Wednesday, August 08, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Wednesday Daytime 8/08

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Y'see, I meant to post earlier, but Evel Dick took all of my free will away. (Thanks go to Zoetawny for the graphic!)

Actually, for the first time this season, I've actually been hooked on the feeds and find it hard to stop watching.

I posted the change of minds here and on TV Squad as well as the video of Amber screaming at Eric. But what happened after that has been even more intriguing.

Here's the lowdown from the Big Brother House of Pavlov's Many Dogs:
  • While the others played with the HOH camera and had a grand old time, Eric was in the Diary Room.
  • The others feared that Eric would explode or else just leave the game.
  • Amber says she still has to vote for him because of the fact she swore her daughter's life on it. Jameka also promised him and gave her word.
  • Eric emerged from the DR very subdued, but asked to talk to Daniele.
  • In a long, long calm and rational talk with her, he seemed to have her feeling sorry for the wrongs committed against him.
  • Daniele told him she'd ask her father to stop yelling at him.
  • Eric's big plea seemed to be the legacy he would leave.
  • As I type this, he's talking to Jessica.
  • He said she was the only one he'd want to be in the final two with because he'd lose to everyone anyway and wants a person he likes to win.
  • Jessica said to him that he has her vote to stay although she's singing a different tune to the others.
  • Jameka's in there talking to him now.
  • Dustin wants to talk to him, too.
  • Three hours ago, not one of them wanted to even look him in the eye.
  • I said earlier that Evel Dick may be the biggest manipulator ever. I'm not quite sure how they're reacting away from him, but Eric is working it the best he can.
  • Eric is making some good points -- ones I brought up before his speeches. For example, I said Dick was using the Amber personal stuff as a weapon against Eric as much (more than) Eric ever would have with it.
  • If he beats Dick in this game of manipulative skills, I might have to eat my hat.
  • I don't think I have a hat. I'd have to go buy one.
In another note, folks ... once again, please be respectful to others in the comments area. The houseguests are pretty much free game, but not your fellow commenters. I don't agree with every commenters' favorites in the game, but that's okay. It would be boring if we all had the same favorites, wouldn't it?


Anonymous said...

Thanks again, Jackie! Don't know how you can stand the Big Brother House of Big Bummers this year-- you rock!


Robin in Manchester

Anonymous said...

I know this isn't a popular opinion amongst most of you but I like Dick, even though he is a dick. He's at least an honest dick.
I don't really like Eric. I did at first or rather I was willing to give him a chance but since he betrayed Amber's confidence in him, I really dislike him now.
Now IMHO, Amber had every right to go off on Eric about betraying her confidence. I don't think she's crazy for doing so. I think she was very hurt and since we all know how easily her feeling are hurt i.e. the crying, I don't see why anyone is surprised by her reaction to learning about Eric telling everyone her secrets and threatening to use them against her. Now he can't. She pulled a "B-RABBIT" like Eminenm in 8 Mile and outed herself. (Sorry couldn't resist referencing the whole alice thing) Of course, she shouldn't have revealed all those things about herself to him anyway but in her defense she did do those things whilst addicted to drugs. It doesn't excuse it but it does explain it.
Anyway, she's gonna have enough crap from everyone when she gets out of the house about the racist comments she made and deservedly so. I just hope she won't be able to weasel out of them because if you notice every time she said something bad about Jewish people, she said that her mom and sister were the ones who told her that. I think someone should interview the mom and sister now before she gets out of the house just to hear their side of the story. That would be interesting.
The person that I'm really disappointed in is Jameka. Whatever happened to her representing her People. I'm sure she's had some experience with racism, either personally or through her family's experiences, and she blew a perfect opportunity to set Amber right by explaining to her why racism is wrong. Why it's unchristian. I wonder what Jesus would have done in the same situation. Probably nothing because he's selfish and money hungry, you know like all the other Jews. (That's called sarcasm in case you didn't catch it). Would someone please explain to me how people who are supposed to be Christians, somehow end up hating Jewish people. I don't get it. I don't understand how people can worship one Jewish person as being one of the greatest human beings that ever lived and turn around and be racist toward all the other Jewish people. It's just weird. But that's my opninion and I'm sorry if I've offended anyone. I really didn't mean to.

M in GA

Anonymous said...

anonymous, i completely 100% agree with all of your points. very valid arguments. im pretty much agnostic at this point and I used to be catholic, but after I came out to my parents... you can see why I chose a different path with religion. Personally, I chose to leave the Catholic faith because Christianity in itself seems very close minded. Please don't be offended if you are a Christian, because I do not intend this to be aimed at you, but the religion itself. I found that after years of Catholic school, that even the most "dedicated" pupils of mine seemed to be the most vindictive and judgmental. Jameka seems to sway easily and I don't like the way she has thrown around her faith in the game. I really dislike Kail, but I still think she's being a better Christian than Jameka (who I liked up until this point).

D (also in GA)

Anonymous said...

Thanks to SMH, Mimi and Deanna who feel the Heidi Fleiss connection was bugging me SO BADLY that she looked familiar....and yes, Jen is taller,fuller and prettier.....YUCK did I say that?

This game is at its best with Jackies Blog!

Anonymous said...

M in GA - Excellent points!

Anonymous said...

I'm baffled as to why people think Dick is some sort of genius. Do we need to get a dictionary out to refresh our memories on what the word genius really means, because I think that might be helpful.

Dick was happy to be part of the LNC until the banner flew over his head and he saw that the LNC was being referred to as The Nerd Herd and then he thought the whole LNC thing was retarded. Dick instigated the dismissal of NicK then selectively forgot and attributed it to current outcast of the moment, Eric. Dick fancies himself as some sort of potential Chilltown member and I hope to God that Will is putting the kibosh on that delusional thinking. The person who is most playing like Chilltown is Jen. She's asking to be put on the block, she's typically not showing any fear or emotion and she is a lot smarter than anyone is giving her credit for. She plants little lies that start up mini dramas throughout the house. She continually warns Danielle to get her father under control because she knows that his explosiveness will cost him in the end. If she is working with Dick, then she might want to rethink that decision before it's too late.

The problem with Danielle is that she's big on not wanting to appear like some sort of fake. Newsflash: acting is part of the game and you have to be willing to be a bit of a phoney every now and then or people won't like you. She is constantly saying she hates when people talk about each other one minute then are sweet as pie to each other the next. Welcome to the real world, Danielle, where acting skills are a necessity. If we all go around telling each other exactly how we feel about each other 24/7 then we all might as well have our names changed to evil dick donata and be done with it.

Go Jen.

Anonymous said...

One more not get me started on Jameka. The little prayer scene from last night after the veto competion had to be the most ridiculous thing I've seen in a long time. Most of the people I know who have to bring God into the conversation nonstop are usually the most hypocritical people on earth. They think going to church on Sunday clears a path for them to sin with abandon the following six days of the week. Spare on that please Jameka because we all see through that facade.

She annoys me when I watch her eating as well which is a catty thing to say but I'm on a roll.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Karen 100%, Dick only got mad when he was being called the Nerd Herd. He wanted Mike out and he wanted Nick out. Dustin wanted Zach and the rest wanted Kail or Jen. Dick messed it up both times. Dick is no master mind. He is a bully and the rest of them are wimps and idiots.

Re: Nerd Herd, has anyone else seen the ads for a new show called Chuck. This guy works at a parody of Geek Squad called Nerd Herd! I wonder if they have to pay Howie for that.

Go Jessica!

BeniSage said...

I have been a Dick and Danielle fan, but I'm really hating how they've turned the tide against Eric (and how Dick blames Eric for Nick leaving when it was Dick who wanted him gone). I think Dick is getting a big head (no pun intended), and he needs to cool it before he alienates everyone. I really hope Eric stays; I'm afraid if he doesn't I'll find myself like Dick less and less since he's behind all this. If Eric is booted out, then that whole house deserves to have Jen or Kail win (or maybe even whiney-ass Amber).

Anonymous said...

Not to be mean or anything, but for Dick to be called someone who is capable of mind control, there would have to be actual minds for him to control and I haven't seen any evidence of that.

Just saying.

Jackie S. said...

:::snicker::: Good point, Karen!

Anonymous said...

The votes right now seem to be as follows:
Jess-- Kail
Dustin--?????? When he realizes he's the swing vote........

My next comment is playing devil's advocate....If I recall Eric's exact words were"I wonder if Dick/Daniele will have sex in the sequester house"?
I don't remember him saying together...maybe he meant with someone else??
If anyone knows for sure of his wording please let us know.
Remember Jackie said to be nice to fellow commenters and I'm not saying I believe it. It's just a possibility.
I'll bet most of the HG will be up all night. Tomorrow will be interesting.

Nana in the NW

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping someone can clear up some confusion on my part concerning Amber going ballistic on Eric.

How did Amber find out Eric was considering telling her 'secret'? Did he really tell someone? Or did she tell more people than Eric?

So is Eric guilty or is he being set up? (I know he mentioned the secret to Jessica but did she say anything?

Sydney said...

News flash -- literally. Not only is TMZ carrying the story of Amber's anit-semetic tirade, but I just saw the feeds (with captions so the world can tell for sure what she is saying) on CNN's Showbiz Tonight. While they clarify that CBS hasn't aired it in primetime, it's all over the internet.

The groups are coming out to protest it and CBS... ie:
Abraham Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League tells TMZ: "It's offensive. It's part of the unintended consequences of the communications revolution. Anybody can say what they do - but reality shows are now giving license to these expressions of anti-Semitism. Now, all of a sudden the world is privy to their bigotry and its on national television... then enhanced on YouTube. What they've done is distributed anti-semitism - which started as a private conversation - and by putting it on a reality tv show broadcast it to the world at large. I want CBS to understand they are facilitating anti-semitism. They should act responsibly to the community; they are legitimizing bigoted conversation."

OY. Amber is going to get out of the house and have to deal with this. Can't even imagine how she'll react.

Sydney said...

PS: Walter, that's what I want to know... asked it a few days back and so far no one has answered. Jackie -- take pity on us. Do you know how it "got out"?

Jackie S. said...

Sydney - Amber will probably cry.

As for Walter's question, the only one I saw him mention it to in any sort of detail was Jessica. With a few others, he mentioned he had "something on her" but never specified. I know I miss some things on the feeds, but I don't think he detailed anything about it to anyone else. I'm not sure how it got around.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Amber is going to have to deal with a lot. She is very, very fragile mentally. She will definitely need psychotherapy and probably will also need to be on suicide watch as I don't think she will be able to handle all the media uproar she has started.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same thing Gayle. I hope the handlers insist she get some counseling....maybe they can even work on it in sequester? She really needs help balancing her emotions and how she reacts to others and situations. CBS just lost someone to suicide from that Pirates seem like that was mostly due to her boyfriend's suicide, but the show tanking and public reaction to it/her added to it I understand. ~SharonS

Anonymous said...

Sharon S

Yeah, I read that about Pirate Masters and that one of the castoffs was suing which along with low ratings caused them to pull it off TV. The last episodes can be watched online.

Anonymous said...

I agree Amber needs counseling of some sort but I don't think she'll commit suicide. People that are as self-centered and self-righteous as she is, don't kill themselves. They blame others for their problems which they created. Besides, suicide is a sin.

By the way, where are all you people who keep talking about Dick assaulting Jen with a glass of tea? Why aren't you raising holy h@@l about Amber's racism? Which in my opinion is worse than Dick ever said about Jen or Kail. At least he said it to their faces and they were able to defend themselves if they so chose.

Anonymous said...

Would someone please explain to me how people who are supposed to be Christians, somehow end up hating Jewish people. I don't get it.
I'll attempt after I regroup/rethink, for the record, I don't use AOL translator, darn it I wish I could blame my parents for speaking 3 different languages, other than Dutch I'm almost afraid to write other 2, after reviewing prior comments, I apologize < g > I'll get on top of my editing, @@ LOL Heck perhaps I'll " fix " it for Amber to win, Haha J/K.. Thank You, I suppose pulling a Dick can be effective, I believed I preferred Eric, at this point I don't care, perhaps pulling for the underdog isn't such a bad idea.

Deanna said...

Amber is beyond ignorant! That girl thinks things are tough in the BB house, wait till she gets out and realizes the world thinks she is a cry baby bigot... Her mother as well. Just watched her on Youtube... A sad sick individual!

dla said...


You shouldn't feel the need to apologize for anything! This blog is a year round gathering place for a great and varied group of us who enjoy TV and enjoy talking about TV! Like Jackie says, we are ADDICTS and we don't apologize for it! ;)

Your contribution and thoughts are appreciated and welcome! The larger the group, the more fun we have as long as we don't make it personal and keep it about the shows!

Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

dala; 8/09/2007 3:33 AM
Thanks I appreciate your views ` Below might be confusing;
Jackie works very hard updating us, I'm sure Jackie has been informed numerous times, regarding a certain blogger, who tends to copy her writings. Wow strange enough to my surprise would you believe we had a problem on various sites in which comments being posted were now being taken word for word; if copying submitting them making it your own weren't bad enough, now suddenly bogus posters, I'll sum it up, I had called him out awhile back, I had a strong instinctive feeling he had to be one of the same; as Dick would say; come on sure it's a coincident; however anytime you submit your writings; whether their Scoops/Spoilers, their quickly scanned. I recall an incident in which one of the Daytime soap Scooper's ( whose accounts are accurate, right on target ) added a bogus spoiler alert surrounding a major daytime fictional character regaining her eyesight, at the time this was a popular S/L, online lookers were anxious to whom character would first see upon regaining her eyesight, well it didn't take long for bogus spoiler to hit message boards along side lazy copy-cat bloggers, however had they read entire spoiler they would have realized at the very end, it was a joke. Thanks Deanna I try editing, I have a bad habit of having over 5 window screen's open therefore I tend to forget not all readers know various pharses, including myself; my own used frequently in Italy " I hate to tell you this, but I didn't just wake up from a 10 year coma "

I better get some much need rest. LOL ` Tom

lynn1 said...

I think it is wonderful that you speak and understand so many languages. I wish I could.
I lived in Germany and Belgium for several years. I never could get a handle on French but did learn to speak menu and shopping German. There is a saying that if you speak several languages you are multi-lingual, 2 languages you are bi-lingual, one langage you are an American! LOL
Keep Posting.
Alles Klar.

Anonymous said...

Amber is just an ignorant twit. I won't even comment on her anti-semitic comments. She's not worth my time.

Besides, she'd probably just cry about it anyway. I can't wait to see how she reacts when she gets out and sees that America couldn't stand her!

AlbGlinka said...

Oh goody I can't wait to read more about Amber's ignorance... NOT.

Anti-Semitism is a lot more hidden than other isms... but it is still very much out there.

your Jewish ex-NewYorker commenter, AlbGlinka!

Anonymous said...

The phrase "HOH is so important THIS week" has REALLy got meaning to it this week!!!!

If Eric stays, both Eric and Dick has a chance to win it. If so, THAT will be a huge factor. And, how many are eliminated from even trying for it with giving up HOH for 5 weeks..............then add the possiblity of a DOUBLE eviction on Sunday????

And, if anyone can figure out who these people will vote for, please TELL THEM, for GOK ( God only knows) not them..........well, Jameka maybe not...........for the winner has already been determined and she is just passing time folks!!! She and her "God" theory are too much.

And, if I have to watch her (Jameka) chew her food ONE MORE TIME, it is hideous! That rapid movement and HUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMing is too maddening!!! And Amber cried............!!!! THose two don't even seem oblivious to get on each others nerves.

Could care less who goes, it is going to be interesting with Evil Dick left and a new HOH and a possible double eviction to throw more chaos in the BB house!


Anonymous said...

The next time that ED goes off at Eric, Eric should just say, "Yada, yada, yada..." make the open-close mouth sign with his hand and roll his eyes!!!