What bits did you think I was talking about?
Here's the skinny:
- AOL Music is streaming Elliott Yamin's (American Idol 5) new CD before it hits the markets. It's free for the listening and you don't have to be an AOL member to access it. He's had a makeover and now a new CD. He's a non-winner on the move. Hey, remember when the guys were so good?
- Remember... Survivor 14: Fiji will be on Wednesday night at 8 PM ET/PT this week, not on its regular Thursday night. Celebrity Spider has a bit of info with minor promotional spoilers in this article.
- The local newspaper (online) has an article about Jersey Girl (who woulda thunk it) Muna Heaven being fired on The Apprentice: L.A. Now if Jersey City inhabitants could pick up that accent, youse guys.
- ET Online has an interesting article about how fans on the Internet kept Jericho alive and well during its long hiatus. Which reminds me... I keep getting more information from Primatech Paper (Heroes). I have to get that stuff written up for you.
- Some artists in NYC are suing NBC claiming that the idea of an artist painting the future was stolen from them by the writer of Heroes.
Okay, I'll be settling in to watch The Black Donnellys before long while taping 'Til Death Do Us Part with John Waters as The Groom Reaper on CourtTV. Paula Abdul is on Letterman tonight, so I have to see that!
Busy TV Monday!! Conflict at 8pm, with Prison Break and DWTS starting tonight. I compromised, and watched PB from 8-9pm, and then switched to DWTS from 9-10pm.
I am a huge Apollo Anton Ohno fan, so definitely found him entertaining and a pleasure to watch. Not to mention, just darn cute to look at!! :) Surprised that Heather Mills did as well as she did, but I still don't like her a bit. Could be interesting to see how this shakes out.
Is anyone else watching DWTS??
Me,me me...dla! I love the show.I wish Jackie was into it so we could get her insights! But my favorite out of the chute are Ian,Joey and Anton(all men,imagine that!!!...lol)!!I was so disappointed in Billy Ray,but the country music contingent may keep him around,and I felt that Clyde's height was a ral issue in their dance,they looked so unlike a couple with her twirling around his knees most of the dance. I was surprised by John and Laila,both did better than I expected. I thought Leeza would be better and again,the height difference with Paulina and Shandi and their partner......I guess I like the pairs more evenly matched,but there are some short male pros this time.
I'm with you on Mills too....I hope she is one of the first gone and looks like Billy Ray may be close behind.She looked "typically English" to me!Also I miss Louie and Ashley!
Jackie, you do a great job posting each day. Love your coverage of the Big Brother seasons. However, since you are only human and can't watch every show, it is disappointing too many of us when you do not post views on many of the other big and popular TV shows such as "Dancing With THe Stars" etc.
Is there a colleague who can share this responsibility with you?
Thank God for DVRs. I taped both DWTS and Prison Break. I liked Laila Ali and Joey Fatone. I want Heather Mills gone too. I don't like how she is treating Paul McCartney. I am very curious who will end up being the front runner and winning it all.
Was clicking around the dial this AM and it was an AI ex-contestant frenzy!! First caught LIVE w/Regis & Kelly and they had Elliot Yamin on singing from his new album. Yeehaw,he was excellent and I may just have to go out and buy his CD.And tomorrow,they are having Josh Gracin on. Then flipped over to the Fox Morning show and there was Brandon Rogers singing on there. He did an okay job,but truly people,he is not the idol of this year. He is weak in alot of aspects,but I'm sorry,better than Sanjaya. But it sure has opened lots of doors for him,I have seen him on several shows. Elliot was GOOOOOD!!!
me too dla and Sharon! I have been sooo uninterested in idol, that DWTS is such a welcome
change... ture entertainment!
Sharon -- I pre-ordered the Elliot Yamin CD from Amazon last month and they shipped it on Sunday!! I CAN'T WAIT!!! As soon as I get it and get to listen to it, I'll make sure to put a message to you in a blog comment.
Did you like Chris Daughtry last year? I have his CD too and it's AMAZING!! I just love him!!
Chris Daughtry was my absolute favorite last season! It was actually hard for me to watch after he was eliminated. I have heard tracks from his CD, but have not purchased it. He should have a long, successful career ahead of him! Thanks for the endorsement - that could be the first idol CD that I ever purchase!
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