Saturday, January 21, 2006

New 'Survivor' Castaways: A Closer Look at Bruce Kanegai

This 'Closer Look At' entry is all about new 'Survivor' castaway Bruce Kanegai. He's a 58 year old karate instructor/high school art teacher who grew up in Los Angeles and now calls Simi Valley his home. As a child he obtained both a black belt in karate and the rank of Eagle Scout. During his 34 years of teaching he's taught over 10,000 students and received many career awards for doing so. In karate, he's taught over 7,000 students. (I can bet this guy has a built in audience on 'Survivor'!)

His background is very impressive ranging from his work to being a backpacking instructor and working with police department training. Oh... he was bitten by a rattlesnake three years ago! Eek! He's married, has two children and one dog. On the web, a Google came up with several karate-related links like this one.

Okay, let's peek at his CBS favorites list:
Ah, a man after my own heart... his favorite scent has to do with food! Barbequed steak. (I would say cookies, but food is food.) He's another Scrabble player. I like to see all of them on the show -- to me, it exhibits a more cerebral edge. I could be wrong, though. He likes hiking and, for magazines, National Geographic (amongst others). His music tastes range from classical to heavy metal.

My prediction? Oh... I so want to like this guy! I so want him to do well! He's older, but it seems that he's very active, so that's a plus. Will he make Final Four? Hmmm... he's used to being an instructor. In a way, that could work against him on the show, especially once the ages mix. Tough prediction here. I'll say that he lasts a long, long time, but not the Sole Survivor (though I think I'd like to see him win it just by reading the bio and favorites).

What do you think about his chances of winning?

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