Not horribly exciting, eh? But it's Sunday, their traditional really quiet day in the house.
Here are today's big events from that Big Brother House of Future World Leaders:
- The HG staggered to life anytime from around 11 AM (their time) until well into the afternoon. Which, of course, is just shy of evening for me! Some are still asleep!
- Dick talked to the cameras, and thus us, saying he's wanted to do the show for three years, was a finalist for seasons 5 and 6, then they pulled "her" in as his secret partner, then they showed up bumping into each other at an open casting call and BB snagged 'em. So, this means that we almost saw Evel Dick and Daniele working as secret partners in season 6. Very interesting, eh?
- Dick thinks that if Daniele wasn't in the house, he wouldn't have lasted even two weeks.
- Zach and Jen talked about the need for one of them to win HOH -- if not, they know they're targets.
- Dick messed with the kitchen faucet once again.
- Dick told stories about Amsterdam, people he knows, and stuff.
- Much of today is just small talk so far, but it seems Dick still plans to use the veto to save Daniele.
If we (america) have instructed eric to try to get dustin out on the block isn't eric obligated to do so? Seems on the live feed all we heard was him briefly mention it. If dick takes danielle off and dustin goes up he would go home providing jen and Zach don't back peddle. seriously why would they want to keep dustin since who among them would give dick the money. I think eric would secretly like to take dustin out, thus making amber even weaker, if that is possible.
Hi all!
If ED and Dani had played during BB6, she would have been 19?? Whoa!!
I am most interested to see what happens with ED using the POV. This could make for some interesting TV for an evening! :)
Have a great week!
Anthony--as Jackie said go to YouTube, enter big brother 8 and you can also enter a name after it and they will come up with HUNDREDS of videos. I usually check to see when it was posted and watch the most recent ones. However, read the title of the video and watch--some will give you a WHOLE NEW INSIGHT TO THESE CHARACTERS!
I have to believe SOMEONE in the LNC is smart enough to figure out that if Dustin goes up he will be evicted. Even though Eric is forced to vote for Dustin he can "quietly" encourage Jess to not put him up. While everyone is bashing Eric we need to remember he did not CHOOSE to be AP. He was told if he was going to be on the show it was in this role. Now, I do not condone the things that he has said but what he has done has been at America's(and CBS)
direction. He has had to lie about his votes(which wasn't really his vote). I really don't think he would have put mustard on someone's clothing without direction or gotten in bed with Joe...JMO...I think anyone in that house would have agreed to the same role(AP). For a reality show(which is unscripted)alot seems to be scripted in the DR. CBS--YOU REALLY BLEW IT ON THIS ONE!! BTW I wrote to them and told them so. I know it won't make a difference but it made me feel better!
Sydney--don't leave us!! Just filter out what you read(that's what I have been doing). Sometimes I want to shout"ENOUGH ALREADY--GO TO YOUR ROOM"!!
Nana in the NW
Oh I hope he save Daniele, but I really don't want him to go home, but I don't want Daniele to go home more. I hope Jess puts up Dustin, but I doubt that will happen. She will most likely put up Jen, and Dick will go to sequester, which will make the show not has interesting. Maybe CBS will bring him back?! That would be great and Dustin and Eric would go bonkers! lol. Keep up the good work Jackie!
The talk is to put Justin up as a pawn. Let's hope so he can go home. I
yes dustin keeps asking to be put up as a pawn to make sure d or d goes home. so eric will have completed his task and then we can tell him to vote dustin out.
that would give dustin jen zach and erics vote along with danielle or dick, whichever comes off the block and he would go. i would love that
Yes, Dustin's hubris has gotten the best of him, so there would be a certain poetic justice to his departure. Even though Dick's behavior is more outright detestable, you can somehow respect him more because you can tell it's part of his game, and to a certain extent, it is indeed helping him advance.
If Jess does put up Dustin, it'll be even worse for Eric. He'll need to vote out Dustin while lying to Jess, his biggest ally in the house. But if Jess does put up Dustin, I have a feeling he won't be a true pawn. She has to be comfortable with him leaving if he goes up. She'd also need to be ready to deal with the repercussions of being alienated from everyone in her alliance. Perhaps Jess would end up joining D&D as a result of her doing their dirty work? Boy, my head is spinning!
On a philosohical note, it's tough to reconcile any of these people winning half a million dollars, true. Which can make the show less enjoyable. But does anyone really DESERVE that much money for being on a vapid reality show in the first place? I think in order to enjoy the show, one has to accept that it's about fascination with human behavior in extreme situations, rather than seeing people being rewarded for their merit.
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