Saturday, July 21, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds, Playing Catch Up - Into the Evening 7/20

Sure... I turn on the feeds and this is what I get...

(For those who can't run the video, it's zuma, zuma, thump, thump...)

In a brief rundown of the more important news from today in the Big Brother House of What's That You Say, Mrs. Robinson, Your Alliance Has Left And Gone Away:
  • The nominations didn't happen until late this evening (my time, their time it was only around 6 PM) and, as I briefly posted, Dick put Jen and Kail on the block. Although this was one of the latter happenings, I'm putting it here first due to um... priorities! Keep in mind that until you read differently, the following events took place before the nomination ceremony.
  • Kail told Mike that Jen told her that Zach outed the Mrs. Robinson alliance to her (Jen).
  • Kail is worried, all alone in the world and her expressions range from deer in the headlights to uncomfortable to depleted.
  • The HG told Jen they're sick of seeing the unitard.
  • It's Jameka's birthday.
  • The food comp wasn't shown on the feeds, but seems to be one in which they played for various food groups.
  • Dick and Daniele had a talk in which he told her if Nick is playing his daughter, he'll kill him. She giggled and Nick told Dick he's not playing her. We'll see.
  • Daniele gave Dick a lot of speech advice. He listens to her.
  • Dick told Nick that if he puts both Jen and Kail on the block, that will divide them and Zach will "jump ship."
  • Zach, trying for Dick's favor, told him of the $50,000 deal he has going with Nick. Whichever of the two win the game will give the other the money. Dick reminded him that's against the rules.
  • Zach kept spilling beans on everyone in the house to Dick.
  • Dick told Amber that Zach told him he knew they were in a secret alliance -- Amber, Dustin, and Dick. Dick wants her to distance herself some and not blow his game. She cries.
  • The nominations go down, so from this point it's after Jen and Kail know they're nominated.
  • The HG got a grill.
  • Kail kept away from the group, so Dick checked in on her. As she went on and on about her failed alliance, he told her every move she had made was wrong beginning with making an alliance on the second day.
  • Dick said Jen needs a personality transplant and is merely a caricature of herself. He doesn't view her as a threat, nor does anyone else. He believes that's why Kail will be voted out.
  • Kail was so sure she'd do well in the game that she already had her Final Two speech prepared.
  • Kail is crushed.
  • The others play zuma, zuma...

Two, two, zuma, zuma, (thump), (thump)...


Steff said...
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Steff said...

Thanks for the link explaning zuma zuma. I had no idea what is was. Why bother with that when the "jen game" works just as well, only you get drunk quicker!

Now Miss Jackie, GO TO BED!!

stewah said...

I love that Kali is deflated. It’s fun to see these “middle America control freaks” who think that they are so intelligent, enter the house, think they are controlling their alliances, controlling the house and suddenly realizing they got out played! Most of them can’t handle it. Example: Eric, from the Friendsheep Alliance……….Thanks Jackie! Another wonderful job!

PlaidChick said...

It was good to see Dick and Kail go around and around and around again on the feeds. I had heard it and read it, and I fell asleep at 1:15 (CT) and missed Zuma Zuma. It was funny the first time they played it, but I was hoping it would be really fun since there was talk of they making people eat gross foods if someone messed up, and they had been drinking all night.

Zach is such a snake-- actually I can't decide if he's a flying monkey, a rat or a snake.

PoV today.

Have a fun weekend Jackie!

Carrie in Tx

Anonymous said...

I hope Zach's little conversations with Evel yesterday convince him to put Zach up if one of the girls wins Veto. I think Mike is pretty harmless, it's Zach that he needs to watch out for. Can anyone say SMARMY!! I can't stand looking at Zach!

tbc said...

you spell swarmy z.a.c.h.

Anonymous said...

Stewah, I had totally forgotten about ERic and his "Friendsheep" thats how impressed I was with his whoel game. I recall Maggie cause , well, she was Maggie.
Dick is very smart and is playing the game well.
Hope your Manhattan outing was awesome Jackie, stick to your story.

Anonymous said...

That Zuma Zuma is so cool. I could never do it tho. Thanks Jackie. Karyn

pickles said...

I think it was pretty presumptuous of Kail to all ready have her speech ready for the final two. She forgot the most important thing. Play the game with a little smarts.

dla said...

Hi everyone!

Zuma zuma looks fun!! I would be completely intoxicated, as I would blow it every time, but still looks fun! Thank you for the link explaining the game!

Watched some Sho Too last night, and Kail was a mess. She has been a mess since I read her bio.

Isn't it amazing how we can switch our focus to someone we love to hate the most??

I vote Kail goes home!!!

But we need to watch out for Jen and hope she leaves soon, as well!

Anonymous said...

Already wrote her "final two" speech? Kind of makes her fall from her self-proclaimed throne even sweeter, doesn't it? The woman has balls of brass, but is still an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Am I not thinking straight.... seems like Dick (who I really love watching, he's great television!) should've nominated Kail and some harmless "under the radar" type person like Jameka maybe. That would ensure a Kail eviction. Personally, I'd rather see Jen out of there-- Flailing Kail is much more entertaining to watch freak out. Don't know what Dick sees in Amber, boo-hoo, sniffle!

Hope you had a great Sunday, Jackie! I'm not ashamed to admit I love the excited anticipation of Big Brother Sundays!! A big bowl of ice cream and a look at Dick's HOH room-- YEAH!! God, I need help....

Robin in Manchester