn't told Michele he was going to backdoor Russell although the thought has certainly come up in conversations.
  • Kevin and Natalie are going on about how their last minute lie saved them.
  • But they don't know their lie was actually the truth, just not witnessed by them.
  • Russell reminded Jeff about swearing on families. He's mad.
  • Jeff told him he had to know it was a smart move on his part.
  • Remember, Russell was telling US in the diary room that Jeff should put him on the block. Now that he's there, it's all about betrayal.
  • Almost violence! Russell warned Jeff that he's had it if he goes to the jury house. He'll "mop the floor with him."
  • Russell also brought up that Jeff said he'd kill the families of anyone who breaks the final four agreement. (He did, but was obviously joking when he said it.)
  • Russell shouted at Jeff.
  • Jeff shouted at Russell.
  • Macho, macho man ... oh, I want to be a macho man.
  • Kevin and Natalie just looked amazed at their handiwork.
  • Fight, fight.
  • Threaten, threaten.
  • And on.
  • And on.
  • No punches thrown.
  • No maids screamed.
  • Then it all went sort of calm.
  • Kevin is scared Russell will punch him and went in hiding.
  • Natalie is sucking up royally to Jeff and Jordan.
  • Wait until she stabs that knife in his back.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Overnight Into Monday 8/24

Jordan and Jeff talk while watching the spy screen.

Here are the happenings since I last posted about the hamsters in the Big Brother House of Dudes and Dudettes:
  • It was not a thrill a minute. Don't expect excitement over your morning coffee.
  • Jordan and Michele worked out. Unlike many in the house, Michele has lost weight.
  • Michele asked Jordan if she and Jeff thought something was up with her.
  • Jordan told her they did.
  • Michele claimed that Russell is just getting on her nerves.
  • Kevin thinks Russell will play the "bro card" on Jeff -- he's hanging out with him doing guy kind of stuff.
  • Kevin told Natalie he thinks she's going overboard by being too nice. He thinks they'll catch on because she's overdoing it.
  • Jeff and Jordan memorized house facts for comps.
  • Michele told Jeff that Russell needs to go.
  • Michele told Jeff that she often felt that Russell wasn't on her team. He questioned what team that was -- going after the final two deal between Russell and Michele.
  • Russell walked in on them.
  • More card playing. I'm SO tired of watching them play cards. Take the cards away!
  • Jeff once again talked with Russell. Russell claimed that things get twisted and what Jeff hears isn't what really happened.
  • Jeff and Jordan went back to quizzing each other on house counts and facts ... all the while watching the spy screen.
  • Natalie and Kevin played pool and continued to scheme away.
  • Russell's been laying low and Michele refuses to take a cold shower before bed.
  • The indicators are that Jeff is likely to use the veto tonight to save Kevin and put Russell on the block with Natalie.
  • If that happens, we'll have some sort of excitement with Russell's reaction.
  • We'll know by tonight.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Sunday Into the Evening 8/23

Blech. Sundays are the most boring day of the week in the BB house. Natalie said she likes them because they let them sleep in. Personally, I call getting up at 9:30 or 10:00 AM every morning sleeping in. Here's the non-events of today in the Big Brother House of Dreadful Doldrums:
  • Michele's eyeglasses are broken. She thinks they were first damaged when the giant diploma in the HOH comp hit them. I'm wondering why she wore them for that.
  • Jordan told Michele that she's always worried that Jeff might evict her similar to what Drew did to Diane that season. Showmances vs. money, money usually wins.
  • Michele told Jordan she trusts her and Jeff 100%.
  • Jordan told Michele that if Russell wins HOH next week, it would give him the perfect opportunity to get rid of Jeff.
  • Jordan also told her she doesn't trust Russell, nor does she think he's all that grateful that Jeff saved him with the "wizard" power.
  • Well, he's more grateful than Lydia was!
  • Jordan reported her talk to Jeff. They think Russell will go berserk when backdoored.
  • Natalie and Kevin continued to suck up to Jeff and Jordan.
  • Michele is grouchy -- her glasses are broken, she thinks her partner in crime might be in danger, she thinks she herself might be in danger, and she's on slop.
  • Kevin is scared that Jeff won't use the veto and the backdoor plan will be thrown out the door.
  • Jordan would like Jeff to try to control his use of the f-bomb.
  • That's just about it. Nothing but doldrums today.
  • We need a brouhaha!

Big Brother 11 Sunday 8/23 Show Blog Party Post

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo

The show has started here on the East Coast. This post will be updated as it airs, but the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is welcome, bring your own snacks and beverages! Later tonight my show review will be posted on TV Squad.

Jeff wins the HOH while the two in last place -- Michele and Russell -- are the have nots for the week. Kevin and Natalie continue to plants seeds of suspicion with Jeff and Jordan about Michele and Russell -- more specifically Russell.

Jeff nominated Kevin and Natalie, but plans to backdoor Russell. He had told Kevin and Natalie that he would be putting them up.

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was 8/23/09

Welcome to my weekly off TV topic look at the week behind me and what caught my attention (and my camera's attention) here in um ... I guess it's called north central New Jersey. If you're looking for Big Brother live feeds news, just head to my BB posts here. If you want a ramble through the week and a peek at some things I saw and experienced this past week, read on.

We started the week with the first official heat wave of the summer -- highs in the 90s and high humidity levels. When it went down into the 80s, the humidity went up even more. That is, when it wasn't storming. Some terrific storms came through, but it's still just hot and sticky. I don't like sweating. Make it stop.

I actually saw Roofus the Cat from the Plainfield Train Station two separate mornings this week. One day was overcast, the other was horribly hot. I don't blame him for staying off the hot tar roof in the summer.

My week isn't much to write about:
  • Write up BB11 live feeds reports and show posts for here and TV Squad.
  • Watch BB11 live feeds.
  • Work.
  • Eat.
  • Sleep a bit.
  • Sweat a lot.
  • Turn up my air conditioning in my apartment.
  • Rinse and repeat.
Here's some of what I saw during the week -- clicking on an image will open it larger in a new window:

Roofus and the people below him

Yep, people are in three of the four windows below our beloved Roofus the Cat ... and they don't even know he's up there! I messed around with editing this photo to highlight the windows a bit more. Since Roofus is a black and white cat, there's not much I can do to highlight him. This photo is probably best viewed larger.

Hey! He buzzed me!

Cicadas do NOT belong indoors. This one was in the laundry room. Eek. He came out of nowhere and I thought it was a teeny helicopter attacking me. You know, with teeny aliens and all.

When good sunflowers go bad.

This one is the size of a dinner plate. Some of those leaves are longer than my forearm. East Front Street in Plainfield.

It must be love -- the US Open

I prefer this normal NJ Transit bus advertising over their tendency to shrink-wrap advertise. When they do that, it's hard to tell if it's an NJT bus and, if you sit looking out the window, you're looking through dots. I hate looking through dots. I'm a window sitter and observer and dots make me go dotty! Plainfield, NJ

Roofus the Cat before the roof gets hot.

Obviously, this was the sunny morning I saw him. North Street, Plainfield.

Goldfinch in flight

I really need more shutter speed. Bridgewater, NJ

Goldfinch on the rocks

Sounds like a tasty beverage, eh? Just mix it in the blender ... heehee! I also need a better zoom. One of these days, when I win the Mega Millions, I'll get a fancy-shmancy camera with all those cool lenses. Bridgewater, NJ

Walking in black and white

Urban image I took as I sweated in Plainfield, NJ.

What? The Yellow Cab Company went yellow?

The Plainfield Yellow Cab Company has always had puke neon green cabs. Well, they have all new yellow yellow cabs now. Yikes! They compete with orange, red, blue and other cab companies in town. Taking a cab here is very different from taking one in the city (NYC). About the only thing in common is that you might share a cab with strangers these days.

Red sky at night

This was no sailor's delight as it was Friday evening over Westfield, NJ, after a tremendous storm passed through. It rained all day Saturday.

Two in the door!

A friend and I went to the new Five Guys burger place in Westfield, NJ. I could never work there. They're all too energetic for me! But they do have good burgers and great fries.

Yay! A bat in Bridgewater!

I know the image quality isn't the best, but this is important to me. For years there have always been several bats up in the corners and eaves here from May until October. I've taken some amazing photos of them in the past right at eye level. This week I saw not one, but two, back at home. I feared white nose syndrome had gotten to them all. Yes, I like bats. I don't like them in my apartment, no. But they're really neat animals who eat evil insects and they have cute little faces.

The pit bull is waiting for the train

Sigh. This poor dirty pit bull was hanging around the Plainfield Train Station the other day. He's either lost or abandoned. While he wasn't vicious, he was very shy. Another commuter and I tried to give him water, but he slunk away from us and hid behind a trash can.

I got very nervous when he was on the platform as the train was arriving. However, he just waited amongst the crowd and tried to board the train. The conductor said he didn't have a ticket, so he couldn't ride. Maybe he just wants to get out of town. I hope the poor doggie finds his way home or some kind of help.

Get your minds out of the gutter!

It's a MUSHROOM. I think it's a stinkhorn or, as it's more officially noted, a member of the phallus family of mushrooms. I'm not kidding.

Reflective bling on the train

I actually wanted more from this photo when I took it. It does look a bit like the giant watch is over the Dunellen NJ Train Station, eh? What got me was the guy with the bling watch had the dirty t-shirt and jeans of a day laborer. The bling was so incongruous!

Roofus' downstairs neighbor at the window again

I'm not sure why this woman is always looking out the window. The apartments in the building tend to be seasonal migrant sort of folks. No screens, no air conditioning, and across the street from the Plainfield Train Station. I couldn't live there. But I bet some nights it's better than watching TV ... but I wouldn't be hanging out the window!