'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Into Monday 8/27
<--- Amber actually smiling as the houseguests play spin the bottle. It's more of a mix of spin the bottle and truth or dare or something. There is no kissing involved. They tell a "truth" and all say "how sad." Very odd. Not like yesterday morning with Jessica and Eric! Which, by the way, was the only interesting point of the day and that was sort of blah. Without further ado, here's the news from inside the House of Big Brother Previously Rejected Applications: - Eric's rather anti-climatic kissing of Jessica yesterday morning won't count for America's Player. If she's chosen, he will have to do it again. (One more time, this time with feeling!)
- I still want him to have to kiss Dick or Zach, though.
- Amber read her bible often yesterday. Hopefully she has at least portions memorized by now.
- The washing machine is still on the fritz.
- Strategy or not? Dick went to Amber complaining there's only so much of Zach he can take. They had a talk about how annoying Zach is with his know-it-all ways. Amber once again brought up Zach promising to cook for Jameka and not doing it.
- Amber cried. (Not due to the Dick conversation, just on general principles.)
- Eric and Jessica discussed whether the big Dick/Daniele fight was real or staged. Jessica thinks it was real because Dick's eyes are all red.
- Amber talked to Jessica. She said she wants someone good to win the season. At this time, the only good people left in the house are herself, Jameka, and Jessica. (That's according to Amber, not me.)
- Amber says that if she stays and wins HOH, she would never put Jessica or Eric on the block. (Never? Um, those numbers are getting down, girl!)
- Jessica told her if the vote's a tie, she'll vote out Zach.
- Amber thinks that Dick and Daniele are a strong pair, but Jessica and Eric aren't because they're just good friends.
- Jessica sat with Dick for a while trying to avoid Zach and everyone. Her strategy is to sleep to avoid people.
- Dick has flip-flopped back to wanting Zach out.
- Amber still loves her rat!
- Amber finally nailed Eric. Just to talk to him, minds out of the gutter! She's worried that she's the target and promises him things she can't possibly keep like never putting him on the block. She did the "good people" to win thing, but now he seems to mysteriously be a part of that. She says she doesn't want Dick, Daniele, or Zach to win.
- Amber cried while talking to Eric.
- When she asked him if she should be nervous, he told everyone should be nervous because there are only seven players left.
- Eric told her he's basically against the backdoor method of evicting a houseguest on the whole. He said he's a bit upset that almost everybody who's gone home this season has been backdoored.
- She cried some more.
- Amber told him that she can tell he's a good person by his eyes. @@
- Eric told Jessica that tomorrow (today) it will be blatantly obvious whether they're with Dick and Daniele or against them.
- Jessica said she's not worried about the final four, she's worried about next week.
- Amber told Jameka that Eric won't be using the veto.
- Zach and Amber both campaigned their cases.
- Then it went into the game which is still on as I post this. As a punishment, Dick had to lick Jen's picture twice. Fun, fun. So sad!
- The game is over as I add to this -- Amber is whispering to Jameka that Jessica has always been suspicious of her and Eric. @@ (I felt I had to add that to make your morning!)
Good Morning!
I understand what Eric is feeling about the backdoor method, but with POV played the way it is, I can see where backdoor is the only choice.
I liked POV better when the HOH and noms got to pick someone to play with/for them. That put everyone on the spot. Would the person actually play hard for you or throw it on purpose? Would they do what you wanted them to do if they won? It had the potential to "out" a lot of the relationships and alliances.
I thought that luxury comp. was the most fun they had this year. They all seemed so normal(?) for once, having fun, making fun comments about it.
This week I don't mind who goes (Zach or Amber). Don't see Eric using the POV. I have a feeling Zach will be the odd man out with Amber going next week if she doesn't win HOH.
I haven't watched yet! Jackie, you can see I come here first thing, even before the DVR. Thank you. After the clothes comp was held, Daniele was complaining about the clothes, saying something like they are not what any one would buy or want, she wondered aloud if BB got them as a donation cause they weren't 'good enough' to have been purchased. Sidewalk Sale stuff, I think she was meaning. I haven't seen the clothes. Did I hear her wrong? Are the clothes odd? Sue
I would rather Amber go this week and Jameka or Zach next week. With Jessica not being able to play for HOH this Thursday, then Jameka can be put up (I think she'll put up D or D before Jameka, alliance or no alliance). O.K., is it me or does Eric sound like a 13 year old boy who's voice hasn't quite changed yet (he seems to squeak at times). If he and Jessica got married and had kids, between his voice and Jessica's high pitched voice, I'd ate to think what their kids would sound like.
I have a question about strategy. In the early episodes, Jameka spoke often of God's Will being done...that the winner was 'preordained'. Now that we have seen Jameka for a number of weeks, I am wondering if the 'preordained' statement was her trying to cover herself on that particular Veto, or was that actually the plan she came into the house to use. Did she think she could just 'be' in the house, go with the flow, and since God had already picked a winner, her actions didn't matter? What do you think, Jackie (and commenters), was it a sincere plan on Jameka's part or was she just saying the words in order to keep her word to Jen? Sue
Just when I think the BB producers can't continue to give us lame shows they do it again.
What could they have been thinking to make the luxury comp be performed in the nude.
It certainly didn't make it more interesting. They had to use bad camera angles and blot out body parts because nudity can't be shown on regular network TV.
Didn't CBS learn anything from Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction during the Super Bowl?
Personally I think it would have been more fun for the viewers to be able to see the action up close while the HGs had on bathing suits than having them naked.
I forgot to sign my post as Lynn 1
Hiya Jackie and folks... I have to comment this morning, I am a huge ANTM fan (surprised, anyone?) and Amber talking about going on that show last night reached a new height in Delusional. Jameka is too smart, I THINK, to be encouraging her for anything but strategic reasons.
On another note, I continue to despise Dick's talks with Daniele. Yes, she is whiney, but she is TWENTY-ONE-- barely an adult, and he is a grown man. He constantly expects her to have the same level of emotional maturity that he should have. His comments to her are so blaming. His intentions as a father may be good, but his ACTIONS, even in the house, are horrible.
If my father, who I'd been estranged from for years, had been going around farting everywhere and screaming at people, I wouldn't want to deal with him either. Grow Up Dick! Also, please... buy a new pair of jeans. There, I've said it!
The ONLY reason to keep Amber another week...for pure laughs for the viewing audience. I have never laughed so hard over this show as I did last night.
tb 7:10...Amber win HOH next week? Did you have a vision?
anon 7:19...I'm sure the clothes are last season's styles, ie: sidewalk sale or clearance stuff.
Sue 8:50...Not sure if it was all Jameks's plan or not. could be she's mellowed on God talk from allthe berating from Dick. But notice, Jameka has quieted down whil Amber has kicked in full force from prayers, talks, and visions. Must be all the drugs she did.
Kelly in MI
Just FYI: Dancing With The Stars has announced that besides Wayne Newton, also appearing this coming season will be Mark Cuban (Dallas Mavericks owner), Jenny Garth (90210) and Scary Spice. That's it so far. I sure hope the roster gets better.
I don't want to be a blog hog today but I had an Amberesque vision.
BB has used the catch phrase "Expect the unexpected" for years.
I wonder if one of the twists in BB8 is to make all the house guests' living conditions as uncomfortable as possible.
Could the ants in the kitchen, the broken washing machine,the naked luxury comp, etc. be planned by the producers to mess with the HGs comfort level?
I know I sound as crazy as Amber. I promise no more late night snacks of bratwurst and I will start back on my meds this morning! LOL
Lynn 1
Thanks Joy -- So no Tori Spelling? She was so trying to get on that show.
I agree with the poster who said they feel sorry for Amber. She's a walking,talking train wreck and the producers are getting their pound of flesh and more from this delusional girl. She's not very smart and she's not very sophisticated and she is making such an ass of herself to millions and CBS is exploiting it for all they are worth. How sad! She needs more help than anything or anybody on that show.I really want her gone this week so she can get out of that environment and quit making such an ass of herself for all the world to see.
I really hope that Grodner loses her job after this season of BB. The naked "luxury" challenge,what a farce! Of course,she(J) was told in the DR to make it girls against boys,that's how "scripted" this is.And dick worries about seeing his daughter naked but then goes on about seeing Jessica naked when she's Dani's age. ICK!!! Just another poor "twist" to this show this time.And these AP things just get stupider and stupider!
And regarding "the kiss",just reading about it made ME throw up a little in my mouth. What is this girl thinking????? It's NOT cute or sexy or anything but nauseating!!Double ICK!!
Holy Crap! Amber thinks Jessica is concerned about her (Amber) and Eric. Is she nuts! Eric's no catch, but any interest in Amber by any male after they have seen her true self on this show would be sheer lunacy.
As for the naked comp, I'm disappointed in Jameka for completing the task. No amount of material things is worth degrading yourself.
Oh...just a side note to Lynn 1... you can always just type in Lynn 1 as your name when you're choosing your identity. Just a thought.
I should have said I'm disappointed in all the girls for competing in the nude challenge. I noted Jameka because if she's walking the walk, then she knows better and shouldn't have participated. Just say no!
Sissy - I think any children of Eric & Jessica would talk so high pitched only dogs could hear them. They'll wonder why the kids mouths are open and the dogs are yelping! :-)
Orkmommy! You are really quick! How do you come up with these thoughts! Too funny!
lynn: It's called bored camera men and producers.
"what should we have them do this week?"
"i donno, but i wouldn't mind seeing jessica naked"
"ooooh i got a GREAT idea"
Well Gonzales was voted out of the DOJ house...something to be happy about. In BB house, doubt Eric will make a bold move. I think it's bye bye Amber. Then Zach and Jam & we'll be left to see who can outlast the father/daughter tag team.
I am on the West Coast and on Thursday we have football at 7 PM. Does anyone know when we will be able to watch BB. Sometimes, they put it on a different channel,but I haven't heard anything. If anyone knows I would appreciate it if you could let us know. Thanks
Karen UC
I would just like to add that I think Amber is a poor pathetic soul who the show is exploiting. Did you notice when she mention having a great body they flashed to a shot of her in a bathing suit with all her lumpiness on display? Though I would like to see her gone I still feel sorry for her.
I like this scenario.
Amber out now
Zack Next
Jameka team up with Eric and Jess to get out Dick and Dani next
Then Eric/Jess/Jameka final 3...
Even if Eric got to final 2, which I don't think he would between the 3 of them, he wouldn't win against either one of them and I think Jess would win opposite Jameka.
I just don't want Dick or Dani to win anything.
Anonymous said...
Well Gonzales was voted out of the DOJ house...something to be happy about
Okay, call me "Amber"... "What is the DOJ house?
What am I missing?
I like Meb's plan the best. Jam, Eric and Jess as the final three. Eric should drop out of the race because of his working for the public here and leave it between Jess and Jam. Either one can win.
I also wonder what DOJ is. Another reality show?
DOJ = Department of Justice.
Albert Gonzales the US Attorney General is resigning.
Lynn 1 said...
DOJ = Department of Justice.
Albert Gonzales the US Attorney General is resigning.
Well "DUH"!
I really do feel "Amberish"!!
Hey folks! Why do you want Eric to kiss one of the guys??? I think it would be better if he kissed Dani then Jessica would think it was to get her(Dani) on his side to get Jessica out, then Jessica would probably put/get Eric on the block! I can't stand his little weasley face. Does he really think he's prince charming???
June from MA
Regardless of who he's voted to kiss (unless it's Jess), he'll play it off as some kind of joke or maybe work it into one of those bets they make on beer pong. If I understand the AP rules correctly, he has to at least make an effort, he can't just blow it off. Someone mentioned him not getting into bed with Joe. He did get in bed with Joe, he just didn't wait it out to be discovered there so it was a failure, but he made the effort.
"Just another Maniac Monday".....one more week and school starts here....
Lynn 1--if I had bratwurst for a late night snack I would have been up ALL
DWTS--not a great line-up yet. Who's going to be the "pretty boy" or "hot mama"??
Karen 10:57--there was lots of talk on previous posts about football pre-empting BB on Thurs. It sounds like your part of the unfortunate group that gets to watch football. Many people will be following the show in different parts of the country and posting here as it happens. There is also a link that you can watch the east coast coverage:
I am on the west coast also and on Thurs. I watch it on this link at 5:00p.m.
I am disgusted with how low CBS is stooping this year....NAKED LUXURY COMP?!
As I stated before that could have accomplished the same goal wearing bathing suits and looking for the letters in the bubbles then spelling words. I noticed Jam waited until everyone else had their clothes hung up before she stripped. I can hear hear them in the planning meeting---
"We've working this crew overtime filming this house of disfunction but there's no money in the budget to pay them."
"I know let's have the girls get naked--you know--
cheap thrills!!"
"Great idea and think of the ratings"......
Now let's talk about Eric/Jess and this kissing-
Sunday night hours of making-out and then last
night not even a good-night
kiss?? What's that about?
Jess never did seem all the
into him and was he just
doing it because he had
been tipped off to his next
task?? These two are acting like two 13 yr.olds.
I'm not saying I want them
doing the horizontal hula but some real affection...
Oh well, but to my reality-
three grandkids and breakfast.
I wonder if they are going to allow the HG to watch Dani & Amber play Power of 10. Dani was telling them they'd find out about the trip in a few days. And if so, I wonder if that will have an effect on the game, if one of them won a decent amount of money.
I agree with whoever said in Jackies last post, that Amber didn't come into the house praying, but once she hooked up with Jameka, she did turn it on. She also came into the house and said that she could feel sparks between her and Nick (@@), in the very first few minutes in the BB house. I think she was jealous that his romantic attractions went towards Dani and not her. She also talks of how much she loves her boyfriend and such, but in the beginning she felt sparks?? I think she actually went into the house hoping for a "showmance" & when that didn't happen, she settled for "showreligion" with Jameka... She is just very needy and sad.
The Prince Eric most closely resembles is not Prince Charming, but Prince Charles, the awkward future King of England. Both a bit cringe worthy but Charles at least has good manners and dresses well.
I was laughing my head off at Amber and her "good face," good body," "good speaking voice" as the camera told us otherwise...and then I felt ashamed...this girl is so out of touch with reality. I hope when she gets out of the house and see how she was mocked on national television it doesn't drive her over the edge. I hope they vote her out this week just to get her out of the house and away from the cameras.
Anthony - CLASSIC!!!
Meb - Weird things just pop into my head at random times. Sometimes they get me in trouble, other times they're funny. I'm glad this one was funny to you! :-)
One more then I'm getting back to work...
Doesn't Amber look like a chipmunk in that screen capture Jackie posted? Is she hoarding nuts for the winter?
Amber has lost her mind.
I have nothing else to say.
Why is everyone so up in arms about the nude comp? The houseguests aren't and its not like they haven't done this very comp before.
They did it in Season4 with Jun and Erika, I believe. Virtually the exact same comp with the bubbles, stripping to spell words and then clipping them to a clothesline. I'm even thinking it was coed stripping that season.
Beats me why everyone cares so much. The girls seemed to love it... Amber a little too much, ;-)
No one could see anything and the girls for once all seemed to be working together and having a good time...it all seemed harmless to me except for dirty Dick's comment that he'd like a peek at Jessica. Grow up Dick...you're 44 and she's the age of your child.
I don't know why people think that Dick's comment about Jessica was so ridiculous. I'm sure there are 70-year-old men who would have wanted a look. She's a pretty girl. She's over 21. And it is only natural to want to peek. I think the people on this board need to grow up.
Joe in NY
The participants (dancers and substitutes) in the new season of Dancing with the Stars are, according to TMZ: Lou Ferrigno, Wayne Newton, Sabrina Bryan, Mark Cuban, Floyd "Pretty Boy" Mayweather Jr., Aaron Carter, Nia Peeples, Mel B., Richard Quest (CNN), Tori Spelling Jenni Garth, Gisele Bundchen, Helio Castroneves and Jane Seymour.
Joe - I think you need to stop attacking the people on this blog. Jackie has asked us all hundreds of times to keep your comments on the HG's and not each other. One of the great things about this site is that we can all have our own opinions without worrying about others putting us down.
With that said, I do agree with you. Without young girls baring all and grown men looking, companies like Penthouse, Playboy & Hustler would be out of business. Jess even talked about moving to a nudist colony because the comp made her realize a size of herself she didn't know existed.
Personally, I love when Dick said "I see boobies" during the comp!
Ummm...that was "side" not "size" :-)
mm said.........it all seemed harmless to me except for dirty Dick's comment that he'd like a peek at Jessica. Grow up Dick...you're 44 and she's the age of your child.
Don't forget that was in a DR session. I take all those comments with a grain of salt because I know BB is asking them direct questions. They may have asked Dick "which one of the girls would you have liked to see if you had to pick one" and he answered the question. We only see the answer without knowing the question, or that is was even a response to a question. I'd bet they carefully ask those questions to get certain resonses they have in mind ahead of time.
Ref last comment - that was anon 1:57 I was replying to, not mm. Sorry.
Is anyone following the feeds now? Is Eric in trouble for talking to Jessica? Or just a coincidence he was called to the DR? I don't have feeds, just read one of the boards. Could be interesting, if anyone is listening. Sue
Good evening Jackie -- I've been running 12 hours behind, thought I'd stop in. Thanks Great update.
to orkmommy
I don't believe saying people on the boards need to grow up would count as some kind of personal attack.
But, even assuming it is, why is a personal attack on a HG okay but a poster forbidden. After all, both posters and HG choose to enter the public domain and are open to criticism. (Not that such criticism shouldn't be polite and reasonable.)
Joe in NY
For the sake of full disclosure:
As a 42-year-old single straight man, I would like to say that I would like to see Jameeka naked, I would love to see Jessica naked, I would enjoy Amber naked, and adore Dani naked. Given the chance, I would kiss each and every one of the girls and, if things went well, there are one or two of them that I would consider having relations with (Jessica definitely and probably Jameeka also).
I also have a Sally Field fetish, so it isn't just the young girls I like.
Anyone who thinks ED's comment was inappropriate is either: 1) an ED hater or 2)under 25 like Jen and given to believing that anyone over 25 doesn't have sexual desires.
Joe in NY
Joe said "why is a personal attack on a HG okay but a poster forbidden"
Answer: Because this is Jackie's blog and she has forbidden it. That's all the reason I need...
Eric didn't use the Veto!! Yay Hoo!!
I am a person who felt the nudity was not necessary for the competition.
I am not against nudity at all. I lived in Europe for 8 years where nudity is socially acceptable and not considered sexual as it is here in the US.
I have been au natural in public places more than a few times including with family members other than my husband, in co-ed saunas on family nights with the age group ranging from toddlers to 80 year olds.
My complaint with the nudity in the luxury comp is that I did not feel the female contestants were all that comfortable with it and I do not personally feel it added to the show.
I can't see that the competition would have been less enjoyable for anyone if the HG had worn bathing suits.
If you disagree that is fine. Please don't tell me I need to grow up or that I am provincal in my views on nudity.
Lynn 1
To orkmommy...
Good point - except I still cling to the fact that suggesting that "people" (very anonymous) need to grow up is, by definition, not a personal attack since it wasn't aimed at anyone in particular.
Joe in NY
To Lynn 1:
I never suggested you were provincial or needed to grow up. I wasn't commenting on the need for nudity. Personally, I didn't see the point in the nudity either.
I was referring specifically to people that felt that Dick's comment (GIVEN the fact they WERE getting naked) about Jessica being the one he would most liked to have seen naked was inappropriate. My only point was that was quite a normal reaction for a man of any age (or a woman, if the roles were reversed - although not much male eye candy in that house!)
Regarding the naked luxury comp, I can see both sides. What was broadcast on the show was perfectly respectable (especially considering some of what airs on primetime tv these days) and certainly didn't cross any lines in my book. But if I were a contestant in the house, I would definitely feel uncomfortable about getting naked on camera for a competition. Unless that was specifically covered in the contract up front, I would refuse to do it. We all know what gets out on the internet these days (except, apparently, for Amber), and so I would never put myself in a position to be exploited, even if the BB producers assured me it would be blurred out. It's still on film. And that would have to be a personal decision for each contestant. And I definitely agree with Lynn that the nekkidness wasn’t necessary for the competition, just a ratings-grabber by the producers. (BB should hire some of the people on this blog for imagination and creativity.)
As for Dick's comments, the man has offended me in so many ways, I can't believe I would defend him. But I think most males his age would not mind seeing naked girls over the age of 21, and I don’t think his comments were made directly to the girls to make them uncomfortable or to come on to them. So, in that context, it doesn't seem all that shocking to me. I'm much more offended by the names and verbal abuse ED hurled at Jen, and the nasty comments Eric has made about Dick/Daniele’s relationship.
And, Joe in NY, your generic “grow up!” didn’t bother me (probably cause it was a frequent comeback in our house), but the Sally Field fetish was definitely TMI! ROFL!!
You guys always make the workday interesting!
ANON 2:19 thanks for the list... what a wacky group. Lou Ferrigno and Giselle? Nia Peebles interesting.
I'm still bummed Paulina Poroskova got booted so early last year.
Meb-- good scenario.
Once the bubble comp got going it seemed the girls actually had the most fun they've had the whole show -- including that they worked together. That said, it is kinda unfair that the boys stuff was safely covered by bubbles. At least they had the partition between them, the operative syllable being PART.
Nana in NW-- I think Eric and Jessica just HAD to cross that line finally the other morning but still feel they don't want to exhibit the showmance behavior of past HG's... so perhaps now are back to playing it platonic as always as much as they can so it also won't hurt their game. I'd have done the same thing. I could be completely wrong but...
Joe - I guess I took it too personally because we've had several "attacks" here lately. This blog has become sort of a cyber family to many of us and we don't take kindly to people pickin' on us! :-)
The new group of dancers for DWTS is quite the mix. Lou Ferrigno (The Hulk), Mark Cuban (Dallas Mavericks owner), Helio Castroneves (Indy Champ), Floyd "Pretty Boy" Mayweather (Boxer), Richard Quest (CNN Reporter), Sabrina Bryan (Cheetah Girl) (whatever that means?), Giselle Bundchen (Top Model), Aaron Carter (Actor), Tori Spelling, Nia Peeples, Jenny Garth, Jane Seymour (Actresses). Mel B. is listed as being "involved" with the show but not as a dancer. (Whatever THAT means?) TMZ mentions Scary Spice as if she were separate, but I think Mel B. and Scary Spice are one and the same. Anyone know for sure?
I had a bad day at work but you're comment on Eric's and Jessicas voices really made me "LOL" and all my stress is gone.
Sissy - I think any children of Eric & Jessica would talk so high pitched only dogs could hear them. They'll wonder why the kids mouths are open and the dogs are yelping! :-)
8/27/2007 10:35
also, when it comes to DWTS, I didn't know half the people mentioned but then again, I usually don't know half the people until I see them dancing week after week (I didn't know who Drew Lachy was, or Emmit Smith or Joey Fatone.. heard of Apollo but didn't remember his face).
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