Heroes is back! Yes! This show is consistently the most action-packed, can't take
Here's the lowdown on the happenings of the evening not necessarily in the order in which they occurred:
- The Primatech Morphing Woman, Candace, tried to fool Mr. Bennet into thinking she's Claire, but to no avail.
- Bennet, Parkman (reading thoughts ex-cop), and Lionel Sprague (radioactive hands guy) are still being held prisoner at Primatech. Bennet's boss intends on killing them -- he was just waiting for the order to do so.
- Bennet uses his mind to communicate with Parkman who springs Sprague. All three escape from Primatech. Bennet wants to go to NYC where they can destroy the tracking system which tracks the heroes.
- Linderman and Nathan were in Las Vegas where Linderman revealed an
Isaac painting of Nathan as President.
- Linderman wants Nathan to work with him to "save the world." He wants to heal it, and brings a dead plant to life to prove his point.
- Linderman believes the future, including the NYC explosion, needs to happen to save the world. After all, only .07% of the world's population would die and Nathan would be a hero bringing people together for a common goal.
- The explosion would be a catalyst for good. Peter would die the day after Nathan was elected.
- Back in Brooklyn, Peter Petrelli went to Suresh's apartment (where Suresh was stuck on the ceiling by Sylar in the last chapter).
- Sylar tried to cut Peter's head to steal his brain, but Peter healed too quickly. Then it became a powers struggle between Peter and Sylar.
- At one point Sylar gathered glass shards with his power, then shot them like shrapnel, one striking Peter's brain.
- But Peter sort of had the last hurrah when something he did rammed an object into Sylar, knocking him unconscious.
- Suresh fell from the ceiling, fussed about Peter being dead and brought him to his mother's house where Claire had been getting to know her grandmother. Grandmom had plans for Claire to
go to Paris with her.
- She was crushed that Peter was dead, as was Nathan when he arrived. "You weren't supposed to die like this."
- Mrs. Petrelli told Nathan "we hide it" until after the election.
- Claire wanted to see Peter once again and removed a huge glass shard from the back of his head. Oh, no... he lives once again!
- Mrs. Petrelli told Peter and Nathan that she knew all about them and had earlier admitted her own powers to Claire.
- It's decided that Claire indeed will go to Paris with Mrs. Petrelli... maybe.
- Suresh met up with Bennet's boss in lieu of Bennet (he's "no longer with the company") and Bennet's boss wants him to work with him... for the purpose of good, of course. @@
- Back in Las Vegas, DL wants to take Micah and leave Jessica (no Nikki in the picture). He doesn't want Micah mixed up with Linderman.
- But Linderman wants Micah. When he told Jessica (it was just a courtesy, not really asking), she refused to give him Micah.
- So he sent a morphed-into-Jessica/Nikki Candace to fool Micah and took him. "Do you want to save the world today?"
- Sylar recovered and saw the list of heroes had gone missing with Peter and Suresh.
- But he found a slip of paper with Isaac's name and address.
- He went there, and found Isaac was expecting him. Isaac told him that he had already sent the information on how to kill him (Sylar) and he'd finally be a hero.
- Sylar absorbed Isaac's painting powers and set himself up at an easel.
- Then there was Hiro and Ando in the future, looking at a destroyed NYC.
- Ando mentioned he now had the sword and they could transport themselves back and change the future.
- They went to Isaac's future studio where they found a timeline of events with things like "save the cheerleader" and Nathan's election.
Learn more about the guy Linderman wants to put in office so bad...and you've been helping keep out (so far).
Visit: votepetrelli.com
I can't wait until next week! How about you?
Lastnights show was super cool..(i hang out with my kids too much sorry)i miss'd the part where peter's mom said that she had powers..what are they?? did she say?? i think i like the names you give the guys then the one on the show..cuz i didn't know the radioactive hands guy's name..and the mind-reading ex-cop..and the hrg guy..yeah that should be there names..lol..i don't think that peter is going to let clair go to paris w/granny..i think that he believes that if she's around when he blows up he'll live..and i'm confussed w/the whole linderman thing..who is he?? is he over primatech? is he just a person w/powers that wants to rule the world, and the only way that he can do it is through nathan? i was really glad to see that peter didn't die..my oldest daughter (she's 14) was fixing to stop watching the show if he was gone..she's a big fan of his..i knew they wouldn't kill him off yet..i think that w/clair there he'll either not blow up or will live after..(somehow)i don't think that they would kill off one of the main people like that..cuz he's a biggie on the show..(well to me ne way..)..and no, i
can't wait till next week either..
Great re-cap. You forgot to mention and I am not sure if it was part of the previews or the end of the show. Buth Hiro and Ando meets the future Hiro. I thought that was cool.
This show had me telling myself to breathe at least 3 times. I did not realize that I was holding my breath during the show. It was that exciting. The show did not disappointment me. I am so looking forward to next Monday.
hi jackieeeeeeeeeeee,
long time no type, lol
please tell me there will be a Big Brother 8.pleaseeeeeeeeee
and if you know the date.
pat :>
ps cant wait to talk to you
Great recap, Jackie, and...
Woo-hoo! It's the return of the double eye-roll! @@ Or was that a single?
My tape cut out in the last few minutes (yes, I'm still living in the 90's with my VCR). So Hiro found a timeline in the apt? Guess that will be helpful now that Isaac's not around to paint the future.
Did Gramma Petrelli every say what her hero-power is?
And what were the previews for next week?
Jackie, there's so much to take in, I don't know how you capsulize it as good as you do, but THANK YOU! I don't watch with anyone, and it's confusing, especially when there's no one to talk about it to. So you are MUCH appreciated.
~Susan from MA
Lyss - She didn't say what they were and more hinted at them. As for Linderman, he's a mobster but he also seems like he runs the operation at Primatech as the Big Boss. Maybe other locations, too? I don't know.
Arlene - GAK! I forgot to mention that! Yes, you're right... it was very cool.
Pat - Big Brother 8 is slated to start at the end of June/beginning of July.
Anon @ 8:58 - Next week looks like a thrill a minute, too!
Susan from MA - Thank you. I take notes during the show, but sometimes with this show I jot them so fast I can't read my own notes! :) That's how I left out the Hiro meeting Future Hiro bit. I actually find I understand the events more when I write them down, though.
What a great, exciting and awesome episode and show!!!! I am so thrilled it is back on. Never have I been so drawn to a show that continually gives me goosebumps through out it.
Me too Arlene... I find myself holding my breath often while watching Heroes... LOL!
Great Episode and Great Recap Jackie! I enjoy your recaps of all the shows as much as I enjoy watching the shows! :)
Cant wait for BB...the show that brought me to this great blog!:)
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