Sunday, July 22, 2007

Latest is up on TV Squad!

My latest post is up on TV Squad. Keep in mind that it was actually written this morning, but it contains some events I haven't discussed here!

I'm still waiting for something interesting to happen before giving you the latest here. These hamsters need to mix it up a bit! Sheesh.


Anonymous said...

Good grief, these hamsters are boring. Luckily, I have my Harry Potter book to keep me entertained :)

Why is Mike not talking to anyone about his possible nomination and eviction?? Does he not care if he goes? Does he have some secret alliance that we don't know about? Is he just letting Kail dig her own grave by hounding everyone to death? (That might actually work. She is 10x more annoying than Jennoying at this point). Please let ED come to his senses, and vote her out!

Anonymous said...

Come om ED,your first instinct to get rid of Kail was the right one! She may be playing the sympathy card right now,and you may think you can rattle her enough to keep her out of the HOH,but you'd be wrong! And for most of AmERICa,can I say,we are so tired of hearing her voice and looking at her face!!!

And what is CBS thinking,showing inJENuous on the blurbs,that her "reign of terror" is over! Uh,when did that happen??? The only one she "terrorized" was Amber and we ALL know that Amber can be made to cry by a fuzzy little kitten or somebody saying "hi" to her. That's no "reign" and we are soooo tired of seeing her face!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know who America has told Eric to vote for eviciton?