My favorite Evel Dick as he and Eric have a late night talk in the backyard.
My guess is that America will instruct Eric to vote for Joe to leave. I don't think he had planned to vote otherwise. Eric has more down-to-earth and real talks with Dick than he has with anyone in the house.
Here are the evening and late night happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Nervous Nellie and Evel Jenius:
- Zach told Kail he wouldn't vote Dick out. He doesn't trust Joe.
- Kail told Nick that if Dick stays he'll come after her and Mike. Nick told her, "It is what it is."
- Joe thinks he has Jameka's and Jessica's votes. They hinted he did, but you never know.
- Jessica told Eric she's in an alliance with Daniele, Nick, Jameka and Joe.
- When Joe told Kail he thought he had the votes, she told him she doesn't see it -- Dick would have to blow something between now and voting for it to happen.
- Kail advised Joe to make deals and make them believable.
- Zach ascertained that Dustin is still voting for Joe to leave. Yup.
- Dick told Joe that he heard he's saying a lot of things about him. Joe denied he's campaigning negatively against him. Dick advised Joe to be careful of what he's saying so it doesn't do him in if he (Joe) stays.
- Jameka told Jessica not to tell Joe she's not voting to keep him yet.
- Amber and Daniele talked about Kail wanting Dick out. Daniele said that Kail is worried, but she would be safe.
- Kail thinks they can get Eric and Nick to vote Dick out.
- Kail told Jameka they have five votes (for Dick to go). Jameka told her they would need more than five because things can change.
- Jameka said she doesn't like Dick, but the votes just aren't there.
- Kail went on a quest to see who can influence Eric. Little does she know, but he's our puppet.
- Kail told Jessica if she gets Eric's vote, she will get Mike's. Then she told her "if you rat me out, I'll rat you out."
- Jameka told Jess, "Leave it alone. Joe is going home."
- Big Brother gave them alcohol. Eric advised Jen to not talk strategy with others since she was drunk.
- Jen told Eric that she thinks Dick is going home. Eric told her a lot of the votes were non-commital at this time.
- Daniele warned Dick that Kail is campaigning to get the entire house against him. She told him to stay cool.
- Dick told Dustin that Kail was campaigning against him.
- Jen told Eric that Nick is part of the Mrs. Robinson alliance. She said she tested it when suggesting to Kail she put Nick on the block -- her reaction was a dead giveaway. (Maybe Jen is smarter than she seems.)
- When Kail and Jen told Eric that Joe doesn't have the numbers to stay (amazing ups and downs here), Eric pointed out that Joe could win a HOH easier than Dick.
- Joe told Zach that if he stays, he'll change. He also said if he wins HOH, he'll go after the weakest players.
- Kail worked and worked on Eric to get him to commit to vote out Dick. He didn't commit to anything.
- Zach told Dick that he told Joe that he will vote to keep Dick.
- Dick told Zach he knows that Kail is plotting against him. Zach told him he'd tell her to stop because Joe was more of a threat.
- Dick pointed out that Joe was still smoking after promising to quit if he stays.
- Daniele told Dick that Eric is on the fence. Dick was surprised. (He doesn't know we have his back!)
- Daniele had a crying heart-to-heart talk with Dick about not wanting to be in the house, worried about the situation with her boyfriend at home and her feelings for Nick. Dick did her best to comfort her. He told her the outside was real, not the situation in the house. She just kept saying she wanted to talk to her boyfriend.
- Dick told her she can always talk to him and depend on him. He'll always love her.
- Nick asked Daniele what was wrong, she wouldn't tell him.
- Joe, Dustin and Jessica were spinning in the teacup after drinking.
- Joe told Jessica he thought Daniele was crying because her father was going home.
- The code for a Joe vote (according to Joe) is "Do you have a meeting at 4?"
- Eric, Dick, and Dustin mentioned that they never see Mike. (Neither do I -- he's a ghost!)
- Jen and Kail think they have a Dick ouster in the bag.
They're almost all still up.
Thanks for the update Jackie.
Dick and Daniele seem to be connecting more now. Not sure what their problems were pre BB but I'm glad to see they are comforting each other. Daniele is emotionally and physically weak right now and I hope she has a slop free week coming up. She worries me.
As for the invisible man, Mike, I think he is playing his own little game and letting all the emotional and strong players pick each other off. He is playing VERY low-key and taking it all in. The strong silent type - my kind of man.
Jackie, thank you so much for your insightful posts. I read your blog first thing every AM with my coffee - even before the morning news! I find out soooo much more from you and your faithful bloggers than I ever would during the show.
I was suprised by Zach's comments to Jam. It takes 2 to converse. Has HE ever tried to talk with Jam before the incident in the kitchen?
The attempt by Jen to blackmail the veto was funny. She has nothing to back up her threats. What a futile attempt to play the tough chick. I felt bad for those that succumbed to her tirade (Amber). Amber does need to go (right after Jen) for her own mental health, and that of the house. The guests need their own mental strength to survive living in the BB8 house.
Thanks all for keeping me updated. I appreciate your input.
Strange late night/early morn!
4 were up-Eric ED Amber and Dustin
at 3aP 1/2 hr later A D AP went to bed. ED was called to DR and that is the last seen of any moving guests. No late night recap from ED.
Was Jen still wearing her JENITARD?
Keep up the good work, your blog is great!
More videos please! Maybe an episode of the Evil Dick show...
Last night, Kail was like a broken record about the need to get rid of Dick. She was nagging and browbeating Houseguests. She went on and on and on about it. She is one of my least favorites. She is not only boring but she thinks she runs the house like she runs her town. I do not think Kail is used to not getting her own way.
The Dick/Dani scenes were emotional and very touching.Dani really needed her Dad and he was there for her to comfort her.
Dick was very emotional after talking to Dani and he said it was so hard to see his daughter cry. Bless his heart, I hope Dick stays. I actually like Dick and Joe and I wish Kail was leaving instead or Amber.
the whole Jen and Kail agreements are giving me the heebies jeebies..what two polar oposite people united in a wicked common goal....yikes! They need to be put on the block together!
Hey Joe,
The rooster crows at dawn.
Colonel Mustard in the Pantry with the Wrench.
The Rain in Spain stays mainly on the Plain.
His codes and signals crack me up.
Wow Kail has made herself a target by campaigning so much and not letting up about wanting Dick gone. Had she not done this and stayed out of it, she would not be a target.
One of the best things about keeping Dick will be that we do not have see Kail gloat in DR sessions.
And the waffling has begun....
What is Jen doing to her Unitard???
Didn't post about last night's show, but the PoV competition was classic, nicely done Daniele. So obvious Amber threw the last round. Boy that girl is a mess. The "Queen B" continues to show her ugly self on TV.
The way I see the vote going down is this.For Dick to stay: Daniele, Dustin, Eric, Nick, Amber.
Those who I don't know yet are: Zach (he claims he wants Dick to stay) Jameka (she says she wants Dick to stay) Mike (?) Jessica (?) and Kail wants Dick out.
Carrie in Tx
What’s Kail’s problem w/Dick anyway? I get the feeling that she is intimidated by him…along with the fact that she is probably a bit of a bigot. Maybe she is still foolishly judging him on his appearance. Remember the comment on the first episode that she would never want any of her kids to “turn gay” (referring to other houseguests)….She just might be a dim bulb. Hard to believe coming from a “multi-business owner”.
And, thanks Jackie for your hard work!
Jackie, where would I be without your live feed reports? (Stuck somewhere in edited BB land, that's for sure, and completely out of the loop.) Am also loving your Squad reports too. I hope that Joe goes, Dick (who I've decided I really like) and Daniele are starting to get along and that's great to see... Someone PLEASE get Amber some Kleenex!... Would love to hear more from Jameka but I agree with her strategy...take it all in. And what...there's a guy named Mike in the house?
You (continue to always) ROCK!
Witt :)
P.S. I must ask...when do you sleep? :::sending Jackie a fluffy pillow :::
Hi Jackie, and thanks for keeping me (us!) informed with BB. I haven't been an dedicated to watching so far as in the past. Not because of choice, but because of those darn circumstances beyond my control. Ya know?! But Dick seems to be as against type as any player I can remember. He confonted HOHJen (was her favorite drink a Jen & Tonic?) when anyone else would have seen that timing as disasterous. He gave Joe advice on how to behave if he is to remain in the house if Dick were to leave. What? He was helping an opponet? How non BB like! He looks anti-establishment (remember that retro word?) but talks pretty mainstream. I do have to wonder what PTA parent teacher conferences were like for Danielle and her brother. I know BB says Dick was a 'single dad', but I didn't hear what happened to the Mom. Has that been revealed yet? Will she walk in the door when ratings start to drop? The first show I saw I even wondered if Jen and Dick knew each other and were going out of their way to pretend they didn't, like the two from last year. But, it appears Jen really is the one sided person she is showing the house. Sue
Jackie - Read your Squad report and I'm happy to see that Amber doesn't really cry all the time. There's still just something I don't like about her though...
I absolutely LOVE Dick and I think he's the only one in there who is truly playing the game. Joe soooo better go home on Thursday!
I wish they'd show more of my local boy, Mike. Is he really that in the background on the feeds?
Orkmommy: I love your posts but yesterday you said Kail was the only one playing the game. I believe there are many playing the game, some are doing it better than others. CBS is showing us only what they want us to see. I pity the poor BB8 fans out there that don't read Jackies awesome blogs.
Thanks Jackie, for clearing up Ambers eyes...lol. I agree with you orkmommy, and I still think I heard her tell Nick she was a nympho in the second or third episode aired. Maybe it was Dustin.
In any case, I don't like her.
I so want to slap the jenious! Are we sure its not just boogie in that unitard? The only good thing about that unitard is shes not wearing the "jen" clothes. I think she is really under the impression everyone in the house likes her!! She is so self-centered. Wonder why her Mom is coming into the house, could she be there to take her picture away from her bratty daughter? She has got to be disgraced by her actions to date.
I voted for Eric to oust Joe, I love the Dick factor too much to keep Joe. Its a catch-22 this week, I'd much rather see Kail up on the block.
I soooo like love y'all. Oops, a jen moment.hehe
Steff - you're right, I did contradict myself. I think Kail and Dick are both playing the game, albeit differently and definitely more so than any of the other players.
Jen's mom isn't coming into the house, she's just going to be featured on Thursday. Just like they did with Dick/Daniele and Mike's families last week.
Thanks orkmommy, I was lQQking forward to "its" Mom but now, not so much. I'm thinking she is just going to tell America what a great daughter she raised. How wonderful she is etc. etc. Like we need to hear more of that, we get plenty from "it" herself!
Thanks again for enligthening me.
Sue just love the Jen and Tonic comment!!! Very good thought about Jen and ED knowing each other (wow never thought of that). Being he is a bar manager and she a "friend of Chilltown") Could that be a twist??? Doth she protest too much?
Asking again...did anyone else see Jenbarf make her unitard into a swimsuit, she did it last night and has done it again today. Pass the barf-bag!!!
Hope this thought is not true (in my mind) Vanna is or will be 50 this year) her kids are 10/13. Some nanny job!!! Hope she is not grooming Jenpuke for her job!!! Ashamed to sign this thought. IMAO
Now they are all doing Fran D/as the Nanny talk, started last night. Mr Sheffield in her voice and tone....stop it please!!!
omg jackie i almost need a score board to keep up good job dont know how you do it. to lucy i think it had to do with edick loaning daniele money that she didnt pay back. got it from her brother.
hay jackie can you get the pic of the bathing suit jen made out of the jump suit
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